About Ancient Design

Ancient Design provide uniquely handmade and mouth blown glassware, the pieces follow the Golden Ratio and use the Flower of Life, each piece is individual

Ancient Design Description

Our quest for the most energising and harmonious design principle has lead us to the proportions of the Golden Ratio, which are – quite literally – Nature’s Design, and to the powerful symbol of the Flower of Life.

Years ago, when we first saw Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto’s pictures of water crystals, showing the difference which intention makes on the structure of water, we were very impressed. What fascinated us most at Nature’s Design was the positive change of the water’s structure, which arises from the conscious use of forms which are in harmony with the design principle of the natural world. Since then, a fascination with water and form has stayed with us.

That is what Nature’s Design stands for today: elegant, close to nature, and helpful products of quality for everyday use – and for the well-being of the body, the mind, and the soul.


Prototype for creation

This powerful symbol – another expression of what is sometimes referred to as “Sacred Geometry”, is found in many cultures and religions – and also in the products. And for good reason. In its simple beauty and perfection, it is a symbol for the perpetual process of creation and, in the process, contributes to the harmonious reorganization or “structuring” of water. The Flower of Life consists of numerous overlapping circles. The starting point is the circle in the center. Represented in this circle is a basic, geometrical structure, which reveals that originally, all life sprang from a single source. Keyword: cell division. Cell division proceeds until every creature has achieved its appropriate and harmonious form. As this symbol is utilized in products, water held in these products remembers this “original code”. The Flower of Life through the influence of the Flower of Life. Water once again arranges itself symmetrically as it corresponds to its basic structure, the hexagon. And this same, original, hexagonal form is found in the Flower of Life!



Enough said? 😉
— Products shown: Wine Carafe (Rubellum) Flower of Life and Wine Glass (mouth blown) Golden Ratio.


What is the golden ratio? Ancient cultures recognised that certain patterns are repeated throughout nature.
The golden ratio relationships are all around us: sunflower flowers, bee hives, our body... The golden ratio has always been used in art, architecture and it means objects are naturally visually gratifying and energetically in alignment with the natural flow of life-force energy.
The products we produce follow this pattern to help balance and support.
... Pamela 😊
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I do love my cat: no this cutie isn't him! Revitalised water for your wonderful cat in this specially designed cat bowl. Pamela 😊😊
— Products shown: https://www.ancientdesign.co.uk/product/c ats-bowl-flower-of-life-14-cm/.


Don't put it down the loo! Pamela 🚽🚽


These bottle have SUCH a good name: “THANK YOU”, because if our planet had the ability to speak, it would say “Thank you” for choosing our bottles in favour of the plastic ones. FREE OF NASTIES, kind to our plant: MY kind of bottle! Pamela 😊 👉https://www.ancientdesign.co.uk/p…/ thank-you-natures-design/


Wouldn't you love someone to kiss the present you just gave them? (After they kiss you of course!) 😊
This beautiful handblown glass energy Carafe REVITALISES water, wine and any other drinks or liquid health concoctions you may make.
The in-depth stuff anyone who's a fan of the Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry may like to know...👇
... The cascading design of 6 sequential sections, with the volume of each section corresponding to one of the first 6 numbers of the universal Fibonacci sequence, aligns with the geometry found everywhere in nature.
Created by skilled craftsmen using traditional techniques. Each carafe is mouth-blown using an individual, preformed mould. This makes every carafe a unique work of art.
They are made to precisely calculated dimensions to ensure perfectly balanced outcomes. All glassware dimensions have been musically fine-tuned to a Major Chord.
Relations and distances between curves correlate with the rules of Sacred Geometry. Revitalized water shows a 6-sided crystalline structure which corresponds to its increased level of energy and life force.
It's £52.99 for the 1.5 litre carafe, or £29.99 for the 0.5 litre version. 👉https://www.ancientdesign.co.uk/…/c arafe-alladin-happy-whi…/
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Helping to balance your chakras: these water glasses have been specially designed to vitalise water and they're brilliant!
They can be bought as a set or individually and if you know your chakras, you'll know that 👉Red Health for root chakra, orange Harmony for sacral chakra, yellow Courage for solar plexus chakra, green Love for heart chakra, blue Creativity for throat chakra, indigo Intuition for brow chakra and purple Wisdom for crown chakra.
According to Dr. Masaru Emoto'...s research, water can absorb information within a short period of time. After only 3 MINUTES, water in the Mythos Chakra Glasses is restructured, VITALISED and ready to drink.
£7.99 each or £52.99 for the set of 7.
Pamela 😊
— Products shown: Chakra Affirmation Set .
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At LAST an eco-friendly, 'no-nasties' baby bottle. If you'd like to avoid plastics, this is the ideal alternative. A 100% eco natural bottle to feed your baby. Completely free of any nasties. 😊 £29.99 Take a look 👇 https://www.ancientdesign.co.uk/prod…/b aby-bottle-eco-thank/ Thank you Pamela


"I wanted to make the best choices I could for my baby and was worried about having to use a plastic bottle: especially one that would get heated and reused a lot. THIS is the perfect option for me and for my baby" Sarah, Colchester
At last! A 100% eco natural bottle to feed your baby with, completely free of any nasties.
This is the best choice for environmentally conscious parents who wish to pass these values on to their children. ... An additional advantage of this high quality bottle is that it can be sterilised through boiling at 100°C (212°F), thus ensuring perfect hygiene for your baby.
The bottle was designed following the Golden Ratio which will structure the liquid placed inside and give your baby the very best.
Tom 😊
— Products shown: Baby Glass Eco-Bottle (Thank You) 300ml.
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I've just been in the shop of a well known retail chain: mooching around and I could smell all these amazing scents.
All those wonderful room diffusers and candles giving off a fantastic Christmassy aroma.
I did my usual and looked at the label: I can't BELIEVE how much 'bad' stuff there is in those things. 😱
... If you're going to give a gift this Christmas, consider what you're actually giving when it comes to room diffusers.
And yes, I am biased but THIS hasn't got any nasty chemicals in it and is from sustainable woodland... A truly thoughtful present.
Tom 😊
— Products shown: Diffuser with Reed Sticks (Swiss Stone Pine) Pinus Cembra.
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We will be in Woodbridge Suffolk 18-19th Nov, you can see all our range and learn all about Sacred Geometry. http://www.lifearts.co.uk/woodbridge-mind -body-spirit-fest…/


Come and see us at the Mind Body Spirit Show in London for unique savings this time only.


https://www.ancientdesign.co.uk/…/truth -pineal-gland-still…/

More about Ancient Design

Ancient Design is located at The Dovecote, Little Braxted Hall, CM8 3EU Witham, Essex
03330 112 829