Bodyawareness By Valérie

Monday: -
Tuesday: 14:45 - 21:00
Wednesday: 14:45 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -

About Bodyawareness By Valérie

Body awareness Centre - Valérie Schraauwers - valerie@bodyawareness. co. uk - Bodywork, Coaching, Applied Reflexology and Embodiment, Workshops.

Bodyawareness By Valérie Description

My work is based on the body’s natural ability to learn and repair itself, using the Somatic based bodywork technics. A personal process, consisting of regular meetings, helps to pay attention to repetitive situations and attitudes of daily life, and to learn how to stop them in order to recover energy to be able to invest in what you really want. I'll teach you simple tools, using different techniques of touch, movement, breathing, using instructions and description, to develop body awareness, increase energy levels, gain confidence and achieve personal goals. The more you become involved and invested in the process, the more concrete and sustainable the results you will witness in your life.

Some of the benefits include:
Reduced chronic pain
(headaches, digestive problems, backache, swollen legs, pain related to repetitive working conditions
Gained confidence, clarity, energy
The ability to properly rest
Improvement in relationships
Developed awareness of oneself and their surroundings
Personal and professional goal achievements



#Suffering is necessary until you realize that it is unnecessary.
"When you are suffering, when you are unhappy, stay totally with what is now. Unhappiness or problems cannot survive in the Now.
Watch what happens when you don’t name an experience as bad and instead bring an inner acceptance, an inner “yes” to it, and so let it be as it is.
... Whatever your life situation is, how would you feel if you completely accepted it as it is, right now?
Chronic physical pain is one of the harshest teachers you can have. Resistance is futile is its teaching. Nothing could be more normal than an unwillingness to suffer. Yet, if you can let go of that unwillingness, and instead allow the pain to be there, you may notice a subtle inner separation from the pain, a space between you and the pain, as it were. This means to suffer consciously, willingly. When you suffer consciously, physical pain can quickly burn up the ego in you since ego consists largely of resistance. The same is true of extreme physical disability." Stillness Speaks E.Tolle
See More


"Every thought, every emotion if not processed fully, leaves an imprint in the body"


Complète awareness ",, beautiful. Dance


A toutes mes amies Francophones ! Avez vous rejoint ma page pro ?Revenir à Soi: des infos, des news, des outils sur la magie du corps féminin et aussi mes ateliers et accompagnements individuels en français, en Pays de la Loire, Paris ou Londres. ou de chez vous via INTERNET! cliquez, partagez..... merci! uverDuSens/…


Task of the day <3


Have you visited our YouTube Channel ? see some nice testimonials from clients there! rP9wBCWa5-qqpHg


Are you experiencing painful period? Do you find it difficult reconnecting with your belly since you gave birth ? Would you like to find peace with your menstrual cycle's symptoms? If you want to start a new communication with your Feminine Body, and improve your relationship with your Belly, this free mini-program is for you! Register now and receive updates about this program starting 2018.


Beautifully said


What a better Way to start 2018? Register now!


I am not sure about who you are and just realized I should introduce myself better. Please find a link and discover what led me to being a bodywork therapist, supporting women well-being and leading embodiment workshops (for men and women).


Great workshop on relationships! Book your ticket!


December 1st - day One ! Happy kindness month <3


Stop wishing people could guess what you feel: tell them!


We completely relate to this! al-self-care/


I have worked with Kate Codrington and her work has been a real support for my practice. A must for wellbeing and health practitioners. free until wednesday.


Valérie est intervenue alors que nous étions en vacances, j'avais du mal à respirer à cause de ma pathologie, la mucoviscidose et de la chaleur. Elle a su détecter que j'avais besoin de son aide et a adapté sa technique à la situation. Elle a commencé par un massage des pieds à base d'huile de coco. Ma crise s'accentuant avec l'angoisse, elle a réussi à calmer les symptômes et à m'accompagner dans mon ressenti. Elle m'a soulagée dans l'urgence, m'evitant une hospitalisation et me permettant de prendre conscience des réactions de mon corps dans cette situation de stress physique et mental. Son soin a eu un impact immédiat salvateur et en profondeur essentiel.


My experience has always been great with any treatment Valerie has given me. Most recently I had few sessions of Fertility Massage to help my problem with my digestive system. It was a great experience. Immediately my symptoms improved and my whole approach to my health problem changed. It has open up a different new perspective and boosted my confidence in my body. The caring and professional attitude of Valerie helped as well. I would not hesitate and I would recommend to any friend fertility massage with the help of an experienced and caring person such as Valerie.


Loved my sessions with Valerie. Why?

Well she works intuitively with my body and pinpoints the exact part of my body that is the source of the issue. And guides me with her questions to work with my body in an integrated way. Love and Gratitude Valerie


I first went to see Valerie in June 2014 for a severe back pain (that happened to be a slipped disk in my spine) and now that I am healed (December 2015), I can see how the sessions I had with her have built the foundation for my relationship I have today with my body: caring, attentive and present. That first session really struck me as I discovered how my posture and the way I was reacting to people and events in my life were keeping my pain going. She would ask me "how is it going with your partner?", I would reply and she'd say "look at what you are doing right now? Your shoulders, your belly. Is it comfortable? Can you breathe easily?" Obviously not. Throughout the sessions (I took maybe 9 sessions with her over six months), I learned how to recognise when my body was going into "fight" mode, how to release the tension I was creating myself and how to replace this automatic reaction with an alternative posture, more flexible and grounded. And in the most difficult times, how to manage pain.

What I love about Valerie is that she is really honest, direct and has a lot of humour. It's very invigorating to work with her. She is very down to earth, she knows what she is doing and at the same time she is very sensitive and can literally read my life in my feet and in the way I move my body. I will always remember how I arrived at the Body Awareness Centre one day, in such pain that I couldn't stand up straight, and after one session, the pain had gone. It was unbelievable. She really taught me to become responsible for my health by slowly and kindly observing my body and ultimately know myself. Thank you. I can warmly recommend Valerie to anyone in pain, either physically or emotionally or anyone willing to really be present in their life.


Amazing I am pleased to say!!! I came to see Valérie because I needed to reconnect with myself. Have you ever had this feeling to go through same issues again and again to the point you feel stuck in your life?!! Well it was my problem and after the first session I felt my body as I didn't since ages and I am telling you it is good to feel alive!!! Thank you very much Valérie see you for the second session and many more!!!! Gaëlle.


A private session with Valerie: a kind of miracle... Valerie is a "body whisperer". A session with her is a bubble of privacy, a moment out of time when you connect with your body, with yourself. Valérie reads your fewer as no one. She sees through your body to reveal your qualities and heal your energy. She is attentive, professional, open-minded, respectful, she listens to you, your emotion and your body. It is the perfect way to feel better or to work on your body. She makes you access through exercises and massages to well being, and to a better yourself. Or more exactly, your true self. Thank you so much Valerie!

More about Bodyawareness By Valérie

Bodyawareness By Valérie is located at 10-12 Gaskin Street, N1 2RY London, United Kingdom
0044 752 764 58 67
Monday: -
Tuesday: 14:45 - 21:00
Wednesday: 14:45 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -