
About Afford

AFFORD is a charity evolving into a social enterprise to drive entrepreneurial agenda and capacity of the African Diaspora.

Afford Description

Since its formation 15 years ago, AFFORD has put the issue of migration and development on the policy agenda. It has developed an unrivalled knowledge and expertise on issues impacting on the African diaspora such as remittances, brain drain, skills transfers, etc
It has a proven track in working with the African diaspora and uses its expertise on the diaspora and its relationship to development in providing consultancy services to various organizations
We believe in harnessing the diaspora and other partners to invest, time, money, know-how, to help power the engines of wealth creation that will produce self-sustainable and profitable communities, instead of communities waiting for the next aid cheque.



At this time legal considerations are so important and this is why the AFFORD business Club is happy to be holding a seminar with Morrison and Foerster looking at Contracts and Covid-19. This session will look at you and your contracts as a service provider and where you stand. It will also look at employment contracts and what you need to consider. Please sign up to this free webinar to gain advice and ask your questions. nar-covid-19-and-c…


We're delighted to offer an AFFORD discount to those who would like to take some time for more #homelearning with renowned experts Robin Walker of the African Union and Paul Obinna (Linage Innovations). A Tribe Called Progress has curated a practical online course on how to: 1) Generate individual wealth and develop community political and economic empowerment. 2) Learn the information to raise well-balanced and impactful children guided by Black excellence. More detail here:


We would LOVE to hear your views about African artefacts in UK cultural institutions.
As the United Kingdom’s foreign policy goals shift towards a vision of a global Britain outside the European Union, how issues around cultural patrimony and heritage of formerly colonised communities are handled will increasingly come under scrutiny.... Within this context, #returnoftheicons is 1. Conducting a survey to gather information on existing projects and how we can support them. 2. Organising focus group discussions to map public awareness and sentiment on African artefacts in UK cultural institutions.
We invite you to join us for a 1 hour online focus group to discuss. Please register your interest:< br> See More


AFFORD would like to say a huge thank you to Ronke Lawal, AriatuPR UK and Vickie Remoe, VR and C Marketing for participating in our webinar on PR, Covid-19 and your Business. It was a very valuable session for those of you with a business in the UK/ Europe and in Africa. You can watch the session here 8E and get in touch with our presenters by visiting their websites or finding them by name on the social platforms. Please Share and stay connected.


Good morning all at this time legal considerations are so important this is why the AFFORD business Club is happy to be holding a seminar with Morrison and Foerster looking at Contracts and Covid-19. This session will look at you and your contracts as a service provider and where you stand. It will also look at employment contracts and what you need to consider. Please sign up to this free webinar to gain advice and ask your questions. nar-covid-19-and-c…


Good morning all I hope you had a good break - as good as possible. Are you thinking about what is the best thing for your business to be doing right now to stay connected with your customers and front of mind for potential customers? We have been thinking about that and tomorrow we are really pleased to be able to bring you PR, Covid-19 and your business webinar with PR Experts Ronke Lawal, AriatuPR UK and Vickie Remoe, VR and C Marketing Sierra Leone to advise you, our entrepreneurs. There are only 20 live spaces to be able to interact with the speakers and ask your questions. The session will be shared after the webinar.…/events /102166131650/details look forward to having you join! Please Share!!!!


As COVID19 spreads to the Horn of Africa & diaspora communities are affected by lockdowns, layoffs & illness, the remittance lifeline sustaining >40% of Somalis is under threat.
Read this #EU-funded Research and Evidence Facility blog

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Get involved with #returnoftheicons - join the debate here

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Did you know that 90% of Africa's cultural heritage resides outside the continent. Learn more about this and what AFFORD's latest initiative #returnoftheicons intends to do about it here:< br>


introduction to the latest initiative from the AFFORD Institute

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More about Afford

Afford is located at Rich Mix Building, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, E1 6LA London, United Kingdom
0203 326 3750