Anxiety Coaching

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:00
Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anxiety Coaching

Don't let Anxiety ruin your life

Learn how to turn off that negative voice in your head and live a much happier and more fulfilled life.

Anxiety Coaching Description

At Anxiety Coaching we will help you turn off that negative voice in your head and feel much calmer and more content about your life and the way you live it



I'm the "BOOT" in this Yoga and Summer Boot Camp. If you're looking for a mind body kickstart to your weight loss or fitness goals this is the programme for you.
Get in touch with Sangeeta, a fantastic International Yoga teacher to book your place. Sessions will be run in Harrow.


The more choices you are given, the more tired and less effective you become. The human brain has limited resources and energy to expend to make each choice. In the time between getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening, an average person makes thousands of decisions. Each choice we make drains a little more from our mental reservoir. If there are days you know you'll need to be at your best, reduce the number of choices you need to make on those days.


Learn how to still your mind and feel your Anxiety subside


A WORKOUT a day keeps ANXIETY at bay
Anxious thoughts release adrenaline and other stress hormones into your body. These hormones are designed to get you ready to fight or flight. If you do neither these chemicals will simply stay in your body. This will make your anxiety much worse and could give rise to symptoms such as tension, headaches, insomnia, inability to relax, palpitations, chest pains, IBS and in extremes cases panic attacks.
So the next time Anxiety strikes get physical! Just workout, run, swim, cycle, power-walk, or do anything to raise your heart rate for 15-20 mins and burn that anxiety away.


Is Anxiety ruining your life ?
Does that voice in your head just never shut up?
... Do you want to be freed from your never ending worrying?
The great news is that when you understand how anxiety is affecting your body and more importantly your subconscious and conscious mind, I can program in a new mind set that can release you from these feelings of enslavement.
If you want to know more just call me for a no obligation chat.
Mark 0787 262 5516
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“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha
... By focusing on being present you can shut the door on that negative voice in your head that endlessly dwells on negative futures or remorseful pasts
FOCUS ON WHAT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU Or around you. Or on you. Use your senses. Just look at what’s right in front of you right now. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the fabric of your clothes and focus on how they feel. Concentrate on what you are doing when you brush your teeth, have a shower, go for a walk, eat your food, engage with people. The possibilities are endless
Have a great weekend guys
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A HUNDRED YEARS AGO, you would have probably lived in a community where you would have known your neighbours and a few locals and the differences between you would have been few. You may have heard of a few famous people, but that was it.
Today the world is a very different place. Now we can easily glimpse into the lives and status updates of much of the world, not least of all the famous and airbrushed.
But this has come at a cost Many now admit that this voyeuristic ability... leads them to feeling sad, ugly and generally inferior about themselves, but still they still feel compelled to be online.
And it’s no wonder. Constant monitoring of how many or how few likes or positive responses they are getting on social media can train young people to become dependent on the approval of others and depressed when it isn’t forthcoming.
Such dependence on outside approval is a recipe for unhappiness and poor emotional development.
And this is not just related to young people. I’ll admit I’m only human and I’ve also been guilty of constantly checking my updates, views and likes.
Look there are many advantages to social media. How else could I be communicating to so many of you so easily. But like any tool, it can be misused, or the case of cyber-bullying, weaponised.
However all is not lost. If we can only chill our expectations as to how we should be and understand that the way others present to the world is heavily edited, then we can relax our views about those supposedly perfect creatures and how we present ourselves to them.
At Anxiety coaching, how to cope with the negative influence of social media is just one of the many topics covered in my comprehensive coaching program on how to cope with anxiety.
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Anxiety – Coping Strategies
A common cause of anxiety is Avoidance. This is used by many people when they know they should perform a particular task, but are fearful of the outcome. However by sticking your head in the sand and trying to ignore it will only do two things. One and most obviously the thing you have to do will not go away and two and most importantly, avoiding the task will only further raise your anxiety levels.
A better way to cope with unpleasant tasks that n...eed to be faced is to make a list of all the things you are avoiding and rate them on an unpleasantness scale from 1-10. 10 is the most unpleasant and 1 the most pleasant. Then choose the easiest task and face your fear head on and just do it. To make it easier, rehearse your approach many times in your head always with a successful outcome, prior to the actual task.
The interesting thing about fear is that it is almost inevitably much much less frightening in reality than the thought of actually doing it. So when you face the task and succeed the feeling of elation and achievement will give you the confidence to try the next most daunting task on your list. Remember leave your most daunting task till last.
Have a great day all and if you want any further information about what I do at Anxiety coaching, just comment/message me below or visit the site at
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What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is an unsettling, but perfectly natural emotional state of worry or nervousness that you may experience when you expect that a forthcoming experience will be threatening to you. In a dangerous situation being anxious can be life saving as it heightens your senses and reactions and readies you to fight or run. However in everyday life if you are continually feeling anxious over seemingly ordinary events, it can feel crippling and unbelievably difficult... to cope.
This is where anxiety coaching can really help you. After just a few straightforward and practical coaching sessions, you can quickly regain your perspective and go on to live a more balanced and less worrisome life.
For more information just comment Yes below
or contact
or call mark on
0787 262 5516
Get your life back on track
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Hi, All
I've just received a fantastic review from a client I've been working with for the past few weeks. As you will read, by addressing her anxiety issues she has successfully turned her life and weight management issues around.
Mark has really helped me have a sense of knowing what I wanted and the importance of wanting to loose weight. He helped me rediscover my confidence and has given me the tools to go and achieve not only my weight loss goal but also how to cope any anxiety and stress. I wake up every morning feeling amazing and ready to face anything life throws at me. Thank you Mark. Looking forward to fitting into my size 12 dress by the end of next year 🙂🙂🙂, Miriam
If you's like to know more contact me at
or call/text 0787 262 5516
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Contact Anxiety Coaching today to become freed from negative anxiety.
Be coached to understand exactly what anxiety is and how you can successfully cope with its effects after just a few sessions
... Sessions can be taken at our private residential practice in North Harrow or by video/phone where distance is a limiting factor.
Comment yes below and I will private message you to provide more information or call 0787 262 5516 or email
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More about Anxiety Coaching

Anxiety Coaching is located at 30 holmdene avenue, North Harrow, ha2 6hr London, United Kingdom
0787 262 5516
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:00
Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -