Best For Britain

About Best For Britain

We campaign for a No Brexit option to be on the table and a meaningful vote on any deal.

Best For Britain Description

Lets fight for what is Best for Britain!

We need to prevent MPs and the people being forced into a Bad Brexit that is not in Britain’s best interests.

We campaign for a No Brexit option to be on the table and a meaningful vote on any deal.

Who are we?

We are a group of campaigners and public-minded people looking to give the people of the UK the chance to make a fully-informed decision on the future of our country, in or out of Europe.

What do we do?

- Support parliamentary candidates of all parties who commit to putting a No Brexit option on the table.
- Fight to make the ongoing Brexit process transparent, honest and democratic.
- Tour marginal seats to make sure the next Government has no mandate to destroy our rights and our relationship with Europe.
- Help co-ordinate and offer support and training to members of the public looking to get involved, and to other groups who support our aims.

Join one of our local, Best for Britain regional groups to get involved and get active in our campaigns.



💥check out attitudes to Brexit in YOUR area, 💥find out what the EU ever did for your neighbourhood and 💥write or record a message to your MP..and more! Use our NEW dashboard and pls share widely! The people of Britain have changed their mind about Brexit!


We don’t need to do this.


The number of EU nationals coming to UK has slumped to a 6-year low.
We collected data from 82 hospital trusts, 116 universities and other public bodies and found that public services are being put under extra pressure as a result of the 2016 referendum
Here's a link to Best for Britain's research in The Guardian:


We think there’s another scenario that’s #BestForBritain but has mistakenly been left out in this chart.
via Financial Times


Curry chefs tell us they were misled. Now they want a #FinalSay on Brexit to save their industry. We stand with you.


The best way to guarantee certainty is to put the decision swiftly to the British people and see whether they still want to leave the EU or stay in.
We believe the will of the people has shifted - and it's the government's democratic duty to test whether people still want Brexit.


BREAKING: Official govt analysis reveals a "no deal" #Brexit would leave the UK economy around 9.3% smaller. Even if we secure everything the govt asked for, the economy would still be 2.5% smaller…/analysis-sho ws-economy-would-shr…


Discussing #Brexit and going deep into the politics and bureaucracy of it, we may sometimes forget significant achievements of the European Union - like how it won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 for contribution over six decades to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.
To join the EU, a country needs to be a democracy with stable institutions, a functioning market economy, and accept EU law and practice. Under this process, many former dictatorships and ailing ex-communist economies have made peaceful transitions.


Polling has consistently shown public support is getting stronger for a final say on the deal. It is imperative that broadcasters make sure all sides of the argument are represented.
Sign our petition!


This Brexit deal will make it hard for our stretched NHS to look after us.
Ask your MP to vote for what's best for our country. Ask them to vote AGAINST the deal:


‪2,300 of the biggest names in the British tech and video game industries have signed this letter to Theresa May. Brexit is bad for them and they want a #FinalSay‬


Steve Bray is just the face of incredible dedication and perseverance 💪🏽 The BBC built a gantry to elevate their presenters - but he just turned up with longer poles! There is talk of curtains tomorrow - but we are sure Steve will figure out a way! Follow SODEM on Facebook and give them the support they deserve ✊🏽


Research from the London School of Economics shows that with only four months to go, only 21% of statutory instruments required for #Brexit have reached the Houses of Parliament.
This is why we need a #FinalSay. The people have changed their mind on #Brexit. With 56% of us now in favour of Remain, we don't want to leave the EU and we certainly don't want to hurtle towards it.


The UK’s GDP would fall by 3.9 percent - or £100 billion annually - if we take govt Brexit deal according to independent research by NIESR.


MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.


Reader, we did not hold the cards. H/t Alex Andreou


MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.


EXCLUSIVE: MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.


MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.


MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.


EXCLUSIVE: MRP analysis by Focaldata for Best for Britain & HOPE not hate today reveals all constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales now back the public having a final say on Brexit.

More about Best For Britain

Best For Britain is located at London, United Kingdom