Astrologer Abbas Kazmi

Monday: 11:30 - 23:30
Tuesday: 11:30 - 23:30
Wednesday: 11:30 - 23:30
Thursday: 11:30 - 23:30
Friday: 11:30 - 23:30
Saturday: 11:30 - 23:30
Sunday: 11:30 - 23:30

About Astrologer Abbas Kazmi

Get your life insight . . . . it helps . . .



My Journey of learning occult sciences started 25 Years ago at the age of 16. Initially I learnt palmistry then I found that astrology is way better medium of reading human psychology, career, relationship etc., Numerology is also very interesting source to see day to day matters but I observed that we can give very accurate predictions by doing combine study of astrology, palmistry and numerology. I try to help people in best possible and positive way, may be that's why my predictions hardly fails. I am thankful to all my clients across the globe who encourage me to continue this journey of guiding people and creating difference between insightful reading and fraudulent astrology and black magic practices.


Aries Lovers
Males: Aries males are extremely frank, enthusiastic in love, of practical views, lasting affection and demands your best at all times and does not hesitate to let you know when you are slipping. Adventure and freedom are plus points of the Aries lovers. They are of the dominant nature and will be following so fast behind you that you won't go very far. Romantic, rash, passionate but a spendthrift.
Females: This lover is witty, intelligent and independent. She ex...pects her praise from you and expects good care. She will have the power to override and boss over you, can be aggressive but very romantic and sexy. Fiery in passions and can be controlled with tact and patience as she wants freedom before and after marriage and you have to trust her because she will be faithful.
Note: natal chart can give more in-depth knowledge of anyone's love life.
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Saturn is moving to Sagittarius on 27th January 2017 for 2 1/2 years. When planet Saturn transits over the 12th house from natal Moon, over the house occupied by Moon and the second house from Moon sign then it is called Shani Sade Sati or 7 ½ Year cycle of Saturn that remains effective for approximately seven and a half years. This is usually considered to be very bothersome, difficult and tricky for the native but it is not necessarily bad for every native; it could be equally beneficial for many. For some this is the life changing time and knowledge about this important transit can save or benefit them in different aspects of life.


Why Should I Consult An Astrologer?
Most people are aware of sun sign astrology from newspaper and magazine columns. What most people consider their astrological sign is, in fact, their Sun sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was at the time of their birth. In the best of circumstances, Sun sign astrology is not very accurate. With 12 signs, Sun sign astrology addresses only 12 personality types. This is not enough information for an astrologer to make accura...te predictions. It is also clear that most Sun sign columns follow the old gypsy fortune telling technique of making vague statements that could apply to anyone. Sun sign astrology columns in newspapers and magazine are thus of little use.
Astrology can give very detailed analysis of different life events and human psychology.
To give accurate predictions about relationship, career, wealth education and other areas of life, astrologer need accurate date, time and place of birth.
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Venus is the planet associates with Friday, this is good day for hangout with friends, enjoy food and entertainment activities. Number 6 is the number of Venus. If the dates 6th, 15th or 24th fall on a Friday then its best time for romantic pursuits.


Lines on your palms are the reflections of your brain. Everything that can be seen in a hand can be analysed. Hands are the servants of the human system; so all things which affect the system affect them too. Hands are the immediate servant of the brain. It has been long known and recognised that the human hand can express as much by gesture and position as the lips can by speech. Hands ask, invoke, promise, dismiss, threaten, embrace, express fear, pity, joy, grief, doubts and they also mark time. Heart, Mind, Luck, Health, relationship and so many other lines are there to help you to shape your life better.


2016 promises to be a very eventful & busy year. As an astrologer, it is amazing for me also to see a number of new combinations that are going to take place during 2016. This diverse cocktail of planetary combinations & unique movements will take you through quite a roller coaster. 2016 will see some very exciting combinations like the intriguing Jupiter-Rahu(dragon’s head) combination, an extremely powerful & sometimes scary combination of Saturn & Mars, the movement of Jup...iter from Leo into Virgo & two very powerful 4 planet combinations. Besides, the year would see regular celestial events like the retrogression of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars & Mercury.
All of us will experience the effects of Jupiter-Rahu (Dragon’s head) bringing about behavioral & social changes, Saturn-Mars combine that would become responsible for some very sudden, unexpected & sometimes sinister changes in life while both the 4 planet combinations would bring in extremely strong influences in your life capable of bringing major changes for the periods the two 4 planet combinations would run.
To help you comprehend the changes in various areas of your life as well as handle the opportunities & swings, I have redesigned the way we prepare our 2016 Horoscope focusing on the long list of combinations that we are witnessing for the first time in 2016. It will help you get a clear & comprehensive idea about the upcoming year. The report would, of course include detailed horoscope & predictions, suggestions & favorable time periods to maximize your gains month-wise. This report would cover the potential challenges & suggestions as well as remedies on how to handle the challenges. Lastly favorable dates & specific opportunity-dates would help you maximize your growth / happiness potential in diverse areas such as career, love, family, money, health etc.
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Astrological Diagnosis of Diseases
Diagnose the diseases through birth chart or Prashna Astrology. The planets in a birth chart which are weak due to ill placement, combustion or afflicted cause diseases connected with the significations ruled by them. This is the golden principle of Vedic astrology, which provides us the key to diagnosing the health problems . For example: If Mercury being the lord of the ascendant is weak/afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or Sat, may cause suffering b...y way of nervous breakdown, skin , breathing & mental problems etc. The Sun (Karka of vitality), the Moon (Karka of mind) signify the physical and mental health in general. The planets represents parts of the body governed by them. If Mars afflicted by Rahu or Saturn may cause boils, wounds, irregular blood pressure, impurities of blood, etc. Afflicted, week planets give short/long duration health problems pertaining to their general and particular (Karkatvas) significations. If the lord of the ascendant & 6th lord are weak and there are severely afflicted planets, a person is prone to dreaded diseases like cancer, cardiac diseases, etc.
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“Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.” Albert Einstein – Physicist
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Why Should We Consult An Astrologer?
Most people are aware of sun sign astrology from newspaper and magazine columns. What most people consider their astrological sign is, in fact, their Sun sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was at the time of their birth. In the best of circumstances, Sun sign astrology is not very accurate. With 12 signs, Sun sign astrology addresses only 12 personality types. This is not enough information for an astrologer to make accu...rate predictions. It is also clear that most Sun sign columns follow the old gypsy fortune telling technique of making vague statements that could apply to anyone. Sun sign astrology columns in newspapers and magazine are thus of little use. Most astrologers today practice psychological astrology. They use the much more accurate technique of examining not just what sign your Sun is in, but all nine of the modern planets, as well as a number of other methods. Psychological astrologers analogize the planets, their strengths, weaknesses and interactions, to the forces at work in our minds and emotions. Psychological astrology is very useful for counseling and self discovery. For the best results, it is necessary to know the time, date and place of your birth in order to produce an accurate reading about personality, career, marriage, diseases, good and bad times and much more ...
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I am going to start giving one to one consultancy to london based clients, clients from outside london or UK can get reading through email, skype, viber or via telephone... for further details ... visit my website... ... to book appointment please text on mobile 07860123874 ... thanks

More about Astrologer Abbas Kazmi

Monday: 11:30 - 23:30
Tuesday: 11:30 - 23:30
Wednesday: 11:30 - 23:30
Thursday: 11:30 - 23:30
Friday: 11:30 - 23:30
Saturday: 11:30 - 23:30
Sunday: 11:30 - 23:30