Alison Scott-Wright

About Alison Scott-Wright

Known as the Magic Sleep Fairy, I am a published author, Specialist Baby Sleep Consultant and an expert in managing Infant Reflux.

Alison Scott-Wright Description

Through working in nursing and as a maternity nurse I have become one of the top UK baby consultants specialising in Reflux and related issues. I have helped literally 1000s of parents get their baby sleeping through but also helped them get the help they need when the medical profession isn't listening.



So not only am I The Magic Sleep Fairy, this afternoon I’ve turned into The Magic Robot-Making Fairy with this creative little 3 year old - sister to the little 12 week old cutie who is now sleeping 12 hours. #everyoneshappy 😀😍😀


REFLUX EXTREMES These two beautiful bubbas sadly both have acid reflux and CMPI, are both being treated with prescription Omeprazole (Losec Mups) and are on Neocate LCP formula, thickened with instant Carobel, fed from MAM bottles. However, before being diagnosed - one of them would drink as much milk as frequently possible and also since starting solids, eats literally everything offered. As oppose to the little baby pictured who chooses not to drink milk where possible as... she has decided that what goes down causes discomfort - despite now being on Neocate - and is so tricky to feed and barely takes enough to sustain her weight. So although these two are different ages - Big Boy being 20 weeks & Little Lady being just 12, the stark difference in their eating habits created by an emotional response to their pain and discomfort is something that remains something of mystery to me. What makes one baby decide to suck & swallow to wash his pain and another to almost starve herself and feed refuse because what goes down hurts, is an anomaly I can only put down to genetic characteristics. That said, thankfully more babies will overeat and be reluctant to give up night feeds in response to acid pain, which in a way is easier to manage than those who feed refuse and every feed can become a challenge - as anyone with a ‘tricky feeder’ will fully understand! Answers, resolutions and solutions to nearly all reflux and sleep issues are detailed in my book The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan available on Amazon or personally signed copies on my website. Alison xx
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I thought I’d share with you all a couple of things that make the world of difference to settling a baby, in particular those who suffer with reflux. I’d recommend the under mattress sensor for ALL babies, I’ve been using them for years! ✨


Say ‘Hello’ to this cutie who is 17 weeks old and needed my help. He previously battled Mum at every feed, had slimy green poops 💩, was filled with mucous, has a cough and frequent hiccups, only slept in 30 to 60 minute snatches and has a nasty case of oral thrush to boot 😨 He’s finally been diagnosed with silent reflux & associated CMPI so the doctor has prescribed Omeprazole and Neocate LCP...... that’s the easy bit though!!!! The tricky part is getting him to take the Neocate, but luckily with the help of MAM bottles and Instant Carobel he’s decided that for now, he feels secure and happy enough to drink it whilst snuggled up with me - The Magic Sleep Fairy 🧚‍♀️ 😍💖😍🧚‍♀️ #trickyfeeds #refluxbaby #magicsleepfairysolutions


‪Did you know I offer home visit consultations, from day to right through the night? If your little one is struggling with sleep or colic / reflux, it’s time to get in touch and see how I can help! 🧚‍♀️
You can read all about consultations and book here: and click on the PDF to find out more! X‬
‪#baby #expert #reflux #colic #sleep #parents #mums #newborns #toddler #mummybloggers ‬


Another happy baby who just needed a little magic sleep fairy dust 🧚‍♀️ ✨
You can find out more about private consultations here: and click on the PDF ☺️


The Magic Sleep Fairy 🧚‍♂️ was rocking on down at the 80’s music festival in Southampton yesterday and still managed time to connect with some younger festival-goers. This gorgeous little girl was loving the music, watching us all dance from her wheelchair and she was hugely impressed I could say “Hello - how are you” in her language, Tagalog...... “Kumusta Ka”?


This just dropped into my inbox this morning 😍 Wow!!!! What an amazing lady!! Just wanted to show you today’s post!!!!


Zoe Hardman’s Little Kit at 8 weeks old just waking up from his 2.5 hour afternoon nap 💤 😍🧚‍♀️


Currently helping Zoe Hardman from Made by Mamas with her new baby Kit. He’s such a cutie as you can see but sadly he has acid reflux and a hereditary dairy intolerance. 2 Classic reflux symptoms are shown in the pics - constantly sticking out the tongue and bubbling at the mouth - Kit was such an obliging model!! 💖


The Reassurance Sleep Training Technique detailed in The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan is for babies 3 months plus. It's never too late to establish the technique that will allow your little one to sleep through the night. All it takes is a routine and some Magic Sleep Fairy sleepy dust 🧚‍♀️✨😍 -Slee…/…/0593062817


Happy Flowery Friday to all the Mums and Dads out there struggling with sleep deprivation. Take a look at my book The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan as it will certainly give you some resolutions. Alison xxxx


At my nephews wedding yesterday, which was just wonderful. I’ve gifted the newly-weds an offer of my help if they are ever blessed with the patter of tiny feet! 😊😝💖


Thank you 🙏 she slept from 7:20 (again!) to 6am straight no wake ups! You truly are The Magic Sleep Fairy 🧚‍♀️ xxx This message came from the parents of a gorgeous baby girl I visited last week. She is exclusively breast fed, but had never slept for more than an hour and was snack feeding round the clock. I was able to show Mum how to regulate her feeding to just four times a day which meant we could then establish proper naps and her baby was able to naturally sleep through the night. I love my job 😊💗😊


Do you need a visit from the Magic Sleep Fairy herself? Whether your little one is dealing with colic or reflux, sleep issues or a potential dietary intolerance, Alison visits families all over the world resolving these issues.
To enquire or for more information, please visit:
... 🧚‍♀️ 💕
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The Magic Sleep Fairy is in Jersey helping a family with 2.5 year old toddler and their 5 month old baby. Due to undiagnosed reflux and dairy intolerances in both children, no one has slept in this house since their first baby was born. Night two and the toddler has only woken once and the baby has slept a solid 11 hours...... still room for improvement but we’re nearly there!! 😍🌞😍 With my next bookings in place for Norfolk, Hertfordshire, London & Manchester I think I need a helicopter to transport me around to spread the Fairy Dust!! 😂😂😂


This was the distressing email I received recently, but after my help this Little baby is now sleeping twelve hours each night and feeding happily, just four times each day. The pictures are of him waking up after his first full night’s sleep 💤😴 💤
I have a 9 week old boy who is constantly refusing feeds. The only way I can get him to have anything is wait until he falls asleep and then he will have a maximum of 2oz in one go. I feel so anxious as I feel like I need to be at h...ome all the time as I don’t want to miss the opportunity of him going to sleep and then feeding. At the moment I try to feed him for an hour and then give him (and me) a break for another hour and then start the process Over again. He squirms, cries and grunts after every feed. We have tried gaviscon, ranitidine and are currently on Omeprazole and nutrimagen milk after seeing the gp numerous times and eventually paying for a private paediatrician appointment. Nothing seems to have made any difference. I’m really not enjoying spending time with my baby as I’m constantly stressed that he won’t feed or worries about the next feed- this is impacting on my partner and my older 3 year old son and I’m not sure where to turn now. Do you have any advice/could you visit us?
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I had the pleasure of speaking on the Made by Mammas Podcast on this weeks episode. We talk about all things SLEEP!
“It's one of the most spoken about topics in the parenting arena and the ladies can't wait to chat about their experiences, and get all the top tips and hints from the magic sleep fairy, Alison Scott-Wright. Alison chats about all things sleep - co-sleeping, front sleeping, reflux and more!
Plus, Zoe and Georgia share the products they couldn't do without.”
... Download or Stream the episode here:…/made-by-mamm as-the…/id1377633011…
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I truly cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart & all my families heart for helping us with Lily! I am in tears as I write this - as you really do have a special gift, not only with the babies you work with but also the mummies & daddies too- we put all our faith & trust in you & you magically have given Lily the gift to be able to sleep entirely independently (no dummy - & 12 hours a night!!!!) & to feed properly & as a consequence develop! Lily is now not in a traumatised state whilst feeding & is not sleep deprived! We must all remember that sleep deprivation is a form of torture!

I totally believed in you - however I did not think you could do the impossible but you did!!!!!!

I/we were at desperation point & needed your expertise, help & confidence to get our baby girl Lily to a place of calm & happiness - how you managed to do this in only 3 days/nights - it still feels like I'm in a dream!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! These words just do not seem enough for what you have done for us!

My only biggest regret was not finding you with our 1st daughter Florence who has endured years of sleepless nights!

With the help of the gastro specialist paediatrician diagnosing her with severe reflux & Cows Milk Protein Allergy & with your knowledge on how to implement it all - I truly believe you have saved us of years of struggling!


Love Rachel & family (& special kisses from Lily) xxx


What can I say? Alison is an absolute miracle worker! Last night was the first night in 6 months where my baby didn't wake 7+ times per night needing rocking and feeding back to sleep each time...and no dummy and feedings! 2 wake ups all night lasting no longer than 20mins and he self settled without any horrific distress I could hear that he was actually learning something! I still can't quite believe this happened. The plan is simple and makes so much sense (which is essential when you're as sleep deprived as I was!) I'm only at the start of our journey to 12hrs uninterrupted sleep but with Alison I know it's totally achievable. I'm going into night two motivated and confident regardless of what little man throws my way! I will write a full description in a few days when I can see the how things work out but would recommend Alison and her sleep solution to anyone!!


The best thing that ever happened to our family!


Put simply, Alison literally changed my life! My 6 month old little girl was waking every 2 hours in the night for feeds and although I had been regimental with my daily routine she would still wake screaming after only 30mins during her naps. I instinctively new that something was “not quite right” but persevered and thought she may just grow out of it. Eventually I asked for help from Alison. She is the most wonderful lady whose knowledge and understanding of babies, and her obvious care for the wellbeing of both babies and parents is her main priority.

She new straight away that my daughter had been suffering with silent reflux and an allergy to dairy, all of which I had never considered. With her help, guidance and support she showed me how to make changes to my daughters sleeping position, diet, medication advice, and complete education into silent reflux. I was absolutely amazed with her knowledge. In just 1 day I had a little girl who slept soundly In the day. By 2 days I had a little girl who not only slept beautifully during her naps, but started sleeping through the night too. She has slept through the night ever since and not only that, my little girl is so happy and content, all thanks to


I am not normally one to post or comment online, but I feel so strongly about how Alison has helped me. My daughter was obviously in pain, and I was told on numerous occasions that “she’s probably just a hungry baby”, or “she will grow out of it soon” or “it’s just a developmental phase”. For me, it was not necessary that she wasn’t sleeping through that was the main problem, it was more the regularity that she woke, and the way she cried. Without Alison’s help I never would have realised she had silent reflux, and it makes me very sad that she could have continued to suffer.

I now know that if not treated properly reflux can continue to manifest itself in children as they get older in numerous ways, both physically, emotionally and mentally. I hope that this post helps other parents out there who are possibly experiencing the same as my family. I cannot recommend or thank Alison enough.

Thank you Alison. You are truly wonderful!



Paula got an ear infection at 6 months then she couldn't sleep alone anymore it got worse and worse until she was waking up every 2hours at 11months.

My sister heard of your book from a friend we read it and in 3 nights she did nights of 10h40 to 13h30. We are improving our couple relationship now that we are back with sleep!! Thank you so much!


Our son Freddie was born in August 2017 and was bottle fed from day 1. For the first 4 months of his life he was in and out of hospital and the doctor’s surgery. We tried just about every type of milk under the sun but he still did not enjoy feeding. Reflux, lactose intolerance and a host of other ailments were diagnosed however no one in the NHS was able to prescribe a cure. His low milk intake resulting in a negative spiral of bad sleeping and worse feeding and it is fair to say the whole family was suffering from severe sleep exhaustion. Alison come to stay for 3 nights. By the end of her stay Freddie was sleeping through the night and taking more milk and having 3 naps in the day. Post Alison leaving we were nervous that we would undo her good work. Thankfully she has been on hand to answer any questions no matter how big or small. Freddie is a happy little boy now.

Alison thank you once again for changing our lives. Just in time for Christmas.


I was at my wits end with our 3rd baby... he wasn't sleeping and we couldn't work out where we were going wrong. I actually emailed Alison who responded to me simply saying 'Read the book and follow it' I was so worried about implementing the routine and taking his dummy away... but I did it and we now have a calm baby who sleeps.... honestly couldn't be simpler. Anybody struggling just go for it.... x


I have started this today! I am already shocked at how well it works!! So simple and my son is so much more relaxed already!


Fantastic book and a plan that really does work. It was an absolute saviour for me, especially the excellent chapter on reflux, which both my boys suffered with. Thank you Alison!


An amazing and truly wonderful lady! Thank you for all your help with our little man, even at 18 months old he still responded to the positive changes! Life is so much better, you are a miracle worker xxx


Alison, I'm writing this as Evie is having her 3rd long nap of the day :). We can't thank you enough for giving us your expert advice us over the past few weeks and coming out to see us at such short notice. We have learnt so much and you have not only helped our little girl to be more settled already but we feel you have really helped us relax as well. You are incredibly knowledgeable, calming and have an amazing gift. We know if we continue to implement your plan then we will continue to see positive changes and will finally be able to enjoy our family life together after 6 months.Thank you again, Natalie, Andrew and Evie xxx


Alison is brilliant, don't know what we would have done without her, highly recommend!!.



I truly cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart & all my families heart for helping us with Lily! I am in tears as I write this - as you really do have a special gift, not only with the babies you work with but also the mummies & daddies too- we put all our faith & trust in you & you magically have given Lily the gift to be able to sleep entirely independently (no dummy - & 12 hours a night!!!!) & to feed properly & as a consequence develop! Lily is now not in a traumatised state whilst feeding & is not sleep deprived! We must all remember that sleep deprivation is a form of torture!

I totally believed in you - however I did not think you could do the impossible but you did!!!!!!

I/we were at desperation point & needed your expertise, help & confidence to get our baby girl Lily to a place of calm & happiness - how you managed to do this in only 3 days/nights - it still feels like I'm in a dream!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! These words just do not seem enough for what you have done for us!

My only biggest regret was not finding you with our 1st daughter Florence who has endured years of sleepless nights!

With the help of the gastro specialist paediatrician diagnosing her with severe reflux & Cows Milk Protein Allergy & with your knowledge on how to implement it all - I truly believe you have saved us of years of struggling!


Love Rachel & family (& special kisses from Lily) xxx


What can I say? Alison is an absolute miracle worker! Last night was the first night in 6 months where my baby didn't wake 7+ times per night needing rocking and feeding back to sleep each time...and no dummy and feedings! 2 wake ups all night lasting no longer than 20mins and he self settled without any horrific distress I could hear that he was actually learning something! I still can't quite believe this happened. The plan is simple and makes so much sense (which is essential when you're as sleep deprived as I was!) I'm only at the start of our journey to 12hrs uninterrupted sleep but with Alison I know it's totally achievable. I'm going into night two motivated and confident regardless of what little man throws my way! I will write a full description in a few days when I can see the how things work out but would recommend Alison and her sleep solution to anyone!!


The best thing that ever happened to our family!


Put simply, Alison literally changed my life! My 6 month old little girl was waking every 2 hours in the night for feeds and although I had been regimental with my daily routine she would still wake screaming after only 30mins during her naps. I instinctively new that something was “not quite right” but persevered and thought she may just grow out of it. Eventually I asked for help from Alison. She is the most wonderful lady whose knowledge and understanding of babies, and her obvious care for the wellbeing of both babies and parents is her main priority.

She new straight away that my daughter had been suffering with silent reflux and an allergy to dairy, all of which I had never considered. With her help, guidance and support she showed me how to make changes to my daughters sleeping position, diet, medication advice, and complete education into silent reflux. I was absolutely amazed with her knowledge. In just 1 day I had a little girl who slept soundly In the day. By 2 days I had a little girl who not only slept beautifully during her naps, but started sleeping through the night too. She has slept through the night ever since and not only that, my little girl is so happy and content, all thanks to


I am not normally one to post or comment online, but I feel so strongly about how Alison has helped me. My daughter was obviously in pain, and I was told on numerous occasions that “she’s probably just a hungry baby”, or “she will grow out of it soon” or “it’s just a developmental phase”. For me, it was not necessary that she wasn’t sleeping through that was the main problem, it was more the regularity that she woke, and the way she cried. Without Alison’s help I never would have realised she had silent reflux, and it makes me very sad that she could have continued to suffer.

I now know that if not treated properly reflux can continue to manifest itself in children as they get older in numerous ways, both physically, emotionally and mentally. I hope that this post helps other parents out there who are possibly experiencing the same as my family. I cannot recommend or thank Alison enough.

Thank you Alison. You are truly wonderful!



Paula got an ear infection at 6 months then she couldn't sleep alone anymore it got worse and worse until she was waking up every 2hours at 11months.

My sister heard of your book from a friend we read it and in 3 nights she did nights of 10h40 to 13h30. We are improving our couple relationship now that we are back with sleep!! Thank you so much!


Our son Freddie was born in August 2017 and was bottle fed from day 1. For the first 4 months of his life he was in and out of hospital and the doctor’s surgery. We tried just about every type of milk under the sun but he still did not enjoy feeding. Reflux, lactose intolerance and a host of other ailments were diagnosed however no one in the NHS was able to prescribe a cure. His low milk intake resulting in a negative spiral of bad sleeping and worse feeding and it is fair to say the whole family was suffering from severe sleep exhaustion. Alison come to stay for 3 nights. By the end of her stay Freddie was sleeping through the night and taking more milk and having 3 naps in the day. Post Alison leaving we were nervous that we would undo her good work. Thankfully she has been on hand to answer any questions no matter how big or small. Freddie is a happy little boy now.

Alison thank you once again for changing our lives. Just in time for Christmas.


I was at my wits end with our 3rd baby... he wasn't sleeping and we couldn't work out where we were going wrong. I actually emailed Alison who responded to me simply saying 'Read the book and follow it' I was so worried about implementing the routine and taking his dummy away... but I did it and we now have a calm baby who sleeps.... honestly couldn't be simpler. Anybody struggling just go for it.... x


I have started this today! I am already shocked at how well it works!! So simple and my son is so much more relaxed already!


Fantastic book and a plan that really does work. It was an absolute saviour for me, especially the excellent chapter on reflux, which both my boys suffered with. Thank you Alison!


An amazing and truly wonderful lady! Thank you for all your help with our little man, even at 18 months old he still responded to the positive changes! Life is so much better, you are a miracle worker xxx


Alison, I'm writing this as Evie is having her 3rd long nap of the day :). We can't thank you enough for giving us your expert advice us over the past few weeks and coming out to see us at such short notice. We have learnt so much and you have not only helped our little girl to be more settled already but we feel you have really helped us relax as well. You are incredibly knowledgeable, calming and have an amazing gift. We know if we continue to implement your plan then we will continue to see positive changes and will finally be able to enjoy our family life together after 6 months.Thank you again, Natalie, Andrew and Evie xxx


Alison is brilliant, don't know what we would have done without her, highly recommend!!.

More about Alison Scott-Wright

Alison Scott-Wright is located at London, United Kingdom