Bm Online Training

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Bm Online Training

Online Body Transformation Coach. I will help you lose fat, put on muscle and get in shape fast!

Bm Online Training Description

London based Personal Trainer & Online Body Transformation Coach. Helping you lose fat, put on muscle and get in shape fast!



Do you want to put on muscle? That’s rhetorical, of course you do. 😏
First, earn the right to load a movement by using good form.
All to often I see guys in the gym massaging their egos with weights they shouldn’t be using, beating up their joints, and getting minimal changes in their physiques because of it.
... For a muscle to grow it needs stimulus (obvs) and we need to make sure that the form you use keeps tension on the target muscle, rather than aimlessly repeating sets and reps and wondering why your muscle isn’t responding.
Assuming you’re doing 6 or more reps with a controlled tempo you should be “ feeling” the target muscle working throughout.
If your technique sucks how can you direct tension to the target muscle.
How can you grow it? 😟
Who’s guilty of this or has a mate that is?
Comment or tag them. Dare ya... 😂
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Here’s an example of what a well structured reverse out of a diet will do for body composition. 👊🏼
Yuriy finished his diet at 1600 calories, bear in mind he was 56kg by the end, and over 4 weeks we increased them to 2000 calories daily + 1/2 free meals on weekends. Check out his weekly pictures. 💪🏼
In 4 weeks his bodyweight increased by 1.5kg, and so did his energy, his training has improved and as a result he’s stronger.
... With this in place, his next diet will be a doddle as he will be in a better place starting with his calories much higher than when we began working together.
Who wouldn’t want more food when dieting?
He did fantastically well in getting into shape for his first photoshoot but more importantly we made sure his aftercare post diet was equally well managed.
All too often I hear about people going off strict meal plans and regaining weight after quick transformations and a big part of that is lack of client care and education.
This is exactly why a big part of the service I offer focuses not only on getting someone into shape but also teaching why things work, what to focus on and how to maintain results.
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Here’s an example of what a well structured reverse out of a diet will do for body composition. 👊🏼 # Yuriy finished his diet at 1600 calories and over 4 weeks we increased them to 2000 calories daily + 1/2 free meals on weekends. Check out his weekly pictures. 💪🏼 # In 4 weeks his bodyweight has increased by 1.5kg, so has energy, and training has improved and as a result he’s stronger. ... # With this in place, his next diet will be a doddle as he will be in a better place starting with his calories much higher than when we began working together. # Who wouldn’t want more food when dieting? # He did fantastically well in getting into shape for his first photoshoot but more importantly we made sure his aftercare post diet was equally well managed. # All too often I hear about people going off strict meal plans and regaining weight after quick transformations and a big part of that is lack of client care and education. # This is exactly why a big part of the service I offer focuses not only on getting someone into shape but also teaching why things work, what to focus on and how to maintain results. 🎯 # @yuriys
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This one goes out to all the skinny guys who don't think they can put on muscle.🙄
I'm here to tell you and show you that you can. I used to think I was doomed! It's funny when I think and write it down now but it's genuinely what I thought.
Now I get told that I've never been skinny or that it's not hard for me to put on muscle. 🙄 Ummm yeah sure... Look at these pictures and tell me what you think then.
... I remember my first gym experience with my two best friends at a Fitness First in 2009. Weighing in at a massive 63kg I thought I was fit as a fiddle from all the football I played and that I'd keep up with them in the gym easily.
Boy was I humbled.
The guys were warming up with 60kg (135lbs) bench presses so I assumed I would too. We're going in a rotation and I was up next. I unrack the bar and lower it to my chest and and get the first rep out... just... and after that I was quickly approaching failure on my 2nd rep at which point I needed spotting before the bar killed me. 🙈
Regardless, I was adamant on getting stronger and bigger and hated being the weakest out of our group so I stubbornly kept going back and trying to do better.
I sympathise with newbies at the gym, because I hated it at the start. I was scrawny and could barely lift a thing. But once I saw my body weight increasing, some muscle growing and my lifts going up I reckoned punishing myself in the gym a few times a week was a worthwhile ordeal if it resulted in me being muscular and strong.
“ Skinny Guys “... You’re not doomed. You need a change in mindset and your approach to training and nutrition.
That is all. 👊🏼
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Easiest high protein/ low calorie meal recipe idea for lazy cooks!😝 This barely takes 10 minutes to make. # 1. Heat some coconut oil. # 2. Add some diced chicken. ... # 3. Add the pre-made stir fry mix. # 4. Add sauce! # 5. Enjoy. # My macros for this meal are 50g protein, 10g fat, 10g carbohydrates. Yes the sodium will be high but with this heat it’s a welcome addition. # Give it a go! ☺️
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These were Kevin @kevinthomasduffy results in just 13 weeks of Online Training.
Being a full time Personal Trainer, growing your own business and ensuring your service is as good as it can be whilst undergoing a transformation like this is hard work.
It involved:
... - Training hard when energy levels got low.
- Mind games hunger in the latter stages of a diet.
- Looking for nutrient dense foods to keep you somewhat full.
- Ensuring you socialise with family/girlfriend/friends (and don't become a Norbit).
- Keeping your mood in check. (Much easier said than done when you’re dieting hard).
- Keeping productivity high (And I'm sure if you asked Kevin directly that would just be a short list).
As a Coach it can be difficult to allow someone else to take control and direct you but Kevin did just that.
His understanding of physiological and psychological process required to get in this shape is something he now shares with his clients.
Safe to say that his final condition prior to his photoshoot was awesome!
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Here’s what Online client Gary had to say:
“Before training with Ben I was caught falling into the same traits i look to work on with my own clients. I was busy and using that as an excuse to be lazy with nutrition, cop out of my own training sessions and I was crashing only 4 hours into my work day.
Ben provided simple, effective structure and along with the accountability of both calls and the support of a quick response to a message whilst mid session made the process eas...ier than I could have hoped for.
Where I’d been previously guilty of being too aggressive with diet and training, Bens weekly updates, training progressions and tweaks to nutrition are always measured and from day one I found everything asked of me very manageable and the results were quick to fall in line.
I am 12 weeks in to dieting and pushing numbers bigger than before and still going up, and I’m still getting leaner which is also mad.
When Ben hit me with the number in mind for fat loss, I didn’t see myself having to take it so far, but here i am 7 kg down, approaching how lean I wanted to be, and just a couple off the number he called on our very first chat.
The benefit that I personally take most from training with ben would be just getting my buzz back for training again. Rather than canning off sessions, I’m getting amped to get in the gym and get the headphones blaring.
And with new found motivation and clarity to each day and week, the energy feeds down into so many other parts of my day. I don’t crash mid morning or rely on caffeine to drag me through the day. Im managing and making better food choices than ever, even when eating out and about. My productivity in setting up my own sessions is through the roof and walking the talk is a large part of that. I have an experience from the other side now and can relate and react to some issues popping up with my clients who are seeing me implement it for myself.
Starting with Ben has definitely was definitely my strongest decision of 2017, his knowledge and guidance has been absolute quality from day one. I’m buzzing to see where he can take me in the coming few months!
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Mastermind 4 of 6 completed with @philgraham01 and another mind blowing day where I personally learnt a ton. Very excited for the next 2, and can’t wait to take action. 💪🏼🎯 # Photo credit: @mcaufield_brothers


Meet Yuriy and check out his awesome transformation. 💪🏼
Obviously I’m delighted with his end result as a LOT of hard work went into this! In his own words I’ll let him talk you guys through the whole process. 😁
... “Those that know me well know that I would never in a million years take my top of in front of people let alone post this kind of stuff.
On the contrary I would always wear the baggiest sweatshirts as I was never really comfortable in my own skin. But the last few months have been an interesting and exciting journey to get to this, so I just wanted to share it and overcome this insecurity at the same time.
I worked with Ben to get into the best shape of my life but what I got out of it was much much more and this is just the beginning. Had an amazing time shooting with Ben Mark and could not have asked for a better day!! “
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I have spent the last 5 weeks before a holiday doing a mini cut. 😎
Couldn’t tell you how much body-fat I’ve dropped exactly but my bodyweight is down from 86.3kg to 82kg in 5 weeks.
... I’m visually leaner than I was 5 weeks ago. 🙋🏻‍♂️
I did not lose any strength at all so I’m really not to concerned about any potential muscle loss, especially in such a short time frame.
My main objectives were to:
✅ Reduce body-fat (obvs) but also to have a better muscle building block off the back of it.
Too much body fat accumulation just isn’t optimal for muscle gain. Past the beginner stages of training you just can’t force feed new muscle tissue.
✅ Increased energy - constantly smashing a lot of food/calories will eventually make you feel sluggish.
✅ To remind MYSELF what it’s like!
I haven’t dieted in a long time as I generally stay within healthy body fat ranges but being able to relate to my clients is very important to me.
✅ To be ready for the beach! 💪🏼📸
These past 5 weeks have given me some timely reminders of how tough fat loss can be for those new to it or those in their own journeys.
I’m really happy with the rapid fat loss and will continue to implement 4-6 week cuts whenever I need to “tighten up” and get rid of unwanted body fat.
I really think more people should implement these during the year to get the most out their training and results.
Ps. My face looks ridiculous in the before pic so let’s just enjoy the 😑 face.
Who else does mini-cuts and what’s your experience been like with them?
I want to know. Comment below. ⤵️
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Last week I posted about Dorota’s impressive 8 week photoshoot prep. I also promised to follow up with an explanation of further work we did later on.
This time round we had more time to play with, roughly 12 Weeks, and it was for the Miami Pro Muscle Model category.
... Those extra 4 weeks, the understanding of what it takes, her experience from her first diet with me and her trust in me as a coach helped us achieve even more spectacular results.
Dorota was the winner in her first show!🏅
Ps - Yes I know the before picture is the same - could not find the original- but let’s just appreciate the end product. There’s very few women who can nail this kind of shape and condition. 💪🏼
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HUGE DEADLIFT PB. 240kgx1.‼️
3 Weeks ago my 1–1 client destroyed 230kg for a new personal best but couldn’t get 240kg moving (Video on the left). This week he smashed 240 out of the park. 🎥
That’s a 20kg increase from his old best and just 10kg away from the goal we had set out for the whole of 2018. 🎯
... We learnt a lot from that missed lift and with a little refinement blasted through to 240kg this weekend. We increased training intensity for 2 weeks and then tapered back down before retesting. We added back in some assistance work to help on both physiological and psychological fronts. 🙌🏼
I’m sure you’ll agree that the second video looks very solid and that we’re more than on track. 👊🏼
Now... Do you need to do 1 rep max deadlift this for improved body composition. No, of course not! My clients goals a very specific with an end goal in my mind. 💪🏼
But... What I will say is those with huge relative strength in compound lifts tend to hold onto more muscle mass and have much more impressive looking physiques when they do diet down to lower body-fat. ✅
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This was the exact questions I was posed by Dorota in our first session. In Dorota’s case... Yes. For most others...
" It depends "... Mostly on who it is, how lean they are to begin with, how much experience they have with diet and training and whether or not it’s a realistic time frame.
... My client Dorota managed this impressive transformation in just 8 weeks. We went on to work together 2 more times with longer diets which I’ll document next week.
She had a background in training and already had built some muscle, understood nutrition on a basic level, was generally healthy, within a healthy body fat range, hugely motivated and had no deviations from the plan I’d set her.
All of those variables combined made her rapid fat loss possible. 💪🏼
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On paper most coaches will tell you:
Calorie deficit + training/cardio = Results
... And whilst that’s simplistic, and for the most part true, this game isn’t played on paper. (Or macronutrient calculator for that matter).
Once we add a human into the equation everything changes.
Mindset plays a massive role in body transformations and is often overlooked by those completing their own transformation.
You have to clearly know:
✅ Why you are doing what you’re doing
✅ Set realistic time frames and work hard on them
✅ Be willing to immerse yourself in the process
✅ Change your habits and lifestyle to achieve or maintain your goals
✅ Be consistent in all of the above
None of this is easy from the start, but those who manage to nail these points have successful transformations.
What do you think? 🤔
Comment below.
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One of my first and best transformations with former Online client Alix.
Here’s what Alix had to say about it:
“ Just saying a big thanks to Ben for the consistent effort and communication throughout my 12 week online programming.
... To anyone thinking of working with Ben, get signed up, put your trust in his knowledge and start the journey.
Ben was willing and able to work with me across 8 timezones, dealing with equipment shortfalls, pre-existing injury concerns and dietary habits and nuances.
I will definitely be back for part 2 😉. “
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Online client James Flemin is on fire! This is his condition 3 weeks after his diet. His calories are up from 1900 calories (5x) and 2400 on refeed day’s (2x) to 2700 on training days (4x) and 2500 on rest days (3x).
You can call it “reverse dieting” or a “recovery diet” but all we are looking to do is get in maximum calories, maintain leaner body composition and to get to a mass building phase as soon as possible. Doing so means he’s in an optimal environment to grow.
With ...the increase in food he has been smashing pb’s here, there and everywhere and will continue to do so over the next few months.
As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, during our consultation James spoke about wanting to put on muscle but with his body-fat at a higher start point I persuaded him to do a mini cut to maximise a proper mass gaining phase. This evolved into a full 12 week transformation.
Had he started with higher body-fat he would likely have accumulated too much body fat and had less time in a calorie surplus. Being as lean as he is now gives us a buffer for pushing calories up. We can adjust things whenever we need to and ensure that he stays lean whilst getting bigger and stronger.
In my article “ Muscle building - Why you need to be lean first “ I highlighted why you should get lean and remain fairly lean before trying to build muscle and what realistic rates of muscle gain might look like. If you haven’t read it yet click the link to find out more. lding-why-you-nee…/
So the plan now is to keep increasing his food intake, assessing his body composition, his gym performance and tuning his training towards the body parts he’d like to bring up.
It goes to show the benefits of optimising body composition before aiming to grow. 😉
If you’re interested in getting some results of your own shoot me a message.
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Working with Ben on an online basis has been a fantastic and rewarding experience.

Being a coach myself, some would question why I would possibly do this, but I feel having the accountability and support from someone who has a wealth of experience within the industry was exactly what was needed to help me get results.

The results spoke for themselves, in 9 weeks we achieved the following : -

5% Bodyfat drop

7KG weight loss

No muscle loss

Ben was professional, diligent and kept me on track throughout our time together. I would certainly recommend him to anyone looking to improve their body composition and improve their mindset towards health and fitness.

Thanks again Ben!


The crème de la crème of PTs, and an alright bloke too.

Helped me lose 17.5 kg in just 4 months!


I trained with Ben @KX Yorkville

He has a high level of integrity for his work. He knows his shit and is constantly self-educating and improving along with his clients.

He is embodied, authentic, professional and humble. All fantastic qualities of a good teacher.

Highly recommend 🙌


I started training with Ben last summer and have been loving it! He's highly motivating, tough and knows how to push you to your limits. He's also all about attaining a better lifestyle but one that works for you.

Having experienced other personal trainers in the past, I can say he is one of the most experienced and committed trainers. Ben is very knowledgable and understands the mechanics of the body and will teach you proper technique.

I'm so happy with the results I've achieved so far. I've learned so much from him and look forward to continuing with more progress!

Thanks Ben!!! �


I started training with Ben in 2015, and couldn't have been happier with the results! Ben is a really dedicated trainer, really knows his stuff both on an exercise and nutrition level.

He's an incredibly well-rounded trainer, he successfully combines his dedication to his clients, daily check-ins, strict (but manageable) diet plans and varied exercise regime to achieve awesome results. He focuses on your goals, and then designs a fitness plan to get you there. He also keeps a strict eye on your form ensuring that all exercises occur in a safe manner.

I've learnt a tonne from Ben and couldn't recommend him more!


I did a 3 month online programme with Ben, with regular face to face check ins for Body Fat measurement and technique tips.

Ben has a maturity beyond his years and, with experience at UP and M10, has been mentored by some of he best in the business.

The results I gained under Bens watchful eye were excellent and I learnt a lot throughout the process.

Ben has a calm, no nonsense, non ego based approach to training and transformation.

Thanks for all your help mate ��


Ben is an excellent coach with a wide variety of a knowledge and skills. he has helped a skinny fat footballer such as myself shred down to single digit body fat and compete at mens physique. if you are serious about achieving results and learning how to maintain it yourself, he is your man!


Been using Ben as my online coach for the past 3 months and have undergone a very successful fat loss transformation.

The man is a genius.

More about Bm Online Training

Bm Online Training is located at London, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -