Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

About Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

Aspiring to be an inclusive, welcoming, & affirming church in the heart of London. Main Sunday service 11am.

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church Description

A fully inclusive and accessible church in the centre of London, that holds and represents a wide variety of people, opinions, and backgrounds.

We are progressive in our theology, reverent in our style of worship, and active when it comes to social justice.

Those who find their home here believe there is no one 'right' way, but rather we search together for a deeper understanding of Jesus and what it means for us to follow him.

'Nobody comes to Bloomsbury twice by accident. '



#Paperflowers in the church - #beauty #creativity #bloomsburybaptist @s_olvita @ Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church


A #BloomsburyBaptist and #dragonhall tour: Through the #BritishMuseum with the #Bible. #biblicalstudies #ancienthistory #livingfaith


The #Bloomsbury #artcube has had another makeover. From Banksy’s ‘Thinker’ plinth to a #RubiksCube to #fineart. #BloomsburyBaptist


"The Returning Jesus is not a cause for fear, or for disengagement from the world. In fact, it is the opposite. The Jesus who comes to us again and again, calling us to pray that the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, calls us to live and work for that coming kingdom. Living as if it were true, until it is true." #sermon #BloomsburyBaptist


Today's Fuelcast (Monday 13 August) features Bloomsbury minister Simon's paraphrase of the Beatitudes, along with the amazing story of Sister Dorothy. Ben Lucas asks the question: What would you like your last words to be?


Our wonderful #Deacons (and partners) at Simon and Liz’s house for the annual #BBQ. #grateful for all their #service and #hardwork. #thankful


“Most of the artists are sad, lonely, frightened, angry, remorseful, bereaved or resentful. But, in addition to being convicted criminals, they are also sons, daughters, brothers, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and neighbours. Very few of them are wrongly convicted or angels and some are also difficult and dangerous. Many of them have been damaged by many years of violence, neglect or abuse and also suffer long term mental health issues and are at risk of further health impairment while in custody.”


"If we truly were the inclusive, welcoming, and open church that we have the opportunity to be (that we think we are), and if we were taking seriously the commission to go and make disciples of all nations, would we look like we do?"


Birb! . . . #birb #cute #littlebird #newfriends #toohot #bloomsburybaptist


Tonight we reflected on and about silence. How we can meet God in it. How sometimes we need to speak out and break the silence. . . . #bloomsburybaptist #reflective #silence #meditation #breakthesilence #speakout #artisticreflection #faith #studiochurch #creativefaith #queerfaith @ Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church


last night Exchange had a BBQ at chez @spwoodman! Happy Birthday for Sunday! Good food and great company! . . . #youngish #barbecue #friend #fellowship #birthdaycake #youngadult #bloomsburybaptist #goodcompany #goodfood


"What if it isn't our job to create a safe and welcoming community? What if we are instead called to look for Jesus beyond ourselves, beyond our boundaries, to discover him in the wilderness?" #BloomsburyBaptist


Congratulations to Sarah and Robbie on their beautiful day! . . . #weddingdress #churchwedding #love #marriage #brideandgroom #confetti #bouquet #celebration


Currently planning our next sermon series at Bloomsbury. 'The Anti-Lectionary: Passages you never thought you'd hear preached!'
You can always catch up on Bloomsbury's sermons via our website or on SoundCloud / iTunes:
... SoundCloud: podcasts
#BloomsburyBaptist #BloomsburyCentral
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@dsavvi working hard on the Bloomsbury News. Available from this Sunday! . . . #churchnews #bloomsburycentralbaptistchurch #bloomsburycentral #admin #faith #news #latest


Prayer for the Week


It was a pleasure to have the guys from DeHavilland cooking for us today at Tues@Bloom! teas, coffees, lunch, and a quiz! . . . #overfifty #activeretired #lunch #teaandcoffee #volunteering #nevertooold #friendship


Check out the work of the talented Solvita our wonderful receptionist. . . . #paperflowers #paperart #hiddentalent #kitty #miaomiao #artsandcrafts #bloomsburycentralbaptistchurch #bloomsburycentral


Luke called us this morning to rest, to be, to actively seek peace and hear God.
Take a minute in your hustle and bustle to simply be. . .... . #rest #peace #quiet #quietplace #stillness #godsvoice #thelordismyshepherd #meditation #stillsmallvoice #candles #bloomsburycentralbaptistchurch #bloomsburycentral
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We may not agree with other opinions but in a democracy and Sanctuary such as Bloomsbury Baptist it is important to hear and discuss another's viewpoint. I have heardTony Benn... Rhodes Boyson.. and I believe Enoch Powell.. and many other diverse fascinating speakers in the 70s etc led by Dr Howard Williams although first attended Bloomsbury with my parents at the age of 11 in the 50s on vacation from Swansea and heard Rev Townley Lord.


Truth has many facets. I believe that when these are honed and organised the New Jerusalem will stand and gleam manifest amongst humanity. Therefore, without wishing to criticise the criticisers of your upcoming hosting of the event MEDIA ON TRIAL, I want to let you know that I applaud your welcome of it, and its distinguished truth seekers, all of whom have the courage to be frank about their research, and where it genuinely has led them. Just as Jesus asked- and hoped for- completely different responses from, say, John, and Peter, without loving one or other of them less, it behoves us as Christians to 'get behind the SCENES', the cliches peddled endlessly in our habitual newspapers, and to breathe with less 'peddled' facets or open our brows to less habitually-formed percepts of reality. Jesus did this perpetually.

"SEE, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! " Let us, with Him, be ever prepared to

Look Afresh.

All the souls speaking at the event have proved their worthiness to be heard. No-one is compelling anyone to believe, to fashion belief after a certain preordained pattern, but why should they not be heard? THANK YOU, BLOOMSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH


Inclusive, welcoming, collaborative, loving. Great teaching and pastoral support.Also The Beast aka the organ. What more could you ask for?!


A church that engages seriously with the community, provides thoughtful teaching, and welcomes all who come.


You hosted speakers who are advocates for Asaad's genocide against Syrian children, women and men. You claimed it was because of a commitment to free speech. Yet you allowed a Syrian woman, whose own family are victims of Asaad and who was peacefully protesting, to be thrown out of the event. There are moral red lines and last night you crossed them.


Why should an otherwise progressive institution host a fascist pro genocide gathering? You might have been fooled by the name of John Pilger on the programme - many clearly were. But he pulled a sickie. So he found a reason to withdraw, why not you?


Very disturbed that even when provided with details of the deranged and inhumane views held by the people who had booked their hall on Thursday, they continued to host them. And they didn't even have the courtesy to respond to those who made reasoned objections. A shameful episode in the history of this institution. I wonder if they will watch the videos of what went on in their premises when they are released, or if they will just remain in denial?


Unfortunately, you have agreed to host, Media On Trial, the next week, the speakers at the conference deny the atrocities perpetrated by the Assad regime and its allies. The same atrocities that took place in Aleppo, to which you signed an open letter expressing concerns about last year.


This chuch hosted pro-assad genocide deniers, but allowed the people who came to peacefully protest against them to be violently thrown out. Not sure what Jesus would say.

Don’t go there, and most definitely don’t try to discuss things with them: they will get violent to shut you up.


They should think twice before hosting pro- Assad event. The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference will ruin their reputation.


The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference is quite frankly appalling and unconscionable.


Shameful that this church hosted violent pro-Assad genocide deniers.


We may not agree with other opinions but in a democracy and Sanctuary such as Bloomsbury Baptist it is important to hear and discuss another's viewpoint. I have heardTony Benn... Rhodes Boyson.. and I believe Enoch Powell.. and many other diverse fascinating speakers in the 70s etc led by Dr Howard Williams although first attended Bloomsbury with my parents at the age of 11 in the 50s on vacation from Swansea and heard Rev Townley Lord.


Truth has many facets. I believe that when these are honed and organised the New Jerusalem will stand and gleam manifest amongst humanity. Therefore, without wishing to criticise the criticisers of your upcoming hosting of the event MEDIA ON TRIAL, I want to let you know that I applaud your welcome of it, and its distinguished truth seekers, all of whom have the courage to be frank about their research, and where it genuinely has led them. Just as Jesus asked- and hoped for- completely different responses from, say, John, and Peter, without loving one or other of them less, it behoves us as Christians to 'get behind the SCENES', the cliches peddled endlessly in our habitual newspapers, and to breathe with less 'peddled' facets or open our brows to less habitually-formed percepts of reality. Jesus did this perpetually.

"SEE, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! " Let us, with Him, be ever prepared to

Look Afresh.

All the souls speaking at the event have proved their worthiness to be heard. No-one is compelling anyone to believe, to fashion belief after a certain preordained pattern, but why should they not be heard? THANK YOU, BLOOMSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH


Inclusive, welcoming, collaborative, loving. Great teaching and pastoral support.Also The Beast aka the organ. What more could you ask for?!


A church that engages seriously with the community, provides thoughtful teaching, and welcomes all who come.


You hosted speakers who are advocates for Asaad's genocide against Syrian children, women and men. You claimed it was because of a commitment to free speech. Yet you allowed a Syrian woman, whose own family are victims of Asaad and who was peacefully protesting, to be thrown out of the event. There are moral red lines and last night you crossed them.


Why should an otherwise progressive institution host a fascist pro genocide gathering? You might have been fooled by the name of John Pilger on the programme - many clearly were. But he pulled a sickie. So he found a reason to withdraw, why not you?


Very disturbed that even when provided with details of the deranged and inhumane views held by the people who had booked their hall on Thursday, they continued to host them. And they didn't even have the courtesy to respond to those who made reasoned objections. A shameful episode in the history of this institution. I wonder if they will watch the videos of what went on in their premises when they are released, or if they will just remain in denial?


Unfortunately, you have agreed to host, Media On Trial, the next week, the speakers at the conference deny the atrocities perpetrated by the Assad regime and its allies. The same atrocities that took place in Aleppo, to which you signed an open letter expressing concerns about last year.


This chuch hosted pro-assad genocide deniers, but allowed the people who came to peacefully protest against them to be violently thrown out. Not sure what Jesus would say.

Don’t go there, and most definitely don’t try to discuss things with them: they will get violent to shut you up.


They should think twice before hosting pro- Assad event. The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference will ruin their reputation.


The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference is quite frankly appalling and unconscionable.


Shameful that this church hosted violent pro-Assad genocide deniers.


We may not agree with other opinions but in a democracy and Sanctuary such as Bloomsbury Baptist it is important to hear and discuss another's viewpoint. I have heardTony Benn... Rhodes Boyson.. and I believe Enoch Powell.. and many other diverse fascinating speakers in the 70s etc led by Dr Howard Williams although first attended Bloomsbury with my parents at the age of 11 in the 50s on vacation from Swansea and heard Rev Townley Lord.


Truth has many facets. I believe that when these are honed and organised the New Jerusalem will stand and gleam manifest amongst humanity. Therefore, without wishing to criticise the criticisers of your upcoming hosting of the event MEDIA ON TRIAL, I want to let you know that I applaud your welcome of it, and its distinguished truth seekers, all of whom have the courage to be frank about their research, and where it genuinely has led them. Just as Jesus asked- and hoped for- completely different responses from, say, John, and Peter, without loving one or other of them less, it behoves us as Christians to 'get behind the SCENES', the cliches peddled endlessly in our habitual newspapers, and to breathe with less 'peddled' facets or open our brows to less habitually-formed percepts of reality. Jesus did this perpetually.

"SEE, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! " Let us, with Him, be ever prepared to

Look Afresh.

All the souls speaking at the event have proved their worthiness to be heard. No-one is compelling anyone to believe, to fashion belief after a certain preordained pattern, but why should they not be heard? THANK YOU, BLOOMSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH


Inclusive, welcoming, collaborative, loving. Great teaching and pastoral support.Also The Beast aka the organ. What more could you ask for?!


A church that engages seriously with the community, provides thoughtful teaching, and welcomes all who come.


You hosted speakers who are advocates for Asaad's genocide against Syrian children, women and men. You claimed it was because of a commitment to free speech. Yet you allowed a Syrian woman, whose own family are victims of Asaad and who was peacefully protesting, to be thrown out of the event. There are moral red lines and last night you crossed them.


Why should an otherwise progressive institution host a fascist pro genocide gathering? You might have been fooled by the name of John Pilger on the programme - many clearly were. But he pulled a sickie. So he found a reason to withdraw, why not you?


Very disturbed that even when provided with details of the deranged and inhumane views held by the people who had booked their hall on Thursday, they continued to host them. And they didn't even have the courtesy to respond to those who made reasoned objections. A shameful episode in the history of this institution. I wonder if they will watch the videos of what went on in their premises when they are released, or if they will just remain in denial?


Unfortunately, you have agreed to host, Media On Trial, the next week, the speakers at the conference deny the atrocities perpetrated by the Assad regime and its allies. The same atrocities that took place in Aleppo, to which you signed an open letter expressing concerns about last year.


This chuch hosted pro-assad genocide deniers, but allowed the people who came to peacefully protest against them to be violently thrown out. Not sure what Jesus would say.

Don’t go there, and most definitely don’t try to discuss things with them: they will get violent to shut you up.


They should think twice before hosting pro- Assad event. The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference will ruin their reputation.


The decision of this Church to host holocaust deniers and fascists in a pro-Assad conference is quite frankly appalling and unconscionable.


Shameful that this church hosted violent pro-Assad genocide deniers.

More about Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church is located at 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8EP London, United Kingdom