All I Ask Stand With Trump /Pence-Powered By Friends Of Trump Uk

About All I Ask Stand With Trump /Pence-Powered By Friends Of Trump Uk

Black Activists For Donald J. Trump -Powered by Friends of Trump UK in association with conservatives core supporters group ethnic minority affairs UK.



Live from UK:ūüôé‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹOk, I've had enough of puffy McCain and liberally owned Fox News hiring Donna Brazile and Paul Ryan. So, I'm going to work now and last night i had a dream Obama and Hillary are in jail. Will you join me in my deplorable fantasy? ūü§£ūüáļūüáłūüáļūüáłūü§£


Britain is the pride of 53 Commonwealth Countries. The Westminster elite forget the majority of the country voted for Brexit! We need President Trump here in the UK to #DrainTheSwamp in Westminister. ~Augustine Obodo,UK Leader Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł


Live from UK: President Trump will defend Presidential authority to enforce United States immigration laws and protect the American people.says~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo,UK Leader Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł


Live from UK: President Trump will defend Presidential authority to enforce United States immigration laws and protect the American people. says~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo,UK Leader Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł


Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł promotes @realDonaldTrump is the very definition of the American success story, ‚Äúpublic policies that strengthen America‚Äôs economy, culture, and national security.‚ÄĚand championing a strong modern UK-US 'Specialūüá¨ūüáßūüáļūüáłūüáģūüáĪ Relationship'ūüá¨ūüáßūüáļūüáł ūüá¨ūüáß commitment to work together on key national security challenges and economic opportunities. #Trump2020 says ~Augustine Chukwuma.Obodo, Group CEO/Founder Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł UK.Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016 in London; United Kingdom..In association with Conservatives Core Supporters Group Ethnic Miniority Affairs, 10 Elm Road Sidcup DA14 6AA, Kent United Kingdom.ūüá¨ūüáß ūüá¨ūüáßWrote & approve this message !Join Us: PLEASE SHARE !


Follow Friends Of Trump UK on twitter ( @trump_friends) Trump is the very definition of the American success story.#MAGA #GetInvolved -President Trump is coming to the UK again and we the people are coming ...ūüáļūüáłūüáļūüáłūüáļūüáł #BuildthatWall #TeamTrump #StandWithTRUMP #FriendsofTrumpUK Promoted by Augustine Chukwuma.Obodo, Group CEO/Founder Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł UK.Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016 in London; United Kingdom..In association with Conser...vatives Core Supporters Group Ethnic Miniority Affairs, 10 Elm Road Sidcup DA14 6AA, Kent United Kingdom.ūüá¨ūüáß ūüá¨ūüáßWrote & approve this message !Join Us: PLEASE SHARE !
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We are so thankful United States have a President that puts his country first. I think he is a wonderful President. Everything he has done has worked out for the benefit of mankind. Thank you LORD for sending Donald Trump. The Dems just can't figure out the magic..This is the Lord's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.‚ÄĚ says ~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK Leader Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł


Live from the Greater City of London ūüáļūüáł Isn‚Äôt it nice. Finally. After years of failures from previous administration. United States finally have a President who makes Americans of all races FIRST. ūüáļūüáł@realDonaldTrump is the very definition of the American success story.#MAGA #GetInvolved #SpecialRelationship! says~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK leader Friends Of Trump UK ūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs'ūüá¨ūüáßūüáļūüáł


Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł We are Commonwealth Biggest Pro-Trump Movement across sub-Saharan Africa,Middle East North Africa (MENA ) region @realDonaldTrump is the very definition of the American success story.#MAGA #GetInvolved #SpecialRelationship!


If there was ever a reason to leave on the 29th March and go to WTO it‚Äôs this...If anyone is damned to hell, surely that would be EU President Tusk's own Nazi grandfather, not Brexiteers! Donald Tusk unelected President of the European Council is already in hell says~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK leader Friends Of Trump UK ūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs'ūüá¨ūüáßūüáļūüáł


Friends Of Trump UKūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł is 100%#POTUS #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall #TeamTrump #TeamTrump2020 #MAGA #TeamTrump #FOTUKTeam #Trump2020 #Trump2020LandSlide In Sidcup, Sidcup is a district of south-east London, England, primarily in the London Borough of Bexley. Located 11.3 miles south east of Charing Cross, it borders the London Boroughs of Bromley and Greenwich. It is in the historic county of Kent.#GetInvolved.ūüá¨ūüáßsays~Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK leader Friends Of Trump UK ūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs


PM Theresa May loses MPs’ vote on Brexit deal by 432 votes to 202 - the biggest government defeat in history.
Now let's have a No deal and crash out on the 29th March on WTO terms.


PM Theresa May loses MPs’ vote on Brexit deal by 432 votes to 202 - the biggest government defeat in history.
Now let's have a No deal and crash out on the 29th March on WTO terms.


Brexit: Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK Leader Friends of Trump UK ūüá¨ūüáß& Commonwealth Affairs ūüáļūüáł Urges MP's To Remain United, Uphold Democratic Value ..No deal is still better than a bad deal. #LeaveMeansLeave


United States Have Illegal Aliens Crossing Our Border Every Day
ūüĎČSome Are Drug Smugglers, Rapists, Terrorist, Child Traffickers And MS-13 Gang Members
End This Insanity And Call Schumer & Pelosi, Tell Them To Fund The Wall
... Schumer 202-224-6542 Pelosi 202-225-4965
#FundTheWall #MAGA ~Promoted by Augustine Chukwuma Obodo, UK Leader Friends Of Trump-Powered by National Council of the Friends Of Trump UKūüí•ūüá¨ūüáßūüáļūüáłūüáģūüáĪūüí• & Commonwealth Affairs 10 Elm Road Sidcup DA14 6AA, Kent United Kingdom.ūüá¨ūüáß ūüá¨ūüáßWrote & approve this message !Join Us:
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User‚Ķ! No going back on President Trump's Re-Election 2020! "The Movement Continues-The Work Begins"@POTUS @realDonaldTrump is the very definition of the American success story.#MAGA #GetInvolved.ūüá¨ūüáßūüĎć.ūüá¨ūüáßūüĎćūüá ļūüáł #MAGA ūüáļūüáł says Augustine Chukwuma Obodo UK Leader Friends Of Trump (London UK .ūüá¨ūüáßūüĎć.ūüá¨ūüáßūüĎćūüáļūüáł )

More about All I Ask Stand With Trump /Pence-Powered By Friends Of Trump Uk

All I Ask Stand With Trump /Pence-Powered By Friends Of Trump Uk is located at 20 Granville Road, DA14 4 London, United Kingdom