Baby Sensory Canterbury And Faversham

About Baby Sensory Canterbury And Faversham

Award winning Baby Sensory classes for babies from birth until 13 months.

Baby Sensory Canterbury And Faversham Description

Baby Sensory classes provide hundreds of sensory development activities that are great fun for parents and babies to share in the vital first year.
Baby Sensory is the only Baby Development programme with classes specifically designed for babies from birth.
Baby Sensory classes provide hundreds of simple activities that are fun for babies from birth to 13 months. Our baby classes include baby activities ranging from signing to fibre optic light shows, amazing light balls, bubbles and bells; there is always something different. Many of these activities are set to our own Baby Sensory music which is available on CD. What is really exciting about Baby Sensory is that it is an parent and baby group where many of the sensory materials and baby activities are unique to the programme.
Each class includes seven different activities each week and a discovery play time, during which baby can enjoy our sensory play area whilst parents have the opportunity to meet.



Baby Sensory Advent Calendar - Day 1
Here is an idea to kick us off....
Make a very special memory for your babies first Christmas, whilst doing something wonderful for a little one with who may be less fortunate.
... Visit the NSPCC website and get a very special letter from Santa, in return for a small donation to help make someone else's Christmas a little more special.
There is even a special design just for babies!…/make-a-donat …/letter-from-santa/…
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Never mind the cat.... Would any of you parents of little ones find this useful this year?!


Happy December for tomorrow Everyone!!
We had the wonderful idea of sharing a Christmas advent calendar with you all to help celebrate your baby's first Christmas.
Each day we will have an idea, suggestion or thought to inspire you during this very special time in your baby's first year.
... Christmassy love to you all xxxxxxxxxx
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It's "December Eve" and we can officially start our countdown to Christmas - so we thought this was appropriate for "feel good Friday...."
And we do LOVE a good Christmas advert.


Apologies Sittingbourne parents, Kelly from Usborne books is unable to get to you on Monday now because of work commitments. If you are interested in purchasing any books please visit her Facebook page for more information
Blean and Macknade classes will not be affected by this. Hilary Rabey


Oh my goodness! What a brilliant week we have just had with Space Adventures! The planets are still spinning around Hilary's head! Thank you so much to all our wonderful Baby Sensory parents and babies for making sessions so much fun.
Who knew developing our babies vision could be so interactive and fun?
#babysensory #babydevelopment #drlinday #lovebabysensory #developmentclasses #birthto13months #lights #spaceadventure #differenteveryweek #visualdevelopment #babiesareamazing #proudtobewow #canterbury #Sittingbourne #faversham #babysensorycanterbury


WOW – Did you watch the BBC2 programme last night about "Babies - Their Wonderful World."
It was so interesting. There’s been lots of discussion in our classes about how much self-control babies and toddlers have when faced with an exciting toy. We know that encouraging babies to explore independently helps them to learn how to control their emotions and behaviours. We absolutely love seeing our babies start to learn these skills as they develop in confidence when they are in... our Exploratory Play Area as part of their class each week.
Isn't it fascinating that it is during the first year of life, the brain constructs the foundations of the baby’s intellectual future? Every time the baby hears, sees, smells, tastes or feels something new, neural connections form between the brain cells at a remarkable rate. In fact, by the first birthday, a baby’s brain has doubled in volume as a direct result of the trillions of connections made between the brain cells.
Babies brains are incredibly sensitive to the world around them. What we expose them to really does matter - another good reason to introduce a rich variety of sensory experiences at every possible opportunity.
We can’t wait for next week!
Copyright Dr Lin Day 2008 Sensory Explorations. Early Years Educator 9 (11) & Dr Lin Day 2008 Babies are so Clever!
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Next week Usborne books will be in all classes with a lovely selection of books and gifts just in time for Christmas. Don't forget your pennies mums and dads!


5-4-3-2-1 Blast Off!!!!!!! Baby Sensory is taking you and your babies on a Space Adventure this week! We will be heading into outer space, seeing spinning planets, doing the Martian hop and reaching for the stars! An amazing session that will focus on your baby's visual development!
#babysensory #babysensorycanterbury #drlinday #wowworldgroup #ideasfordevelopment #creativity #exploration #finemotorskills #spaceadventure #lights #colours #visual development #wow #babydevelopment #birthto13months #cleverbabies


This looks interesting! Who’s tuning in this week?


A gift that keeps on giving... Baby Sensory gift vouchers!
Drop us a mesage if you'd like to buy your friends a voucher for our award-winning classes or perhaps share this post if any of your relatives need a nudge/ gift idea for your lovely baby this festive "First Christmas Season!"
Makes a great Baby Shower present too!
... 😉
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Our teams across Baby Sensory South East London and Kent are very interested in a new BBC2 three-part series entitled "Babies - Their Wonderful World."
Episode one which will air on Monday 26th November 9pm explores how changes in the first two years of life make us individuals, how tablet use affects our babies and where our biases come from.
A nationwide study looks at babies’ early language development and records the first words their babies are saying.
... We know that the acquisition of speech and language are complex life skills and yet babies understand words and whole sentences long before they can speak. Parents can help babies develop speech and language skills during regular play activities such as talking to your baby during daily routine activities like feeding, bath time and nappy changing. Listening to the sounds’ babies make and responding with words of encouragement so that they know you are listening. Using language that is easy for babies to imitate and allow them time to respond. And singing lullabies, songs and rhymes to introduce new words and to encourage listening skills and repeat them regularly.
The development of brain pathways, genetic inheritance, the maturity of the vocal apparatus, the ability to hear, the quality of care and ample opportunities to interact socially with other people all affect the acquisition of speech and language. That’s why it is so important to provide an environment rich in language from the beginning.
As winners of the What’s On For Little Ones Awards in 2018, 2017 and 2016 for best Baby Activity, Baby Sensory has been at the forefront of baby learning and development and is constantly considered by parents to be the favourite part of their week during their babies’ first year of life.
Do tune in on Monday for what we predict will be a fascinating program.
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It's "Baby Sensory Black and White Friday" snap up a space in one of our award winning classes.
Baby Sensory was the first baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and development from birth to 13 months. Designed to stimulate, educate and provide precious memories during the all-important first year of life, the programme has won multiple awards both nationally and internationally since 2008.
Everything we do is backed by over 35 years of expert research in childhood development. So we’ll always explain what we’re doing and why, helping you make your baby’s first year a truly precious time of learning, fun and sensory exploration. A warm welcome awaits you....< br>


Baby Sensory "Black and White Friday" Dr Lin Day on Visual Development:
"At birth, the eye and brain areas responsible for vision are immature, which explains why very young babies are unable to see red, yellow and pastel colours clearly. Bold black and white patterns provide the greatest contrast. However, unless the baby has a visual problem, black and white toys are not necessary to promote normal vision.
Faces are particularly attractive to the young baby, although the m...ost stimulating image after birth is the mother's face. The newborn searches out the pupil, which also resembles the shape of the nipple. Objects up to a distance of 20 – 25 centimetres (8 – 10 inches) can be seen, which turns out to be the distance at which the mother holds the baby when nursing or cuddling. Attention may also be fixed on objects to the right or to the left rather than on objects directly in front or above. A mobile directly above the cot is less likely to catch the baby’s interest than one placed to one side.
The pathways that relay information from the eye to the occipital lobe at the back of the brain develop rapidly. By the age of two months, both eyes can focus equally and track the movement of an object if it is not too far away. Colours become distinct with preference shown first towards red and yellow and then green and blue.
By the age of three months, the baby will follow an object in a full arc, from right to left. At this stage, the baby is particularly fascinated by moving lights, providing they are not too bright."
Copyright Baby Sensory© 2008
Read the full article: ensoryEN.pdf
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With Christmas fast approaching and parents year on year putting so much pressure on themselves to deliver material things for their children. We thought this was a nice sentiment to remind ourselves.
Watch this space for top tips on having a "very sensory Christmas" with homemade play ideas and cost saving fun from our "December Advent Calendar"


What a wonderful session we had this week. Our Baby Sensory Teddy Bears Picnic is always so popular with the babies (and parents)! Besides being good fun, pretend play develops imagination and encourages babies to explore their world! #babysensory #babysensorycanterbury #drlinday #wowworldgroup #ideasfordevelopment #creativity #exploration #teddybearspicnic #imaginativeplay #finemotorskills #babydevelopment #birthto13months #cleverbabies #babyplay


What a wonderful session we had this week. Our Baby Sensory Teddy Bears Picnic is always so popular with the babies (and parents)! Besides being good fun, pretend play develops imagination and encourages babies to explore their world!
#babysensory #babysensorycanterbury #drlinday #wowworldgroup #ideasfordevelopment #creativity #exploration #teddybearspicnic #imaginativeplay #finemotorskills #babydevelopment #birthto13months #cleverbabies #babyplay


Love love love our Baby Sensory reversible playmat - guess which side is facing up with us today?
Hooray for Baby Sensory "Black and White Friday!


Huffington Post's fantastic video article about our classes ❤


We've had our second class today at Faversham and we are really enjoying it! The classes are so well organised and thought out to encourage our babies to learn and play. Hilary is lovely and its great meeting other mums too. Looking forward to next week already! � Caroline and Baby Sidney(15 weeks old) xx


We really look forward to our baby sensory class each week. It’s been excellent for my daughter and seeing her face as she explores new things is just magical. As a Mum I have also enjoyed meeting all of the other Mums, learning about how to encourage my babies development and the class leaders are so friendly. I couldn’t recommend Baby sensory enough.


We have been attending classes since June last year and my daughter has absolutely loved it. She has enjoyed all the varied activities and I have loved watching her develop throughout the weeks. Now that the time has come for us to leave as she is too old I am really sad that our Monday morning fun has come to end but I have been left with so many fun things I can still do with her at home. So just wanted to say a huge thankyou to Rebecca for giving us such fun while watching her develop and grow, amazing :)


We have been attending baby sensory since my daughter was 4 months old. She loves it. Have been to a few baby sensory parties too and they are great. My favourite baby group!


My now 6 month old loves baby Sensory classes we are on our second term and it gives me activity ideas for at home too. Each week is different and bonus for me is an extra long nap after class!


My little one has been attending since he was 7 weeks old and today attended for the last time. Its been amazing to watch him grow, interact and develop into such a wonderful little man. Thank you so much to Hilary for such a wonderful 12 months.


My little girl loves it ! I can see how much she developed in a few months , thank you � . I recommend baby sensory to everyone it's great!


My 5 month old and I love going to baby sensory classes with Sita. There are always so many different and lovely activities and fantastic ideas for things to do with baby at home. My daughter absolutely loves the classes and always falls asleep before we've got to the end of the road on the way home, we call it the baby sensory effect!


I've brought my little boy to 3 classes so far and he loves it! He is nearly 4 months old and tends to be a little grizzly, particularly with lots of noise and people. However he's been mesmerised at all of the baby sensory classes, he loves watching everything going on around him and is much better around noise these days. The songs and activities see very simple but it's great to go somewhere they have all the music and equipment, and also good to meet the other mums. My husband and mum have come along too which has been really nice. We look forward to our Wednesday lunchtimes!


I've been bringing my daughter to baby sensory since 10 or so weeks. At first I wasn't sure if she was taking it all in but boy was I wrong. She has thrived and I don't doubt baby sensory has played a huge part in that. The 'say hello to the sun' song has been my saviour travelling in the car, as it calms her so much and Sita is great and is a baby wizard! Thank you! X


I took my little boy to baby sensory from 8 weeks old up until he was 1. He absolutely loved it. The 'say hello to the sun' song is his favorite so I bought the cd's for our home and car and we do it everyday. The song always calms him down if he is upset. I can't thank you enough for such lovely classes x


I have taken my daughter since she was 10 weeks old and yesterday was her last session as she is now one. We have loved these sessions. My daughter has absolutely thrived and I have met some wonderful ladies that I will be keeping in touch with. Worth every penny and we loved the special sessions at Halloween and Christmas. We will miss it and Sita who is absolutely fabulous. Hopefully I will be back some day xx


I enjoyed Baby Sensory classes as much as my little one! Great themes and learning whilst having lots of fun! Joel loved it so much we booked a Baby Sensory party for his first birthday, which all the little ones up to the age of 3 really enjoyed! Thank you Sita for creating some special memories for us!


Findlay and I loved going to baby sensory, each class was always great fun with a different theme to keep everyone interested. Sita is a great group leader and always kept my baby's attention during the hello to the sun song, I don't think he ever watched me! I'd recommend these classes to anyone with a young baby, they're great for stimulating your baby's senses and imagination and giving you a chance to meet other mums.


Best baby group! From the very first class my son was absolutely spell bound by baby sensory. He thoroughly enjoyed each and every session and so did I! We had a wonderful space themed baby sensory 1st birthday for him which was equally fabulous! I'd be booking him straight on toddler sense if it didn't clash with work. Cannot recommend enough!


Baby sensory is my sons favourite part of the week! We both really enjoy it and its so fantastic seeing him so amazed by all thats going on. Hilary is so lovely and its great getting to chat to some other local mums. Highly recommend !


Baby Sensory is by far my favourite activity that I do with my daughter. The course is really well structured and there are always lots of fun and varied activities using a whole range of props. Sita and Hillary are such fantastic course leaders and always give great ideas about how the activities can be followed on at home. I always rave about Baby Sensory to everyone that I meet!


Alice loves attending Baby Sensory. She spends the whole hour smiling and interacting with everyone. It is fantastic for her development.


We've had our second class today at Faversham and we are really enjoying it! The classes are so well organised and thought out to encourage our babies to learn and play. Hilary is lovely and its great meeting other mums too. Looking forward to next week already! � Caroline and Baby Sidney(15 weeks old) xx


We really look forward to our baby sensory class each week. It’s been excellent for my daughter and seeing her face as she explores new things is just magical. As a Mum I have also enjoyed meeting all of the other Mums, learning about how to encourage my babies development and the class leaders are so friendly. I couldn’t recommend Baby sensory enough.


We have been attending classes since June last year and my daughter has absolutely loved it. She has enjoyed all the varied activities and I have loved watching her develop throughout the weeks. Now that the time has come for us to leave as she is too old I am really sad that our Monday morning fun has come to end but I have been left with so many fun things I can still do with her at home. So just wanted to say a huge thankyou to Rebecca for giving us such fun while watching her develop and grow, amazing :)


We have been attending baby sensory since my daughter was 4 months old. She loves it. Have been to a few baby sensory parties too and they are great. My favourite baby group!


My now 6 month old loves baby Sensory classes we are on our second term and it gives me activity ideas for at home too. Each week is different and bonus for me is an extra long nap after class!


My little one has been attending since he was 7 weeks old and today attended for the last time. Its been amazing to watch him grow, interact and develop into such a wonderful little man. Thank you so much to Hilary for such a wonderful 12 months.


My little girl loves it ! I can see how much she developed in a few months , thank you � . I recommend baby sensory to everyone it's great!


My 5 month old and I love going to baby sensory classes with Sita. There are always so many different and lovely activities and fantastic ideas for things to do with baby at home. My daughter absolutely loves the classes and always falls asleep before we've got to the end of the road on the way home, we call it the baby sensory effect!


I've brought my little boy to 3 classes so far and he loves it! He is nearly 4 months old and tends to be a little grizzly, particularly with lots of noise and people. However he's been mesmerised at all of the baby sensory classes, he loves watching everything going on around him and is much better around noise these days. The songs and activities see very simple but it's great to go somewhere they have all the music and equipment, and also good to meet the other mums. My husband and mum have come along too which has been really nice. We look forward to our Wednesday lunchtimes!


I've been bringing my daughter to baby sensory since 10 or so weeks. At first I wasn't sure if she was taking it all in but boy was I wrong. She has thrived and I don't doubt baby sensory has played a huge part in that. The 'say hello to the sun' song has been my saviour travelling in the car, as it calms her so much and Sita is great and is a baby wizard! Thank you! X


I took my little boy to baby sensory from 8 weeks old up until he was 1. He absolutely loved it. The 'say hello to the sun' song is his favorite so I bought the cd's for our home and car and we do it everyday. The song always calms him down if he is upset. I can't thank you enough for such lovely classes x


I have taken my daughter since she was 10 weeks old and yesterday was her last session as she is now one. We have loved these sessions. My daughter has absolutely thrived and I have met some wonderful ladies that I will be keeping in touch with. Worth every penny and we loved the special sessions at Halloween and Christmas. We will miss it and Sita who is absolutely fabulous. Hopefully I will be back some day xx


I enjoyed Baby Sensory classes as much as my little one! Great themes and learning whilst having lots of fun! Joel loved it so much we booked a Baby Sensory party for his first birthday, which all the little ones up to the age of 3 really enjoyed! Thank you Sita for creating some special memories for us!


Findlay and I loved going to baby sensory, each class was always great fun with a different theme to keep everyone interested. Sita is a great group leader and always kept my baby's attention during the hello to the sun song, I don't think he ever watched me! I'd recommend these classes to anyone with a young baby, they're great for stimulating your baby's senses and imagination and giving you a chance to meet other mums.


Best baby group! From the very first class my son was absolutely spell bound by baby sensory. He thoroughly enjoyed each and every session and so did I! We had a wonderful space themed baby sensory 1st birthday for him which was equally fabulous! I'd be booking him straight on toddler sense if it didn't clash with work. Cannot recommend enough!


Baby sensory is my sons favourite part of the week! We both really enjoy it and its so fantastic seeing him so amazed by all thats going on. Hilary is so lovely and its great getting to chat to some other local mums. Highly recommend !


Baby Sensory is by far my favourite activity that I do with my daughter. The course is really well structured and there are always lots of fun and varied activities using a whole range of props. Sita and Hillary are such fantastic course leaders and always give great ideas about how the activities can be followed on at home. I always rave about Baby Sensory to everyone that I meet!


Alice loves attending Baby Sensory. She spends the whole hour smiling and interacting with everyone. It is fantastic for her development.

More about Baby Sensory Canterbury And Faversham

Baby Sensory Canterbury And Faversham is located at central avenue, me10 4bx Sittingbourne