Aspect Plus Finanças - Especialistas Em Dívidas & Finanças

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Aspect Plus Finanças - Especialistas Em Dívidas & Finanças

A Aspect Plus possue um time especializado em Insolvência corporativa e pessoal, finanças, auditoria e consultoria em gestão empresarial e negócios.

Aspect Plus Finanças - Especialistas Em Dívidas & Finanças Description

We offer full support to our clients from the first contact. As a specialist boutique firm, we find innovative, workable solutions in order that our clients receive practical, clear, impartial and professional advice to manage the problems they face.

Our designated hand-picked team deals with you in confidence. We initially meet with you free of charge and work with you, your book keeper, accountant or financial advisor to help understand your needs and simplify the formal process that’s right for you or your company.



As organizações pretendem usar a tecnologia para construir vilas inteiras de pequenas casas em países como Haiti e El Salvador, subsidiando o custo para que sejam acessíveis às populações locais – estima-se ser possível alcançar um valor de US$ 4 mil (R$ 14,6 mil).


As negociações já estariam acontecendo, segundo o The Detroit Bureau.


Entenda a relação desses valores com o consumo consciente e a qualidade de vida:


Materia fresquinha no nosso blog da Revista 👇🏼
Boa leitura 📖…/…/revista_adriana _chiari_-_edi__o_13_/22


Às vezes tudo que precisamos é de um pouco de inspiração e motivação. Financeiramente falando, as frases que escolhemos postar aqui lhe darão insights incríveis à medida que forem lidas e memorizadas. “Investir em conhecimento rende sempre os melhores juros” – Benjamin Franklin
Se você já entendeu que primeiramente você cresce por dentro para depois crescer por fora, você entendeu que a chave para um contínuo crescimento é o conhecimento.
Aquele famoso milionário, antes mesmo... de ter muito dinheiro, já estava preparado para ser rico.
#poupemais💰 #busqueoconhecimento
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Planejamento estratégico para o nosso cliente que em 4 anos teve um crescimento record. Taxas, VAT & investimentos.
Nosso time de profissionais altamente qualificados. Consultoria boutique ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ... Aspect Plus Ltd
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Empreendedorismo: Uma nova oportunidade!
Uma opção para algumas pessoas em busca de novas alternativas tem sido empreender formalmente um negócio. Entretanto, sabe-se que na maioria das vezes o sistema educacional não estimula os educandos a desenvolverem a inteligência financeira.
... Para ser um bom empreendedor é possível sonhar, mas este deve mantera razão e os pés no chão. Para planejar, idealizar e concretizar um empreendimento torna-se necessário determinado conhecimento em gestão, muito trabalho, controle, disciplina entre outros atributos desejáveis e mais importante ainda e ter uma consultoria especializada para que seu sonho/ negócio de certo e você saiba quais são seus direitos e deveres para com o governo local. Para tudo isso mencionado acima é que a Aspect Plus oferece um time especializado e altamente qualificados.
A primeira consulta é gratuita. Especialistas em finanças & Insolvência
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A mais completa plataforma de Ecommerce para a sua loja online. Fácil de Começar👇🏼


OUTUBRO ROSA “O movimento ajuda a conscientizar as mulheres acerca da prevenção e do diagnóstico precoce do câncer de mama e também a desmistificação da doença, pois quanto mais falamos, mais sabemos lidar e mais encontramos apoio”, ressalta Bruna Pegorreti Rosa, médica oncologista da Evidências – Kantar Health.
Faça sua parte: Auto exames e uma pequena doação pode salvar vidas.
... Nossa doação foi para o Câncer Research UK: lved/donate
Aspect Plus Ltd.
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Saiba mais sobre a biologia sintética, ciência capaz de sintetizar organismos para produzir o que queremos, e como ela pode se relacionar com o meio ambiente:


Quando olhamos a história, verificamos que o avanço tecnológico nos trouxe grandes mudanças. Qual será o impacto da tecnologia sobre o mercado de trabalho?
Leia mais 👇…/dilemas-cr escentes-no-seculo-…/


Um administrador licenciado de Insolvência negocia um acordo juridicamente vinculativo entre você e seus credores, permitindo que você pague o que deve de acordo com as suas reais possibilidades ao longo de um período fixo, o que geralmente é de 5 anos. Leia mais 👇🏻
...…/… /8/2/acordo-voluntario-
See MoreHave you ever heard of vat voluntary agreement?

A licensed insolvency administrator negotiates a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors, allowing you to pay what you owe according to your real possibilities over a fixed period, which is usually 5 years.

https://adrianachiarimagazine.n et/blog/2018/8/2/acordo-voluntario-Trans lated


Boa Tarde comunidade!
✓Consultoria Financeira ✓Consultoria Empresarial ✓Insolvência pessoal e corporativa... ✓Seguros de Vida, desemprego, comercial e de saúde. ✓ Negociação de Dívidas ✓ aconselhamento financeiro em taxas, aposentaria e investimentos.
Switch Number : 01708 300 170 Direct Number Portuguese: 0203 417 0335 E:
See MoreGood afternoon community!

✓ Financial Consultancy
✓ Business Consulting
✓ Personal and corporate insolvency
✓ Life Insurance, unemployment, trade and health.
✓ Debt Trading
✓ Financial advice on fees, retirement and investments.

Switch Number : 01708 300 170
Direct Number Portuguese: 0203 417 0335
E: Info@Aspectplus.Co.UkTranslated


Liquidação & Reestruturação de empresas
Não Desista do Seu Sonho!
Um equívoco comum quando se pensa em liquidação de empresas é acreditar que esta decisão foi apenas consequência do acúmulo de dívidas.... Pelo contrário, a legislação de insolvência é projetada para ajudar os diretores da empresa e o próprio negócio. Isso é feito através de uma reestruturação positiva para qualquer companhia que esteja com dificuldade de arcar com seus compromissos financeiros.
A primeira dica para uma empresa que se encontre nessa situação é procurar um aconselhamento confiável o quanto antes. Como determinado pelo Companies Act 2006, os diretores da empresa têm o dever fiduciário de agir da maneira mais benéfica para a companhia e também de manter o valor das ações. No entanto, se um diretor continuar com as atividades da empresa sob essas circunstâncias, ele estará infringindo a lei, o que no futuro pode ter implicações e consequências significativas.
Há muitas opções formais e informais que os diretores da empresa podem considerar para ajudar a resolver a situação financeira da companhia. As informais incluem fazer financiamento, negociar com os credores e pedir prazos para pagamento. Já as formais incluem administração por interventores, reestruturação ou liquidação voluntária.
Não lidar com as dívidas da companhia abra-se a possibilidade de credores, como o HM Revenue and Customs ou o locador, entrarem no estabelecimento e confiscarem bens. Ou, até forçarem a liquidação compulsória, o que significaria, então, que o governo seria o encarregado do processo de liquidação.
Há uma série de fatores comuns que, muitas vezes, levam uma empresa a se endividar:
• Dificuldades de fluxo de caixa; • Créditos incobráveis; • Pressão do HM Revenue and Customs e/ou do locador; • Notificações de cobrança ou ameaças de ação judicial; • Perda inesperada de um contrato com um cliente importante; • Uso do limite da conta bancária ou empréstimos pendentes.
Caso a sua empresa esteja passando por algum dos problemas acima, saiba que existem soluções dentro da legislação de insolvência que lhe permitem lidar com todos os seus credores. Desta forma você pode concentrar-se em ações que possibilitam seguir em frente, sem que as preocupações sobre suas dívidas o impossibilitem de continuar seu negócio.
Bianca Lupoli Edwards Head of International Affairs Switch Number : 01708 300 170 Direct Number : 0203 417 0335 E: Address: 40a Station Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2TR switchboard: (UK) 01708 300170 f: 01708 202472
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Bom dia comunidade!
Já ouviu falar nas famosas placas azuis de Londres? Muitas delas estão espalhadas pela cidade indicando que ali morou alguma personalidade muito famosa. O que muita gente não sabe é que é possível buscar pela placa da sua celebridade, ídolo ou pessoa favorita 😊. As mais procuradas são Jane Austen, Jimmy Hendrix 🎸, Florence Nightingal💉, Freud, Charles Dickens, Benjamin Franklin e segue a lista.
As famosas placas azuis de Londres ligam as pessoas do passado às construções do presente, servindo como um marcador histórico. O esquema original da placa azul foi estabelecido em 1867, e desde 1986 é responsabilidade da organização English Heritage, que coloca uma média de 12 novas placas azuis por ano em Londres. Muitos outros esquemas de placas já foram iniciados no Reino Unido, alguns estão restritos a uma área geográfica específica, outros a um tema particular de comemoração histórica. Eles são administrados por uma série de órgãos, incluindo autoridades locais, sociedades cívicas, associações de moradores e outras organizações. A primeira placa foi instalada em 1867 para homenagear Lord Byron em seu lugar de nascimento, 24 Holles Street, Cavendish Square. No entanto, esta casa foi demolida em 1889. A primeira placa azul que ainda sobrevive, também foi colocada em 1867, e celebra Napoleão III em King Street, St James.
O termo “placa azul” pode ser usado estreitamente para se referir ao esquema oficial do Patrimônio Inglês, mas é freqüentemente usado informalmente para abranger todos os esquemas similares. Embora as placas azuis de Londres sejam pioneiras, existem também esquemas de placas comemorativas em todo o mundo, como em Paris, Roma, Oslo, Dublin, e cidades na Austrália, Canadá, Rússia e Estados Unidos. Em toda a capital inglesa, há mais de 900 placas, em todo tipo de edifício, homenageando homens e mulheres notáveis.
Keep an eye! Aspect Plus Ltd.
See MoreGood morning community!

Have you ever heard of London's famous blue plates? Many of them are scattered around the city indicating that there lived some very famous personality. What a lot of people don't know is that it is possible to pick up by the sign of your celebrity, idol or favorite person 😊
The most wanted are Jane Austen, Jimmy Hendrix 🎸, Florence Nightingal 💉, Freud, Charles Dickens, Benjamin Franklin and follow the list.

London's famous blue plates

London's famous blue plates connect people from the past to the constructions of the present, serving as a historical marker. The Original Blue plate scheme was established in 1867, and since 1986 is the responsibility of the English Heritage Organization, which puts an average of 12 new blue plates a year in London. Many other plaque schemes have already begun in the UK, some are restricted to a specific geographical area, others to a particular theme of historical commemoration. They are administered by a number of organs, including local authorities, civic societies, associations of residents and other organizations. The first plaque was installed in 1867 to honor Lord Byron in his birthplace, 24 holles street, Cavendish Square. However, this house was demolished in 1889. The first blue plaque that still survives, was also placed in 1867, and celebrates Napoleon III On King Street, st James.

The term "Blue plate" can be used closely to refer to the official scheme of English heritage, but is often used informally to cover all similar schemes. Although London's blue plates are pioneering, there are also commemorative plaque schemes worldwide, such as in Paris, Rome, Oslo, Dublin, and cities in Australia, Canada, Russia and the United States. Throughout the english capital, there are over 900 plates, in every kind of building, honoring remarkable men and women.

Keep an eye!
Aspect More Ltd.Translated


Bom dia comunidade!
Somos uma empresa boutique especializada que busca soluções inovadoras e viáveis a fim de que os nossos clientes recebam conselhos profissionais, práticos, claros e imparciais para o melhor gerenciamento dos problemas apresentados. Nossa equipe, cuidadosamente selecionada, opera com total sigilo. Caso a sua empresa esteja passando por algum problema financeiro, saiba que existem soluções dentro da legislação de insolvência que lhe permitem lidar com todos ...os seus credores. Desta forma você pode concentrar-se em ações que possibilitam seguir em frente, sem que as preocupações sobre suas dívidas o impossibilitem de continuar seu negócio.
Consultoria e Assessoria Especializada em Insolvência
Dissolução e Liquidação de Empresas
Processo de Falência e Concordata
Processo de IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) para indivíduos.
Processo CVL (Creditors Voluntary Liquidation) & MVL (Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) para empresas.
Suporte Linguístico – Traduções e Intérpretes.
Vasta database de profissionais multilinguais no Reino Unido e na America Latina.
Contate-nos para uma consulta gratuita.
Switch Number : 01708 300 170 Direct Number : 0203 417 0335 E:
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Você sabia que ele reduz a poluição do ar e os custos de uma empresa?


Boa Tarde Comunidade!
Listamos as mais importantes atitudes para ter sucesso nos negócios e na vida!
Ter uma vida equilibrada em todas as áreas é um sonho comum para a maioria das pessoas. A vida pessoal, profissional, familiar e negócios interagindo harmoniosamente e sem sobrecargas é o cenário ideal.
...Continue ReadingGood afternoon community!

We list the most important attitudes to succeed in business and life!

Having a balanced life in all areas is a common dream for most people. Personal Life, professional, family and business interacting harmoniously and without overloads is the ideal setting.

Having a balanced life in all areas is a common dream for most people. Personal Life, professional, family and business interacting harmoniously and without overloads is the ideal setting.

The good news is this dream can come true. The Secret is to understand what attitudes you need to adopt to reach that balance, which will be beneficial for both personal and professional life.

Thinking about it, we listed here some attitudes to help you find this way of how to succeed in business and life!

How to succeed in business

Let's start with the first 9 Tips are about how to succeed in business. Check:

1-have strategy

All team champion develops killer game strategies. In the case of the company this also needs to be done before putting the team in the field.

Have a business model organized and capable of changes depending on the external scenario.

It does not need to be complex, but make a relevant market analysis, customers and potential competitors. Apply the studies of Porter'S 5 competitive forces:

Rivalry between competitors;
Customer bargaining power;
Negotiating power of suppliers;
Threats of entry of new competitors;
Threat of substitutes);
In addition, do wherever possible, SWOT ANALYSIS (forces, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).

2-make good management of people

The formation of a winning team in a company is linked to the form with which it makes people management (NOT RH).

Do a talent management that retains the best. Don't lose all your investment in people for competitors. In order to do this, we need a programme of subsidies and successful incentives, and mainly quality in organisational culture.

The best companies to work have learned to deal with the human being and extract from them the best.

Google receives millions of resumes a year. But it is not only companies with gaming rooms and refrigerators with drinks that stand out, those that offer career opportunity, educational growth and those who think in family are also well "ranked".

3-follow your finances

Cash flow is for the company like blood for human being. It is not an exaggeration, some successful companies with good volume of billing and sales sin time to control their finances.

Accounts to be paid, accounts to be received and inadimplências need management.

Expenses, costs and expenses, fixed and variable, need to be evaluated and cut whenever necessary.

Not forgetting the results statements (Dre), profitability and profitability.

4-work marketing and sales

There is no point in having an innovative and creative business idea, drawing up a theoretically scalable business plan, a spectacular team if no sales occur. Just like that.

At the end of the day, there must be a buyer of products and persons or companies using their services.

Apply The 4 PS of marketing (product; price; square; and promotion) and don't forget digital marketing, which today is essential for understanding the customer's purchase journey.

And still train your team for the sales funnel. It is usually planned in 4 steps and has several interpretations of the names in each of the stages (attract, convert, close and retain; or attract, capture, nourish and convert).

5-make operational routine work

Help the routine work without bottlenecks. The Administrative, commercial, people and financial management should flow.

For this communication is fundamental. Be it formal (email, murals, intranet) or informal (Mouth-to-mouth).

The Information System, usually an ERP (Information System Integrating all the data and processes of an organization into a single system), should be working perfectly.

6-try to hear more than talk

Anyone who is safe from you hears more than you speak because she does not feel the need to show that she has more knowledge than others. And that is highly valued, especially in the professional environment!

It is therefore important to bear in mind that expressing your opinion or showing knowledge about a particular subject should only be done when necessary, with the aim of adding value to discussion.

Your Co-workers will understand when this good practice is not applied, in other words, if you always seek to show your opinion just to praise and not contribute to that situation. That could hurt the coexistence between you.

7-accept that nothing is perfect

Accepting that nothing is perfect is a great step of wisdom in anyone's life, especially the professional aspect. So it is important to understand that no process, action and even product or service of a company will be perfect.

With this lucidity, any collaborator will be free from unhappiness in the working environment. It is important to understand that all things can always be improved, but that is something that occurs continuously and not from one hour to another.

Therefore, good professionals will be able to understand when their work will be considered excellent and should not insist on continuing that process seeking unattainable perfection.

This should be regarded as a cultural point of any company. There is a famous phrase that is widely used by startups out there that says " done is better than perfect!". which in Portuguese means " done is better than perfect!"

8-if from of others

Depending on your area of acting, there may be a lot of competition or then there are many professionals just like you, so to distinguish yourself from the others you need to open your head and seek to do new things and even that work that no one

No matter what it is, you'll need to show that you have something else and that will make you different from everyone else. But of course it will often not be the best work in the world, so bear in mind that it is something that will give you a long-term merit.

At first it may not be easy, but with time it is possible that it becomes increasingly clear that it is seeking to show all its value in search of recognition. Nothing better than to show work and dedication for the company.

9-take time for you to organize

Letting the routine consume us is the easiest thing to happen. When you stopped to analyze, you are already answering e-mails, making meetings, solving urgent demands and some not so important.

Therefore, something extremely necessary is to block a schedule on your agenda during the week so that you can organise yourself in relation to the next job demands. Understand that this time must be a priority in your week, that is, no urgent demand can disturb you right now.

Consider this interval as that moment that you will be the "untouchable"! align well the importance of it with anyone who can interrupt you, i.e. coworkers, family and even their own customers.

How to succeed in personal life

Now, stop for a minute, turn off business and look at your personal life. To help you with this, we prepared 9 more tips that will help you, keep following:

1-take care of your family

Most of the great business men who lost their families during their achievements claim that " it's not worth it ", or that " would have done everything different ".

Your family is your most precious asset, she is part of the things of life that is priceless. Everything you can sell or trade will be less important than our family.

Book the time needed for you.

2-be present in the life of your children

Nothing is more harmful in a person's life than the absence of parents. When small, we need references (not necessarily biological parents).

If you are doing well in business, devote your attention even more to your children. Prepare successors.

From going to the parent and student meeting until that football game or swimming contest. Be there when they lose or win. In the end what matters is your presence, your embrace and your words.

3-preserve true friendships

Do you know those friends who have always been with you (or are) even when you were still a discredited? Keep them close.

True friendships are those who speak what you need and not simply what you want to hear when you need it most.

They will alert you when you are lost in your routines and duties. They will give you the necessary ear pinch when you are losing your health to the work journey.

And Yes! Friendships built in success are superficial and less reliable (but of course there are exceptions).

4-keep your health in day

People around you need you alive and healthy. Go to the doctor regularly. Do a general checkup annually.

Have a balanced diet, preferably with accompaniment of a nutritionist. And don't stop practicing physical exercises, even if soft, move, run, walk but do something, get out of idleness.

Are you a man and you're over 40? Yeah, I'll talk here. Take prostate exam because this is one of the greatest causes of death of men (see blue November).

And for women? Touch! Literally touching, breast cancer in turn is the great villain. (see pink October)

5-take pleasure in serving

Being a selfless person is one of the main features of great leaders. Having the pleasure of serving, not making distinction of social level and purchasing power.

The Controversy of personal leadership and business is this. What differentiates the leader of the chief is his ability to serve more and send less.

The Act of serving is linked to influencing people.

To help you with this, two book tips that deal with the theme are: the monk and the executive and how to make friends and influence people.

6-dedicate time for intellectual growth

Read good books. They make you travel without leaving the place and make you learn with the pleasure of selecting only what you think is necessary.

Invest financial resources in family travel. The best memories of a successful life will be linked to the experiences you had with the people you love.

Intellectual and cultural growth will be based on good travel. Start paying your travel package this month (be creative).

7-follow your personal finances

Entrepreneurs have a great challenge when they start their business. Organize your finances and separate personal financial life from business.

Unfortunately it is very common to take money from the company box to pay personal accounts. Lunches, rent, etc.

Be quick and set a retreat for you and your family. But be careful not to sacrifice the company. After all, she's your of.

And just as the company needs a strict cash flow, you also need to control your finances.

Learn about investments. Discover where to invest, whether in real estate, stock exchange or direct treasure.

8-keep your professional life active

Even if today you are undertaking in an own business, which may or may not be in your professional area, continue to specialise in complementary things.

If you can unite your professional life with your own business it's even better.

Professional life brings personal fulfillment by the simple fact of making us useful to the world.

9-never stop learning

When we stop learning, we stop evolving. Whenever possible take courses to improve your personal performance. (complement this with reading the good books suggested above)

Learn a new language. Speaking at least English will put you in front of a competitor in various ways. This attitude will also help you with travel abroad and cultural enrichment.

We hope that these attitudes will help you achieve the so dreamed balance between personal and professional life. More than that, you have understood how to succeed in both aspects without leaving anything behind!

Did you like the post? Then share and follow the next post about what it takes to achieve success next week here on our page.

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Finance, business & insolvency slated

More about Aspect Plus Finanças - Especialistas Em Dívidas & Finanças

Aspect Plus Finanças - Especialistas Em Dívidas & Finanças is located at 40a Station Road, RM14 2TR London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
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