Boston Aero Club -Flight Simulator - Caravan And Camp Site

About Boston Aero Club -Flight Simulator - Caravan And Camp Site

Bostons Local Airfield, offering a Cafe and full Flight Training and a camping site

Boston Aero Club -Flight Simulator - Caravan And Camp Site Description

www. bostonaeroclub. co. uk



No flying till later as the dreaded flag has set in . Should clear up but no worries as Denise and Eric are coming in to ensure everyone is well fed and watered as well as entertained !


Especially for Nathan !


A lovely looking visitor has come to visit today


Cafe is busy this morning !


No flying today due to poor weather. Looks like improving tomorrow so fingers crossed . Eric and Denise are in Sunday and we may well have a guest appearance from El Geezer , who is back for a fed days from sunnier climes .


Some interesting visitors today .


Well done to Guy On passing his Gst this afternoon !


Breakfast is a cooking so come on down and enjoy an aviators breakfast. Potentially flyable from mid morning .


Storm Hannah has deliberated there will be zilch aviation at Boston today . Fingers crossed for tomorrow . Groundschool and exams will keep us moving .


Great news , Breakfast will be served from 09.30 today for anyone requiring an aviators breakfast .


Geezer is unhappy that our weather is as good as his !! Breakfast will be served from 9.30 for hungry aviators . Do come and experience the wonderful weather on the Boston del sol .


Where did Di’s tour take her today ?


The sun is out , the sky is blue , and on a bank holiday too !


Come and enjoy an aviators breakfast at Boston today . Serving from 9.30 on . Will be some flying going on although cloud is liable to annoy us most of the day . Unlike Brexit , things are changing weather wise and it seems things will warm up towards next weekend . Good luck to all in the Boston marathon today . Runners and volunteers and outriders !


Congratulations to Di for her first solo !


Eric and Denise are in this morning so come and enjoy a full aviators breakfast in front of the logburner ! The weather looks suspect today . Certainly initially as we have most and fog here which could be slow to disperse .


Denise and Eric are over today so breakfast will be served from 9.30 . Not bad weather today . Hopefully the murk will clear and allow some flying !


Great to see the airfield come back to life yesterday and lots of visitors . The Hunsdon crew came to inspect the new windsock . A couple of marauding Savannah’s and a couple of Skyrangers too . Thanks to Jason for his help with the grass .

More about Boston Aero Club -Flight Simulator - Caravan And Camp Site

Boston Aero Club -Flight Simulator - Caravan And Camp Site is located at aero club, boston aerodrome, boardsides, boston, pe217ny Boston, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom