Anca Mocanu

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anca Mocanu

Intuitive Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Workshop Facilitator

Anca Mocanu Description

Spiritual Mentor
intuitive Healer
Holistic Writer


I am still working on it but feel free to explore.


#selfawakening #ancamocanu #shadowwork #healing #selfawareness #authenticity #freedom #free #love #reiki #thetahealing #holistichealing #energyhealing #energyclearing #balancedbody #freeyourmind #spiritualawakening #spirituality #compassion #selflove #calm #mind #soul #life


In this WORKSHOP you will be:
✔️Learning about what the Shadow is and how to heal and integrate it as part of ourselves.
✔️Learning basic guide lines about Chakras and the role that each of them plays;
... ✔️Healing the unacknowledged sexual aspects of ourselves that are hidden in the shadow;
✔️Clearing the old limiting beliefs caused by the poor understanding of sexuality;
✔️Clearing the destructive patterns used in relationships caused by early experiences and education in the family of origin;
✔️Acknowledgement and clearing of the enormous hierarchical differentiation between men and women;
✔️Unblocking and enhancing your creativity in the process of healing the golden shadow.
For this Workshop you don't need any additional training or experience in any other healing techniques.
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Living our daily lives in complete ignorance might be for some of us sweet bliss, but is it really?
Change makes most people feel anxious and restless because it’s new and unknown. The whole process of getting to know ourselves deeply and completely in all aspects, is clearly a change. Everyone fears change.
A sort of ➖plastic spirituality➖as I prefer calling it, occurs when we show only our light to others (and to ourselves), pretending that we are enlightened when we atte...nd spiritual courses and the minute we live the room and go back to “the real world”, we switch back to being ourselves... whatever that may be (cranky, grumpy, angry, resentful, judgmental, revengeful, hostile, etc)
Do you know why this happens? 🔝
It’s because all that is written in between brackets it’s unacceptable and is not “proper” for a spiritual person.
If we want authentic spirituality in our lives we need Shadow Work.
Shadow work is a process of consciously accepting and relating properly to the shadow as opposed to repressing, projecting, acting out and remaining naively unconscious of its repudiated, denied, disavowed contents.
Why do we need it?
Shadow Work is a personal growth process which brings your hidden powers out of the shadow and into the light.
When the human Shadow is shunned, it tends to undermine and sabotage our lives. When our Shadows are suppressed or repressed in the unconscious long enough, they can even overtake our entire lives and causes psychosis or extreme forms of behaviour like:
Uncontrollable bursts of rage/anger; Greed and addictions; Phobias and obsessive compulsions; Intense anxiety; Chronic psychosomatic illness; Depression (which can turn into suicidal tendencies); Sexual perversion; Physically harming others; chaotic relationships with others, etc.
Thankfully, there is a way to explore the Shadow and prevent it from devouring our existence.
Looking forward to be seeing you in London, Saturday the 6th of October, in a safe container, in an atmosphere of complete privacy and safety where you will find yourself easily accessing very deep states of emotion, release, resolution, inspiration, creativity and peace.
I will gladly share with you, the experience, knowledge and information I gathered in many years of research and therapy work.
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“Oh, God... please make me good... but not just yet.”
Sounds familiar? Isn’t this the most eloquent description of procrastination?
What’s hidden underneath procrastination is fear of change, unknown and unacknowledged benefits, such as: it’s safer to be mediocre rather than shining; I get more attention and more love if I am sick, it’s better to not know what truly is inside of me because I might not like what I will find...
... Living our daily lives in complete ignorance might be for some of us sweet bliss, but is it really?
Change makes most people feel anxious and restless because it’s new and unknown. The whole process of getting to know ourselves deeply and completely in all aspects, is clearly a change. Everyone fears change.
A sort of ➖plastic spirituality➖as I prefer calling it, occurs when we show only our light to others (and to ourselves), pretending that we are enlightened when we attend spiritual courses and the minute we live the room and go back to “the real world”, we switch back to being ourselves... whatever that may be (cranky, grumpy, angry, resentful, judgmental, revengeful, hostile, etc)
Do you know why this happens? 🔝
It’s because all that is written in between brackets it’s unacceptable and is not “proper” for a spiritual person.
If we want authentic spirituality in our lives we need Shadow Work.
Shadow work is a process of consciously accepting and relating properly to the shadow as opposed to repressing, projecting, acting out and remaining naively unconscious of its repudiated, denied, disavowed contents.
Why do we need it?
Shadow Work is a personal growth process which brings your hidden powers out of the shadow and into the light.
When the human Shadow is shunned, it tends to undermine and sabotage our lives. When our Shadows are suppressed or repressed in the unconscious long enough, they can even overtake our entire lives and causes psychosis or extreme forms of behaviour like:
Uncontrollable bursts of rage/anger; Greed and addictions; Phobias and obsessive compulsions; Intense anxiety; Chronic psychosomatic illness; Depression (which can turn into suicidal tendencies); Sexual perversion; Physically harming others; chaotic relationships with others, etc.
Thankfully, there is a way to explore the Shadow and prevent it from devouring our existence.
Looking forward to be seeing you in London, Saturday the 6th of October, in a safe container, in an atmosphere of complete privacy and safety where you will find yourself easily accessing very deep states of emotion, release, resolution, inspiration, creativity and peace.
I will gladly share with you, the experience, knowledge and information I gathered in many years of research and therapy work.
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So happy and grateful for today’s workshop ❤️😇


#shadowwork #lookinside #healing #shadow #innerchildhealing #holistichealing #selfawareness #selfdevelopment #selflove #selfawakening #ancamocanu #sacredchakrahealing #divine #workshop #september8th2018 #london


In the royal garden surrounded by the perfume of the most beautiful roses #happylife #family #inlove #roses #hevercastle


What habit are you ready to let go of?


How far is it safe to follow someone and in what direction?
The most catastrophic depression occurs in people who have discovered that they have been spiritually deceived by their teacher/ master/ guru/ mentor. It’s important to have discernment in trusting someone that represent an authority. A real spiritual teacher will not make you sell everything and become a slave; they will not demand full time service and they will not restrict you in any way. A mentor’s purpose is to guide and empower you, open new perspectives of knowledge that lead to spiritual freedom, awareness and expanded consciousness. A right time to start questioning if your mentor is right for you is when they make you feel smaller, evil, less important, less worthy, less spiritual than them. If they put you down, that’s where they want you to be.


This WORKSHOP's purpose is:
✔️Learning about what the Shadow is and how to heal and integrate it as part of ourselves. ✔️Learning basic guide lines about Chakras and the role that each of them plays; ✔️Healing the unacknowledged sexual aspects of ourselves that are hidden in the shadow;... ✔️Acknowledgement and clearing of the beliefs inherited from the ancestors and the perpetuation of old limiting beliefs caused by the poor understanding of sexuality; ✔️Clearing the destructive patterns used in relationships caused by early experiences and education in the family of origin; ✔️Acknowledgement and clearing of the religious and cultural beliefs related to sexuality and family dynamics. The enormous hierarchical differentiation between men and women that is still applied in some countries - women are raised to please men; are never allowed to say no; are obligated to adjust their needs to the partners, etc.
For this Workshop you don't need any additional training or experience in any other healing techniques.
Early bird rate £44 until the 21st of August After 21st of August is £80.
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Minunat, felicitari și mult succes in tot ce faci

More about Anca Mocanu

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -