Adalah - عدالة

About Adalah - عدالة

We are Adalah, Yemen’s first non-aligned legal NGO. we work to uphold the rule of law & promote human rights in Yemen. #ThisMeansEverything

Adalah - عدالة Description

We are Yemen's first legal NGO.

Headquartered in London with operations in Washington D. C. and Sana’a, we work to address the complex legal issues arising from the recent conflict in Yemen and fill the vast void in underreporting and analysis of international law issues in relation to the country.

At Adalah Yemen, we believe that upholding the rule of law and promoting human rights are the only true means of ensuring peace and stability.



It's not over yet for this #NonStopSunday! One more announcement!
We are absolutely delighted to have been appointed as the Official Secretariat to the UK's Parliament All Parliamentary Group on #Yemen.
Working in partnership with British Parliamentarians and those across the world to counter the challenges faced by civilians in Yemen.
... #WeAreAdalah #ThisMeansEverything
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Over the past few months, we have been working hard behind the scenes to bring some new exciting changes.
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new revised website ( and the launch of our new research series, the Law in Yemen.
The Law in Yemen is a critical exploration of some of the most pressing legal issues at play today in Yemen. Make sure to check it out:
... Our 'Peace-Building in Conflict: The Way Forward for #Yemen's Constitution' considers the different options available for the country's post-conflict constitutional and transitional justice arrangement.
Meanwhile, our 'Challenges and Opportunities: An Overview of the Rule of Law (2015-2018)' provides some much needed analysis of Yemen's rule of law challenges since the start of the conflict. We've conducted the first-ever type of field studies on the ground in Yemen since the conflict started.
For the first time, we are now able to accept donations from the public. Please consider supporting our life-saving work,
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“It is critically important for the international community to step up now.” - Ambassador Barbara Bodine


Yemen: Beyond the Conflict is happening now at Georgetown University!


Adalah Yemen and the Georgetown University Middle East & North Africa Forum present:
Beyond the Conflict: A Panel Discussion on Threats and Opportunities for Peace & Prosperity in Yemen
Join us for a critical discussion exploring how Yemen can overcome its political, economic and humanitarian challenges immediately following the end of hostilities. Lunch and refreshments will be served.
...Continue Reading


We're working with Save the Children UK to raise awareness of the severe impact of Yemen's war on its children. We have put up this informative exhibition on Yemen at Queen Mary University of London, it's in their SU Hub until next Friday, pop by and sign the petition!
You can also sign online here: action/action…


Adalah Yemen is excited to release its 'Yemen: The Day After Tomorrow' report following our successful conference at the School of African and Oriental Studies (University of London).
It discusses some of the major challenges that #Yemen will face, make sure to read:


In light of recent changes on the ground in Yemen, we thought it would be important to clarify our position.
FOR IMMEDIATE CIRCULATION -- Tuesday 5 December 2017
... London: Adalah Yemen expresses grave concern for the safety of civilians in light of the death of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh yesterday.
Adalah Yemen is actively monitoring the events on the ground with a cautious eye and condemns the usage of violence by all parties in the strongest terms. At Adalah Yemen, we believe the only path to true peace in the country is through dialogue and reconciliation. We continue to urge all parties to seek a peaceful resolution which protects the rights of civilians and combatants alike.
The cost of the conflict continues to rise for civilians with the United Nations yesterday calling for an immediate humanitarian pause of the conflict with over 7 million civilians reaching near famine levels. Adalah Yemen is particularly concerned about civilians caught in the middle of fighting in Sana’a and the surrounding area as reports indicate civilians are trapped with low supplies of food and water.
Adalah Yemen works tirelessly to uphold the rule of law and promote human rights in the country. Our expertise in international humanitarian law places us at the forefront of Yemen’s international legal scene. As an impartial and non-aligned non-for-profit organisation, our only stakeholders are the suffering Yemeni people.
We call for an immediate end to the violence and the resumption of peace talks between the parties. In particular, Adalah Yemen calls upon all actors including Western governments to come together to find a peaceful situation.
As a global organisation, Adalah Yemen, though headquartered in London, operates in three countries including Yemen. At this stage, we have taken the important decision of continuing to suspend our ground operations in Sana’a until such time that it is deemed safe for our work to continue.
For media enquires or further information about this release, please contact Ali Sabra (Director of Communications) by email (
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We hope all attendees enjoyed our event ‘Yemen: the Day After Tomorrow’ at SOAS in London yesterday.
Our keynote speaker, Keith Vaz MP, talked about our responsibility as individuals to be advocates for Yemen in stopping the war. We also had a number of distinguished panelist’s on our first panel discussing Yemen’s humanitarian, social and health challenges. Whilst our second panel highlighted the heated issue of Yemen’s political, economic and security challenges with contr...ibutions from exceptional expert speakers.
We look forward to our next event, please stay in touch and make sure to share the photos below.
- Adalah Yemen.
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A critical discussion exploring how #Yemen 🇾🇪 can overcome its legal, political, economic and social challenges immediately following the end of hostilities. Date: 7th October 2017 - 12pm – 4pm Location: Alumni Lecture Theatre, SOAS University of London Adalah - عدالة is privileged to be joined by: - Keith Vaz MP | Key Note Speaker... - Dr Yassin Noman Ahmed | Amb. of the Republic of Yemen - Saleh Saeed OBE | CEO of the Disasters Emergency Committee - Kjetil Østnor | Middle East Manager at Oxfam - Dr Hamid Al-Shejni | CEO at the Global Gate Group - Taher Qassim MBE | Expert on Health Infrastructure in Yemen - Tarek H Al-Yafei | Expert on Foreign Investment in Yemen - Alistair Galloway | CEO at Frontier Horizons - James Firebrace | Founder of Yemen Safe Passage Group
Make sure you buy tickets as there are only a limited amount of spaces available! #YemenTheDayAfterTomorrow #AdalahYemen #Adalah #عدالة #اليمن
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We are pleased to announce Adalah’s upcoming event named 'Yemen: the day after tomorrow’ due to take place on 7th October at SALT Alumni Lecture Theatre, The School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London).
The event is intended to enable discussion of what Yemen’s legal, political, economical and social challenges immediately post-conflict are, and how they can be overcome. We have put together a diverse but comprehensive line-up of speakers that will ensure th...e event goes beyond the ‘usual’ Yemen conference by preempting the challenges facing Yemen once the weapons have been laid to rest.
Adalah Yemen is the country's first international legal NGO. Adalah was established to address the complex legal issues arising from the recent conflict in Yemen. As an independent and non-aligned organisation, we seek to provide legal support on the ground to the difficulties faced by civil society, international institutions and other stakeholders with an interest in Yemen.
Though based in London with operations in Washington DC, with our team of lawyers and researchers, we use international law to alleviate the suffering of civilians from the armed conflict in Yemen. In particular, we focus on research output which addresses the key issues pertaining to international humanitarian law (IHL) in Yemen.
Please stay tuned for further details, including the confirmed line-up of speakers and the ability to reserve a seat. For those interested in Yemen, this is sure to be an event that should not be missed!
Adalah Yemen | International Legal Expertise, Local Knowledge.
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Thank you to everyone that came out to "A Night for Yemen" to support Penny Appeal USA's life-saving relief projects and our education programs in Yemen!


Help us fight famine with Penny Appeal USA and support our education programs in Yemen. Get your tickets today!


At Adalah, we're super passionate about making Yemen clear to the outside world. If in doubt, please review our latest Press Release for immediate circulation.
We believe that only by upholding the rule of law and promoting education can Yemen truly achieve a lasting peace. A huge part of that is ensuring a clear, concise and accurate view of the conflict and the country.
... For media enquiries, please contact
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We hope that you can join us in this effort to make a difference. Get your tickets at and share the event!


Yemen is in the midst of crisis. Plunged into a war without a clear path to peace, Yemen's civilians bear the brunt of the conflict. As of May 2017, according to the UN, 17 million Yemenis are food insecure, 4.5 million are internally displaced and in need of emergency shelter, and 18.8 million are in need of some form of humanitarian aid. Also reported by the UN, a child under 5 dies in Yemen every 10 minutes from preventable causes.
A Night for Yemen is in response to the f...urther deterioting humanitarian crisis that Yemenis continue to face everyday.
Penny Appeal USA will focus their efforts on the growing humanitarian crisis by providing emergency food relief and medical supplies to suffering communities.
Adalah Yemen focuses on educating the international community on the legal implications of the war. Our programs also include workshops for the youth of Yemen in educating them about their role in the conflict and empowering them to hold a stake in society. We also have our empowerment of women program which works to educate and mobilize women in becoming a key voice in resolving the conflict.
We hope that you can join us in this effort to make a difference!
A Night for Yemen When: Saturday, July 22, 2017 : Doors open at 6pm Where: George Mason University: Johnson Center: Dewberry Hall Why: A response to the humanitarian crisis Tickets:
Entertainment will be provided and authentic Yemeni food will be served.
Questions? Contact
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More about Adalah - عدالة

Adalah - عدالة is located at International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, EC1A 2BN, E13 9PJ London, UK