
About Balid

BALID is the British Association for Literacy in Development, an NGO promoting adult and family literacy and numeracy as basic human rights.

Balid Description

BALID is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) promoting adult and family literacy and numeracy as a basic human right, in the context of development.

We bring together organisations and individuals who believe that sharing experience about learning and literacy can help enrich workers and citizens in both the industrial and the developing world. This is because, as our header photo (of a literacy parade in Vanuatu) declares, ‘Literacy imparts longevity! ’ – and much else besides.

Our aims are to:

. promote literacy and numeracy for adults and families as an integral part of human development;
. increase awareness of the relationship between literacy, numeracy, economic development and social change, in partnership with other appropriate organisations;
. inform and advise governments, NGOs and the private sector on adult literacy and numeracy within the context of development;
. contribute to programmes for adult literacy and numeracy;
. facilitate interactions and exchanges between those working in adult literacy and numeracy programmes;
. exchange experiences and research findings in order to inform future practice.

Whilst we welcome all comers to our meetings, we do encourage membership, so that we can keep in contact, inform you of upcoming meetings, and enjoy sharing experience and expertise. The benefits of membership also include reduced rates for attendance at our Informal Literacy Discussions.