Ak Fitness

About Ak Fitness

AK Fitness provides a private Personal Training experience in a non-intimidating environment. We supply you, regardless of ability, a personalised fitness programme in accordance with your fitness goals and abilities.

Ak Fitness Description

CYQ Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer.
Qualifications include:
Suspension Training
Outdoor Fitness
Nutrition for Physical Activity

REPs registered.



Working on your health shouldn't be 'punishment', you're worth more than that.


Been pretty much non-stop since 5am today so I'm a bit late with my 'morning' post but nonetheless I'll take my own advice and 'just do something'. You've all probably heard the advice to "just do something" - even if it's not what you want to do, do what you can do. Sounds good right? Well I would suggest yes and no. Yes in the sense of not letting yourself become stagnant, no in the sense of activity does not always equate to productivity. Learn how to be efficient AND effective in your training, learn how to train with good technique not just enthusiasm and learn how to push yourself intelligently in the time allotted. Whatever you do, do it well! Happy training guys.


Not much time to write this but here's some Monday motivation for you: Keep going. And if it gets tough, keep going. Change comes via consistency, so just keep moving forward! #barrierbreaker


Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is not 'yes' but 'no'. When it comes to looking after yourself and protecting your efforts, having healthy boundaries in life and for the purpose of this post, with food is all important to reach your goals. Don't think you're denying yourself that piece of cake, but rather empowering yourself, putting you in control over that thing which once controlled you. You have the power to say yes or no, not that damn cake!


A bit of a cliche now I know but what I've learned over the years is the importance of knowing your 'why behind your why'. Knowing more than just, "I want to tone up" and understand your reason behind it. Maybe you want to enjoy time with your kids, not feel embarrassed in your clothes or simply you just want to look good naked - because when it gets tough or you just can't be bothered, that's your motivating factor that help you remember why you're doing this in the first place.


Not all trainers are the same, but get a good one and who knows how much more you can achieve?


"If you're not motivated to achieve your goal, what you think you're trying to achieve isn't really your goal." -Ben Coomber Some awesome words of wisdom in this interview from my favorite fitness podcast man, Mr Ben Coomber




Say no more


Great insight into leadership from Navy Seals


Huge Opportunity
I'm so excited to announce my AK-47 Body Blast Challenge.
I am looking for residents in the Acton area that want to transform themselves in 2016!
... This will be very hands on with coaching to help you change your habits. It's designed with transformation in mind, so you must fit the following criteria to apply: - positive attitude - looking to get in the best shape of your life - can dedicate 2 x 60 minutes and 2 x 30 minutes per week for 7 weeks - serious about change and willing to listen and apply the coaching given. - don't mind working hard! - willing to invest in themselves
Due to the limited spaces available, I am requesting only serious inquiries and applications.
Register here at www.fluffyside.UK/akfitness/
Image courtesy of nenetus at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
See More


Grunt only when necessary and in general, just don't be an annoying -fill in the blank-


Huge Opportunity
I'm so excited to announce my AK-47 Fat Burner Program.
I am looking for residents in and around the Acton area that want to transform their bodies and not only like but love how they feel in 2016!
... This program will be very hands on with coaching to help you change your habits. It's designed to transform your body fast, so you must fit the following criteria to apply: - positive attitude - looking to get in the best shape of your life - want to burn fat and add lean, toned muscle quickly. - can dedicate 2 x 60 minutes and 2 x 30 minutes per week - serious about change and willing to listen, apply my coaching to change your body and outlook on effective fitness - don't mind working hard! - willing to invest in themselves
Because of the limited space, I am requesting only serious inquiries and applications.
www.fluffyside.UK/akfitness/ Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
See More


***Last day for early bird registration is today***
Your summer body solution is here. Limited spaces available. Sign up now at: www.fluffyside.uk/akfitness/


Pull the trigger on fat loss. A 7 week program designed to kickstart your fat loss goals


Pull the trigger on fat loss


Pull the Trigger on fat loss


The AK-47 Fat Burner

More about Ak Fitness

Ak Fitness is located at Annesley Avenue, NW9 London, United Kingdom