Azurite Industries

About Azurite Industries

Hair extensions & crazy colours if you need to be back at your desks looking presentable & conforming to company dress code policy by 9am Monday!



Hello everyone. This is Samantha, Alexis'/Sally's girlfriend. I have some devastating news to share. At approximately 6pm (British Summer Time) Alex died of an accidental overdose. She died quickly and painlessly in her sleep. While I didn't give her the syringe myself, I am wracked with guilt, partly because I think if I had given her the syringe, it would have contained a much lower dose. Partly because even though we were laying in bed together, I didn't even notice until ...
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From now until the end of August, 50% of my profits are going to go towards bread and appropriate sandwich fillings, and various non-alcoholic drinks to be shared amongst Colchester's visible homeless population (which is the largest I've ever seen in all the various towns and cities I've lived in during the last thirty years) Homelessness is a real problem in this area, especially taking in the "invisible homeless" and "sofa surfers" - like myself! One pound buys three cans ...of drink, a loaf of bread is about 50p and my time is FREE to these guys and girls who are PEOPLE that are homeless, not "homeless people" as many people write them off.
And if one of your mates is on the street, tell them about me. I won't be around every night but when I am, I'll probably have a bag full of butties with me, so tell them not to be afraid to come and ask me for one :)
Finally, if you want to help, just let me know. Being homeless is shit, but being a bit less hungry makes it a bit easier and a can of coke is a really nice change from tapwater
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Stop me and buy one? Something like that! :P


AzzyIndies on the road, coming soon!


why is most POS and slatboard BEIGE?!?!?! Not mine! This is my first background, opinions guys please!?


Work in progress!


Azurite Industries will be at the Waiting Room this Saturday, selling original paintings as well as prints, pretty frames for them, hand made jewellery, plus other various odds and sods from me - as well as tons of other stalls selling everything from vegan treats to...well come and see for yourself! :)


Anyone fancy collaborating and selling your stuff in my shop? Going to do a BIG post on this soon ... and dayum my rates will be kick ass! ;) more soon x


Lots of stuff coming soon on Etsy and Ebay - time for an EPIC clearout, including some corsets I've never even WORN, rare cyber stuff, lots of arty things and some sexy bits and bobs too - watch this space!




very excited as I plan to reopen my Etsy store very soon - a brand new fresh start, nothing to do with me being unable to retrieve passwords at all, honest! :D


Anyone get a surprise modstick this morning? :) if so, it's because i trust you to a) help me weed out any morons and b) i respect your art and would love to help you sell it on my etsy shop (my fee highly negotiable ranging from FREE because i love it so much to a max of 25% because it's going to be a best seller! I'd really love to get some of you on board with this - anyone else who's interested send me a message! I want to have a nice plump shopfront full of all kinds of diverse arts to help bring in a wider audience for us all! Cheers to 2016! Alex


MOHAWK WINTER TIP: Invest in hats. Lots of hats!


My new shop! Don't worry guys, am still doing lots of hair!


FAKE DREAD SUMMER TIP: Falks are your friend! Like a ponytail that clips or ties over a bun of our own hair, put in before pub, go pub, get as sweaty as you like, come home, remove sweaty dreads in less than a minute, fling in laundry pile! Cold shower optional :)


FaKE DREAD SUMMER TIP: climbing trees in wool roving falls is fun and looks so pretty! Unfortunately it also attracts dead leaves and all kinds of wildlife in a way that regular synthetic or real dreads just don't. If you wear roving, wrap em up in a scarf!


However, as i was trying to say before facebook was being a bitch, Lovebird Locks produces some of the most beautiful dreads I've ever seen! Definitely worth some neckache! ;)


MOHAWK WINTER TIP: Invest in hats. Lots of hats!

More about Azurite Industries

Azurite Industries is located at Colchester, Essex