Birthing Calmly

About Birthing Calmly

Birthing Calmly Birth & Postnatal Services - Hypnobirthing, Doula Support and Baby Massage Classes.

Mum to three, Twin Mum, Wifey & Hypnobirther : )

Birthing Calmly Description

Birthing Calmly Birth & Postnatal Services offers Hypnobirthing, Doula Support and Baby Massage Classes.

Hypnobirthing -

Group sessions in Hertford at The Secret Space or Harlow at The Meadows Children's Centre.

Private 121 (or friendship saver classes) across Herts, Essex, Cambs & London.

The course I teach is designed to support, empower and nurture mums and their birth partners from pregnancy through to birth and beyond.

I will always aim to support you as an individual on your own unique journey. This may include support for birth following birth trauma, multiple birth support, VBAC, Breech, Induction or a planned C-Section.

I am a twin mummy myself : ) and very passionate about Hypnobirthing after using the techniques to birth all three of my own children.

I birthed my first at home and then later my full term twins at 40 & 2 weeks gestation!

Doula Support -

Emotional and practical support for you and your family prior to birth, during & postnatally. I will support you regardless of your birth wishes and choices - Empowering, supporting and nurturing in a way that suits you.

My amazing birth experiences have fuelled my passion to help other mums achieve the birth experience they desire and I have had the absolute honour of supporting many of my mums within their own unique birth environments. (This has included homebirths, hospital births and even births in the theatre! ) All were beautifully positive birth experiences.

I run a Facebook support group - 'Hypnobirthing for Multiples'

Please feel free to contact me directly with any enquiries that you may have via Facebook messenger or email: tracey@birthingcalmly. co. uk

I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you further on your journey : )




**Birth Announcement!**
The latest arrival is the gorgeous Abigail! Thank you Angela and Greg for sharing your amazing #induction birth story with us - a powerful example of how Hypnobirthing can support all changes in birth circumstances! ❤️ ..In mums own words..
“Hi Tracey,
... Just to let you know our beautiful baby girl Abigail was born on Monday 26th November after a rather long induction process of nearly 5 days.
I just wanted to say thank you as we honestly could not have got through the birth without the hypnobirthing classes.
As expected I was induced at 37 weeks but the whole process took almost 5 days due to various issues not least new IT systems at all the hospital causing chaos! Calm breathing helped with that!
In the end I had to transfer to a different hospital to deliver her as they couldn’t get me on the labour ward to progress me and by this point I was very disheartened and stressed. I didn’t think I could pull it back and get in the right head space to relax but as soon as we got into the delivery suite we set everything up - music, relaxation tracks, aromatherapy, candles etc - and started getting into the zone putting into practice what we’d learnt.
After trying all the more gentle induction methods, including breaking my waters, nothing was happening so I had to have the syntocinon drip. I was breathing through the surges so well that the midwives didn’t think I was having any - a bit worrying at one stage as they were talking about failure to progress when I was actually having 4 in 10 mins!
Towards the later stages anyone who came in assumed I’d had an epidural because I was so calm.
It got quite tough especially as I wasn’t allowed to move from the bed and had to lie on one side and the doctors kept on making me doubt my ability to cope, saying I’d need an epidural and talking about going to theatre if nothing happened soon (the midwives were much more encouraging) but I managed to get through it - unintentionally with almost no pain relief! (I tried gas and air but it made me sick)
If it hadn’t been for hypnobirthing I’m almost certain I wouldn’t have coped and ended up with far more intervention than we wanted.
At every stage it gave me the ability to focus my mind and be positive and relaxed! And even though my birth plan and ambitions for a calm water birth went out of the window, it helped us to have the best experience we could.
Greg and I are very grateful to you. And now at a few weeks old, I’m still finding all the relaxation techniques and tracks invaluable - you definitely learn skills for life!”
Wow! Thank you Angela and Greg, what a super strong and beautiful new mummy and daddy you are!
Thank you so much for for sharing your experience with us. Abigail is perfectly calm and I hope to see you all soon at baby massage so that I can meet her 🥰🎄✨💫 - Enjoy every magical moment this Christmas as a new family of three. Tracey xx
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A four week Hypnobirthing course designed to support you and your birthing partner as you prepare for a positive birth experience no matter what your individual birthing choices may be.
As a highly experienced Doula and Hypnobirthing Instructor I will guide you through all areas of antenatal and postnatal care with a focus on you as a unique individual.
I have also had first hand experience as a mum to three Hypnobabies! I delivered all three of my own children with these c...alm birthing techniques. (Including full term twins!) As well as supporting the most amazing homebirths, hospital births, inductions and caesareans! - All as equally positive an experience for these gorgeous Douley families.
Spaces are limited for the next upcoming course but you can reserve your place with a non refundable deposit of £85. (The complete course fee is then due at least one week before your first class, with the course fee in its entirety totalling £260) - This includes all of your supporting course materials for practice at home, my ongoing personal support as and when you need, plus a few surprises along the way!
If you have any further queries or wish to book your place please contact -
Recent reviews and testimonials are available via the Facebook page - Netmums or Google
Tracey Harper -
Finalist for Doula of the Year 2017 at the prestigious Midwife Awards in Ayr
I will bring my experiences and knowledge of local hospitals to your classes :)
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We are proud to be a part of Holiday Tots fabulous 12 Days of Christmas giveaway! To be in with a chance of winning a £75 Birthing Calmly voucher redeemable against a Hypnobirthing course or a private baby massage session in the comfort of your own home please follow the link in the post below!
There are also a whole host of other amazing prizes available from local businesses in Hertford! ...🎄✨✨Good Luck! ✨✨🎄
Birthing Calmly The Calm Birth School Hertford Theatre Holiday To...ts #Hertford #Supportyourlocalbuisnesses
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Such lovely couples this Dec ☺️💕🎄 ... (and lots of lovely birth news coming in too!) ..Now taking bookings for the New Year or our final baby massage workshop this Dec! 🥰
The Calm Birth School #BirthingCalmly The Princess Alexandra Hospital
... #Hypnobirthing #BabyMassage #Harlow #Hertford #Buntingford
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A really lovely Hypnobirthing group this month in #Hertford and I am so excited to meet the next group in #Harlow tomorrow evening! ☺️
Thank you for being such a lovely bunch! ..I can’t wait to hear your beautiful birth news over the coming months! 👶🏼💫
If you too are interested in preparing for a positive birth experience please visit the website for details of upcoming group courses across Herts & Essex -
... I am now taking bookings for January and February 2019 at The Secret Space
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Another gorgeous arrival here at Birthing Calmly! Welcome to the world beautiful Jessica! 💕 #PlannedCaesarean #PositiveBirth
“Hi Tracey!
I’m so sorry as I’ve been meaning to message you for a while now.
... Jessica arrived all safe and sound on the 10th September via a planned C-section in the end as the little monkey wasn’t moving from her breeched position!
However all was well and she weighed a chunky 9lb 3oz!
Thankyou so much for everything and your course was really invaluable... Tim recommends you to everyone who will listen 😂 xxx”
Thank you Poppy and Tim for sharing your wonderful news with us and for the recommendation to others. It was an absolute pleasure to support you both and I hope to meet the little lady soon - she looks like a very calm and relaxed Hypno-baby! ☺️✨💕
If you too wish to plan for a positive birth experience no matter what the birthing circumstances may be you may wish to join us on this weeks upcoming group course commencing Thursday 15th November at The Meadows Childrens Centre in #Harlow.
To book please contact - or visit the website for details:
✨✨ Now booking for January and February in #Hertford & #Buntingford too ✨✨
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A fully comprehensive Hypnobirthing course to support your journey from bump to birth and beyond!
This four week programme is fully inclusive of your birthing partner and includes all of your supporting course materials for practice at home.
You can reserve your place with a non-refundable deposit of £85, with the remainder due at least one week before your first class.
... For further details or to book your place please see the website:
Or email:
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Just wow!! Next we have the amazing twin birth of two beautiful baby boys - Meet Huey & Huxley! 💙💙 ..In mums own words...
“Ok so here goes on my birthing story... x
So after hoping and praying for a natural birth, my babies had other plans and refused to move from their comfy breech position and so I had to opt for a planned c section, but I can honestly say I felt fully supported by the midwife at Lister!
... So forward to the day of my c section 17.10.18
I can honestly say it felt all very strange sitting waiting to go down and casually walking/waddling into theatre, as they started to inject the epidural I started to sweat and felt as if I was going to pass out so I started with the breathing techniques taught, ..And although I had no control! I felt in complete control and relaxed with music playing and Rich by my side, I was in my happy place ready to meet my 2 surprises! ☺️👶🏼👶🏼
Lion king moment number one out appeared our baby boy 💙😭 tears streaming with happiness!
Lion king moment number two baby boy number 2 I couldn’t believe it! But I instantly knew something wasn’t right he was blue! Wasn’t breathing properly, panic started to set in! I couldn’t get up but I could see in Rich’s face pure worry, but I knew we was going to be ok so I took Rich’s hand and started breathing and reassuring him. The emergency teams came running in and whisked him off to NICU.
36 hours later he was reunited with his brother and just wanted to scare us!
I can’t thank Tracey enough for her support leading up to my birth and although it was all planned the different events that arose and the techniques I learnt honestly helped us both so much.
Please meet Huey and Huxley Hall, our world!
The boys are a dream so far and I love this moment where big sister met her new brothers! ❤️ xx”
Thank you so much Kizzi and Rich for sharing your amazing birth story with us!
It’s so lovely to hear how much the techniques supported you through all of the unexpected occurrences at your birth. You are a super strong mummy and daddy and it’s so lovely that you have shared your beautiful journey with us. I love this gorgeous moment as big sister meets her gorgeous new siblings too!
Hope to see you soon at baby massage. Lots of love to you all, Tracey xx 💗👶🏼👶🏼💫✨
#Hypnobirthing #Harlow @Birthing Calmly The Calm Birth School
If you too wish to prepare for a positive birth experience (no matter what your birthing circumstances may be!) you too could join us on our next group course this November in #Harlow! - Or January in #Hertford!
For private availability please contact Tracey direct
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✨🕸Happy Halloween!🕸 ✨


Wow! The most recent Birthing Calmly birth story is certainly one of empowerment and positivity!
In mums own words..
“Hi Tracey. Just wanted to let you know that our beautiful boy Harley James Moseley entered the world on 19/10/2018 9 days over my guess date, weighing 8lbs 3oz.
... My labour didn’t quite go as I expected with it being a total of 54 hours from start to finish!
However I still felt the techniques you taught me helped a huge deal to remain as calm and positive as I could. I felt prepared even though my labour had taken a different route to how I had imagined it.
The breathing techniques truly got me through those hours and having Dan and my Mum coaching me through the surges using my wave breathing was an absolute life saver!
I feel so proud that I was able to get through it all with no pain relief and want to say a huge thank you for everything you taught the three of us.
Harley is absolutely amazing and we are so excited for our future together. Thank you so much Tracey xxx”
Huge congratulations Sophie, Dan and family! 💗 ..Harley James is gorgeous and you have a beautiful smiling Hypnobaby even from birth!
Thanks so much for sharing your lovely birth story with us and well done amazing mummy and super supportive birthing partners! ☺️✨💕
If you too wish to prepare for a positive birth experience my next group course begins in #Harlow on Nov 15th or you can join us in #Hertford this January 👶🏼
#Hypnobirthing #CalmConfidentBirthing The Calm Birth School Birthing Calmly
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So important to talk about infertility and how it effects wellbeing, both emotionally and physically.
A topic very close to my heart 💗


Our local and amazing The Princess Alexandra Hospital - can’t thank these wonderful midwives enough for safely delivering our girls into this world! Since then I have supported many a birth here as a #Doula and all very positive an experience, can’t wait to watch this! X


It’s ok not to be ok, let’s start the conversation. ❤️…/sands -campaigns/wave-light


Looking forward to meeting tomorrow evenings new attendees at The Secret Space in #Hertford! Just one space left if you wish to join us! ☺️


A fully comprehensive Hypnobirthing programme set over four insightful sessions at the beautiful Secret Space in Hertford.
The classes are delivered by a highly experienced Hypnobirthing Instructor, Doula, Teacher, Baby Massage Therapist and Hypno mummy to three - including twins! ☺️💫🌸
These classes are suitable for yourself and your birthing partner (regardless of your own unique birthing choices!) and are further supported with materials for practice at home.
... To find out more please visit the website -
Or email:
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And finally we have the third birth story.. The amazing birth of Baby Johnny Frank Fish! A truly beautiful example of Hypnobirthing at its very best - supporting mums and dad through all birth possibilities with a very positive outcome ☺️✨💫👶🏼
In mums own words....
“Hi Tracey,
...Continue Reading


Secondly we have this beautiful birth story from Jessie, David.. and not so little Charlotte! 👶🏼🌸💕born at The Princess Alexandra Hospital, #Harlow
In mums own magical words...
“Dear Tracey
...Continue Reading


Wow!! Three very different but amazing birth stories have landed in my inbox this week! ☺️✨💗👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼
Firstly we have the beautiful arrival of Amelia Ann Thomas! This birth had some special circumstances but mum and dad were able to maintain control and with the use of their Hypnobirthing tools they have had a positive birth experience that was just right for them and their baby on their birthing day.
In mums own empowering words...
... “Hi Tracey, I just wanted to let you know that our little girl arrived safely at 12:01pm on Thursday. We've named her Amelia Ann Thomas and we're totally in love with her!
Her birth was so far from our plans - the birth pool was broken, I ended up needing syntocin, then an epidural and finally a c-section but still managed to put my breathing and BRAINS to good use. I refused an epidural initially when three doctors came in together and tried to intimidate me into getting one in order to have my waters broken. I stood my ground and proved I didn't need it.
I used just my breathing to get through the first 5 hours of intense surges and moved onto gas and air when I started to get tired.
I asked Dan to request a different midwife as the first didn't fit with how I wanted the birth to go and was making me more anxious. We stood our ground and got someone much more suited to us, which was a relief when bubba's heartbeat started to fall with each contraction and I had to be rushed into surgery.
It wasn't our dream birth but we made it work and now that she's here I know we made the right choices for her. Thanks for all your help and support. We really enjoyed our classes with you 🙂 xx”
So lovely to hear how much you both enjoyed the classes and how the tools supported you through all of the unexpected changes on your birthing day! - You are both amazing and I can’t wait to meet beautiful Amelia! Huge congratulations from me! She’s beautiful! 👶🏼💕🌸
If you too wish to prepare for your upcoming birth no matter what your birthing choices or options may be please email for further details.
The next #Hertford based #Hypnobirthing group course begins on Tuesday October 2nd at 7.45pm!
Alternative group available in #Buntingford or #Harlow on request.
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What a great course! I could not recommend enough to parents to be especially with your first baby!

Before the course there was so much we didn't know but Tracey was excellent and had an answer for all of my burning questions no matter how silly they were!

We are both really looking forward to the birth and arrival of our little one now and I truly believe that is all down to what we have learnt on the course.

Thank you so much Tracey xxx


We thoroughly enjoyed Tracey's classes and found the Wise Hippo course a great way to help us prepare calmly for our baby's birth.

I was determined to breathe my baby out and felt confident that I would... And I did pretty well until I reached and got stuck at 5cm. I then needed help to get me the rest of the way so my ideal, drug-free birth wasn't to be but throughout I felt like the decisions were mine and my husband's so we had the right birth for us and our baby on the day. Tracey's words rang through my head many times on the day!

Giving birth was by far the hardest thing I've ever done - and honestly I don't think anything can prepare you for what it's like - but you can do lots to make you feel prepared, to keep you calm and in control: Tracey's classes definitely helped us to do this.

I had a lovely calm pregnancy and an intense labour and delivery but I did breathe her out - just with some drugs to help. And most importantly, I have the most beautiful and calm baby at the end - we couldn't love her more, she's an absolute joy!

I would definitely look to use the techniques again if and when we have another baby. For now, we're enjoying our precious little Aida May (born 6 May 2016)!


We loved our course with Tracey and found it absolutely invaluable throughout our pregnancy. We learned so much which helped us to prepare for birth positively and calmly.

Tracey really helped us to feel more in control in the months leading up to the birth and the techniques and things we learnt allowed us to stay calm and make our own decisions during labour.

I am really pleased we attended Tracey's course. Her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for positive birthing really inspired us and supported us before, during and after our lovely little boys arrival!


We have absolutely loved our hypnobirth classes with Tracey. Really lovely fun sessions with lots of useful, practical information- just sad that the classes are over now! We've come away feeling really positive and excited about the birth. Thank you! Amy and Nick X


Tracey is just great! We instantly felt at ease with her and signed up for private hypno-birthing sessions to help work around our work schedules. I have always been an anxious person, at my 12 week scan I found my anxiety took away some of the excitement, I was too focused on what ifs and we were concerned how I would be when it actually came to the birth! Using the breathing techniques Tracey taught us I was able to stay calm when my waters broke with meconium in and wait for my husband to get home. I had 10.5hours of active labour and minimum pain relief. I won't say it was pleasant, I had to be closely monitored but Tracey gave us the confidence to know our choices and make informed decisions, including on the lead up to our birth when I was being told I would be induced. I still use the breathing techniques now and my anxiety is now almost non-existent!

We can't thank you enough Tracey! X


Tracey completely changed what our birthing experience was heading for! By the end of our sessions we felt confident and empowered - and that shone through when our time came. We were able to make decisions on the day that were crucial to our positive birthing experience. My waters broke at home and we stayed incredibly calm, watched our favourite movies and cuddled in bed. Even had a leisurely cooked breakfast in between surges! I am certain we would have panicked and rushed to hospital at this stage had it not been for Traceys teaching. One of the best things about Tracey is the depth and wealth of her knowledge - which she has gained from 1st hand experience. It's not all from a lesson plan...she truly believes and cares � We would recommend her to anyone and everyone! Xxx


This is a long overdue review! We completed Tracey's hypnobirthing course last year in preparation for our daughters birth in July. I started the classes nervous about the birth, signing up to them as I was willing to give anything a try to get through the traumatic birth I thought I would have after listening to birth horror stories. I was a bit sceptical about hypnobirthing before the classes, but by the end I was a convert. Tracey's classes are informative, fun and welcoming and my husband enjoyed them too. I wholeheartedly believe that Tracey's classes were the reason I had a calm and relaxed birth as I felt in control and knew what to expect. Highly recommended 😄


Thank you Tracey for the wonderful introduction to HypnoBirthing. We really enjoyed the class and feel very relaxed. Our first birth was a positive experience but there is always room to learn and we feel we learnt so much from you in one evening that we now feel more empowered to communicate our birth plan wishes 2nd time around xx


Thank you Tracey for introducing us to hypnobirthing. I highly recommend your classes. You made the classes accessible for us working around my little ones bedtime and coming to our house to do them. Without your help and support my birth would not have been the amazing experience that it was. You gave me confidence to trust in my birth plan and to revisit my first birth through reflection sessions meaning I could move forward and embrace the birth of my second child.

I couldn't have wished for anything better for my second birth using the breathing and relaxation techniques I had learnt and listening to my mp3's I breathed out my beautiful baby girl Eva.

You have been an amazing support for me and go way beyond what you need to, you are not only an educator but have become a friend.

Thank you also for your continued support and guidance since Eva has been born. You are a credit to The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme and I am so thankful we found you


Thank you Tracey for helping us on our HypnoBirthing journey, you were so helpful and informative. I didn't get the home birth I had planned unfortunately but still got my amazing birth experience of my second baby, it was fast and intense but the techniques I learnt really helped me to keep calm when I thought I might deliver in the back of the car! Thanks for all your support, I will definitely recommend you to all my friends x


So pleased we found Hypnobirthing, but even more pleased that we found Tracey to guide us through the learning. Tracey is certainly one in a million - she's so friendly and personable. Even from the very beginning, when I voiced my concern and scepticism about hypnobirthing, Tracey was extremely understanding, and spent time talking with me about what my concerns were, with no obligation or pressure to proceed with the course. She was happy to plan our sessions around our hectic timetable, and proved to be flexible when we needed to change the plans last minute! The most important quality to us about Tracey, is that she has a great personality!

The most important thing Tracey taught us was about responding to our personal experience of labour. Yes we can plan and envision the birth we would like, and create a birth plan - but be flexible and informed about choices. Unfortunately, we didn't experience the birth we had envisioned, and due to complications I needed to be induced. The techniques we learned during our course proved very useful during labour, and allowed me to experience a pain relief-free labour for over 16 hours. We have no doubt that we would recommend Hypnobirthing, and of course Tracey, to everyone lucky enough to be having a child :)


My partner and I were quite late in our pregnancy (39 weeks!!) when we contacted Tracey for her support. But, wow, late or not, we were so glad that we did!! Our little lady was a stubborn breech baby and all attempts at turning her were to no avail.

Mixed messages from hospital staff and left to do our own research on risks of a natural birth vs a caesarean birth had both my partner and me extremely stressed and worried. However, with Tracey's support, we were able to take a step back and view the situation more calmly, leading to us delay the caesarean and make contacts with two supervisor midwives to put a birth plan in place in case of spontaneous labour.

I have no doubt that without Tracey's amazing support, our birth experience would have been very different. Our gentle caesarean was absoloutely beautiful and instead of feeling robbed/distressed about how the birth played out, both myself and my partner feel so incredibly positive and happy.

I know I will be contacting Tracey again with any future pregnancies, whether they are deemed 'straightforward' or not. I cannot recommend her enough.

No words can truly describe how thankful we are to you, Tracey. Thank you so much for being a part of our daughter's birth.


My Husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy on 10th December 2015 after a 61 hour labour which ended with an emergency c-section due to our baby's position. Without The Wise Hippo hypnobirthing programme we completed privately with Tracey and her ongoing support as our Doula, I know for a fact that I would not have coped with the labour as I did. Before finding Tracey I thought that I was the biggest wimp going, and I couldn't deal with pain very well, but the person I am now, after what we experienced on the hypnobirthing journey with Tracey, is very very different to the person I was then, and I truly believe that hypnobirthing has made me a calmer person in general, and the techniques we learnt got me through the labour. It really is an amazing journey, and we were SO lucky to have found Tracey. She is a wonderful, kind, and selfless person, who has become a true friend to us, and we feel privileged to have had her join us on our journey. The support she gave us throughout the course, and then as our Doula, was more than we could ever have wished for, and despite running her own business and having a young family of her own, she barely left our side from the moment my waters broke to the moment our son was born. We will never be able to truly tell her how thankful we are, as words just don't seem enough. We would recommend Tracey, Birthing Calmly and The Wise Hippo programme to everyone. It played a massive part in our pregnancy and birth and the memories will stay with us forever.


I was lucky enough to win a Christmas competition to have a 1:1 with Tracey weeks before my baby was due. I found the session excellent and the knowledge was reassuring. My labour was induced and lasted 3 days. The breathing technique Tracey taught me was invaluable. Unfortunately due to babies position & size I delivered our beautiful baby delivered by emergency Caesarean section. I can't praise Tracey enough thou. Big thank you from myself, Simon & Evie-Jean xx


I have been taking classes since September and am heading into my final one this week. I can honestly say I have learned and gained so much from Tracey in such a short time. I started scared and anxious of labouring again after my first was born, I lost control and panicked the whole time. Although my son was born beautifully and healthy, I felt it left me emotionally scarred. This time round, and after sessions with Tracey, I feel so much calmer about birthing and generally in myself and actually am looking forward to it. I have learned so many techniques to help relax myself and even use in day to day life now. Tracey is a lovely lady and a credit to the wise hippo group and I will always cherish her guidance and support she has given. Xxx


I cannot recommend Tracy and this programme enough! � It was perfect preparation for my second baby and it helped me work out what I truly wanted in the run-up, during and post birth.

The mindset that hypnobirthing gives you really helps in the moments where you need to believe in yourself. Both me and my partner found it hugely helpful and I think everyone should have the opportunity to do these sessions!


I can't thank Tracey enough for preparing me for my first birth! So friendly, knowledgable and relaxed. My labour was calm and controlled and I wouldn't have managed that without Hypnobirthing. 100% recommend this course!


Dave and I loved our hypnobirthing classes with Tracey, The classes were informative and fun. (I definitely didn’t expect to laugh so much!) Most importantly we both came away feeling like we had tools we could use prior, during and after the birth, particularly for Dave as he feels he can now be helpful and part of the birth experience. We are looking forward to our positive birthing experience however it may unfold :-)

I can not recommend Tracey’s classes enough!


Before starting hypno birthing i was beyond anxious and scared about the big day - my midwife had reffered me to a counceller and i had scheduled my appointmnet for a c-section as i was so adamant i wasnt going to do it! I was a bit sceptical of hypno birthing as i thought we would all just sit there humming along and it being a bit "hippie" for me! After session 1 i decided i would give breastfeeding a go (something i was also adamant i wasnt going to do) after session 2 i had cancelled my c-section appointment, after session 3 i was no longer anxious at all and didnt need to see any one else as i was no longer anxious. After my last session i am so excited to give birth and am in a polar opposite mindset to what i was before i started. I cant thank tracy enough for how i feel about the whole thing now and i can honestly say its worked for me. Its so worth it and beyond helpful that i would reccomend it to anyone and everyone that has any anxiety about the birth and im gutted its finished. But i can safely say im now totally prepared and calm and ready for the big day!

More about Birthing Calmly

Birthing Calmly is located at The Secret Space, SG141AS Hertford, Hertfordshire