Anglo-American Court Reporters

About Anglo-American Court Reporters

Court reporting services in London, the UK and Europe. Videography, Real-time, Expedite, Streaming and special sub-contract rates for US reporting firms.

Anglo-American Court Reporters Description

Providers of court reporting services in the UK, Europe and most other locations world-wide.



Due to various issues (mostly medical) I am reluctantly taking early retirement. Current contracts will be honored of course. The business has been good to me; even with the ups and downs over the years. I have learned more about people, both good and not so good, learned more about the world. Travelled to places that no other profession could offer. Met some of the nicest folks you'd ever want to know. And learned a lot more than any one educational establishment could t...each me. This has been the roller coaster of my life. I've loved every minute of it. There are so many people I'd like to thank but the list would make boring reading and they know who they are anyway. But a few very special thanks deserve a mention here: Mary Sorene, Leah Willersdorf, Mel Ball, Audrey Shirley, and David Pritchard, all of whom offered advice, went to the most difficult venues or took assignments no one else would take. All of whom helped to make the business the best choice for our clients and the most prestigious agency in Europe for many years. I thank everone who helped mould AACR into what it became. I thank you all. God bless every one of you. NOTE : if anyone wants to carry the Anglo-American 'flag' and continue to conduct business using it's name please let me know. Thank you.
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ISTANBUL TURKEY: Anglo-American Court Reporters requires a Euro reporter who can Skype/Cameo 4-5 days of depositions with a total of 12 witnesses 1-2 hours each in Istanbul, Turkey. It looks like it will start at the end of next week (13/14 November) and into the following week. No dates are fixed as yet but we'd like to check on reporters who'd be available to cover this kind of assignment. Please email or post a reply here in FB. Thank you.


Euro-Realtime reporter required for November 13th in Amsterdam. job is with video, 1 spare laptop and reg delivery. If you are available please get back to me via Viber or email ( Thanks Roland


Available: London deposition on March 13th. If you can cover please email me as usual. Thanks Roland


For UK and European reporters: One-day deposition in Nice City Centre, (Cote d'zure) on April 1st. Will be with Interpreter.
If you'd like to cover this job please email me at your first opportunity. Thank you.... Roland
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User E


Kim had a nice little earner in the City. Two days of insurance litigation for American clients. Love it :)


Gail did an excellent job in Dusseldorf. they were tricky hours and needed travel re-arrangements at the last moment as they finished at 10pm!! Thank you.


Audrey did a very good job on what she called 'the toughest job she had ever done'. Clients are happy, I'm very happy and so should Audrey be too!! Well done!!


Thanks again to David. He performed an excellent job in Dublin and the client is extra happy.


We have been asked by a client to source reporters for a 2-leg set of depositions. The subject is Pharm/IP and is likely to be very technical. The dates we have been given thus far are: Paris - March 20/21 Berlin - March 27/28 Both are required on expedited basis with a delivery into the end client's hands in 5 business days. That means to me within 4 days at the outside. This job is open to a European-based (incl UK) reporter. ... please get in touch with me if you want further info or can cover one of the legs of these depositions. Thanks, Roland
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New job opportunity for a European reporter: Berlin, February 10th and 13th for a Canadian x-examination. Reg del and normal working hours. Get back to me if you are interested. Roland


We require a reporter or maybe two to cover depositions Jan 22, 23, 24 and 27 in London. If you are available please contact me by email. Thanks, Roland


Globalization !! We can now service clients wanting court reporters not just in Europe and the Middle East but NOW SE Asia too.


Business is starting to improve. And the new business relationship with Hart Reporting of Virginia is a big boost. ting-and-Videoconferencing/1699973163469 48?fref=ts


4 major jobs cancelled this week :( back to bread and butter work again LOL.


Posted by karen of hart Reporting but I thought I'd share it here too coz its interesting.

More about Anglo-American Court Reporters

Anglo-American Court Reporters is located at 150 Minories, EC3N 1LS London, United Kingdom
020 7264 2088