Anti Tribalism Movement

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Anti Tribalism Movement

Kacdoonka Ka Soo Horjeedka Qabyaaladda.

Anti Tribalism Movement Description

The Anti-Tribalism Movement is a non-profit organisation aimed at educating and raising awareness about the effects of tribalism within communities. The ATM's vision and track record are based on a cohesive and dynamic society where every person’s opinion is valued regardless of clan, gender or political belief.



Mudane Mustafa Omer, waxaan ilahay kaaga baryaynaa inuu kula garab galo, xilka cusub. Waxaanu ka war qabnaa inaa tahay xaq u dirire, qabyaalada, and cadaalad darada aad u neceb. Waxaanu fadlan kugu sii adkaynaynaa inaad dadka deegaanka degan ku maa-muli doono sinaan iyo cadaalad. Ilaahay ha kula garab galo xilka culus ee laguu gu aaminay. Aameen


Ciid wanaagsan dhammaantiin meel waliba oo aad joogtaan.


Let’s celebrate these truly inspirational Somali refugees.


We’re delighted to announce that ATM has facilitated another group of ATM Fellows to graduate from SOAS University last week! The programme is delivered in line with ATM's vision to produce leaders from the British-Somali community who will be the future change-makers to improve the lives of their communities and beyond. Read all about it on our latest blog. t.php…


Four years after the Khat ban, this is what Somalis have to say


The Pressure of Tribalism
In this deeply moving, and powerful video, Dr Yusuf discusses how British Somalis still feel the pressure of tribalism.
"If you let somebody else put a script or a set of ways of being or doing or telling you how you have to exist − you've given away the only freedom that you have".


Young Somali women are making their mark in politics on their terms. Find out how the women and girls in our leadership programme got involved in Democracy Week!


Here are three Somalis carving their own path in the beautiful game.


It was an honor to have had one of the most respected and renowned Somali scholars Dr. Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow) visit us at our London HQ for a thought-provoking discussion on his latest book ‘Making Sense of Somali History’ Vol 2. #SomaliHistory


On #RefugeeWeek, let’s celebrate these truly inspirational Somali refugees.


Tonight, we are delighted to host Deqa Yasin Minister of Women and Human Rights Development to talk about the ministry’s achievements, challenges, and opportunities. Join us for a lively discussion at 7.30pm at ATM House in Shepherd’s Bush.


Eid Mubarak!


This is awesome. 🙌😲🙌


“There is a sense of pride in the community for what he did.”


Wishing you a blessed Ramadan, not long left. Let's try to make the most of the last few days.


Our annual #iftar Get-Together took place yesterday evening with the local community. We came together to celebrate the month of #Ramadan and the importance of dialogue and diversity. Thank you to everyone who joined us, we’ll see you next year, In shaa Allah.


The last 10 days of Ramadan are so blessed, so just a humble reminder to make the most of it!


Celebrate the month of Ramadan and the importance of dialogue, understanding and diversity with our Community Iftar. Contact ATM via to reserve a seat.


‪We are fundraising for one of the last community hubs in the Shepherd’s Bush area (ATM House). We want to refurbish the Community Centre in order to continue providing educational and recreational activities for the local communities. ‬
‪Please share and/or donate whatever you can. earchText=Shepherd ‬


We had one of the best day trip ever !!well organised by ATM For the Greenfield community. Best Eid day trip !!!!

It was great teaming up with you amazing sisters 👍😘

Well done Amal and your amazing volunteers ❤️🌺


Tribalism is poison that distroyed our identity, it is the biggest enemy of nationhood.


Trablism is the one and the only which divided our country.


The best organisation Somalis ever created, happy to support financially, intellectually and every other way. There are thousands like myself that supports and everywhere I went people say good things about this organisation. Thank you and continue.


The ATM is the first Somali movement towards the the Tribalism.

and i am proud to be one of their active members.

thank you ATM. Somalia.


Let's kill together this bacteria which can die easily, until never mention by a youth.. the elders have to have an encouragement to erase on their minds and to tell the stories which concern about Qab-iil bacteria..

your prescription is your decision


It's time to make a change, but again it's easier to be said then done. Still lets do this!


It's good initiative and I hope all somali people will endorse all I can say it's only the movement that can educate how harmful fragmentation and tragic does tribalism brings in the community.

Thanks ATM for been there for us ♡


I think it is good to have a site like this so that we can all discuss our differences. There is a lot of Somali stuff here, but I am not Somali. I am a white South African for anyone who wishes to know my skin colour. But to me I am just a South African. I was born in Africa and so I am African, if we have to use labels. I cannot go back in time and change my origins. Neither can anyone else. Where we are now, we just need to move forward from. South Africa ended Apartheid more than 20 years ago. I was born into it, but by the time I reached maturity it had been ended. I was never taught that my skin colour made me better than someone else. And so it was true for the other families I knew. I played with children of different skin colours a lot. Obviously Apartheid was wrong, but it was not my fault and neither is it anyone elses' fault who had to live with it like I did. Yet I feel persecuted for it. I can accept some persecution, because this is not a perfect world or fair world. There are wrongs that need to be corrected, but in correcting these wrongs, you cannot ignore people that have been in my situation. I choose to see our differences as a strength and respect them. Seeing them any other way is a failing. I think being judgemental to anything different is a natural biological animal instinct hard-wired into us from a evolutionary survival point of view. We all have it. But what makes us different to an average animal is that we have the self-awareness to overcome it and be more than the animal side of us. Reverse persecution is not a solution if we want to move forward.


I think it is good idea to fight tribalism in Somalia


I saw the journey to Somalia..well done. One day when there is no tribalism or individualism, Somalia will heal insha'alla...Keep up the good work.


I love the idea � I love the name,but less actions no much efforts was made within this organisation, we urge you to do more interns of speaking up and rising your voices and start engaging with your somalis, make them aware of the danger of the #tribalism hold concerts create a good environment for the youth, and educational platforms raise more charities and so on. You guy are wonderful and I love you work but I am encouraging you to do lil more brothers and sisters because somali people are quite resilient people they can recover from all type of pains except tribe illnesses. Just do lil more


I did not yet see any activity they have carried out so far as I have just seen and liked their page. But their name predicts hope for the country!!!!


Hard working individuals create hope for the next generation. You are the voice of Somali youth & We all are proud of you!


First of all I'm really grateful to Allah and all anti-tribalism movement staff you guys are really magnificent and eloquently people with really motivated idea I really like this idea and I would have to salute you guys for the fabulous and incredible work .I hope we all hold hands together deprive this disease out of our country Insha Allah soon. .I appreciate your work all of you guys and may Allah bless you all and reward all your good deeds


We all lost our nation,we all lost our fruit land,we all lost our mother land just becouse of ethinic, we are diying on the sea just becouse of war that resulted by ignorat trabal bases people we are killing ourselfs just becouse of power,land fame and money which is not the matter oh oh lets solidfy our unity and peace to fold our land, lets forget tribe and remember the only face, the only passport we have.


This is a great initiatives. I think unity, equality and tolerance towards one another is what can make this bigotry a primitive practice.


Not fit for purpose, and the name is totally misleading. They muddle millions of things that are not related to the cause they supposedly stand for. Few questions needs to be answered before I am convinced:

Who funds them?

What are their links to the Tories (a phantom wing?)

And do these guys have any regular jobs and a legitimate living or is this another mashruuc?


If a group names it self anti-tribal, Somali and youth, it needs to promote everything good about Somali youth, it should also disown everything clan and divisive, it shouldn't be mixed up with the century old clan politics it should not also promote everything not Somali and foreign cultures.

Sorry You have lost me somewhere along those lines!


We had one of the best day trip ever !!well organised by ATM For the Greenfield community. Best Eid day trip !!!!

It was great teaming up with you amazing sisters 👍😘

Well done Amal and your amazing volunteers ❤️🌺


Tribalism is poison that distroyed our identity, it is the biggest enemy of nationhood.


Trablism is the one and the only which divided our country.


The best organisation Somalis ever created, happy to support financially, intellectually and every other way. There are thousands like myself that supports and everywhere I went people say good things about this organisation. Thank you and continue.


The ATM is the first Somali movement towards the the Tribalism.

and i am proud to be one of their active members.

thank you ATM. Somalia.


Let's kill together this bacteria which can die easily, until never mention by a youth.. the elders have to have an encouragement to erase on their minds and to tell the stories which concern about Qab-iil bacteria..

your prescription is your decision


It's time to make a change, but again it's easier to be said then done. Still lets do this!


It's good initiative and I hope all somali people will endorse all I can say it's only the movement that can educate how harmful fragmentation and tragic does tribalism brings in the community.

Thanks ATM for been there for us ♡


I think it is good to have a site like this so that we can all discuss our differences. There is a lot of Somali stuff here, but I am not Somali. I am a white South African for anyone who wishes to know my skin colour. But to me I am just a South African. I was born in Africa and so I am African, if we have to use labels. I cannot go back in time and change my origins. Neither can anyone else. Where we are now, we just need to move forward from. South Africa ended Apartheid more than 20 years ago. I was born into it, but by the time I reached maturity it had been ended. I was never taught that my skin colour made me better than someone else. And so it was true for the other families I knew. I played with children of different skin colours a lot. Obviously Apartheid was wrong, but it was not my fault and neither is it anyone elses' fault who had to live with it like I did. Yet I feel persecuted for it. I can accept some persecution, because this is not a perfect world or fair world. There are wrongs that need to be corrected, but in correcting these wrongs, you cannot ignore people that have been in my situation. I choose to see our differences as a strength and respect them. Seeing them any other way is a failing. I think being judgemental to anything different is a natural biological animal instinct hard-wired into us from a evolutionary survival point of view. We all have it. But what makes us different to an average animal is that we have the self-awareness to overcome it and be more than the animal side of us. Reverse persecution is not a solution if we want to move forward.


I think it is good idea to fight tribalism in Somalia


I saw the journey to Somalia..well done. One day when there is no tribalism or individualism, Somalia will heal insha'alla...Keep up the good work.


I love the idea � I love the name,but less actions no much efforts was made within this organisation, we urge you to do more interns of speaking up and rising your voices and start engaging with your somalis, make them aware of the danger of the #tribalism hold concerts create a good environment for the youth, and educational platforms raise more charities and so on. You guy are wonderful and I love you work but I am encouraging you to do lil more brothers and sisters because somali people are quite resilient people they can recover from all type of pains except tribe illnesses. Just do lil more


I did not yet see any activity they have carried out so far as I have just seen and liked their page. But their name predicts hope for the country!!!!


Hard working individuals create hope for the next generation. You are the voice of Somali youth & We all are proud of you!


First of all I'm really grateful to Allah and all anti-tribalism movement staff you guys are really magnificent and eloquently people with really motivated idea I really like this idea and I would have to salute you guys for the fabulous and incredible work .I hope we all hold hands together deprive this disease out of our country Insha Allah soon. .I appreciate your work all of you guys and may Allah bless you all and reward all your good deeds


We all lost our nation,we all lost our fruit land,we all lost our mother land just becouse of ethinic, we are diying on the sea just becouse of war that resulted by ignorat trabal bases people we are killing ourselfs just becouse of power,land fame and money which is not the matter oh oh lets solidfy our unity and peace to fold our land, lets forget tribe and remember the only face, the only passport we have.


This is a great initiatives. I think unity, equality and tolerance towards one another is what can make this bigotry a primitive practice.


Not fit for purpose, and the name is totally misleading. They muddle millions of things that are not related to the cause they supposedly stand for. Few questions needs to be answered before I am convinced:

Who funds them?

What are their links to the Tories (a phantom wing?)

And do these guys have any regular jobs and a legitimate living or is this another mashruuc?


If a group names it self anti-tribal, Somali and youth, it needs to promote everything good about Somali youth, it should also disown everything clan and divisive, it shouldn't be mixed up with the century old clan politics it should not also promote everything not Somali and foreign cultures.

Sorry You have lost me somewhere along those lines!

More about Anti Tribalism Movement

Anti Tribalism Movement is located at Market Approach, Off Lime Grove, W12 8DD London, United Kingdom
0203 588 1880
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00