Beyond Abundance

About Beyond Abundance

I simplify the mindset myths by showing people where their emotional experience comes from. The result: Inspired thought + guided action=miraculous outcome



Change doesn’t have to be hard!
Changing mindset doesn’t need to involve long hours of meditation or visualization! (awesome if you like It but not everyone can relate to it)
What if the change could begin simply by understanding how our mind works?
... Tune in to my recent podcast interview with Production Nation where I talk about how you can transform your life simply by understanding where does your emotional experience come from
Share your takeaways
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🌸The beauty that you see in me is the beauty that exists within you.
✨Every time you see something good in others your sub conscious mind affirms and sees the same quality within you.
Same goes for judgmental thoughts💭
... Next time you have the impulse to judge someone remind yourself that you will be placing the same judgment over you.
So what do you do instead ?
🛑 Judge your judgmental thoughts 💭🤷🏻‍♀️
✋ On the contrary do nothing
That’s right
Do nothing .....
Judgment is also made of thoughts 💭
Thoughts are transient
The moment you let it go like a helium balloon 🎈 it will fly away
Savour the thoughts 💭 that sees beauty and complements in others.
You will start having a blissful experience.
Your life may not change
Circumstances may not change
Your happiness will increase and aren’t we all after happiness?
Well that’s a discussion for another time.
With love, Ayesha 💕
🦋Helping you transform your life one thought at a time 💭
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🌸You didn’t wake up today to be ordinary.
🤔What’s one thing you can do to move closer to your ideal goal/self/dream.
✨Remove the urgency.
... 😇Breath
😍Enjoy the process.
✨Rinse and repeat every time
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✨Beauty of being thought 💭 conscious
When you become conscious of your thoughts 💭 all you have to do is watch the ones you don’t like fly away and savour the ones you like💖
⚠️ Don’t try to force yourself for changing your thoughts. Forcing your thoughts to change is like forcing the ocean 🌊 to change its course.
... There is beauty and simplicity in this wisdom and our mind may fool us to think 🤔 it has to be complicated. I can assure you it’s not.🌸
DO NOT take my words for it but see it working out for your self💖
✨✨✨Savour your uplifting thoughts.
With lots of Love Ayesha 💕
#TransformYourLifeWithAyesha #EfforlessTransformation #Born2BeResilient
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Can you become charismatic effortlessly?☺️
Subscribe to listen to your weekly dose of motivation🌺☺️💡🌺


🧐😏Are you bigger than your ego?
💖💥Conversation of Ego with Love
💥Ego said PLEASE me and I will love you
... 💖Love said drop your Ego and you will LOVE every one and love will find you
💥Ego said why loving everyone without expecting nothing in return
💖Love said when you are pure love all you see around you is love
💥Ego asked love , “What kind of love is this?
💖Love replied it’s the pure LOVE and brings you close to Almighty Allah/God/chose whatever you like to call Him). Pure love brings you closer to Allah
💕When your love is pure it’s only for the sake of God and is sufficient enough to not need anything in return.
💖Love said:
🌸Drop the ego and see miracles happening in your life.
After seeing this persistence ego decided to leave but before she left she said something that made me pause
Ego said:
You know that I can return as I am nothing but made of thought. I may bring in more negative thoughts with me but you can chose to do whatever you like with me using the gift of your FREEWILL.
💎You can FOCUS on me and let me GROW or you can chose your next loving 🥰 thought.
💎You are truly one thought away from having a wonderful experience of life.
With love
Ayesha 💕
#Note2selfFirst #TrasnformYourLifeWithAyesha #InsideOutChangeWithAyesha #ParadigmCoachingWithAyesha #InnateWellBeingWithAyesha
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🙏🏻Gratitude and ✨Presence reminder
🌸Being present is a gift you achieve using the gift of thought whenever you like.
Allow yourself to become present by savoring and nurturing the present moment.
... 💎You can only pray and worship Allah in the PRESENT moment. You can pray about the past and future but none of them exist in this present moment.
💎The closes you can be with the Almighty is by having fewer thoughts on your mind. Being present allows you having fewer thoughts on your mind😇
💭Thoughts are transient. Anytime a distracting thought occurs, let it pass by using the gift of free will.
🌸You are only one thought away from becoming present.
Happy Friday
#TranformYourLifeWithAyesha #TransformativeCoachAyesha #ParadigmCoachingWithAyesha #InsideOutCoachAyesha ✨
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How often do you apply gravity?
You don’t. It just is💖
How often do you try to stop the sea 🌊 ?
... You don’t. It just flows at its course.
How often do you make the rain ☔️ go away?
You don’t. It eventually does( in London 😅😂)
So why do we ( innocently)try to change our thoughts that are of the similar nature.
✨You don’t apply the law of thought but you live it by understanding it.
You don’t try to change a negative thought but we know just like rain and clouds it will eventually pass by. Sometimes sooner rather than late.
✨You definitely don’t try to stop certain thoughts. It will be as if you try to stop the ocean.
Thoughts go by all day everyday conscious and subconsciously. You only notice the ones you consciously think 💭
Thoughts float like helium balloons the moment you let them go.
✨You can’t make yourself think a particular thought.
Don’t believe me😟😎
Try this.
Ask yourself this question:
What is my thought going to be at 5 o’ clock today?
💥You can never know until the moment arrives as thoughts are Divine gift.
You can learn to understand the nature of thought and thereby become less attached to the ones that don’t give pleasant feelings vice versa.
💎The only feelings you experience are the ones that come through a thought in the moment.
💎Don’t like what you feel? Check your thoughts and in sha Allah it will help you become more present and aware.
💎With presence and awareness, you chose to either keep thinking of what you don’t like or chose a happier thought. I pray you chose a wiser choice.
So what’s it gonna be for you?
✨✨✨✨Pm me if you would like to experience what I teach. Your life might change forever ♾
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Hats off to this amazing lady
We are only restricted by our own limitations and imaginations.
Whether you think you can or you can’t you are usually right.
... Where would your life be if you removed your own limitations?
What is stopping you from liberating yourself from these limitations?
Remember you are only one thought away to make DECIDE and commit to your dream.
#believeYouCan #ThisGirlCan #TransformYourLifeWithAyesha
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Let's see if you can feel good by thinking a bad thought and feel bad by thinking a good thought!
In this episode, I go deeper in how thoughts affect our daily life, our emotions and create an inside out world or outside in the world. Whatever has happened in your past, you are only one thought away of feeling better. You have infinite healing and emotional resilience stored within you. Let's find out how you can switch it on.
Stay tuned and enjoy.


You are only ONE thought away from feeling better🌸😇You are only ONE thought away from feeling better🌸😇


💥 Magic of a powerful conversation 💥
I love coaching people through a powerful conversation. I get asked by potential clients,
🙂‘Can one powerful conversation change your life?’
... Depends on which stage you are at,
It usually starts with
Stage 1- Skepticism🤨: what on earth is she talking about ! Yeah right!!!
2- curiosity🧐: I wonder what it is!
3- Openness😊: what do I have to lose, let’s explore the possibility anyway.
4: Exploration😇: My goodness it was so simple to let go/create what I want✨
5: Transformation🌸🦋: I never knew simplicity could be so life changing and powerful💥
Whichever stage you are at there is always a next step of consciousness to help you showing your true potential. Whether you want to let go of something or create something, your life changing journey begins with one powerful conversation💥😇
Now let me ask yourself
*What do you want to ‘Let go’ of
💎What do you want to ‘create’ to achieve your goals?
Let’s have a powerful conversation to begin the journey💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
#TransformativeCoachingWithAyesha #InsideOutHappiness #PowerfulConversationWithAyesha #3PsCoachingWithAyesha #CoachAyeshaIkram
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💎Imagine how your life will be
If you
💖💖💖Worship Allah as if you see Him and if you can’t see Him know that He sees you 💖💖💖
... #Note2SelfFirst #QuranicInspiration #BePresent #BeConsciousOfAllah
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🧐Why thoughts are important?
💎Thoughts are divine gift and the only way of experiencing the outside world. Without thought and feelings( attached with thoughts as 2 sides of the same coin) we can’t feel and comprehend what’s happening around us. Thoughts help us making or breaking our habits. Unfortunately we pay attention to negative or downward feeling thoughts more and feel bad about it.
📍They easiest way of getting rid of a negative thought is understanding the nature of... the thought. Thoughts are transient. The moment you let go of a thought like a balloon 🎈or cloud ☁️ it will go away. More attention you pay to your thoughts it attracts similar thoughts. Let go of the negative thoughts and savour the ones you like.
📍Thoughts are also neutral. Your feelings about a particular thought make it positive or negative. You can never feel positive thinking a negative thought and vice versa.
Try it for yourself and share what was your experience. See the truth for yourself and let your mind enjoy the calmness and serene presence in the moment.
#CoachingWithAyeshaIkram #TransformativeCoachingWithAyesha #InsideOutHappiness #PowerfulConversationWithAyesha #3PsCoachingWithAyesha #CoachAyeshaIkram
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"Your thoughts are like the artist’s brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in." Sydney Banks"Your thoughts are like the artist’s brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in." Sydney Banks


🤓Do you have BIG FAT goals for 2019?
😟Does your GOAL scare you or make you feel overwhelmed?
😎Next time you feel afraid of your goals or think it's unachievable do this instead!
... 💡Create bite-size goals on whether to seek a solution for a problem or to create an amazing goal in your life.
💡You can’t eat a whole delicious meal in one bite, similarly, we can’t achieve our big goals in one big step.
💡Take small but powerful and consistent steps.
#TransformYourLifeWithAyesha #MicroHabits #Compoundeffect
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Envy is ignorance and a disease of heart.
Ignorance of your own unique potential.
Stay away from the disease of heart by shifting your focus on what’s working for you and how you can leverage your You-niqueness 💖
... #TransformativeCoachingWithAyesha #CoachingMuslimsWoman #SpiritualCoachAyesha
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