Amnesty International Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Amnesty International Uk

Amnesty International in the UK - standing up for human rights across the world, wherever justice, freedom, fairness and truth are denied



Can’t face the bother of catching a flight and would rather holiday close to home? Why not consider one of these UK human rights hotspots. Discover now:


The government's #Windrush review fails to address the UK's 'hostile' immigration policy. If the Home Office continues to deny its systematic problem of policy and culture, many more will face similar injustices. Reducing the extortionate fees that children are required to pay just for registering their British citizenship would be a good start. Take action now:…/home-offic e-stop-profiteering-…


We have heard that Alejandra is not well. Despite experiencing 11 days of headaches, vomiting and nosebleeds last month, she still hasn't received a proper diagnosis or adequate and appropriate medical attention. Tell #ICE to #FreeAlejandra then share.…/free-trans -rights-activist-Ale…


Trade agreements have impacts on the whole spectrum of human rights. Which is why we're calling for greater public consultation and parliamentary scrutiny around trade negotiations. Find out more in our blog: #TradeBill


Thanks to everyone that tuned in and came along to our protest against Donald J. Trump's #humanrights nightmare. We won't stop til it's over! Here's a round up of all the spooky stunts we got up to during the visit:


Egyptian activist, Amal Fathy is still being detained just for sharing her experiences of sexual harassment in a Facebook post. Yesterday, the state security prosecutor cruelly extended her detention for another 15 days. Her health is also suffering – she currently can't walk without help and is having difficulty sleeping. Rather than giving her the correct medication, she has been told by the prison doctor to stop "acting". Please call for Amal's immediate release:


Hey Donald J. Trump we were at your golf course in Turnberry recently too. Frightfully nice place.


If you couldn’t be with us today you can still take action by tweeting at Trump and joining Trump Watch here


Marching into Westminster like.... 👹💀🎃


We’re live from the #BringTheNoise march protesting the #HumanRightsNighmare that’s Donald J. Trump. Make your own racket by tweeting Trump here -


For anyone attending the march today we're starting to gather outside Regent's Park tube station.


Our warm welcome to Donald J. Trump today from Vauxhall Bridge, facing U.S. Embassy London. Please join us on the Trump March tomorrow at 12pm, Portland Place and help us #BringTheNoise. More info here:


Join our human rights nightmare bloc at the Trump March tomorrow for more spooky stunts and ghoulish japes - 8550217/?ti=ia


When there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Trump Watch! Join us in our fight back against the #humanrights nightmare. More:


Iranian instagrammer, Maedeh Hojabri has been arrested just for expressing her creativity and sharing her love of #dance with the world. #DancingIsNotACrime! So this morning we had no choice but to dance in solidarity with Maedeh, and all the other women of Iran. Join them - why not share your own video. #FreeMaedeh


And though you fight to stay alive Your body starts to slump For no mere mortal can resist The evil of the Trump
... Join us on Friday the 13th to #BringTheNoise and protest Trump's UK visit!
See More


Trans rights activist Alejandra suffered repeated sexual assaults from gangs and the military. She fled El Salvador to the U.S. but now they've locked her up unfairly awaiting her asylum hearing. This #Pride call on Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release Alejandra immediately:


Tep Vanny, seen in tears in this clip, is now jailed just for defending her home. Please help us secure her release by sending an instant email to the Primie Minister of Cambodia here:


This Summer… Donald J. Trump is… A Nightmare On Any Street. Join our #humanrights nightmare bloc and #BringTheNoise to protest #Trump’s UK visit, meeting at Regent’s Park tube from 11am on Friday the 13th of July. Event here:


What I have seemed to have seen is oppression all over being denounced not just Israel being singled out but Saudi Arabia and Iran and other countries denounced too


We should never forget how fortunate we are in having the freedoms we enjoy here in the United Kingdom - people around the world give their lives to fight for a fraction of the freedoms we take for granted... Great work from Amnesty in defending those less fortunate.


Protest against bigotry, racism and misogyny every day; all year... I’ve rejoined membership of AmnestyInternational UK today, 13.7.18, while the 100,000s in London and in many cities throughout UK show their disgust at Trump’s vile policies regarding immigration and people’s welfare needs; horrendous disregard for the environment and his ignorant comments adding fuel to combustible international situations. Trump’s egomania, disregard for facts, blatant lies, support for neo-Nazis and his sickening misogyny cannot be normalised. Fight it today. Fight it every day.


Is a good organization but please come to the rescue of the Nigerian Christians especially the middle beltans(north central).The killings there is so much that the Fulani herdsmen equals human life with that of a cow. Urgent attention is needed.


I appreciate the hard work and effort put in by all at amnesty international for supporting and speaking for people in times of need. Well done! I also believe in women’s rights to choose what happens to their own body.


Fantastic Charity. I am very happy to see them supporting women's right to choose right around the world . Go Amnesty!


Connect with a solution to all your problems .what type of situation are you are you broke, do you want to find your true love ,do you want to have your own child are you suffering a sickness that you think has no cure, do you want to close your court Cases .worry no more with the help of this great priestess Nana agradaa your problems are over. for quicker response message +2348054024959 no problem with out a solution.


I have supported Amnesty financially and by writing letters and emails for three decades and have written many letters and emails to governments around the world. They do some fantastic work and have achieved many amazing successes.

However, I am seriously disgusted that they are lacking in any understanding about womanhood and women's place in society, as evidenced by their recent appointment of a transwoman who is blatantly misogynistic, as the host for the recent Women in History event. This appalling decision was highlighted by the fact that the people who were mentioned by Shon / Sean Faye were transwomen only, and not one woman was referenced. I do not believe for one minute that Amnesty could not have found a single woman who was more suitable for the task, than a transwoman. Biology does exist and being female is more than just a 'feeling'.

I will continue to write letters and emails for Amnesty and support their work by actions, but am ending my direct debit and giving my money to a different charity.


Why You didn't do anything to save Alfie Evans? where have you been AmnestyI? Just shows who you really are!!! “We have a law, and according to that law he must die " (John 19,7)


Once a respected organisation, now a Soros/globalist shill. It's perfectly evident Tommy Robinson is illegally imprisoned, in life endangering circumstances for political reasons, but does this organisation care?


I used to support your organisation, however given your seeming vendetta against the Jewish State I must unlike. All the campaigns you run against Israel, a gay friendly democracy I might add, yet I see nothing or barely nothing about Tibet, China murdering political prisoners in order to harvest their organs, the anti gay genocide in Chechnya, the anti Semitism in the Arab world, the anti Chinese discrimination in Vietnam and Malaysia, nor do I hear anything about the Honduran government’s discrimination against the culturally British inhabitants of Saint Helene. Did you even know about that last one?

It seems to me and surely any fair minded observer that you have a specific bee your bonnet about Israel and I don’t want to be associated with those double standards.


I am really quite horrified by the anti-semitic rhetoric of Amnesty International, a movement I had respect for prior to this blatant prejudice. Yes, some of the Israelis have behaved horribly towards the Palestinians but to suggest it's a one way fight is quite frankly disgusting. Where is the campaigning to support Israeli victims of Palestinian assaults? What's more this movement which claims to be a human rights movement is actively attempting to destabilise Israel, the only middle eastern democracy which is also preventing total war across the entire area, with this pro-Palestinian rhetoric. The lack of understanding and sensitivity to one of the most complex conflicts in world history really makes this movement laughable.


Having caught them out misleading people I now don’t trust anything they say which is very unfortunate as I am know there are some very worthy causes to support but I won’t do it through Amnesty now.


Clearly a politically motivated organisation. I always believed that amnesty international were there to assist people who were locked up unfairly but it seems that is only the case if you agree with them politically.

Agree with them or stay a political prisoner?!?!

Quite ironic really


Can’t believe how much amnesty has changed in recent years. Lost all support for this organisation, particularly in respect of your stance on pushing for pro-abortion laws......and you are supposed to be a human rights charity.....surely there is no greater human right than the right to your life! Shame on you.


Blind hatred fuelled by identity politics and liberal propaganda (big government keeping them dependent). A group of people holding themselves down and choosing to focus on their feelings rather than objective and realistic efforts. Most don't have a clue about policy and are professional victims on the bottom of the financial tiers by their own accord. They are comfortable on the bottom. They thrive on people feeling sorry for them. It's "fashionable" to be leftist and they have fallen into the trap. They support the delusions of the mentally ill rather than trying to find treatments. They don't want the right to defend themselves and would rather leave their fate in the hands of the government which has already bitten off more than it can chew in every area. They support the killing of unborn children mainly because they can't take responsibility for their actions. Not motivated. Anti-social scum of the earth.


Anti Israel propaganda, showing a really superficial view of the conflict. I shall never donate to them and shall boycott their stores.


Amnesty UK supports people who blow up a pizza shop in Israel. What racist pigs are Amnesty Uk???


Amnesty International promoting abortion anywhere in the world is a disgusting example of perversity.

Opposing the death penalty is the right thing to do.

But a fetus is never given a fair trial, nor any trial at all.

A fetus is never given legal representation.

A fetus is below the age of criminal responsibility.

A fetus is unable to commit any crime, because he/she lacks the means and opportunity.

A fetus is innocent.

It would be logical and ethically consistent for Amnesty International to stand up for the right to life of unborn children, stand up for the 8th Amendment in Ireland, and oppose abortion worldwide. But AI not only fails to stand up for unborn children, it actually promotes abortion. That is perverse.

Shamnesty international.

AI will not get a penny from me until it becomes Pro-Life.


What I have seemed to have seen is oppression all over being denounced not just Israel being singled out but Saudi Arabia and Iran and other countries denounced too


We should never forget how fortunate we are in having the freedoms we enjoy here in the United Kingdom - people around the world give their lives to fight for a fraction of the freedoms we take for granted... Great work from Amnesty in defending those less fortunate.


Protest against bigotry, racism and misogyny every day; all year... I’ve rejoined membership of AmnestyInternational UK today, 13.7.18, while the 100,000s in London and in many cities throughout UK show their disgust at Trump’s vile policies regarding immigration and people’s welfare needs; horrendous disregard for the environment and his ignorant comments adding fuel to combustible international situations. Trump’s egomania, disregard for facts, blatant lies, support for neo-Nazis and his sickening misogyny cannot be normalised. Fight it today. Fight it every day.


Is a good organization but please come to the rescue of the Nigerian Christians especially the middle beltans(north central).The killings there is so much that the Fulani herdsmen equals human life with that of a cow. Urgent attention is needed.


I appreciate the hard work and effort put in by all at amnesty international for supporting and speaking for people in times of need. Well done! I also believe in women’s rights to choose what happens to their own body.


Fantastic Charity. I am very happy to see them supporting women's right to choose right around the world . Go Amnesty!


Connect with a solution to all your problems .what type of situation are you are you broke, do you want to find your true love ,do you want to have your own child are you suffering a sickness that you think has no cure, do you want to close your court Cases .worry no more with the help of this great priestess Nana agradaa your problems are over. for quicker response message +2348054024959 no problem with out a solution.


I have supported Amnesty financially and by writing letters and emails for three decades and have written many letters and emails to governments around the world. They do some fantastic work and have achieved many amazing successes.

However, I am seriously disgusted that they are lacking in any understanding about womanhood and women's place in society, as evidenced by their recent appointment of a transwoman who is blatantly misogynistic, as the host for the recent Women in History event. This appalling decision was highlighted by the fact that the people who were mentioned by Shon / Sean Faye were transwomen only, and not one woman was referenced. I do not believe for one minute that Amnesty could not have found a single woman who was more suitable for the task, than a transwoman. Biology does exist and being female is more than just a 'feeling'.

I will continue to write letters and emails for Amnesty and support their work by actions, but am ending my direct debit and giving my money to a different charity.


Why You didn't do anything to save Alfie Evans? where have you been AmnestyI? Just shows who you really are!!! “We have a law, and according to that law he must die " (John 19,7)


Once a respected organisation, now a Soros/globalist shill. It's perfectly evident Tommy Robinson is illegally imprisoned, in life endangering circumstances for political reasons, but does this organisation care?


I used to support your organisation, however given your seeming vendetta against the Jewish State I must unlike. All the campaigns you run against Israel, a gay friendly democracy I might add, yet I see nothing or barely nothing about Tibet, China murdering political prisoners in order to harvest their organs, the anti gay genocide in Chechnya, the anti Semitism in the Arab world, the anti Chinese discrimination in Vietnam and Malaysia, nor do I hear anything about the Honduran government’s discrimination against the culturally British inhabitants of Saint Helene. Did you even know about that last one?

It seems to me and surely any fair minded observer that you have a specific bee your bonnet about Israel and I don’t want to be associated with those double standards.


I am really quite horrified by the anti-semitic rhetoric of Amnesty International, a movement I had respect for prior to this blatant prejudice. Yes, some of the Israelis have behaved horribly towards the Palestinians but to suggest it's a one way fight is quite frankly disgusting. Where is the campaigning to support Israeli victims of Palestinian assaults? What's more this movement which claims to be a human rights movement is actively attempting to destabilise Israel, the only middle eastern democracy which is also preventing total war across the entire area, with this pro-Palestinian rhetoric. The lack of understanding and sensitivity to one of the most complex conflicts in world history really makes this movement laughable.


Having caught them out misleading people I now don’t trust anything they say which is very unfortunate as I am know there are some very worthy causes to support but I won’t do it through Amnesty now.


Clearly a politically motivated organisation. I always believed that amnesty international were there to assist people who were locked up unfairly but it seems that is only the case if you agree with them politically.

Agree with them or stay a political prisoner?!?!

Quite ironic really


Can’t believe how much amnesty has changed in recent years. Lost all support for this organisation, particularly in respect of your stance on pushing for pro-abortion laws......and you are supposed to be a human rights charity.....surely there is no greater human right than the right to your life! Shame on you.


Blind hatred fuelled by identity politics and liberal propaganda (big government keeping them dependent). A group of people holding themselves down and choosing to focus on their feelings rather than objective and realistic efforts. Most don't have a clue about policy and are professional victims on the bottom of the financial tiers by their own accord. They are comfortable on the bottom. They thrive on people feeling sorry for them. It's "fashionable" to be leftist and they have fallen into the trap. They support the delusions of the mentally ill rather than trying to find treatments. They don't want the right to defend themselves and would rather leave their fate in the hands of the government which has already bitten off more than it can chew in every area. They support the killing of unborn children mainly because they can't take responsibility for their actions. Not motivated. Anti-social scum of the earth.


Anti Israel propaganda, showing a really superficial view of the conflict. I shall never donate to them and shall boycott their stores.


Amnesty UK supports people who blow up a pizza shop in Israel. What racist pigs are Amnesty Uk???


Amnesty International promoting abortion anywhere in the world is a disgusting example of perversity.

Opposing the death penalty is the right thing to do.

But a fetus is never given a fair trial, nor any trial at all.

A fetus is never given legal representation.

A fetus is below the age of criminal responsibility.

A fetus is unable to commit any crime, because he/she lacks the means and opportunity.

A fetus is innocent.

It would be logical and ethically consistent for Amnesty International to stand up for the right to life of unborn children, stand up for the 8th Amendment in Ireland, and oppose abortion worldwide. But AI not only fails to stand up for unborn children, it actually promotes abortion. That is perverse.

Shamnesty international.

AI will not get a penny from me until it becomes Pro-Life.


What I have seemed to have seen is oppression all over being denounced not just Israel being singled out but Saudi Arabia and Iran and other countries denounced too


We should never forget how fortunate we are in having the freedoms we enjoy here in the United Kingdom - people around the world give their lives to fight for a fraction of the freedoms we take for granted... Great work from Amnesty in defending those less fortunate.


Protest against bigotry, racism and misogyny every day; all year... I’ve rejoined membership of AmnestyInternational UK today, 13.7.18, while the 100,000s in London and in many cities throughout UK show their disgust at Trump’s vile policies regarding immigration and people’s welfare needs; horrendous disregard for the environment and his ignorant comments adding fuel to combustible international situations. Trump’s egomania, disregard for facts, blatant lies, support for neo-Nazis and his sickening misogyny cannot be normalised. Fight it today. Fight it every day.


Is a good organization but please come to the rescue of the Nigerian Christians especially the middle beltans(north central).The killings there is so much that the Fulani herdsmen equals human life with that of a cow. Urgent attention is needed.


I appreciate the hard work and effort put in by all at amnesty international for supporting and speaking for people in times of need. Well done! I also believe in women’s rights to choose what happens to their own body.


Fantastic Charity. I am very happy to see them supporting women's right to choose right around the world . Go Amnesty!


Connect with a solution to all your problems .what type of situation are you are you broke, do you want to find your true love ,do you want to have your own child are you suffering a sickness that you think has no cure, do you want to close your court Cases .worry no more with the help of this great priestess Nana agradaa your problems are over. for quicker response message +2348054024959 no problem with out a solution.


I have supported Amnesty financially and by writing letters and emails for three decades and have written many letters and emails to governments around the world. They do some fantastic work and have achieved many amazing successes.

However, I am seriously disgusted that they are lacking in any understanding about womanhood and women's place in society, as evidenced by their recent appointment of a transwoman who is blatantly misogynistic, as the host for the recent Women in History event. This appalling decision was highlighted by the fact that the people who were mentioned by Shon / Sean Faye were transwomen only, and not one woman was referenced. I do not believe for one minute that Amnesty could not have found a single woman who was more suitable for the task, than a transwoman. Biology does exist and being female is more than just a 'feeling'.

I will continue to write letters and emails for Amnesty and support their work by actions, but am ending my direct debit and giving my money to a different charity.


Why You didn't do anything to save Alfie Evans? where have you been AmnestyI? Just shows who you really are!!! “We have a law, and according to that law he must die " (John 19,7)


Once a respected organisation, now a Soros/globalist shill. It's perfectly evident Tommy Robinson is illegally imprisoned, in life endangering circumstances for political reasons, but does this organisation care?


I used to support your organisation, however given your seeming vendetta against the Jewish State I must unlike. All the campaigns you run against Israel, a gay friendly democracy I might add, yet I see nothing or barely nothing about Tibet, China murdering political prisoners in order to harvest their organs, the anti gay genocide in Chechnya, the anti Semitism in the Arab world, the anti Chinese discrimination in Vietnam and Malaysia, nor do I hear anything about the Honduran government’s discrimination against the culturally British inhabitants of Saint Helene. Did you even know about that last one?

It seems to me and surely any fair minded observer that you have a specific bee your bonnet about Israel and I don’t want to be associated with those double standards.


I am really quite horrified by the anti-semitic rhetoric of Amnesty International, a movement I had respect for prior to this blatant prejudice. Yes, some of the Israelis have behaved horribly towards the Palestinians but to suggest it's a one way fight is quite frankly disgusting. Where is the campaigning to support Israeli victims of Palestinian assaults? What's more this movement which claims to be a human rights movement is actively attempting to destabilise Israel, the only middle eastern democracy which is also preventing total war across the entire area, with this pro-Palestinian rhetoric. The lack of understanding and sensitivity to one of the most complex conflicts in world history really makes this movement laughable.


Having caught them out misleading people I now don’t trust anything they say which is very unfortunate as I am know there are some very worthy causes to support but I won’t do it through Amnesty now.


Clearly a politically motivated organisation. I always believed that amnesty international were there to assist people who were locked up unfairly but it seems that is only the case if you agree with them politically.

Agree with them or stay a political prisoner?!?!

Quite ironic really


Can’t believe how much amnesty has changed in recent years. Lost all support for this organisation, particularly in respect of your stance on pushing for pro-abortion laws......and you are supposed to be a human rights charity.....surely there is no greater human right than the right to your life! Shame on you.


Blind hatred fuelled by identity politics and liberal propaganda (big government keeping them dependent). A group of people holding themselves down and choosing to focus on their feelings rather than objective and realistic efforts. Most don't have a clue about policy and are professional victims on the bottom of the financial tiers by their own accord. They are comfortable on the bottom. They thrive on people feeling sorry for them. It's "fashionable" to be leftist and they have fallen into the trap. They support the delusions of the mentally ill rather than trying to find treatments. They don't want the right to defend themselves and would rather leave their fate in the hands of the government which has already bitten off more than it can chew in every area. They support the killing of unborn children mainly because they can't take responsibility for their actions. Not motivated. Anti-social scum of the earth.


Anti Israel propaganda, showing a really superficial view of the conflict. I shall never donate to them and shall boycott their stores.


Amnesty UK supports people who blow up a pizza shop in Israel. What racist pigs are Amnesty Uk???


Amnesty International promoting abortion anywhere in the world is a disgusting example of perversity.

Opposing the death penalty is the right thing to do.

But a fetus is never given a fair trial, nor any trial at all.

A fetus is never given legal representation.

A fetus is below the age of criminal responsibility.

A fetus is unable to commit any crime, because he/she lacks the means and opportunity.

A fetus is innocent.

It would be logical and ethically consistent for Amnesty International to stand up for the right to life of unborn children, stand up for the 8th Amendment in Ireland, and oppose abortion worldwide. But AI not only fails to stand up for unborn children, it actually promotes abortion. That is perverse.

Shamnesty international.

AI will not get a penny from me until it becomes Pro-Life.

More about Amnesty International Uk

Amnesty International Uk is located at 17-25 New Inn Yard, EC2A 3EA London, United Kingdom
+44 20 7033 1500
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -