
About Blangolden

Grain free dog food

Blangolden Description

Your dog's diet is one of the most important parts of ensuring that they are happy, healthy pets. Over the years, dogs have evolved into the much loved companions we share our lives with today, but have retained the basic dietary requirements of their primitive ancestors.

Many of todays mass produced commercial dog foods have lost touch with what our dogs need naturally to sustain a well balanced life, free from ailments and illness associated with a poor diet. Our busy lifestyles and lack of free time make convenience an important factor when choosing how we feed our dogs. Reducing food preparation time means we don't have to compromise on food to save valuable time.

Blangolden's grain free range is the ideal way of providing your dog with the high quality nutrition they need, coupled with the convenience and value for money that you want.

So lets get back in touch with nature. . .

Get back in touch with nature. . .

healthier food for healthier pets. . .


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If your a dog lover, click onto the link and join us 😊... Lots of dog owner tips, advise and info on chemical free solutions for your dog 🐶
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Are you passionate about chemical free products for you and your fur baby ?
We are looking for honest and reliable people to retail or stock our chemical free supplements, essential oils and organically certified shampoo’s.
Full training program in place and a closed Facebook support group to support you.
... This would ideally suit someone who would like to work from home for a minimum of 2 hours a day or a dog related business eg: groomer, trainer, boarding kennels etc who would like to add our chemical free range to their stable of products.
No targets, you decide when and how you wish to work. Start up Cost £39 this includes your back office, websites, training, samples and online marketing materials. You then choose which products you wish to work with.
If your passionate, willing to learn, like this post, comment below or inbox your rep and let’s see if this could be a fit for you 🐶
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Massive THANK YOU to all our loyal friends & customers, OMG we are celebrating our 5th anniversary 💥💥💥💥 A vision, a dream, a passion for our own dogs and from there it snowballed, you helped make that happen, as a small family business we are always grateful for the trust you place in us to look after your precious fur babies health & nutritional needs.
From starting out with our complete food we have extended the range to 100% natural treats, wet food natural supplementatio...n and grooming. We appreciate every order, recommendation, like and share helping us to spread the word. Always here to help where possible Here’s to the next 5 years 🐶💕 #thankful #dowhatyoulove
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Recognised as a super food because of the many health benefits, Prime fractionated coconut oil is an excellent dietary supplement, which helps to improve energy levels and maintain a strong immune system.
PRIME can be used as food supplement or applied directly to the coat or skin.
Coconut oil contains a combination of fatty acids called medium chain triglycerides, which have powerful medicinal properties.
... Prime contains Lauric acid, proven to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also helps to reduce the causes of yeast infection, which can cause dogs skin irritation.
Fractionated coconut oil Regular use can improve levels of blood cholesterol.
Prime protects the coat, moisturizes the skin and improves dental health, killing bacteria and reducing bad breath.
Used on the coat, PRIME is an effective insect and parasite repellent. It leaves no sticky residue and helps in the regeneration of brittle claws. Visit for more details
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🐶Pure Venison Chew Sticks - 6 Pieces 🐶🐶 Natural Air-dried venison chew sticks Made from 100% pure venison meat in edible sausage casing derived from natural collagen
... No additives. Gluten free. Hypo-allergenic.
Suitable for all dogs including those with food intolerances. Visit for more info
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😻We now stock Truline Cat Food - 😻 Visit our website for more details :
Over 70% nutritious animal ingredients - cats are carnivores and so our recipes are packed full of animal proteins to ensure health and vitality
... Fresh and dried meat and fish - including turkey, chicken and salmon in the meat and fish variety and mackerel, sardine, salmon and haddock in the fish variety.
We avoid the use of proteins that are commonly considered to cause allergic reactions and dietary sensitivities.
Yeast and chicken gravy – provide natural flavours that are guaranteed to satisfy even the most particular cats.
We also use dried whole farm eggs which help provide supremely digestible protein sources to promote overall wellbeing, as well as providing amino acid building blocks for muscle development and growth.
Norwegian salmon oil and refined chicken fat - enrich the recipes providing a balance of the essential omega-3 and 6 oils for optimal skin & coat condition
Naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients also promote overall health and vitality.
Oligosaccharides and yucca are added to provide natural prebiotics to promote the stabilisation of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.
The herbs have been meticulously chosen for their calming effect on the digestive system,encouraging a healthy relaxed gut.
Berries and Fruits – considered by many to be “super foods” due to their high antioxidant content, our botanicals promote immunity and help to minimise the risk of urinary tract disease.
Selected vegetables – provide a low and balanced carbohydrate levels to provide energy throughout the day
ALSO we avoid all synthetic flavourings and sugars that are often added to many other foods.
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Try a selection of Blangolden grain free products and see how much your dog loves them 😍
Sample box includes : 1 x 150gms Chicken & sweet potato complete kibble 1 x 150gms “lamb and sweet potato complete kibble ... 1 x 150gms Duck & sweet potato complete kibble 1 x Salmon and sweet potato kibble 1 x 395gm wet tray of your choice For further information and a list of the ingredients please visit
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100% red Scottish deer, suitable for sensitive dogs & with added glucosamine! RRP £4.29 each

User 044562/?ref=share
Are you a dog lover ? Join us and share your dog tips and find out more about our chemical free products Click onto the link to add yourself 🐶


Does Restoriix work ? Our girl is almost 5 years old and we have been using Restoriix once a week to keep her oral hygiene in good health ! As you can see her teeth are in great condition and it’s saved us a fortune on vet bills, Win-Win 👌 Pm us for more information


Tasty Venison training treats 😍 £2.49 each Venison-based treats ideal for intensive training. Approximately 240 low calorie treats per pack.
Grain-free, gluten-free, glycerol-free, hypo-allergenic.
... Super healthy, super tasty treats for dogs made from 40% freshly prepared British venison. Composition based on a perfectly balanced dog food. This product contains no artificial flavourants or preservatives.
Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 3 months. Ingredients: 40% freshly prepared venison, with sweet potato, peas, potato, salmon oil, pea protein, chicken stock, potato protein, chicken fat, carrots, spinach, seaweed, minerals, vitamins, camomile, marigold flowers, glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin sulphate.
Nutritional additives: Vitamin A, Vitamins D3, Vitamin E, ferrous sulphate monohydrate, zinc sulphate monohydrate, manganese sulphate monohydrate, cupric sulphate pentahydrate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite.
Protein 24.1% Oils & Fat 11.7% Fibre 3% Inorganic Matter 5.7% Moisture 8% Omega-6 2% Omega-3 0.65% Calcium 0.72% Phosphorous 0.64%
Metalisable energy 350Kcal/100g (approximately 1.5 calories per treat)
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Check your dogs pads.....


Soopa denture sticks now available. Grain free, 100% natural treats, visit 💥

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Soopa denture sticks now available. Grain free, 100% natural treats, visit 💥


Soopa denture sticks now available. Grain free, 100% natural treats, visit


Try a selection of Blangolden grain free products and see how much your dog loves them 😍
Sample box includes : 1 x 150gms Chicken & sweet potato complete kibble 1 x 150gms “lamb and sweet potato complete kibble ... 1 x 150gms Duck & sweet potato complete kibble 1 x Salmon and sweet potato kibble 1 x 395gm wet tray of your choice For further information and a list of the ingredients please visit ❤️
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More about Blangolden

Blangolden is located at Rectory Farm, Barrowby Road, NG31 8NU Grantham