Afrocycled - Upcycled Furniture Designs

About Afrocycled - Upcycled Furniture Designs

Afro-Bohemian inspired Homedecor | Sustainably made furniture to
brighten & add colour to your home.

Afrocycled - Upcycled Furniture Designs Description

As a visual artist, I am drawn to nature as my predominant source of inspiration, given that it is all around and in me. There is an abundance of new and interesting configurations, formations and patterns to be seen, whenever out on walks in nature or even looking at an underwater seascape, you'll see so much intricate detail which brings about a novel an enchanting quality. In the right seasons for it, there is also a array of wonderful colours. Colours are also another major influence in my work, given it has the ability to create mood and ambience, this has sparked my interest in colour therapy. I also have a deepening fondness for arabesque, which I first learnt of from Alan Watts' talks, then seeing a 360 degree photo of the interior of what appeared to be a temple /mosque covered in beautifully colourful geometric patterns. The attraction was instant. I really love the complexity and organic forms. I went to university at London College of Communication part of the University of the Arts London, where I studied Surface Design, here I learnt my technical knowledge of printing which included, Screen and Digital printing, pattern construction and fabric dyeing. I also studied during my electives, bookbinding, marketing /freelances skills. Since then, I have interned for various Designers, created patterns, helping out with campaign material and logo designs which has featured in publications; although now my main focus creating my own brand DrawPrintMake. My philosophy is that, each as everyone of us has the ability to create what we want to see in the world, we all have our unique creative signature to share with the world, this comes from a loving, happy, heart-felted place and in whichever way it manifests itself, we should share it! Exploration is essential growth and development as an Artist, so I like to implement a variety of techniques and processes in my work. So far, I have really enjoyed using laser and engraving, painting, CAD, hand drawings and screenprinting. I would like to create a beautiful environment that people can come to as enjoy, dance, laugh, sing, love, relax, do whatever they want to in happy, loving, playful space.

More about Afrocycled - Upcycled Furniture Designs

Afrocycled - Upcycled Furniture Designs is located at London, United Kingdom