Alphabet Barn

About Alphabet Barn

Alphabet Barn is a shop which sells personalised gifts � all of which arw our very own designs and usually made to order!

Alphabet Barn Description

Alphabet Barn is a small retail shop I run from the comfort of my own home. I design the product and do all the creative part of the job. . . I get a buzz from turning my craft ideas into real life product. At the moment I sell via my Amazon and Ebay shops, but am currently building my own website. I work every day, here and there, around my two little munchkins. Thanks to my smart phone I am very responsive to messages! ! !



A little engraved train is on it’s way to Stanley today! Hope you like it Stanley (super cute name btw). I am just wondering about making the train 🚂 in some other colours... mint green seems popular right now, red, pink? What are your nursery / child’s room colours?


Half term...I usually head to the grandparents for a few days!! I totally love 💕 it....and if I am I am lucky I might get an afternoon off whilst there!! What exciting plans do you people have for half term?


Happy Friday everyone!!! Yippee. And it’s also half term, double whoop 🙌🏼....well sort’s fun but the work life balance goes a but crazy as all work gets done in the evenings!! I guess at least I have two child models on hand 😂...see pic (that’s George not hunter...but he did oblige for the pic). Any tips for entertaining two crazy boys around Hertfordshire next week do let me know!!!


This time of year is always quite quiet for I am taking the opportunity to have a big sort and Spring Clean! I came across a lovely half finished blanket I had crocheted...for my eldest son (who is now 8).
So thinking 💭 I may never finish it as the crochet fad has passed and the children are not babys 🍼 any more, I put it to good use in a product photography shot. As you know I ❤️ a bit of an arty shot!
Please tell me I am not the only person out there who never seems to finish a project!!?!


Since Valentines day is approaching I thought I would ask!!! 💕. I have one....when I first started seeing my now husband I parked my car 🚗 outside his house with one wheel on a yellow line. The next morning I had got a parking ticket but he took the ticket and paid it before I got up. I only found out at our wedding 2 years later. Aww love that story so much 💓.


Today I am spending the day with my favourite 5 year old!! It’s just the two of us because his older brother and dad have gone to watch the football ⚽️.
The house jobs are all done and all urgent work things ticked off 😊
And we are heading to @broadwaycinema letchworth for Lego movie 2🍿.
... Hope u all have a good day🌈. What are you all up to?
Ps he won the panda 🐼 at a school fair’s massive and he wants us to take it to the cinema with us!!!
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Sent one of these clouds ☁️ out today...and thinking what a cute name Dolores is! I went for quite traditional and easy to spell names for my boys because we have a really long and hard to spell surname. Sometimes I wish we had been a bit more adventurous tho!! I really liked Coco and Anastasia as more unusual girl names 😊. What’s your favourite unusual name?


A little bit of cuteness for your Thursday night!! Any excuse to get the jellycat teddy out...we are big fans in my family. My boys take their teddy bears to bed ages 5 & 8...and I was well into my teens when I stopped having a comfort hanky eek 😬 is that bad!!! How old were u when you grew out of having a fave teddy or comforter? @ Hitchin


Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 💫⭐️🎈It’s the year of the pig 🐖.This was a Chinese New Year wishing tree I came across at Heathrow airport....people added their wishes onto a flower and hung it on the tree....see my stories for some of the wishes people put on the flowers.
My wish is for more kindness in the world. 💕What do you wish for this Chinese New Year?


54 years!! What an achievement!! I have been married for 10 years this summer 😊 💕. I wonder if you still feel romantic and send gifts 🎁 to each other after 54 years?


This is a new one ☝🏽 I have been working on since Xmas. I spent ages tweaking the design but super happy with result. The only question now is which colour ribbon...shall I play it safe with cream, or zhuzch it up with a colour? What do you reckon?


We are due some more ❄️!! What’s it like where you are?


I love... finish this sentence! The winner (chosen by me!!) gets one of these fab wooden plaques delivered to you door. Comp closes 4pm tomorrow!


This is my work lodge looking very chocolate box like today. It’s too cold to work in there but makes a nice pic 😂.
Today I am finishing accounts...leaving it to the wire as usual. But posted this as it’s more exciting to look at than a file of receipts!
What’s the weather like near you? I am hoping no more snow...I am ready to bring on the summer now ☀️


Just a little thank you from me today as I have reached that baby step milestone of 300 followers...yippee. Thanks 🙏🏽 you lovely people people for being sociable with’s much appreciated. Been enjoying our Insta journey so far.
Perhaps I should be saying Dankerschon since I am currently in Germany 🇩🇪 at @Christmasworld trade show checking out new xmas trends!
I never did German at school as that was only for people in set 1 at French and sadly I didn’t make the grade ☹️. Let me know any useful German phrases you know and I can test them out!!


Going here tomorrow!!!! OMG how exciting. Looking for Xmas trends for next year / having a mini break with my mum!!!


Just a little motto of mine! Be kind in business...because it’s a good way to be. We are all here to do out best right? 😍


I have done quite a few photography shots this week as I have been housebound with sick 🤢 kids. I tried this one because I wanted to get a more boyzy (is that even a word) look.
Have also ordered some oversized ones as I think they would be good so just waiting for samples of those to names to put on the wall if you can imagine that.
Let me know if you think that would be a good idea 💡. My only thought is how you would attach it to the wall - getting a bit and all that. But will get the resident odd job man (husband) to have a go as I am not to be trusted on that kind of thing and don’t wanna bang a nail into something important.
Happy Friday night everyone.
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Today I needed a lot of caffeine to keep going. The small people in the family have not been well and last night was 🤮 filled!
I just got 1 back to school and number 2 came down with it 😱. Anyway I am hoping🤞🏻 we are over the worst after he had a massive afternoon nap 💤
I wish I could have had a nap too...but the show must go on and I powered on through with 🍫 and 🍵.
... Looking for a least I didn’t have to worry about going into work...cos I work for myself. I am soo grateful for that.
What gets you through days like this?
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Lovely product, great price and super fast turnaround, would definitely recommend x

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