Фарани Теилор - Юристы Лондон



Section 61 of the Immigration Act 2016 was clearly put on the statute book by officials and ministers unconcerned at the violence they were doing to the British constitution and the precedent they were setting, all for the tawdry purpose of attempting to avoid claims for financial compensation by a handful of migrants. And then when the issue reached the Supreme Court, they sidestepped it.


Despite politicians of both main parties advocating immigration control in order to solve the problems of these areas, the reality is their problems won’t be solved in this way – despite the promises made to them – because their problems were never caused by immigration in the first place.
We will therefore damage our economy by leaving the single market, only to find that the supposed political dividend of control was itself a fiction.
In this gap between expectation and reality, the politics of extremism lies in wait.


An important decision on who can register for British citizenship if born abroad but descended from UK citizens.


An important decision on who can register for British citizenship if born abroad but descended from UK citizens.


The new immigration system should also allow employees to travel for business purposes without having to obtain a work permit, or a visa, the BRC said.
The government is conducting a consultation on the immigration system ahead of an Immigration Bill, which is due later this year, although it has delayed a white paper outlining its plans.


Today, not everybody living in Britain has a right to vote. While no one is legally barred from voting based on gender, race, religion or class, large numbers still lack participation rights due to the circumstances of their birth.


The consequences are potentially massive: if Union citizenship cannot be taken away once granted, then potentially everyone who is a British citizen at the point of Brexit would continue to be an Union citizen post-Brexit.


The NHS has long been a bastion of universal healthcare in Britain. It was established in 1948 with the ambition of providing healthcare, free at the point of service, for “everyone – rich, or poor, man, woman or child” to “relieve your money worries in times of illness”. In recent years, however, charges, increasing restrictions and complex guidance makes it difficult to know who has to pay for the NHS and when.


All in all, government policy – including the doubling of the health surcharge – is making it harder for NHS trusts to recruit from overseas, even though this is essential for them to deliver safe high-quality care.


The Government commissioned the MAC report after coming under concerted pressure from businesses worried about the effect of a clampdown on immigration on the labour supply.


So, in essence, what is happening here is that the UK government, under the cover of the complexity of data protection law in particular, and its chaotic Brexit negotiations in general, is seeking to create damaging new discriminatory national immigration restrictions.
This issue should alarm all those who care about human rights, a fair immigration system, and a professional and transparent implementation of data protection rules in the UK.


How is Brexit affecting EU citizens? While most of the public debate has revolved around EU citizens’ right to stay, their ‘settled status’, and ‘permanent residence’, less attention has been given to the general hostility towards migrants that fuelled the vote, and the change in attitudes since.


Upfront charges for the health service will rise from £200 to £400 each year for overseas visitors who stay in the UK for six months or longer,
Students and those on the youth mobility scheme for people aged 18 to 30 will see their charges increase from £150 to £300.


A terminally ill man has won the right to launch a landmark legal challenge to the government over its introduction of universal credit after the controversial new benefits system left him significantly worse off.


Muslim detainees at Brook House immigration removal centre lodged a High Court challenge to the lock-in regime and living conditions, which meant they were having to pray in "unclean" conditions in "unacceptable" proximity to a toilet.


Right to rent is a basic Human Right. Do you agree?


In many cases, employers who wish to hire Tier 2 skilled workers must pass the Resident Labour Market Test. This means that Tier 2 sponsors must offer a position to a settled worker ahead of a migrant where both candidates have the necessary skills and experience.


"The web of Rules and Guidance has become so tangled that even the spider has difficulty controlling it" - Lord Justice Underhill, describing the state of the Points Based System.

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