Aiken Dental Surgery

Monday: 08:45 - 16:45
Tuesday: 08:45 - 16:45
Wednesday: 08:45 - 16:45
Thursday: 08:45 - 16:45
Friday: 08:45 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Aiken Dental Surgery

Welcome to The Aiken Dental Surgery!

We're a family orientated dental practice who strives to be friendly and approachable and who's aim is to make every patient's visit, a comfortable and relaxing experience.

Aiken Dental Surgery Description

Looking for an experienced and professional dentist? Then look no further than Aiken Dental Practice!

Aiken Dental Practice was established in 1982 by John and James Aiken, making us one of the longest standing family run practices in the North West!

Our friendly, qualified dental team provides a comprehensive dental service and are always on hand to help with any concerns or queries.

James Aiken continues to lead the practice with the help of an associate, providing quality NHS and Private dentistry to all the family.



We would like to welcome our new dentist Fiona McGuckin to the practice. As a result of this we are currently registering new patients to the practice for NHS and PRIVATE treatment. Please be advised that limited places are available!


Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or does your jaw make a popping sound? Frequent headaches? If so, you may be grinding your teeth while you’re sleep and not be aware of it!
Teeth grinding and jaw clenching, also known as bruxism, can be caused by anxiety, stress or anger.
Symptoms include:... • Headaches • Earache • Facial pain • Pain and stiffness in the jaw joint • Worn down teeth • Disruption of sleep
If you suffer from any of these symptoms, call us on 028 7134 3543 and book an appointment and speak to a dentist about treatment.
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Brushing and flossing as well as visiting the dentist regularly for dental check-ups will ensure you keep your great smile, achieve whiter, brighter looking teeth and have fresh breath!
Regular cleaning will remove plaque, tartar build up from your teeth and will help remove unpleasant staining.
It’s vital to take your oral health seriously and to care for your teeth: A healthy mouth reduces the risk of other health conditions like heart disease, strokes and cancer.
... Book in for your check up now by calling 028 7134 3543
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Here at Aiken Dental Practice, we’re pleased to offer free onsite car parking to all of our patients so don’t worry about where to park or how much it’s going to cost.
At least that’s one less thing to worry about before your appointment!
Call us on 028 7134 3543 to book an appointment.


Mint anyone?
Bad breath? The most common reason for unpleasant mouth odour is caused by food remaining in your mouth after eating and drinking, where bacteria then builds up.
Food can can become stuck between your teeth, on your tongue and around the gums, where it rots and leaves the bad smell. This is why it’s so important that you brush and floss your teeth daily!
... It may be best to avoid odorous foods like onions and garlic as they absorb into your blood stream and the smell is then expelled from your lungs.
If you’re concerned about your bad breath, make an appointment with us to talk to us privately. Call us on 028 7134 3543
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We’d like to wish all our patients a year filled with happiness, success and prosperity.
We can’t wait to see you for your dental appointments in 2018!


The countdown is on! Only a few more hours until we see the back of 2017!
Whether it's a final festive gathering with family or a celebratory get-together with friends, we hope that you have a great New Years Eve!


We’re sure there’s plenty of sore heads about but let the Christmas cheer continue this Boxing Day as you gather friends and family together for more celebrations!
Ahem, now for the dentist bit:
We hope you have a great day guys but remember to spare a thought for your teeth this Christmas! The constant snacking, drinking and eating of sugary foods and drinks can make the festive holidays a terrible time for your teeth.
... Sweets, sugar-filled mince pies, acidic alcoholic drinks and fizzy soft drinks are a hazard to teeth during the holidays, so young or old, the message is the same: Please don't forget about your oral health & keep up your cleaning routine!
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The big day has arrived!
We hope everyone got what they wished for!
Merry Christmas to our wonderful patients and your families from all of us here at Aiken Dental Practice.
... Eat, drink and be merry folks!
Have a great day!
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It’s finally Christmas Eve!
Only one more sleep until the big guy arrives!
The presents are wrapped, tomorrow's dinner is planned, and all is ready for the holiday celebration.
... We think we’re just about ready, are you?
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In the run up to Christmas we've received many lovely and thoughtful gifts from our patients.
You've all been incredibly generous and we really appreciate it.
Thank You! ... From all the staff at Aiken Dental Surgery.
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Hi Guys,
Aiken Dental Practice is now closed for Christmas and will reopen on Tuesday 2nd January at 8:45am.
If you have a dental emergency over the holidays, please call our telephone number for details of the emergency rota.
... Happy Holidays!
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Mr Aiken presenting the festive Christmas hamper to the lucky winner, Mary Robinson.
Congratulations again Mary! 😊


We'd like to thank everyone who took the time to enter our competition for the festive Christmas hamper!
The competition is now closed.
After being randomly selected from all the entries, the winner is...Mary Robinson!
... Congratulations! 😊
Please call us to find out how to claim the prize!
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There’s only 1 week left until Christmasssssssss!
There are plenty of things to think about around Christmas - from choosing the perfect gifts to organising Christmas dinner.
Christmas jumpers, sweets, hot chocolate, mulled wine; it's the most festive time of year!
... Unfortunately, this means that we often forget to think about our oral health! Surrounded by sweet treats, rich foods and sugary drinks, it’s very important you look after your teeth. If you don’t, the consequences can be uncomfortable or possibly even painful!
There’s still time to get booked in for your check up before we finish up for the holidays, so call us on 028 7134 3543
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‘Tis the season to be jolly! And to spread some festive cheer, we're offering you the chance to win a festive hamper filled to the brim with yuletide goodies just in time for Christmas!
To be in with a chance to win, simply like and share our post to enter!
The competition closes on Wednesday 20th December & winners will be announced shortly after.
... Good Luck Everyone!!
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“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…”
We're feeling very festive today! The decorations are up & we’ve just put the finishing touches to our Christmas tree.
What do you think?


Need to book in for an appointment and wondering about our opening times?
Mon: 8.45am - 5:00pm Tue: 8.45am - 5:00pm Wed: 8.45am - 5:00pm... Thu: 8.45am - 5:00pm Fri: 8.45am - 4:00pm Sat: When scheduled – by appointment only. *Please call to enquire* Sun: Closed
Don’t leave it to the last minute to book an appointment so call us on 028 7134 3543!
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More about Aiken Dental Surgery

Aiken Dental Surgery is located at 4A Woodburn Park, BT47 5PS Londonderry, Northern Ireland
028 71 343 543
Monday: 08:45 - 16:45
Tuesday: 08:45 - 16:45
Wednesday: 08:45 - 16:45
Thursday: 08:45 - 16:45
Friday: 08:45 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -