Antares Consulting

About Antares Consulting

Business Support and Advice, from an experienced Enterprise Support Specialist.
Based in Essex but can Travel.
Business Plans to Wordpress to Digital. .



Really useful info for those thinking of the beauty industry.


Do you have a WordPress website and have to get help to update it or had it built and can't change things without paying the person who set it up?
One to One help and training on how to do the basics yourself, make your website your own.
Help with SEO, page content and updating, backing up, etc.
... Contact us for more information on how you can take control, get more exposure and possibly save money!
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I was always told if you don't do what you say you will do, then don't bother!
Commitment to customers (and suppliers), your colleagues and your business will help with success - along with having plans to make sure you don't end up on the complete rollercoaster of peaks and troughs.
A common mistake is to stop marketing while you have a customer and concentrate on that forgetting the future. A good marketing plan and action plan should help you prevent this.
... In other words, you have to keep up the effort to find the next job while you are doing the last one. You have to keep up the effort to keep the work coming in, complacency costs!
Need help? Does your business suffer from inconsistencies of income and customers? Even seasonal? There are ways to work with this?
Call or message for a chat
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Thinking of running a prize draw? The GDPR implications need to be considered, here is a useful article covering that question including about publishing the winners name.…/how-gdpr -affects-promotiona…/


Today I've been the lucky one, spending the morning in the sunshine!
However, its been for work, with a client and their photographer, taking pictures for her new website.
I'm sure they are going to look fabulous but it raises a point, that having good pictures is very important to give you a professional image, particularly on your website or facebook feed. It might be OK to use selfies and other quick mobile snaps (more so in some cases than others) but does it give the ri...ght impression?
When I worked in the motor trade we had a specific way of placing the car and taking pictures to ensure the prospective customer could see what they want. If we didn't have good pictures it would mean the car would usually remain for sale for longer - costing us money!
Pictures also can go out of date, for example, your product in the snow might not look so attractive to your customer today?
So what?
Review what you have, keep up to date and have a budget for your pictures, if you don't have a friend who can give you what you need, then pay someone, you might be surprised how affordable it actually is. Stock (bought) pictures are also available, but make sure they display the product/service as you want for your clients to buy.
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I have done a huge amount of work on the local High Streets, at one time running a Town Team under the Portas Pilot Project and being involved in others.
At that time, I met Bill (when he visited Witham) about 5 years ago. He had a huge amount to say, but one thing he did and stuck with me was:
Who are we doing this for? We shouldn't be building our high streets for us, we should be doing it for the future, as they are the one who will use it.
... This statement seemed logical and relevant, as everyone round the table (with a couple of exceptions) was much older than me and probably a councillor!
Did we listen back then, no we didn't, so he's back and here is his latest report, apparently its different, but it sounds very familiar to me! 269
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Ever wondered what the symbol © & ™ and ® actually mean?
™ and ® ™ means “trademark”, but this symbol means that the trademark is unregistered. The ® symbol means that the trademark has been registered at the Intellectual Property Office.
... The ® symbol must only be used for registered trademarks. If you use the ® symbol for an unregistered trademark you’re committing an offence under the Trademark Act 1994 and could receive a fine of up to £1,000.
© Copyright protection arises automatically. There’s no need to register it and so it’s not always obvious who the owner is. Therefore, we use the © symbol to say who the owner is and this is usually followed by the year in which the work was created.
Hope this helps!
If you need more formal information then contact the IPO…/organisat…/intel lectual-property-office
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I used to use this quote a lot when I was running training courses.
A brand may not seem important for your business, but to take another quote 'a brand is is worthless if it doesn't connect with the right audiences in a relevant way'...
Just because your business is small, doesn't mean that your brand doesn't matter!
... Build your brand, build your strategy, build your connections.
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We can't be experts in everything, sometimes a little help can go a long way! Find someone to help with the bits you hate, don't want to do or can't do, then you can spend your time doing what you are good at!!


This is for one of my special clients, who helps and gives others confidence and belief but then panics and does this!
You will always have a client who likes a deal -usually the one that can afford it and would haggle with everyone, they have choice and money, plus would probably look like you’ve stabbed them in the heart if you asked them for a discount. They value them not you!


It saddens me how often I am meeting new clients that are not able to discuss their profit and misunderstand turnover. Sadly it seems that sometimes this is driven by their accountant who doesn't encourage them to have up to date numbers or information (including how to use their reporting on their own accounts system!).
Don't be a slave to your accountant. If you don't know what bills you have paid to date, have still to pay and what you have invoiced and have outstanding to today, then get them to show you! Your business will not survive long term without it.
Need help with this? I'm not an accountant but I do know what you need to ask them. If you also don't understand the profit thing, I'll be sharing more information shortly.


I had a lovely gift from one of my clients this morning. One of her out of print books with a lovely inscription and obviously signed by her. 😊 Looking forward to the next book (her 8th!) being out later this year.


Thank you to those who have sent messages, unfortunately Facebook has done its best as this is a business page and sabotaged them by deleting them! Sorry if you were expecting a response, but it’s best to message me as a person please?


I don't just write bids... I also write business award applications and as a Businesswoman of the Year Finalist 3x 😊 and Company National Award winner 2x + Finalist 2x, Plus lots of clients reaching Finals and even winning awards, I can say that I have a bit of a success rate going! 😁


The closing date is 14th June with 3 areas to look at
To improve the prospects of viability for family farm businesses To sustain rural communities and drive economic vibrancy To support aid delivery in emergency and building resilience
... Up to £50000
There are obviously terms but they can be found here - gr…/grant-programme
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One of the things I do is look at the whole digital media package, which is pretty important to nearly every business, particularly when you look at these numbers!
Many people don’t understand what a strategy is, let alone how to put one together, then turn it into actions and what it’s really all about -making money! (It may be harsh, but come on, we all have bills don’t we?)

More about Antares Consulting

Antares Consulting is located at Boreham Road, cm3 1pr Great Leighs
07990 824023