A Curious Invitation

About A Curious Invitation

A new venture from Suzette Field of The Last Tuesday; creating a peripatetic series of parties, lectures & workshops.

A Curious Invitation Description

A CURIOUS INVITATION is an Arts Events company founded by Suzette Field. Suzette’s career began in 2000 as a founder of The Modern Times Club, which Tatler dubbed “the Rolls Royce of cabaret” and launched acts such as Paloma Faith. In 2007 she brought her expertise to the Last Tuesday Society and helped expand it from organizing tea parties to being one of London’s premier promoters. In 2010 she curated the opening of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Renaissance Galleries with a masked ball for 12, 000 people. Most recently she produced a series of talks that sold out in less than 24 hours for the National Trust.

Her first book, ‘A Curious Invitation - The Forty Greatest Parties in Literature’ was published by Picador in the UK and Harper Perennial in the US last year. Her events now attract audiences of up to three thousand.
www. acuriousinvitation.com



After dark with the National Trust: Ursula Tidd on Simone De Beauvoir at Erno Goldfinger's home at 2 Willow Road NW3
Intellectual, philosophical, literary, rebellious, Simone de Beauvoir spoke a mile a minute, and wrote quickly, too — novels, essays, a play and four memoirs. She was an atheist, bisexual and pioneer feminist. When she died in 1986 she was globally recognised as the founder of modern feminism. Her pioneering study of women's situation, The Second Sex, published... in 1949 in France, revolutionised the ways in which the relationship between gender identity and power was thought about. As science historian Donna Haraway stated, ‘all the modern feminist meanings of gender have roots in Simone de Beauvoir’s claim that “one is not born a woman but rather becomes one”.
Drawing on an eclectic mix of existentialist philosophy, anthropology, biology, Marxism and psychoanalysis, The Second Sex remains both a classic in the history of western ideas and influential for new generations of people who are keen to understand the significance of gender identity in the contemporary world. In this talk, writer and historian Ursula Tidd explores Beauvoir’s key ideas about gender, identity and power, outlining what they can offer the gender revolutions of the 21st century.
Tickets £15 including a glass of prosecco. Please visit https://acuriousinvitation.com/simonedebe a.html
URSULA TIDD Ursula Tidd is the author of three books on Simone de Beauvoir: Simone de Beauvoir, Gender and Testimony (Cambridge University Press, 1999), Simone de Beauvoir (Routledge ‘Critical Thinkers’ series, 2004) and Simone de Beauvoir (Reaktion Books, ‘Critical Lives’ series, 2009) as well as many articles and chapters on Beauvoir’s autobiographies, fiction and philosophy. Since the 1990s she has given papers at conferences on Simone de Beauvoir in France, Sweden, Germany, China, the USA, Canada and the UK.
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The full Curious Invitation for our Halloween Ball - Once Upon A Darkness. The early bird ticket offer ends on the 30th September... https://www.acuriousinvitation.com/hallow een2018.html


Our wondrous cast of eerie, exotic and eccentric performers for the Halloween Ball is starting to reveal itself... https://acuriousinvitation.com/halloween2 018.html


The NEW YEARS EVE MASQUERADE BALL at the Century Club, Soho W1
Join us to celebrate New Year’s Eve in the exclusive Century Club in the heart of Soho. Mount the one hundred steps up to the club to sip a cocktail in serene and lofty eminence over the mobs descending on Trafalgar Square. Permit yourself to be entertained by four floors of bands, DJs and cabaret performers. And at midnight amble up to Soho’s largest roof terrace within earshot of Big Ben to enjoy a grandstand vi...ew of the New Year fireworks.
Super early bird tickets on sale now at £25 each from https://acuriousinvitation.com/newyearsev e2018.html
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Here's some photos of the amazing sets that will be in place for Journey to the Centre of the Earth - the Winter Masked Ball at the Vaults. Don't miss your chance to party in a Volcano: https://acuriousinvitation.com/wintermask edball2018.html


JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH: A Winter Masked Ball inspired in the Waterloo Vaults SE1
Descend, bold traveller, into the crater of the volcano that lies beneath Waterloo Station and you will travel to the very Centre of the Earth. Navigate the subterranean caverns that lead you through lost realms, lit by crystals, phosphorescence and the ruddy glow of magma. Discover the weird and fragrant blooms that flourish in the underground gardens; frolic in the rock fountains an...d groove in lava-filled grottos. Finally you will encounter the dark and ancient civilisation that dwells in the underworld, whose denizens will entice you with song, story and dance.
Follow this Curious Invitation to a subterranean festival of fantasy with six vaults transformed to conjure the fantastical world of Jules Verne and filled with bands, DJs, circus and cabaret artists.
Super early bird tickets now on sale at £15 each from https://acuriousinvitation.com/wintermask edball2018.html
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ARS MORIENDI: A torchlit walk and a candlelit performance of songs on the theme of death and madness with Béatrice de Larragoïti and Karl Lutchmayer As part of the London Month of the Dead
Guests will gather at the gates to the cemetery on Old Brompton Road shortly after sunset to steel their nerves with a bracing Hendricks’ gin punch before embarking on a candlelit procession through the gravestones until they arrive at the heart of the cemetery - the 19th century chapel - w...here French-Brazilian soprano Béatrice de Larragoïti will await to perform a candlelit recital on the theme of death and madness.
Drawing on her native French repertoire the programme will include Charles-Valentin Alkan’s mysterious “The Song of the Mad Woman by the Sea”, Poulenc’s chilling “My Corpse is Soft as a Glove”, Gounod’s “The Legend of the Bloody Nun”, Messiaen’s feral “Terror” and “The Gibbet” from Ravel’s diabolic (and diabolically difficult) piano suite “Gaspard de la Nuit”. Also featured will be other staples of the spooky Classical canon from Mendelssohn’s “Witches’ Song”, Saint-Saëns’ “Danse Macabre” and “The Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath” from Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Béatrice de Larragoïti After studying at the Ecole Normale Alfred Cortot in Paris, Béatrice graduated from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, obtaining a Master of Music and a Postgraduate Artist Diploma with distinction under Alison Wells. Béatrice also holds degrees in Art History from the Sorbonne University and the Ecole du Louvre. She recently sang Ottavia in L’Incoronazione di Poppea with Hampstead Garden Opera.
Karl Lutchmayer Karl Lutchmayer is an Anglo-Indian pianist who studied at the Royal College of Music and the Moscow Conservatoire. He is currently completing a Masters at Oxford University. He also writes and lectures on music and plays the theremin in prog rock bank The Connoisseur.
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THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY: A torchlit walk through the cemetery and Magic Lantern Show with Jeremy and Carolyn Brooker As part of the London Month of the Dead
... Astonishment seized me. My bones shivered within me. My flesh trembled over me. My lips quaked. My mouth opened. My hands expanded. My knees knocked together. My blood grew chilly, and I froze with terror.'
The magic lantern is believed to have been invented by Dutch polymath Christiaan Huygens in the seventeenth century. Samuel Pepys reports having attended a demonstration of one in his diary for 1666. The early itinerant lanternists or “gallantry showmen” would set up stall in wayside inns or at country fairs, projecting eerie visions of demons, skeletons and phantoms, which could be utterly terrifying for audiences who had never before seen any form of technology. In the Victorian age with its obsession with the Gothic and spiritualism whole theatres were devoted to magic lantern shows, where magicians would conjure up ghosts and seemingly raise the dead.
For London Month of the Dead 2018, lanternists Jeremy and Carolyn Brooker will summon up this art of illusions with his 19th Century Magic Lantern in the cemetery Chapel. Watch and quake as skeletons waltz across the wall and nuns bleed to their death despite a life of virtue.
Tickets £15 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
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CONVERSATIONS WITH ANGELS: The strange life and teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg with Alan Walker As part of the London Month of the Dead
Many Christian writers have attempted to describe what heaven must be like, but only Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 -1772) claimed to have actually visited it.
... Swedenborg was a distinguished Swedish scientist, engineer and inventor. While dining in a London tavern in 1743, the Lord Jesus himself appeared and told him that he had been chosen to reveal the secret inner meaning of the scriptures. He resigned his post at the Swedish Board of Mines and developed his own version of Christianity, according to the insights he gained from communications with angels and his own visits to heaven and hell. He also conversed with the inhabitants of other planets from our own solar system and beyond.
He believed that we make our own heaven and hell by the way we live on earth. After death we go to a "World of Spirits" where our true and secret character is revealed and we gravitate towards those similar to ourselves and a heavenly or hellish destiny. He himself founded no school or or church, but his work inspired the Romantic movement. By narrowing and demystifying the distance between this world and the next, Swedenborg made possible the development of both spiritualism, with its messages from the dead, and occultism with its revelations from the hidden 'Masters'.
Alan Walker will tell the story of the man who went to heaven and didn’t have to die to tell the tale.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Alan Walker Alan Walker is an Anglican priest and teaches religion and esoteric studies at Florida State University's London centre.
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THE UNSAFE CHURCH - Creatures that Prey on Hallowed Ground with Roger Clarke As part of the London Month of the Dead
A dead man who in an act of predation and necromantic surveillance observes a pretty girl at a church service and seeks to possess her. An academic takes his task of examining the tomb of a Swedish aristocrat far too lightly and is pursued by his corpse back to England. A tourist is trapped in a Belgian cathedral by the boy-servants of demonic bishops. These... three stories by Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873), MR James (1862-1936) and Robert Aickman (1914-1981) form a kind of unacknowledged unholy trinity in English letters, and though they were written many decades apart present a kind of core system, a triptych on an altar of what might be called ‘The Unsafe Church’.
Roger Clarke, author of the Penguin book ‘A Natural History of Ghosts’, will guide you through these three stories Schalken The Painter, Count Magnus and finally the Cicerones, the last of which was filmed with Mark Gatis in the lead role for Channel 4 ( he has also been working on an as-yet unrealised version of Count Magnus). These three authors bring to life one of the most uncomfortable forms of Gothic – which is the idea that nowhere, not even hallowed ground, is really safe, and on the contrary, hallowed ground is where the worst fiends do their buried work.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
ROGER CLARKE Roger Clarke was for ten years a film critic for the Independent newspaper. He has also been a book reviewer for The Observer, Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph and many others. His book A Natural History of Ghosts was published to great acclaim in 2012 and the following year was both The Guardian and The Mail on Sunday book of the week. On top of four editions in America there have been German, Spanish, Japanese and most recently Korean translations of the book.
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MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Reincarnation and the Druze with Chris French As part of the London Month of the Dead
The concept that we have lived a sequence of many lives is one that has been proclaimed by spiritual teachers and theorists for centuries. The Druze, a small Middle Eastern religious sect, believe in the transmigration and eternity of the soul, and that at death, one's soul instantly transfers from one body to another. Their doctrine states that the “soul does not lose br...eath between one life and the next” and that the process of rebirth reinforces a system by which good people who live right and moral will be more fortunate in their next lives than bad people.
In 2008, Chris French, a skeptic, travelled to Lebanon to take part in a Channel Four documentary investigating the reincarnation claims amongst the Druze. Here he interviewed several children who claimed to remember their previous lives including explicit details on how they had died. In his talk, French will discuss his experiences amongst the Druze outlining the case histories he came across against the backdrop of the general conceptual issues he has with reincarnation as well as the specific problems with Druze beliefs.
Chris French will argue that regardless of the truth of such religious theories, believing in reincarnation is beneficial for the Druze on a psychosocial level as he witnessed families taking an active role in constructing the past life story of their child and matching it to a known real story involving a tragic death.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Chris French Chris French is a psychologist specialising in the psychology of paranormal beliefs and experiences, cognition and emotion. He is Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths College, University of London, and is head of their Anomalistic psychology Research Unit, which he founded in 2000. He has authored or co-authored over 80 articles and chapters dealing with a wide variety of subjects in psychology, He appears regularly in the media as a skeptical commentator on such phenomena as recovered memory, telepathy, faith healing, past life regression, ghosts, alien abductions and out-of-body experiences.
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FIRE POWER - A Workshop in Candle Magic with Lucya Starza As part of the London Month of the Dead
... Fire is the Element of transformation and the ancient practice of candle magic harnesses the power of flame to beckon change. Whether that change is tangible, like more money in your pocket, or intangible, like the need for a more positive outlook life. Candle magic is not only powerful, but is also regarded as the easiest form of magic for beginners to learn.
If you always wanted to know how to cast a simple magic spell in accordance with old European traditions, then this workshop is for you. Lucya Starza will lead you step by step through the principles and methods of candle magic. All materials will be provided and by the end of this two hour workshop you will have a prepared candle and spell to take away with your newly-gained expertise, and you will have all you need to start shaping the circumstances of your life through candle magic.
Tickets £20 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Lucya Starza Lucya Starza is an eclectic witch living in London in a rambling old house with her husband and cats. She is the author of Pagan Portals - Candle Magic, the editor of Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days and she also contributed to Naming the Goddess, Essays in Contemporary Paganism and Paganism 101. She writes A Bad Witch's Blog at www.badwitch.co.uk
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We're excited to announce that The Freak Fandango Orchestra will be travelling over from Barcelona to bring their cocktail of gypsy, folk, Balkan and punk rock music to our Halloween Balls: https://acuriousinvitation.com/halloween2 018.html


MAGGOTS AND MURDER: Forensic Entomology at the Crime Scene with Martin Hall As part of the London Month of the Dead
The crucial evidence at a murder trial can often be provided not by human witnesses, but by insects. Insects are ubiquitous in nature and so are regularly encountered at crime scenes, either as a natural part of the environment or because they have been attracted there by a dead body. This can help the forensic entomologist ascertain how long the victim has been... dead by assessing the degree to which insects have colonised the corpse.
Martin Hall will introduce the basics of the science, then take the audience from the crime scene to the laboratory and finally to the court room where the evidence is presented. He will end with a discussion of the wider applications of biomedical entomology beyond the criminal justice system.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
MARTIN HALL Martin Hall has worked as a forensic entomologist on some 200 criminal cases during the past 25 years. He is author or co-author of more than 140 peer-reviewed scientific publications, many on the biology of blowflies, the insects of primary evidential importance in forensic entomology. His most recent research focuses on the use of micro-CT scanning techniques to age developing blow flies within their puparia. Martin was the founding President of the European Association for Forensic Entomology (2002-2006) and he is on the Editorial Boards of Medical and Veterinary Entomology and Forensic Science International.
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THE BROMPTON TIME MACHINE - The mystery of the Courtoy Mausoleum with Stephen Coates As part of the London Month of the Dead http://londonmonthofthedead.com/bromptont imemachine.html
The mysterious Courtoy Mausoleum, a twenty foot tall trapezoid of dark polished granite with a pyramidal rood and a huge copper door is the largest monument in Brompton Cemetery. Built as the final resting place of the 19th century heiress Hannah Courtoy and her two daughters, the mausoleum was de...signed by the eccentric Victorian inventor Samuel Warner and the Egyptologist and sculptor Joseph Bonomi.
Since its construction in 1854 a legend has arisen that it houses a secret time machine. This was born out of the mysterious inscriptions based on Egyptian hieroglyphics and some of Leonardo Da Vinci’s more obscure sketches that adorn the mausoleum’s exterior walls and supposedly reveal the secret of time travel to anyone schooled enough to read them. HG Wells was inspired by this fantastical story to write his novella, “The Time Machine”.
Samuel Warner was murdered in mysterious circumstances in 1853 and shortly afterwards the key to the mausoleum's great bronze door went missing. Stephen Coates has resurrected this bizarre story and brought it to the attention of the international press. In his talk he will expand on the myth and another extraordinary recent development in the history of this unique monument.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Stephen Coates Stephen Coates is a musician, writer, researcher and putative time traveller.
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BLOODY DEEDS AND DEATH - What Richard III’s recently exhumed corpse tells us about this infamous king with Kevin Schurer As part of the London Month of the Dead
Richard III was the last English King to die in battle. He fell at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, following a short and tumultuous reign plagued by rebellions and suspicions over his role in the disappearances of the Princes in the Tower. His death brought an end to the Wars of the Roses, the Plantagenet line a...nd symbolically the Middle Ages.
His remains lay forgotten for over 500 years until they were unearthed beneath a municipal car park in Leicester in 2012. Kevin Schurer was part of the team based at the University of Leicester that discovered and identified this Royal relic. In his talk Professor Schurer will focus on the body of King Richard, detailing the battle injuries he received and what we can tell about his general physical condition from the skeletal remains. Was he really “Crookback Dick” as posterity remembers him or was this a retrospective slur by Shakespeare, rewriting history at the bidding of his Tudor masters?
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Kevin Schurer Kevin Schurer is Professor of English Local History at the University of Leicester. He previously worked at the University of Essex where he was Director of the UK Data Archive and a member of the History Department, Directing the Centre for Local and Regional History. He is a Fellow of the Academy for the Social Sciences, a Senior Member of Wolfson College, Cambridge and chaired the British Library Ethos Advisory Board.
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DEATH BY MISADVENTURE - Sticky ends over the ages with Robert Stephenson As part of the London Month of the Dead
The ancient Greeks set the bar high in terms of bizarre deaths: Draco, the Athenian lawmaker, who gave us the word “draconian” was reputedly smothered to death by gifts of hats and cloaks showered on him by appreciative citizens of the island of Aegina; the philosopher Heraclitus was said to have been devoured by dogs after smearing himself with cow manure in an at...tempt to cure his dropsy; Aeschylus, the playwright, was killed by a tortoise dropped by an eagle that had mistaken his bald head for a rock suitable for shattering the shell of the reptile; while the philosopher Empedocles of Acragas leapt to his death into the volcanic crater of Mount Etna in an unsuccessful attempt to prove that he was immortal.
These were just some of the earliest contenders for the Darwin Awards, the accolades given out to people who contribute to improving the human gene pool by removing their own contribution to it.
From swallowing a toothpick to dying of laughter, Robert Stephenson will expound on some of the strangest ways that people have managed to inadvertently do away with themselves.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
ROBERT STEPHENSON Robert Stephenson is a qualified City of London Culture and Heritage guide and a trustee at Kensal Green and Brompton cemeteries. He teaches on London and death studies. Robert is also chairman of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends.
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TAPPING THE BONES - Necromancy, Literature and London with Andy Sharp aka the English Heretic As part of the London Month of the Dead
From Arthur Machen’s Ritual set in Green Park via a devilish lightning strike at Fulham Church to the violent causeways of JG Ballard’s Western Avenue and the brutal underpasses of Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange, London has played host to a parallel history of fictional deaths.
... In this talk Andy Sharp will provide a gazetteer of imagined deaths in film and literature across London. With a focus on the bizarre, occult and conspiratorial, the talk will also demonstrate an uncanny by-product of these creative death scenes. In some cases, it would appear such imagined murders and acts of violent immolation serve as prophetic blueprints for ensuing real life tragedies.
The talk will expand on these uncanny occurrences to posit the theory that an explicitly magickal and morbid approach to psychogeography serves as a modern praxis of the necromantic tradition. In doing so, it will review English Heretic’s Black Plaque research, drawing parallels with Neoplatonic occultism and its methods for raising and working with the dead to reveal secret wisdom and mythopoetic truths.
Expect a delicious palimpsest of reality and fiction with consort of tragic figures from film and occulture.
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick's gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please visit http://www.londonmonthofthedead.com for further information and tickets
Andy Sharp Andy Sharp, aka English Heretic, is the latest in a notable line of artists – including David Bowie, Peter Hammill, Mark E Smith and Karl Blake – whose idiosyncratic musical vision is inspired and coloured by an abiding interest in the arcane and the occult. Sharp is also something of a Renaissance Man, producing written works, giving talks and staging performances that further the English Heretic project of unearthing hidden or forgotten cultural oddities, forging psycho-historical/geographical connections, and generally re-mythologising "the blood-drenched battlefields of Albion." Imagine him as a mischievous combination of James Burke, Adam Curtis and Garth Marenghi.
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Several events at London Month of the Dead are selling out friends - be quick!


Wonderful creative event with a great mix of music, acts and entertainment!


Wonderful Wonderful parties!!!!! Memoirs are made divine from just being part of the collective, celebrating the frivolity and liberty of London and providing a springboard for real music.


These parties have put the standard very high and unfortunately all other parties are now let downs in comparison. Wonderful parties, i go to all of them.


These Balls are Fabulous! I love the live gold statues feeding us with strawberries. The atmosphere is very friendly - I went alone on NYE and had a fantastic time. The best thing is the music; several different rooms with a different live DJ or band in each one - all of them playing classics that are great to dance to. The costumes are fabulous, the shows are unique and my friends are asking when the next one is :o)


There are no other events quite like these masquerade balls - they are truly magical x


The most fascinating parties and cultural events in London, with the friendliest bohemian crowd. If Oscar Wilde was around he would attend every single one of them!


Taxidermy class with Suzette is a must! Very informative and fun


I've only been to one event so far and the Masonic masquerade ball blew my mind.


I thoroughly enjoyed the 'Frozen In Time' talk on Saturday- another instalment of the wonderful festival of the arcane and unusual that comprises London Month of The Dead.

As someone unfamiliar with the topic of Cryonics, our Speaker Garret Smyth, (founder member of Cryonics company Alcor UK) hit just the right note. Garret presented the science behind the subject as to be accessible to a chapel-full of laymen, with a lightness of touch very welcome in what could otherwise be rather a 'chilly' subject.

We spent 45 minutes afterwards posing our myriad questions to Garret who answered us ably and fluently, his talk having ignited the imagination of crowd. It would have been lovely to have longer to explore such a fascinating subject - one for next year perhaps?!


I have been going to these parties and events for years, and they never serve up less than a crazy, indulgent and colourful night. Highly recommend :-D


I did an absolutely fab tour of the Rotherhithe mortuary. Our guide was really well informed and told us some great tales on Bermondsey! The tour of the mortuary itself was spooky and interesting. It really set us in the mood for Halloween! Xoxo


I Love your parties! They are different, sexy, mysterious, intriguing. Lots of nice, interesting and gorgeous people. Will attend all (or most of them) :) as they are fantastic. Hope you spread the word more so more people will get to know you


Awesome party last night! The band smashed it and the dj was incredible �

When will the pictures be uploaded?


Always such great parties with wonderful staff and interesting decor. Definitely recommended.


A well thought out and smoothly run event, great staff :)


Had an absolute blast at last nights event, even though we were there from 9pm till 3am in the morning it went really quick, there was so much going on, will definitely be attending the next one if I can.


The night was OK. We expected more from the decor. Some of the acts seemed quite amateur. The DJ was playing from an iPad. We had fun but I wouldn't go to another of their nights TBH.


Unfortunately I did not enjoy myself as the Venue has no Heating! Astonishing that it was snowing outside and inside just as cold! Charging £20 per ticket and £8 for a drink and can't "afford " to install heating!

Definitely I will NEVER go again!

Disappointed is not even close enough to describe how I felt, apart from Shivering.

Security people said it will warm up with body heat when more people arrived!

Well that didn't work!

Hopefully I receive a reply to this message!


That was genuinely terrible. All the acts were poor and one of the dj's was playing off an ipad. I was so disappointed.


Wonderful creative event with a great mix of music, acts and entertainment!


Wonderful Wonderful parties!!!!! Memoirs are made divine from just being part of the collective, celebrating the frivolity and liberty of London and providing a springboard for real music.


These parties have put the standard very high and unfortunately all other parties are now let downs in comparison. Wonderful parties, i go to all of them.


These Balls are Fabulous! I love the live gold statues feeding us with strawberries. The atmosphere is very friendly - I went alone on NYE and had a fantastic time. The best thing is the music; several different rooms with a different live DJ or band in each one - all of them playing classics that are great to dance to. The costumes are fabulous, the shows are unique and my friends are asking when the next one is :o)


There are no other events quite like these masquerade balls - they are truly magical x


The most fascinating parties and cultural events in London, with the friendliest bohemian crowd. If Oscar Wilde was around he would attend every single one of them!


Taxidermy class with Suzette is a must! Very informative and fun


I've only been to one event so far and the Masonic masquerade ball blew my mind.


I thoroughly enjoyed the 'Frozen In Time' talk on Saturday- another instalment of the wonderful festival of the arcane and unusual that comprises London Month of The Dead.

As someone unfamiliar with the topic of Cryonics, our Speaker Garret Smyth, (founder member of Cryonics company Alcor UK) hit just the right note. Garret presented the science behind the subject as to be accessible to a chapel-full of laymen, with a lightness of touch very welcome in what could otherwise be rather a 'chilly' subject.

We spent 45 minutes afterwards posing our myriad questions to Garret who answered us ably and fluently, his talk having ignited the imagination of crowd. It would have been lovely to have longer to explore such a fascinating subject - one for next year perhaps?!


I have been going to these parties and events for years, and they never serve up less than a crazy, indulgent and colourful night. Highly recommend :-D


I did an absolutely fab tour of the Rotherhithe mortuary. Our guide was really well informed and told us some great tales on Bermondsey! The tour of the mortuary itself was spooky and interesting. It really set us in the mood for Halloween! Xoxo


I Love your parties! They are different, sexy, mysterious, intriguing. Lots of nice, interesting and gorgeous people. Will attend all (or most of them) :) as they are fantastic. Hope you spread the word more so more people will get to know you


Awesome party last night! The band smashed it and the dj was incredible �

When will the pictures be uploaded?


Always such great parties with wonderful staff and interesting decor. Definitely recommended.


A well thought out and smoothly run event, great staff :)


Had an absolute blast at last nights event, even though we were there from 9pm till 3am in the morning it went really quick, there was so much going on, will definitely be attending the next one if I can.


The night was OK. We expected more from the decor. Some of the acts seemed quite amateur. The DJ was playing from an iPad. We had fun but I wouldn't go to another of their nights TBH.


Unfortunately I did not enjoy myself as the Venue has no Heating! Astonishing that it was snowing outside and inside just as cold! Charging £20 per ticket and £8 for a drink and can't "afford " to install heating!

Definitely I will NEVER go again!

Disappointed is not even close enough to describe how I felt, apart from Shivering.

Security people said it will warm up with body heat when more people arrived!

Well that didn't work!

Hopefully I receive a reply to this message!


That was genuinely terrible. All the acts were poor and one of the dj's was playing off an ipad. I was so disappointed.


Wonderful creative event with a great mix of music, acts and entertainment!


Wonderful Wonderful parties!!!!! Memoirs are made divine from just being part of the collective, celebrating the frivolity and liberty of London and providing a springboard for real music.


These parties have put the standard very high and unfortunately all other parties are now let downs in comparison. Wonderful parties, i go to all of them.


These Balls are Fabulous! I love the live gold statues feeding us with strawberries. The atmosphere is very friendly - I went alone on NYE and had a fantastic time. The best thing is the music; several different rooms with a different live DJ or band in each one - all of them playing classics that are great to dance to. The costumes are fabulous, the shows are unique and my friends are asking when the next one is :o)


There are no other events quite like these masquerade balls - they are truly magical x


The most fascinating parties and cultural events in London, with the friendliest bohemian crowd. If Oscar Wilde was around he would attend every single one of them!


Taxidermy class with Suzette is a must! Very informative and fun


I've only been to one event so far and the Masonic masquerade ball blew my mind.


I thoroughly enjoyed the 'Frozen In Time' talk on Saturday- another instalment of the wonderful festival of the arcane and unusual that comprises London Month of The Dead.

As someone unfamiliar with the topic of Cryonics, our Speaker Garret Smyth, (founder member of Cryonics company Alcor UK) hit just the right note. Garret presented the science behind the subject as to be accessible to a chapel-full of laymen, with a lightness of touch very welcome in what could otherwise be rather a 'chilly' subject.

We spent 45 minutes afterwards posing our myriad questions to Garret who answered us ably and fluently, his talk having ignited the imagination of crowd. It would have been lovely to have longer to explore such a fascinating subject - one for next year perhaps?!


I have been going to these parties and events for years, and they never serve up less than a crazy, indulgent and colourful night. Highly recommend :-D


I did an absolutely fab tour of the Rotherhithe mortuary. Our guide was really well informed and told us some great tales on Bermondsey! The tour of the mortuary itself was spooky and interesting. It really set us in the mood for Halloween! Xoxo


I Love your parties! They are different, sexy, mysterious, intriguing. Lots of nice, interesting and gorgeous people. Will attend all (or most of them) :) as they are fantastic. Hope you spread the word more so more people will get to know you


Awesome party last night! The band smashed it and the dj was incredible �

When will the pictures be uploaded?


Always such great parties with wonderful staff and interesting decor. Definitely recommended.


A well thought out and smoothly run event, great staff :)


Had an absolute blast at last nights event, even though we were there from 9pm till 3am in the morning it went really quick, there was so much going on, will definitely be attending the next one if I can.


The night was OK. We expected more from the decor. Some of the acts seemed quite amateur. The DJ was playing from an iPad. We had fun but I wouldn't go to another of their nights TBH.


Unfortunately I did not enjoy myself as the Venue has no Heating! Astonishing that it was snowing outside and inside just as cold! Charging £20 per ticket and £8 for a drink and can't "afford " to install heating!

Definitely I will NEVER go again!

Disappointed is not even close enough to describe how I felt, apart from Shivering.

Security people said it will warm up with body heat when more people arrived!

Well that didn't work!

Hopefully I receive a reply to this message!


That was genuinely terrible. All the acts were poor and one of the dj's was playing off an ipad. I was so disappointed.

More about A Curious Invitation

A Curious Invitation is located at 4th Floor Venture House 27-29 Glasshouse Street, W1B 5DR London, United Kingdom
0203 174 2184