Actionaid Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Actionaid Uk

ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty.
www. uk

Actionaid Uk Description

The latest news, photos and stories from ActionAid UK.

ActionAid is a leading international charity working in over 45 countries.

We work with the poorest women and children in the world, changing their lives for good.

Our local staff provide immediate, hands-on support to women and children living on the margins of survival.

Together we demand action at local, national and international level. We don’t walk away until we’ve achieved lasting change.



Teachers – it’s two weeks to go until Big Me! Sign up today to receive immediate access to your free teaching resources and have the tools to transform your classroom as your pupils dress up as their future selves. By taking part in Big Me week, your school’s support will help change lives, for good.


More than a year after the Rohingya refugee crisis first hit the headlines, ActionAid staff are still on the ground in Cox's Bazar delivering vital aid and longer term support. Please donate to help us reach more women and girls like Taslima.


Please read and share: ActionAid's Mike Noyes writes about the need to get justice for the Rohingya people -->
Since the outbreak of this crisis, over 700,000 Rohingya people have fled Myanmar. Find out what ActionAid is doing here -->


With less than a month until the start of Big Me week, it’s a perfect opportunity to celebrate International Day of the Girl on 11 October. Sign up today to ActionAid’s primary school fundraising day and you can help change lives, for good. 📝


"Every day in this job is challenging. But it’s all a matter of patience and self-control. I love helping people – meeting them and being a part of solving their problems."
Find out what it's like working in a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh:


It's #RememberACharityWeek this week. Have you considered leaving a gift to charity in your will?
You could help ActionAid to change the lives of women and girls, for good. Find out how:


We're recruiting for a new Chair and a Fundraising Trustee, to support our continued ambition in changing the lives of more women and girls. To find out more and apply:


Teachers – inspire your school this autumn term with ActionAid’s primary school fundraising day, Big Me! Let your school dream big and discover their aspirations as they dress up as their future selves. Sign up today to access our free teaching resources. 📝


Teachers – searching for that exciting start to the autumn term? Sign up your school to ActionAid’s primary school fundraising day, Big Me! With our free teaching resources, you can transform your classroom as your pupils dress up as their future selves. Join the fun between 8-12 October!


Sakina, 35, with her six-week-old daughter Noor Fatema. Sakina is a Rohingya refugee who gave birth on a boat while fleeing violence in Myanmar.
Since the outbreak of violence in Myanmar, ActionAid has been delivering life-saving aid to Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Please donate to support our women-led, women-centred approach to this crisis:


ActionAid are on the ground providing life-saving humanitarian aid to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Find out about our women-centred, women-led approach to the crisis, helping girls like Taslima:


Teachers – are you finalising your plans for the new term? Don’t forget to register to take part in ActionAid’s primary school fundraising day, Big Me! You’ll get immediate access to free teaching resources as soon as you sign up to take part. 📝


One year since the start of the Rohingya refugee crisis, over 700,000 refugees have fled violence in Myanmar for safety in Bangladesh. Most are women and children, now living in temporary refugee camps.
ActionAid is on the ground delivering life-saving aid and long-term support, taking a women-centred, women-led approach.
Please share this video, and start a regular gift to help us reach as many Rohingya women and girls as possible:


Teachers - are you ready to inspire your pupils this autumn term? ActionAid’s primary school fundraising day Big Me is back! Sign up today for immediate access to our free teaching resources. 📕✏️


At least 324 people have been killed in flooding and landslides in the Indian state of Kerala, while more than 200,000 people have been forced to move to emergency camps.
The state is facing the worst monsoon season since 1924. ActionAid is preparing an urgent response to distribute emergency food, temporary shelter and clothing to those affected by this crisis. Please donate to our Emergency Action Fund now to help our response:


Abiba has helped stop 50 child marriages in Ghana. Thanks to players of the People's Postcode Lottery we built a safe house for those who've reported domestic violence to the police, helping women like Abiba assure girls that they will be protected when pursuing justice. 💪🏾


Marie Curie comes out top in this BBC History Magazine poll - what do you think of the results?
Margaret Thatcher ahead of Mary Wollstonecraft and Marie Stopes?


inbox me today,of any problems you have,so that i can help, Or if you need a spell caster to bring back your ex husband/wife/lover, inbox me today, so that we can work together and bring he/her back, so that you both can live happily ever after..


Thank you for helping the people of Gaza, There are so many attacks on people who show compassion and support for the people of Gaza so it is good to see that Miram and ActionAid are doing the right thing by practically helping people it what has become a desperate situation. And also standing up to the ridiculous, nasty and disturbing attacks on anyone whatever your heritage who wants to help in Gaza let alone questions Israeli state and behaviour.


Supporting those who need it most in a practical, sustainable way


So proud to be sponsoring a child in Gaza. What the people are going through there is terrible. Thank you for helping me to do this.


So happy to be sponsoring a child in Nepal a country that has always held a special place in my heart.


Just starting my journey as a child sponsor. Thank you for the pack that arrived this week �


I was so touched on receiving a letter from the young

child we have sponsored in Sierra Leone, really beautiful and supportive work excellently administered and handled. So nice to personally hear about the individuals and communities that sponsorship can help... Thoroughly recommend this charity.


I think that actionAid is a very good idea and it does help loads of people to make things in the world to bring equality x x. Also a new employee called Ahlam she was so kind and sweet she spoke so nicely and knew how to make us all smile also her friend was also amazing and very jolly I hope they come back to tamworth together again x x x


I love the good work your organization is doing and would be happy to join the team here in Ghana. You are making the world a better place by bettering the lives of deprived youth.


Action Aid is one of the world's reliable organisation that has improved the lives of many women and children's. They are committed to assist in countries affect by crisis and educate the people on things necessary to their wellbeing.


What percentage of the donations received go to the actual causes........I ask because of the constant barrage of t.v. advertising you do. How many executives do you have and what are they paid?


They just keep writing a load of nonsense about Gaza. It is the action of the vile Hamas leadership that keeps Gaza in this state . Stop

Ignoring the facts . Israel withdrew from Gaza- so what do the fools do - they constantly bomb Israel. The Gazan children will get a better life when their leaders love their children more than their irrational hatred of Israel. Margoyles is a joke, especially among Jews.


The area referred to as Palestine gets more aid money than any other region around the globe, but its elected leaders continue to steal it. How many palaces does Abbas have now? How many millions (or is it billions) does Mrs. Arafat have socked away in Swiss bank accounts? How much money is paid to so-called Palis terrorists for killing innocent Israeli civilians? Your ad is a disgrace.


So let me get this straight? Europe and the world sends billions to the areas you supposedly cover and 'help' still you have nothing to show for.

You waste donation money on: leaftlets, ads, free packages sent via the post and you pay your very uneducated staff to go badgering and banging doors in the UK.

We are aware you exist, if people don't donate is because they choose not to support a business like your, a business that despite it all is a money pit, not a charity.


So ... Gaza has billions to spend on rockets to launch at Israeli children and to pay for suicide murderers "salaries" and blood money to the families of terrorists who massacre innocent Israeli children, the elder and other civilians ... but they REFUSE to feed their children?

Instead of enabling the terrorists you should hold them accountable!

Finally, why don't you show pictures of the real Gaza? The mansions, palaces and tree lined boulevards? The beautiful shopping malls and resort hotels? You are misleading good people into funding terror by showing pictures of a section destroyed because rockets were being launched from there.

If you truly want to help the children in Gaza you should sponsor innocent civilians to get rid of their blood thirst genocidal leaders.


I've repeatedly, for years, asked not to keep sending me mail from the children as it's a waste of resources. Despite my many attempts I've never had a response from you on this. I'm fed up to keep receiving letters, what a waste of my money so I'm stopping my donations today & directing towards another charity. What s shame.


Don't give any money to this charity. It goes to terrorists so that they can attack and murder Israeli citizens. The terrorists get paid well to do this.


Do not head any appeal from ActionAid a scandal ridden organization or as Trump will call it: fake organization. It is enough to make a search on google on Actionaid scandals to be revelatory. In my humble opinion it is a so called charity that doesn't deserve to be supported but exposed!


Asking for donations and telling sob-stories about Gaza? A tiny strip of land that receives billions annually of aid funding from international communities and the EU (more money than syrian refugees have seen in 6 years)?! This page looks like a scam to me.

More about Actionaid Uk

Actionaid Uk is located at 33-39 Bowling Green Lane, EC1R 0BJ London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1460 238 000
Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -