Birgitta Ronn Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Birgitta Ronn Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapist based in south west London successfully using safe and effective method to help people make significant, positive changes in their lives. Book your Discovery Call today and start the journey back to the real you.



Attention Ladies!
Living in south west London..... between 30-60.....struggling with anxiety.....trouble sleeping....lacking in confidence and negative thinking.
If any of these statements resonates with you I understand it’s not a nice place to be. When we are stuck in a spiral of negative and circular thinking we may feel....
... • lethargic and exhausted • fed up with being anxious and stressed • overwhelmed by daily life • unable to make decisions
Not feeling in control of our lives can be debilitating to say the least - and that’s why I would like to help you get back to the real you by offering a complimentary 60min ‘Get Your Mojo Back’ session for a limited time only.
Imagine yourself...
- waking up feeling refreshed and filled with energy - brimming with confidence - feeling empowered and clear of where you are heading - feeling content and happy
To claim your complimentary ‘Get Your Mojo Back’ session all you have to do is to click the link below and sign up.
This is what Karen from Richmond had to say about her complimentary session.
“I never talked to anyone about my anxiety so signing up for the ‘Get Your Mojo Back’ was well outside my comfort zone. But Birgitta made me really comfortable and explained how the brain works and why I felt the way I did. I absolutely loved the hypnosis and as I walked away I knew I met someone who could help me. It was a very liberating feeling”
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We often forget that we are in charge. Our jobs, families and other responsibilities appear to be steering us, not the other way around. But we set intentions everyday and based on our believes we get the life we expect. Don't forget you are in charge, you're the pilot, the artist, the choreographer, the director of the film which features you in the lead. Think good, think big and know that your amazing mind can change thinking patterns that go way back. Today is a day for reinvention.


For change to happen we need to do things differently, otherwise we just get what we’ve always got. But the thing no one tells you is that when the time for change comes - you wont feel like it. Do it anyway and reap the rewards on the other side of your comfort zone. 💕


Very frank and interesting article about the trials of insomnia. Anyone who’s struggled with sleep knows how crippling it can be. The worst part is that when we start feeling anxious about the very thought of another nights tossing and turning, we tend to produce cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones, which as designed to keep us alert and hyper vigilant. Thus making sleep even less likely. Asking for help, establishing a calming bedtime routine and practicing relaxation are all helpful tools to get our sleep patterns back on track.…/TV-newsre ader-Tom-Bradby-reve…


Something to think about when guessing what others are thinking... most of it is filtered through our own lens which is based on our own drama.


While in a panicked state, catching your breath and calming yourself down can be a very difficult task. This flower video is designed to assist you getting your attack under control through a simple breathing exercise. Share this with somone who may need it.


When we suffer from anxiety we need quick tools to get us back in control of our spinning mind. Notice what you see around you, what you hear and what you feel, without judging yourself. This can bypass a 'mood' or panic attack as we are reminded that right now, in this moment, we are OK.


Liking and accepting ourselves is a lifetime's job. As teenagers, however, we tend to struggle the most. We compare ourselves to others, feel inadequate and often we lay the blame on our bodies. Which is why it is so important to support and talk about this subject with our young - that in life it is the way you think and feel about yourself that will make the biggest difference, not the size of your thighs. Mental health awareness week will be all over the media this week... but let's make this topic relevant throughout the year too. #mentalhealthawarenessweek #bebodykind


In my hypnotherapy practice I often come across people who are self-employed - entrepreneurs who have taken the brave step to work for themselves. So far so good. But being self-employed means you need to work on your business idea AND your mindset. Over time I've noticed two distinctly different types of self-employed clients - for simplicity's sake let's call them client… [ 917 more words ]…/if-you-are-s elf-employed-or-fre…/


Always have a quiet moment before a client. I believe in all of them. I believe they have the power to change, to rewire and create new wonderful pathways which serves them better than their old ones. Namaste 🙏🏻


One of my favourite moments in hypnotherapy sessions is when the client understands that although they’ve been thinking in a particular way for 20 years, they are free to choose a brand new way to think TODAY, leading to very different outcomes in their lives. That look on their faces when they understand that transformation is in their own hands and not dependent on life circumstances, which are at best cyclical. It’s never too late, people. 🙏🏻.


Eating well is one of the most important aspects of self care. For those who know me this is how my journey into hypnotherapy started. Becoming a health and wellness blogger and running a juice business was my way of caring for self, improving my immune system and feeling energetic most of the time. It continues to this day. My daughter has now decided to become a vegetarian so we’re conjuring up lots of fun ideas in the kitchen. This lentil and chick pea curry was divine and full of ginger, garlic, onions, spinach and herbs. A small helping of coconut milk made it all creamy and yummy. We are beings who need both inner and outer nourishment to feel optimal. Which bit resonates with you? ❤️


Ladies! Are you living in Richmond, Sheen or Barnes?
Between 35-60....feeling anxious and insecure....thinking of going back to work but not sure whether you've still got what it takes....dreading interviews?
....always comparing yourself to others?... ....lacking self confidence? ....sick and tired of your inner critic? ....unclear and unsure of what good looks like?
I know it is not a nice place to be which is why I would like to help you unlock your inner confidence and self belief so that you can start living your life without limits and insecurity.
Imagine a life: - without doubting yourself - without anxiety - without feeling overwhelmed
To help get you back to the real you I'm offering a one hour complimentary 'Unlimited Confidence' session (for a limited time only) . To get you started just click the link below to book your slot.
This is what Jess in Barnes had to say about her initial session: "I was feeling very low when I first contacted Birgitta and I really didn't know if hypnotherapy was going to work for me, but I walked out of my free session feeling calm, relaxed and hopeful. It's been the best thing I've ever done."
Please note that the 'Unlimited Confidence' sessions really are in limited supply as I also run a busy hypnotherapy practice.
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Is where you are today where you want to be in six months? If not, sow the seeds of where you want to be, today. Take one small step daily that would get you closer to your happy space.


Worrying about what others think of you? Watch this! 🙏🏻


Always know your worth ❤️

More about Birgitta Ronn Hypnotherapy

Birgitta Ronn Hypnotherapy is located at SW14 8LR London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -