Back To Bean

About Back To Bean

Home of all things Bean, each one lovingly designed to inspire you to make your way Back to Bean! The you you were before you stopped believing in magic �

Back To Bean Description

Bean Thinking is a Personal Development program opening minds to new thinking. It's all about you and making you a super charged glittery version of yourself. Learning about how to be happy, what motivates you, exploring your values and developing a whole host of new skills and techniques to make this life less confusing! All wrapped in mindful understanding.

Happy Beans a preschool music and giggling group for the whole family always served with a cuppa and a smile! A genuinely therapeutic way to start your day with a happier heart! Classes Monday in Down Ampney, Wednesdays in Quenington, Thursday in Fairford all starting at 9. 30am

Runner Beans a Running Club for all. . . Where we use laughter to condition the core! We are a very friendly and supportive club and welcome walkers, joggers, runners and roly polyers! It's all about fresh air, exercise, friendship and laughter! It as much about the mind as the heart, the soul as the body! Helping you to reach your goals!

Philosophy Beans is a book club where we share titles that have changed our way of thinking. . . Its a great way to explore life, death and everything that goes on in between.

Cre8aBeans is a Creative space for preschoolers, toddlers and children where we run one off events! It all about the process. . . all about the therapeutic benefits of making art. . . . All events posted on our website!



A little Happy Bean Reminder!!!!!!
Quenington starts back Friday the 3rd of May at 9.30am
Fairford starts back Thursday the 9th of May at 9.30am
... Down Ampney starts back Monday 13th of May at 9.30am
Please put the dates in your diary!! And I would be super grateful if you could share the class info with all your friends with little people! It’s a wonderful way to spend an hour of joy with the people you love the most..... followed by a cuppa and a natter with welcoming smiles!! All looked after by the wonder that is Mel!!
Need any info!? Message here or email
All love ❤️
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When exercise is fun and inclusive and enjoyable.... That is when we learn so much about what it does for our well being! We need to inspire our children to find the joy in the energy..... Whether they win the race or not! It’s about the trying, the endorphins, the motivation of the race and wiggling like a spider over the finish line!! 🕷
We don’t have to be brilliant at everything, to derive pleasure and to benefit from taking part! Do it anyway!! The brilliance comes from learning how good it makes us feel! And how bright it helps us to shine! The Runner Beans Ethos, is all about this!!
#beanthinking #creativethinking #sportforall #team #belonging #fun #inclusive #mentalwellbeing #endorphins #education #childrensmentalhealth #bethechange #run #runnerbeans


And so the next Bean Thinking begins.... 8 lovely humans, about to rediscover themselves.... And find a way to make that self, the one that shines brightest!
Always a pleasure, a privilege and a joy to be a part of it all! ❤️🌈❤️
#beanthinking #newbeginnings #self #selfdiscovery #learn #inspire #laugh #happy #shine #joy #human


Having just shared the ThespBeans of Hatherop’s wonderful singing I am all the more excited to get some grown ups performing with sparkle and shine!!
All the info in the event!! But please come and join us and help us to sprinkle this life with laughter, song and belonging!!
You don’t need to be a super singer!! Just want to be a part of somethings that lights your very soul!!
... Let me know if you are coming and please please share with friends!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈
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Just in case there are anymore for the Bean Thinking course starting Tuesday!! Let me know by 10pm.... Come and join us and relight your fire!! ❤️🌈


When your runner bean run route needs to cross a field.......... 😂😂😂


Wishing all the Beans a very very happy Easter! We hope you are surrounded by love, chocolate, laughter and song!! With hope for new adventures sprinkled on the horizon!! Enjoy the long weekend! ❤️🌈❤️


After a 5 and a half mile run.... There was nothing else for it!! A quick dunk in the river.... Cooled the face, washed away the worry and reminded us how it felt to be alive! Truly living.... Bonkers may be, but life is so much more, when you live it!! Join us at Bean Thinking... And discover what it is that makes you tick.... what makes you tock and let’s help you add the roll to your rock! 😍🌈❤️💫
Let me know by Sunday...... 21st April. All info link in bio!
#beanthinking #coolhead #run #running #water #river #riverswim #love #live #embracelife


The power of running really is understated!!! Especially when sharing it with the trees and the skies and the wildlife that this life blesses us with!
We invest so much in our physical health.... and the glory of running, especially running outside with the very essence of life, is that it’s investing in our physical, mental and spiritual self.
Everything we strive to achieve at Beans.... Is that.... To help individuals to find what makes their soul smile, and to leap towar...ds it with open hearts and minds.... To grab this life with both hands and live it with as much sparkle as possible! Doing what makes us happy!!
Come and join us?? Whether as a Runner, a Thinker, a Happy or a Thesp.... It’s accessible, friendly, joyful and shines.... Each one designed to lift spirits, forge friendships, inspire laughter, compassion, love and a little sweat in our eyes, and songs in our souls!! 🌈❤️🌈❤️
#beanthinking #runnerbeans #happybeans #Thespbeans #beabean #joinus #community #spirit #soul #laughter #love #running #music #song #life #joy #live #feelalive
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Because you matter.... And you are enough! Come and join us on the next Bean Thinking reboot..... Starts 23rd April.
It’s really is a tonic where we care about helping you to shine.... and laugh a lot too!!
Let me know by Sunday!!!!!
... #beanthinking #joinus #bepositive #positivevibes #beabean #human #live #mentalwellbeing #inspire #learn #laugh #shine
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Perhaps the Runner Beans need these!??? 😂😂😂


No word of a lie.... There’s not a Running Club like Runner Beans..... Tonight’s gallop involved gate hurdling, sprint training, cow kicking, bovine dodging, the cow Hokey Cokey, tree climbing, terrified laughter and the joy of living to tell the tale!! Alongside 7km of Well Beaning!!!
When we designed Runner Beans we always promised laughter.... and surviving each run...
I am so glad we continue to deliver!! 😂
... (Photo not my own!)
#run #running #laughing #hurdling #cow #live #giggle #dodge #bovine #runnerbeans #wellbeaning #omg #wherewereyoufiandmartha
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Hello all.... Thank you for putting up with my endless posts about Bean Thinking!!! It’s such a wonder of a program!! The next one won’t be until September..... Don’t miss out... Sign up!! ❤️🌈❤️
Here is a review from the first man we welcomed on to the program... It really is applicable to all!!
It’s about being Human.... The shiniest way possible!
#beanthinking #review #life #live #laugh #learn #curious #interpersonal #relationships #work #home #happier #therapeutic #compassionate #inspire #motivate #change
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We would love to welcome you!! Deadline to sign up 21st of April!!
Read the reviews by clicking the event info! ❤️🌈❤️


Another reason to join us on the Bean Thinking Program......


The Bean Thinking Program.... It is a reset button.... A stop, think.... what am I doing in this life!? What can I be doing better.....?
It’s such a beautiful program.... where we explore all the things that matter.... Whilst simultaneously inspiring change, and learning tools that simply make life.... make love, better.... Join us!
#beanthinking #running #inspiring #bethelight #love #live #laugh #run #learn #reasonstokeepgoing #beabean #meaning #purpose #thankyou #❤️


When sunshines peeps through the blinds... You know the run is gonna be a blinder! 😍 And blessed it was.... Bird song, Pooh sticks, Happy Hills and blue skies.... I wish we could bottle it!! If you don’t run yet, give it a whirl.... The power of its healing for mind, body and soul is beyond anything I could explain!
Ps. We are doing a get yourself running program.... Starts May 13th!! Message for more info!
#run #running #wellbeaning #wellbeing #hills #hope #sunshine #laughter #therapeutic #joy #bluesky #runnerbeans #beabean #joinus


Did you know.... That if you are lucky enough to live until you are 80.... It’s 4160 weeks..... Life isn’t endless.... Make sure you’re doing what lights it up!
Bean Thinking, starts 23rd April... It’s time away from normal life to reflect and refocus, to learn, to laugh, to be inspired to believe in you! Join us!?
Deadline to sign up 21st of April! Drop us a message....
... #beanthinking #refocus #learn #laugh #inspire #change #timeout #rediscover #sparkle #shine #love #life #live #bestlife
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For those of you not on the Beans mailing list..... Here’s Happy Beans News!! Introducing the wonder that is Mel, who has climbed aboard the Happy Bean Rainbow of love and joy and is now leading all the Happy Bean sessions! Please continue to support us in our mission to colour the world with music, friendship, compassion, joy, giggling, wiggling and laughter!! Any questions, get in touch! - - #beans #beabean #happybeans #melzabean #sing #dance #preschool #joy #friendship #coffee #community #bettertogether #wellbeing #family #support


What a great six week course Bean Thinking has 'bean'. I've met a really lovely brunch of ladies including the course leaders Lizzie and Jane! It's a fabulous way of exploring mindfulness and awareness of yourself, situations and others around you. I joined this course as I'm a strong believer in a healthy mind and think it's equally as important as a healthy body. I feel that this course has benefited me as a person and I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to learn new things about themselves, build their self confidence or somebody like me who simply wanted to take a deeper dive into the world of a more mindful life.

Thanks Bean Thinkers💗 #POWERPOSE


What a great 6 weeks. The Bean thinking course really makes you look deep inside yourself and provides you with the tools to change the way you think and feel in order to live each day more positively. Thanks to Lizzie and Jane who are real “role models” and who brought light and laughter to the group every week. Now to put everything into practice!


We've been Happy Beans for the last 2 years and we absolutely love Lizzie and Bean a lovely way to start the week well worth a visit, I promise you won't be disappointed by the train song xx


Turning 40 made me want to take stock and re-evaluate life and the first Bean Thinking course came along at just the right time for me. I learned so much about myself and how better to deal with whatever life throws at you. Lizzie and Jane complement each other perfectly and make the course not only fun but really informative too. I can’t recommend becoming a Bean Thinker highly enough! Thank you Jane and Lizzie!


Thinking Beans is such a well structured and brilliantly delivered course. The contents very cleverly strikes a chord which different people in different ways... but is all relevant to everyone.

Over the last six weeks, I have learnt so much about myself, how and why my brain works the way it does.... and finally as a result I’ve actually started to be kind to myself, and even let the little things go.

To understand your own personal mind, and unlock what truly makes us happy at our core is a powerful tool (yet so many never get this chance). I’m super excited about my next steps.

I’d urge anyone and and everyone to attend this course as it’s so life affirming and uplifting - everyone will have something to learn about themselves.

Both Lizzie and Jane deliver the content with enthusiasm, experience and kindness (plus a little bit of perfect bonkersness at times).

Thank you so much for welcoming me into the Bean Thinking sphere - it’s been a wonderful journey so far, and I’m only excited about the future from now on.


The 'Bean' empire is the most happiest and wholesome business in the world! From the wiggles and giggles at Happy Beans with my children to running miles full of smiles at Runner Beans.,...Lizzie puts her heart into every Bean group she runs and really is a super star.


Runner Beans - great motivation, great fun!


Positive, life affirming and joyous! Everything "Bean" brings smiles and positivity in abundance. Join the Bean Revolution, you won't be disappointed! X


My son was booked for the Bizzie Beans first day summer camp and loved it so much he wanted to do the second day. Thanks ladies and helpers for doing what you do so well!


Lizzie and her 'bean' philosophy has touched many people from the little ones to runners and really does an amazing job! Thoroughly hard working and great fun, I would recommend her super friendly ethos she brings to the running group and Happy Beans, which my youngest daughter enjoyed a few years ago. Well done Lizzie!


Lizzie and Becky's toddler art class was fantastic. Such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and my little boy Max loved getting really stuck in with the paint! We'd love you to come back and run some more classes.


Lizzie Skinner is a legend in the CHEQS region and deservedly so. No one brings more joy and laughter into a room than her. Her Kroaky Beans is a laugh a minute with exceptional singing and singers as will be demonstrated at the November 18 Fairford concert, all under her joyful leadership. Anyone wanting a world where fun and laughter are at the centre of an activity come on DOWN! Grateful Mitch Watkins


Just a brilliant course! Bean Thinking examines life, loves, hopes and dreams. It's a great way to learn a little bit about yourself, how you interact with friends, family, work colleagues on many levels; how to get organised and achieve your goals; how to embrace positivity in life and how to find greater happiness! It's such an upbeat course that really makes you think: What sort of person am I? What is important to me in my life?; What makes me happy? And how do I relate positively to others in my life? It feeds your soul and gives you a real boost! Lizzie and Jane skilfully deliver the sessions in a relaxing and fun environment but they are also highly informative and completely inspiring. Masters in the art of happiness!! You are encouraged to share experiences and views but you don't have to at all if you don't feel confident to do this. Above all, the course encourages you to laugh (a lot) and to examine what make you the person you are! It's bursting with positivity and it really helped me to understand the key to greater happiness. I can't recommend it enough!! It will expand your mind and make you feel good!! DO IT!!!

It is magical!


It’s really quite difficult to put into words just how amazing this course is.... so here it goes...

If you’re feeling unsure of things, confused about things, low or upset about ANYTHING then you need to sign up for the Bean Thinking experience. Not only do you get to enjoy the ‘sparkly’ company of Lizzie and Jane but you get to look at life differently and end the course feeling free of any doubt and a clarity to make changes or realise that everything is ok just as it was.

Anything goes and there is no judgment just a load of understanding people all in one place.

I left feeling stronger, happy, positive, free and content with a clear path in front of me.

Thank you Lizzie and Jane xxx


I'm a runner bean and I absolutely love going! It's good fun and the group are all lovely, my fitness has really improved since I joined and it's all thanks to Lizzie and Nicky �


I'm a massive fan of all Lizzie's wonderful Bean programmes. She runs a brilliant choir (Thespbeans) at school, singing fun and uplifting songs, and her Junior Runner Beans gets 5 stars from the children for its fun and inclusive approach. Above all, Lizzie's underlying ethos is to enjoy the moment, and appreciate what's around us, and I think she achieves that perfectly in every Bean programme that she runs. We're very lucky to have her.


I have taken so much from attending this course; it’s caused a lot of self reflection as knowing what makes me tick and how this affects situations, emotions and relationships is important to help live a happier life. I value so much the skills that I have learnt to help keep living a bright and happy life and how to pick myself back up when needed. It’s all over to me to put it into practice and keep reminding myself of all the things that I have learnt and make a positive impact on my life. Lizzie and Jane delivered the content in a warm, bright and positive way - they made me feel welcome - thank you ladies. I would recommend this course to anyone as there is so much to be learnt or to remind yourself of to keep being you and be happy - this course gave me that. I’ll definitely be attending other sessions run by Bizzie Beans and will be back to Bean Thinking if I need a reminder again in the future.


I have recently completed the brilliant Bean Thinking course and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone. Lizzie and Jane are inspirational and the sessions are fascinating as well as lots of fun. If you are interested in personal development, having a more positive approach to life, reducing your stress and achieving your goals then this course will help you.


I cannot recommend the 6 week Bean Thinking course enough. I was a little sceptical at first but I have learnt so much about myself. I can now recognise triggers to anxiety, deal with the unexpected in a much more controlled way, focus on the good things instead of all the negatives and I feel great for it. It works out at £25 per week, you could spend that on takeaway! This is way more valuable and I feel much more in control of my life :) Thank-you Jane and Lizzie! � xxx


I am a happy beaner with my two lovely girls, we all think it's the most brilliant class that we do to. Lizzie is truly amazing and we always come away feeling full of love smiles and happiness. xxxx


Happy beans was the most outstanding group I attended with my toddler. So much fun with great musical learning too!


Happy and Runner Beans are awesome as is Lizzie!

I did the Bean Thinking course last year and what a wonderful experience it was! It has helped me in so many ways and I use the tools I learnt from Lizzie and Jane nearly everyday to help me make sense of my emotions and to help me better understand those around me! The course content is well thought out and delivered in the best way. A lovely safe environment to enable you to open up and get the most out of this inspiring course!! I think this course can help anyone whether you think you need it or not.......we can all benefit from a different perspective and a reminder to love yourself and follow your dreams!


Happy Beans is the BEST start to the week! It gets our feet tapping and hearts smiling as we sing our way through the morning.....thank you Lizzie x


What a great six week course Bean Thinking has 'bean'. I've met a really lovely brunch of ladies including the course leaders Lizzie and Jane! It's a fabulous way of exploring mindfulness and awareness of yourself, situations and others around you. I joined this course as I'm a strong believer in a healthy mind and think it's equally as important as a healthy body. I feel that this course has benefited me as a person and I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to learn new things about themselves, build their self confidence or somebody like me who simply wanted to take a deeper dive into the world of a more mindful life.

Thanks Bean Thinkers💗 #POWERPOSE


What a great 6 weeks. The Bean thinking course really makes you look deep inside yourself and provides you with the tools to change the way you think and feel in order to live each day more positively. Thanks to Lizzie and Jane who are real “role models” and who brought light and laughter to the group every week. Now to put everything into practice!


We've been Happy Beans for the last 2 years and we absolutely love Lizzie and Bean a lovely way to start the week well worth a visit, I promise you won't be disappointed by the train song xx


Turning 40 made me want to take stock and re-evaluate life and the first Bean Thinking course came along at just the right time for me. I learned so much about myself and how better to deal with whatever life throws at you. Lizzie and Jane complement each other perfectly and make the course not only fun but really informative too. I can’t recommend becoming a Bean Thinker highly enough! Thank you Jane and Lizzie!


Thinking Beans is such a well structured and brilliantly delivered course. The contents very cleverly strikes a chord which different people in different ways... but is all relevant to everyone.

Over the last six weeks, I have learnt so much about myself, how and why my brain works the way it does.... and finally as a result I’ve actually started to be kind to myself, and even let the little things go.

To understand your own personal mind, and unlock what truly makes us happy at our core is a powerful tool (yet so many never get this chance). I’m super excited about my next steps.

I’d urge anyone and and everyone to attend this course as it’s so life affirming and uplifting - everyone will have something to learn about themselves.

Both Lizzie and Jane deliver the content with enthusiasm, experience and kindness (plus a little bit of perfect bonkersness at times).

Thank you so much for welcoming me into the Bean Thinking sphere - it’s been a wonderful journey so far, and I’m only excited about the future from now on.


The 'Bean' empire is the most happiest and wholesome business in the world! From the wiggles and giggles at Happy Beans with my children to running miles full of smiles at Runner Beans.,...Lizzie puts her heart into every Bean group she runs and really is a super star.


Runner Beans - great motivation, great fun!


Positive, life affirming and joyous! Everything "Bean" brings smiles and positivity in abundance. Join the Bean Revolution, you won't be disappointed! X


My son was booked for the Bizzie Beans first day summer camp and loved it so much he wanted to do the second day. Thanks ladies and helpers for doing what you do so well!


Lizzie and her 'bean' philosophy has touched many people from the little ones to runners and really does an amazing job! Thoroughly hard working and great fun, I would recommend her super friendly ethos she brings to the running group and Happy Beans, which my youngest daughter enjoyed a few years ago. Well done Lizzie!


Lizzie and Becky's toddler art class was fantastic. Such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and my little boy Max loved getting really stuck in with the paint! We'd love you to come back and run some more classes.


Lizzie Skinner is a legend in the CHEQS region and deservedly so. No one brings more joy and laughter into a room than her. Her Kroaky Beans is a laugh a minute with exceptional singing and singers as will be demonstrated at the November 18 Fairford concert, all under her joyful leadership. Anyone wanting a world where fun and laughter are at the centre of an activity come on DOWN! Grateful Mitch Watkins


Just a brilliant course! Bean Thinking examines life, loves, hopes and dreams. It's a great way to learn a little bit about yourself, how you interact with friends, family, work colleagues on many levels; how to get organised and achieve your goals; how to embrace positivity in life and how to find greater happiness! It's such an upbeat course that really makes you think: What sort of person am I? What is important to me in my life?; What makes me happy? And how do I relate positively to others in my life? It feeds your soul and gives you a real boost! Lizzie and Jane skilfully deliver the sessions in a relaxing and fun environment but they are also highly informative and completely inspiring. Masters in the art of happiness!! You are encouraged to share experiences and views but you don't have to at all if you don't feel confident to do this. Above all, the course encourages you to laugh (a lot) and to examine what make you the person you are! It's bursting with positivity and it really helped me to understand the key to greater happiness. I can't recommend it enough!! It will expand your mind and make you feel good!! DO IT!!!

It is magical!


It’s really quite difficult to put into words just how amazing this course is.... so here it goes...

If you’re feeling unsure of things, confused about things, low or upset about ANYTHING then you need to sign up for the Bean Thinking experience. Not only do you get to enjoy the ‘sparkly’ company of Lizzie and Jane but you get to look at life differently and end the course feeling free of any doubt and a clarity to make changes or realise that everything is ok just as it was.

Anything goes and there is no judgment just a load of understanding people all in one place.

I left feeling stronger, happy, positive, free and content with a clear path in front of me.

Thank you Lizzie and Jane xxx


I'm a runner bean and I absolutely love going! It's good fun and the group are all lovely, my fitness has really improved since I joined and it's all thanks to Lizzie and Nicky �


I'm a massive fan of all Lizzie's wonderful Bean programmes. She runs a brilliant choir (Thespbeans) at school, singing fun and uplifting songs, and her Junior Runner Beans gets 5 stars from the children for its fun and inclusive approach. Above all, Lizzie's underlying ethos is to enjoy the moment, and appreciate what's around us, and I think she achieves that perfectly in every Bean programme that she runs. We're very lucky to have her.


I have taken so much from attending this course; it’s caused a lot of self reflection as knowing what makes me tick and how this affects situations, emotions and relationships is important to help live a happier life. I value so much the skills that I have learnt to help keep living a bright and happy life and how to pick myself back up when needed. It’s all over to me to put it into practice and keep reminding myself of all the things that I have learnt and make a positive impact on my life. Lizzie and Jane delivered the content in a warm, bright and positive way - they made me feel welcome - thank you ladies. I would recommend this course to anyone as there is so much to be learnt or to remind yourself of to keep being you and be happy - this course gave me that. I’ll definitely be attending other sessions run by Bizzie Beans and will be back to Bean Thinking if I need a reminder again in the future.


I have recently completed the brilliant Bean Thinking course and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone. Lizzie and Jane are inspirational and the sessions are fascinating as well as lots of fun. If you are interested in personal development, having a more positive approach to life, reducing your stress and achieving your goals then this course will help you.


I cannot recommend the 6 week Bean Thinking course enough. I was a little sceptical at first but I have learnt so much about myself. I can now recognise triggers to anxiety, deal with the unexpected in a much more controlled way, focus on the good things instead of all the negatives and I feel great for it. It works out at £25 per week, you could spend that on takeaway! This is way more valuable and I feel much more in control of my life :) Thank-you Jane and Lizzie! � xxx


I am a happy beaner with my two lovely girls, we all think it's the most brilliant class that we do to. Lizzie is truly amazing and we always come away feeling full of love smiles and happiness. xxxx


Happy beans was the most outstanding group I attended with my toddler. So much fun with great musical learning too!


Happy and Runner Beans are awesome as is Lizzie!

I did the Bean Thinking course last year and what a wonderful experience it was! It has helped me in so many ways and I use the tools I learnt from Lizzie and Jane nearly everyday to help me make sense of my emotions and to help me better understand those around me! The course content is well thought out and delivered in the best way. A lovely safe environment to enable you to open up and get the most out of this inspiring course!! I think this course can help anyone whether you think you need it or not.......we can all benefit from a different perspective and a reminder to love yourself and follow your dreams!


Happy Beans is the BEST start to the week! It gets our feet tapping and hearts smiling as we sing our way through the morning.....thank you Lizzie x


What a great six week course Bean Thinking has 'bean'. I've met a really lovely brunch of ladies including the course leaders Lizzie and Jane! It's a fabulous way of exploring mindfulness and awareness of yourself, situations and others around you. I joined this course as I'm a strong believer in a healthy mind and think it's equally as important as a healthy body. I feel that this course has benefited me as a person and I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to learn new things about themselves, build their self confidence or somebody like me who simply wanted to take a deeper dive into the world of a more mindful life.

Thanks Bean Thinkers💗 #POWERPOSE


What a great 6 weeks. The Bean thinking course really makes you look deep inside yourself and provides you with the tools to change the way you think and feel in order to live each day more positively. Thanks to Lizzie and Jane who are real “role models” and who brought light and laughter to the group every week. Now to put everything into practice!


We've been Happy Beans for the last 2 years and we absolutely love Lizzie and Bean a lovely way to start the week well worth a visit, I promise you won't be disappointed by the train song xx


Turning 40 made me want to take stock and re-evaluate life and the first Bean Thinking course came along at just the right time for me. I learned so much about myself and how better to deal with whatever life throws at you. Lizzie and Jane complement each other perfectly and make the course not only fun but really informative too. I can’t recommend becoming a Bean Thinker highly enough! Thank you Jane and Lizzie!


Thinking Beans is such a well structured and brilliantly delivered course. The contents very cleverly strikes a chord which different people in different ways... but is all relevant to everyone.

Over the last six weeks, I have learnt so much about myself, how and why my brain works the way it does.... and finally as a result I’ve actually started to be kind to myself, and even let the little things go.

To understand your own personal mind, and unlock what truly makes us happy at our core is a powerful tool (yet so many never get this chance). I’m super excited about my next steps.

I’d urge anyone and and everyone to attend this course as it’s so life affirming and uplifting - everyone will have something to learn about themselves.

Both Lizzie and Jane deliver the content with enthusiasm, experience and kindness (plus a little bit of perfect bonkersness at times).

Thank you so much for welcoming me into the Bean Thinking sphere - it’s been a wonderful journey so far, and I’m only excited about the future from now on.


The 'Bean' empire is the most happiest and wholesome business in the world! From the wiggles and giggles at Happy Beans with my children to running miles full of smiles at Runner Beans.,...Lizzie puts her heart into every Bean group she runs and really is a super star.


Runner Beans - great motivation, great fun!


Positive, life affirming and joyous! Everything "Bean" brings smiles and positivity in abundance. Join the Bean Revolution, you won't be disappointed! X


My son was booked for the Bizzie Beans first day summer camp and loved it so much he wanted to do the second day. Thanks ladies and helpers for doing what you do so well!


Lizzie and her 'bean' philosophy has touched many people from the little ones to runners and really does an amazing job! Thoroughly hard working and great fun, I would recommend her super friendly ethos she brings to the running group and Happy Beans, which my youngest daughter enjoyed a few years ago. Well done Lizzie!


Lizzie and Becky's toddler art class was fantastic. Such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and my little boy Max loved getting really stuck in with the paint! We'd love you to come back and run some more classes.


Lizzie Skinner is a legend in the CHEQS region and deservedly so. No one brings more joy and laughter into a room than her. Her Kroaky Beans is a laugh a minute with exceptional singing and singers as will be demonstrated at the November 18 Fairford concert, all under her joyful leadership. Anyone wanting a world where fun and laughter are at the centre of an activity come on DOWN! Grateful Mitch Watkins


Just a brilliant course! Bean Thinking examines life, loves, hopes and dreams. It's a great way to learn a little bit about yourself, how you interact with friends, family, work colleagues on many levels; how to get organised and achieve your goals; how to embrace positivity in life and how to find greater happiness! It's such an upbeat course that really makes you think: What sort of person am I? What is important to me in my life?; What makes me happy? And how do I relate positively to others in my life? It feeds your soul and gives you a real boost! Lizzie and Jane skilfully deliver the sessions in a relaxing and fun environment but they are also highly informative and completely inspiring. Masters in the art of happiness!! You are encouraged to share experiences and views but you don't have to at all if you don't feel confident to do this. Above all, the course encourages you to laugh (a lot) and to examine what make you the person you are! It's bursting with positivity and it really helped me to understand the key to greater happiness. I can't recommend it enough!! It will expand your mind and make you feel good!! DO IT!!!

It is magical!


It’s really quite difficult to put into words just how amazing this course is.... so here it goes...

If you’re feeling unsure of things, confused about things, low or upset about ANYTHING then you need to sign up for the Bean Thinking experience. Not only do you get to enjoy the ‘sparkly’ company of Lizzie and Jane but you get to look at life differently and end the course feeling free of any doubt and a clarity to make changes or realise that everything is ok just as it was.

Anything goes and there is no judgment just a load of understanding people all in one place.

I left feeling stronger, happy, positive, free and content with a clear path in front of me.

Thank you Lizzie and Jane xxx


I'm a runner bean and I absolutely love going! It's good fun and the group are all lovely, my fitness has really improved since I joined and it's all thanks to Lizzie and Nicky �


I'm a massive fan of all Lizzie's wonderful Bean programmes. She runs a brilliant choir (Thespbeans) at school, singing fun and uplifting songs, and her Junior Runner Beans gets 5 stars from the children for its fun and inclusive approach. Above all, Lizzie's underlying ethos is to enjoy the moment, and appreciate what's around us, and I think she achieves that perfectly in every Bean programme that she runs. We're very lucky to have her.


I have taken so much from attending this course; it’s caused a lot of self reflection as knowing what makes me tick and how this affects situations, emotions and relationships is important to help live a happier life. I value so much the skills that I have learnt to help keep living a bright and happy life and how to pick myself back up when needed. It’s all over to me to put it into practice and keep reminding myself of all the things that I have learnt and make a positive impact on my life. Lizzie and Jane delivered the content in a warm, bright and positive way - they made me feel welcome - thank you ladies. I would recommend this course to anyone as there is so much to be learnt or to remind yourself of to keep being you and be happy - this course gave me that. I’ll definitely be attending other sessions run by Bizzie Beans and will be back to Bean Thinking if I need a reminder again in the future.


I have recently completed the brilliant Bean Thinking course and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone. Lizzie and Jane are inspirational and the sessions are fascinating as well as lots of fun. If you are interested in personal development, having a more positive approach to life, reducing your stress and achieving your goals then this course will help you.


I cannot recommend the 6 week Bean Thinking course enough. I was a little sceptical at first but I have learnt so much about myself. I can now recognise triggers to anxiety, deal with the unexpected in a much more controlled way, focus on the good things instead of all the negatives and I feel great for it. It works out at £25 per week, you could spend that on takeaway! This is way more valuable and I feel much more in control of my life :) Thank-you Jane and Lizzie! � xxx


I am a happy beaner with my two lovely girls, we all think it's the most brilliant class that we do to. Lizzie is truly amazing and we always come away feeling full of love smiles and happiness. xxxx


Happy beans was the most outstanding group I attended with my toddler. So much fun with great musical learning too!


Happy and Runner Beans are awesome as is Lizzie!

I did the Bean Thinking course last year and what a wonderful experience it was! It has helped me in so many ways and I use the tools I learnt from Lizzie and Jane nearly everyday to help me make sense of my emotions and to help me better understand those around me! The course content is well thought out and delivered in the best way. A lovely safe environment to enable you to open up and get the most out of this inspiring course!! I think this course can help anyone whether you think you need it or not.......we can all benefit from a different perspective and a reminder to love yourself and follow your dreams!


Happy Beans is the BEST start to the week! It gets our feet tapping and hearts smiling as we sing our way through the morning.....thank you Lizzie x

More about Back To Bean
