Baz Moffat Strong To The Core

About Baz Moffat Strong To The Core

Baz Moffat is a Women's Health and Fitness Coach, who specialises in pelvic floor and core strength. Baz builds fitness and confidence from the inside out

Baz Moffat Strong To The Core Description

Baz is a Women's Health and Fitness Coach who runs workshops, courses and 1. 2. 1 sessions helping women to connect with their pelvic floor and core.



Umbria a year ago...just the best holiday, all hanging a bit now until the end of term here....not long now ЁЯПКтАНтЩАя╕П Off to Tooting Bec Lido tomorrow...pretty much exactly the same! ЁЯПКтАНтЩАя╕П Happy Friday every one... ЁЯПКтАНтЩАя╕П @villa_pia #endofterm #holidayvibes #visitumbria #selfcarematters
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I've started to train seasonally ЁЯМЮ In the summer I have zero issue getting out of bed early and going for a swim or exercising in the evening. ЁЯМЮ In the winter I hate it...I used to fight my instincts and force myself to workout. But for the first time this year I have listened to my body, trusted it and given it what it asks for.... ЁЯМЮ I really used to struggle with this, I didn't trust the messages clearly saying i don't want ro do this....I interpreted them as being weak or lazy. ЁЯМЮ But this approach is working...I'm mentally in a sharper place, am as fit and strong and much healthier. ЁЯМЮ Anyone else feel the workout vibes when the sun comes out? ЁЯМЮ #summerworkout #longdays #seasonalaffectivedisorder #seasonalsimplicity #trustyourgut #knowyournormal #knowyourbody #movemore
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Anaesthetists, teachers and shop workers are all brilliant at not going to the loo! ЁЯСйтАНтЪХя╕ПЁЯСйтАНЁЯОУЁЯСйтАНЁЯТ╝ They can hold on all day, ignoring the signs or not even feeling them because they just don't have time to go. ЁЯШХ Sounds good..but it really isn't.... ЁЯЩИ Our bodies are designed to excrete waste products around every 3 hours or so.. It gives you signals that it needs to go and it's important that we listen to these signals and don't ignore them as it can create a lot of tension in your pelvic floor. ЁЯдФ First job is to know what normal should be
Then know your normal.. how often are you going?
And lastly find the support you need to make a change.
#youvegotthis #bladderdiary #bladder #knowledgeiskey #knowyournormal #pelvichealth #supportingwomen #loveit #yourbody #pelvicfloorcoach
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Menopause is not just a 50 year old thing... ЁЯТЛЁЯТЬЁЯТЛ Here's Megan who shared her story about experiencing medically induced menopause in her early 20's because of endometriosis. ЁЯТЛЁЯТЬЁЯТЛ Women talking to women, sharing their stories in a real way creates understanding, clears away shame and moves us to a place of knowing more about ourselves, womanhood and those around us.... ЁЯТЛЁЯТЬЁЯТЛ I know that hearing about other women's home birth stories changed everything for me 4 years was such a powerful and life changing way to learn ЁЯТЛЁЯТЬЁЯТЛ Thank you Megan for sharing your story ЁЯТЛЁЯТЬЁЯТЛ Keep talking
#menopause #perimenopause #earlymenopause #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #supportingwomen #supporteachother #testimonials #speakup #holistichealthcare
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Wimbledon starts today, semi finals of world cup tomorrow and my eldest first sports day on Friday...although he tells me it's just exercises! ЁЯО╛тЪ╜я╕ПЁЯПГтАНтЩВя╕П
I тЭд this time of year
... Serious question does watching these amazing athletes inspire you to do stuff and get out there...or not really?
I'm keen to know...I think pelvic health is a real barrier to a lot of women to get out there and have a go..and I'm getting into how to remove these barriers so that every woman can move more
Repost @thisgirlcanuk
#pantsnotpads #wimbledontennis #worldcup2019 #womensfootball #sportsday2019 #beinspiredЁЯМЯ #pelvicfloorcoach #pelvichealth
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I had a bit of a moment yesterday ЁЯЩД In September I had to pretty much start my business again...I'd taken my eye off the ball, was not putting my whole self into the content I was sending out and subsequently things were not really flowing. ЁЯди It annoyed the he'll out of me that I wasn't filling classes and having to work really hard to get clients.... ЁЯШХ But after having a good old moan about how hard it all is and looking for excuses...something flipped and I got my head down and did what I know in my heart is the only thing that works...showing up in the world as the best version of me and aiming to be brilliant at what I do. ЁЯеЗ And yesterday I had a total kick ass of a day. I got the nod on three really exciting new projects...which I've been working hard on over the last 6 months. ЁЯПЕ So I paused, reflected...gave myself a little pat on the back and then cracked on ЁЯПЕ #dothework #bethebestyoucanbe #stayfocussed #gameface #yourbusiness #entrepeneur #believeinyou #yesyoucan #dreambig
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Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor тЭд Seems to be the new buzz word right now тЭд It's being thrown around in yoga, pilates, fitness classes by people who's knowledge goes no deeper than knowing the word.... ЁЯЩК Even had a client go to see an Msk physio the other day for knee pain..who was told she had a weak pelvic floor, which was causing the issue! Total on earth do you know the status of a women's pelvic floor without assessing it? ЁЯдФ My point is...women's health is on trend, which means it's your job is tool up with knowledge from people you trust and respect and move away from those who are keen to be on trend! тЭд Happy Wednesdays peeps #pelvicfloorcoach #pelvichealth #womenshealthphysio #womenshealth #trustedsource #knowyourbody #empowerwomen #educateyourself #empoweredwomenempowerwomen
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ЁЯМЮOnline Summer SaleЁЯМЮ You can get 10% off my online summer training programme this week ЁЯМЮ It's an online training programme designed specifically for busy women..who want to workout over the Summer. ЁЯМЮ... Train with me, with no equipment, online ЁЯМЮ Perfect for when you're, here, there, anywhere x ЁЯМЮ And most bloomin works!
#summerholidays2019 #summerworkout #onlinecoach #womensfitness #womenshealth #trainingwomen #functionalstrengthtraining #integratedhealth #holistichealthcare #pantsnotpads #wandsworth
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We watch sport together...and more specifically women's sport. ЁЯд╛тАНтЩАя╕ПЁЯзЧтАНтЩАя╕ПЁЯд╜тАНтЩАя╕П For a number of reasons...including it's cheaper and more available, but also because the atmosphere is fab and I 100% want my son's to understand how inspirational all athletes can be. ЁЯПЕ So this weekend we went to see @henleywregatta for their first rowing regatta and then cheered on @gbwomenshockey as they beat NZ 2-0... ЁЯеЗ I'll watch anything and love that my eldest can sit absorbed by it all for hours. There are a lot of questions though about every single thing, and explaining it all takes a lot of patience...which I am not blessed with ЁЯШК Have fab Mondays x #olympicday #beinspiredЁЯМЯ #equalityforeveryone #equalityinsport #femaleathletes #gbhockey #womenshenley #rowingregatta #henley #timewithmum
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Impact work ЁЯШК Helps with cardiac, bone and muscle strength. тЭд Awesomeness...but if the only way you can do impact work is if you wear a pad then that's no good...there are plenty of ways to do lower impact moves...whilst still getting a good workout.... ЁЯШК Use gradients and steps...up is less impact than down. тЭд Lean forward slightly... тЭд Reduce stride length and up your cadence when running тЭд Do not grip your tummy тЭд All easy things to read and agree with...slightly harder to implement in practice.. but essentially there are options out there for every woman.. we all need to be moving тЭд #pantsnotpads #pelvicfloorcoach #pelvichealth #womenworkout #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #movementpatterns #midlifewomen #mumlife #wandsworth #putney #holistichealthcare
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2 weeks ago 50 women came to listen live to @thedigitalgp and I talk all things menopausal тЭд And tomorrow the online content is available...we're almost at 80 signs ups, which just shows how many women are interested in this topic. тЭд The online content goes live tomorrow BUT you do not have to access it can listen whenever suits you... тЭд The Facebook live at 7.30 if you want to interact with us this is your time...but you can again watch this whenever you wish and comment away..we will get back to you. тЭд So whether you're joining us or not...what would you like more info on? Ask away тЭд #menopausematters #askforhelp #estrogen #educatedwomen #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #holistichealthcare #pelvicfloorcoach #loveit #lifepurpose #midlifewomen
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ЁЯШОI like to move it move itЁЯШО The kids are a bit obsessed with Madagascar right now... ЁЯжБ And the theme tune is stuck in my head...but it's of relevance to us all. ЁЯжБ... We all need to move, and women in their 40's need to load up their system, we need to be fit and strong...however the piece that is generally missing from the 'bone health/muscle strength/' chat is pelvic health. ЁЯР╡ We need to be training...but not if we're wetting ourselves...this piece must come first. As you just can't replace your pelvic floor. ЁЯШК My mission is to help women become kick ass...and you're not kicking ass if you're wearing're just not. ЁЯТЬ The usually pretty simple, honestly x #strongwomenrock #pantsnotpads #pelvicfloorcoach #pelvichealth #youcandoit #supporteachother #changeyourhabits #youvegotthis #workout #pelvivfloor #ilovemyjob
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ЁЯТЬTeaЁЯТЬ I love it...start every day with it and genuinely feel you can make a pretty accurate assessment of someone based on their tea making abilities. ЁЯЩК I love the ritual, the simplicity, the time it takes and it's just a drink that cannot be rushed. ЁЯШК... My favourite brew is from Tanzania..but my Mum only goes once a year and so my go to is Yorkshire Gold ЁЯМП Does anyone else feel this strongly about tea? ЁЯЩЛтАНтЩАя╕П #yorkshiregirl @yorkshiretea #teadrinking #morningroutines #teacosy #startthedayright
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ЁЯЩКPoo, sex and weeЁЯЩК And there lies the problem....these are basic human functions which we all feel we should be good at. ЁЯТЬ And because nobody ever talks about it...we assume everyone us nailing this stuff which makes us embarrassed, ashamed and silent. ЁЯТЬ... I know how prevalent the issue is...I get messages all day about poo, sex and wee...honestly ЁЯТЬ Messages from women who wear pads every day, women who have not exercised for years for fear of doing damage, women on medication for the anxiety caused by their incontinence... ЁЯТЬ We can all help...just by talking, (not joking)...straight up talking and support for all the women in out world's ЁЯТЬ Honestly no woman should be alone with this stuff...and it is my life's work to reach as many women with this message @holisticcorerestore #pelvichealth #pantsnotpads #noshame #knownormal #premenopause #oestrogen #menopausematters #pelvicfloor #supporteachother #talkmore
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Love it or Hate it...menopause unites all women, like the pelvic floor which we all have, and at some stage in our life we will all go through menopause ЁЯСйЁЯП╗тАНЁЯж░ЁЯСйЁЯП╝тАНтЪХя╕ПЁЯС╖ЁЯП╗т АНтЩАя╕ПЁЯСйтАНЁЯОдЁЯСйЁЯП╗тАНЁЯПн...
For some it will be quick, others it will be drawn out, some will cruise through whilst others will experience debilitating symptoms; just like life, we will all have very different experiences
And the key to it all is to be empower yourself ЁЯТкЁЯП╗with knowledge; the right info from people who know what... they are talking about ЁЯСйЁЯП╗тАНЁЯПл ...
And without being cocky, the @thedigitalgp and I know how to cut through the noise and tell you all what you need to know ЁЯЩМЁЯП╗
Which is why the next instalment of the Baz and Bella show is going live, online next Thursday.. you can ask us questions on FB or just watch the content
But either way, this workshop will go through all you need to know about the menopause
#bazandbella #menopause101 #empowerwomen #menopause #midlife #lifestage #integrativemedicine #collaborations #wellnesscoach #onlinecourse #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #strongwomen #menopausematters #perimenopause #womenshealth #holistichealthcare #hrt #pelvicfloor #pelvichealth #menopausesymptoms
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I'm doing a lot of 'nothing' this week...which is actually everything. ЁЯТЬ The last few weeks have been full on....fabulous things have happened to me and amazing business opportunities...I'm on a roll, buzzing and thrive on the high. ЁЯТЬ But I know that this is not a good state for me to stay in for long and am picking up on a few signs that I need to back off a bit... ЁЯТЬ ЁЯТЛBreathing being a bit tight ЁЯТЛBeing short tempered ЁЯТЛBowels not 100%
And unless I stop..I know that soon enough the above will turn into slepplessness quickly followed by an illness or injury ЁЯТЬ So as fun as the focussed, all guns blazing Baz comes at a cost to me and those around 41 I have only just learnt this lesson. ЁЯТЬ Namaste x #knowyourbody #selfcarematters #beboldbeyou #staystill #breathing #meditationspace #be #knowyourself #godeep
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Well that was intense 10k of swimming took 2hrs 57mins...I decides to take it on from the start and push the whole way...and absolutley loved every minute of it.
I rarely go into this focussed zone anymore...when I was training and competing it was a daily thing but I've changed so much. But yesterday it all came out..I had some amazing swim buddies who kept me on the edge and we just worked so well together.
... Body is in mild 'shock right now and I think will.need a good couple of days to return to.normal function ..
But obviously I'm thinking of.the next challenge!
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More about Baz Moffat Strong To The Core

Baz Moffat Strong To The Core is located at 52 garratt road, SW15 1 London, United Kingdom