Bounce Colchester, Colchester Central And Marks Tey

About Bounce Colchester, Colchester Central And Marks Tey

10 minutes at Bounce is the same as a 30 minute run. Performed on mini trampolines. 3 times more effective than other classes. FUN. FRIENDLY. FIERCE.

Bounce Colchester, Colchester Central And Marks Tey Description

10 minutes at Bounce is the same as a 30 minute run. Performed on mini trampolines. 3 times more effective than other classes. FUN. FRIENDLY. FIERCE.



Hands up if that was intense ūüôĆūüôĆūüôĆ What a fantastic session Clackers!!! You brought your A games and smashed those tracks. Big love to all these lovely attendees. Great to have newbies in the class. Keep sharing the ((B)) ūüíó.
... Louūüíē
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Now THAT is how you ((B))oss a Thursday ūüĎä
Great work Colchester.... ūüéČYou guys just keep on multiplying ūüĎ≠ūüĎĮ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüĎ≠ Keep up that amazing work ‚̧ԳŹ
Much ((B)) Love,
... Suzie, Hannah and Laura xx
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Loving this picture tonight Marks Tey...what a badass group of legends ūüí™ūüŹĽ
Sorry not sorry to Katie for forcing you into the picture when my selfie skills failed miserably ūü§™ūüėė
... Absolutely loved it tonight...every week you push harder and harder and it‚Äôs awesome! I love your energy and enthusiasm ūüôĆūüŹĽ
Have a great rest of your week you beauties ūüíĖ
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Heading in to February like... Each week you all work your little sports socks off and you always do me proud! Big salute to our January new starters for sticking with it, your ((BOUNCE)) journeys have well and truly begun now!


Such an AMAZING Wednesday class!! You guys were on ūüĒ• .... casually lapped up everything that was thrown at you!!!
And a big HB to Tony Nicholls, Laura Louise Wingar smashed the cake out of the park ūüŹŹ ūüéā
LOVE our Crew ‚̧ԳŹ


In the last week you guys have shown me so much support. I would love it, if you were able, to show Jess and her Mum the same.
Even spreading the word by sharing this post and getting this out there would be amazing!
We love you Jess. X


One space being sold by Sarah for our SOLD OUT Marks Tey class at 7.45pm tonight - £6.95. Please comment below if you would like it x


Morning Team ūü•į
Please remember if you are booked on and you can’t make it, do let us know and we can help you sell your space or ensure those on the waiting list can book on.
Thanks ‚̧ԳŹ xxx


Laaaaaadies that was an incredible class!!! ūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ Certainly a winter warmer session ūüĒ• Those pushes are getting harder and louder, those sprints are getting more and more powerful and that arm track is getting too easy ūüėć
Much loveeee Hannah ūü•į


I can‚Äôt even begin to tell you how completely and utterly humbled I am. Not only has our charity event on the 3rd of March SOLD OUT.... both those that can make it, and those that can‚Äôt, have been so so generous. I have totally smashed through my target in less than a week! I‚Äôll still plug donations though to see how much can be raised for such a worthy cause ‚̧ԳŹ
Unfortunately though, we cannot physically get any more trampolines in the room so there ar...e no more spaces available for the 3rd March ((BOUNCE)) Charity Event in Marks Tey ‚ėĻÔłŹ
But Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I knew you guys were amazing, but you have absolutely blown me away ‚̧ԳŹ
Suz xx
If you are unable to make it but still wish to donate, the link can be found below ūüĎá…/ showROFundraiserPage…
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ūüĆüūüĆüBig up these Monday ladies tonight, that class was POWERFUL!! Those legs were high, you crunched those abs so hard and smashed that sprint track out the park ūüĆüūüĆü
ūüíĖūüíĖYou‚Äôre pushing it harder and harder and I can see such amazing results from you allūüíĖūüíĖ
... ūüôĆKeep it up and I‚Äôll see you all next week ūüôĆ
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Clackers I love you but we have GOT to work on your boomerangs ūü§£
I put you through your paces tonight! Double arms, double abs, double sprints, double jacks. Double trouble ūüėú
You smashed it as always though ūüí™ūüŹĽ I‚Äôm gona have to start stepping my game up...can‚Äôt have you guys getting too comfortable now ūü§™


2 spaces being sold for Colchester tonight 7pm by Charlotte - £13.50 or £6.75 each. Please comment below if you would like one/both.


Our January classes bought the house ūüŹ° down ūüĒ• Just ūüĎÄ at our CMTC Army ūüĎá
What are you going to bring to our ((BOUNCE)) classes this month?!
We can‚Äôt wait to see you.... stretch off, it‚Äôs a short month so we‚Äôll have to pack even more in..... ūüí™ūüĎä
... ūüí• BOOM ūüí•
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Pahahahaha! I just LOVE this ūüĎá
Have you booked in your ((BOUNCE)) for this week?! We are looking forward to seeing you!
Are you still reaching for your January goals now we are in February?!
... Don‚Äôt lose sight.... ūüĎÄ
We are behind you 110%.
Love CMTC ūü•į
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Yessssss Colchester!!! ūüí™ūüŹľ That was one powerful session ūüĒ•ūü§© Vocals on point and sprint wassss on FIREEEE ūüĒ•ūüĒ• Sunday Morning ((BOUNCE)) fixed completed ‚úĒÔłŹ Well done ladiesss and kiddies! You made my Sunday morning much brighter ūüėė Now go and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Love loveee loveee ... Hannah ūü•į
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ūüė≤ Soooo, totally blown away by how quickly these have sold.... I‚Äôm so very humbled by your generosity ūüėä
We have just 4 spaces remaining now. Don’t miss out if you want a spot!
... ((BOUNCE)) Event: 3rd March 9.30-11.30am @ Marks Tey Parish Hall Minimum donation £12…/ showROFundraiserPage…
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Carlsberg don’t do Saturdays...
Epic session this morning Colly! It might be Baltic outside but inside we‚Äôre Bali ūüíĖ
Great to see so many of you here sweating it go enjoy your weekend safe in the knowledge that you can fully relax ūüôĆūüŹĽ


We encourage all ages and abilities to ((BOUNCE)) together! To lower the intensity, just take it down a level to the easier move or tap it out. To make it harder, push down harder and pick those knees up!!
ūüĆü Colchester Timetable ūüĆü Colchester Academy Monday: 7-8pm and 8-9pm... Tuesday: 7-8pm Wednesday: 7-8pm Thursday: 6-7pm (child friendly) and 7-8pm Saturday: 9-10am (child friendly) Sunday: 9-10am (child friendly)
ūüĆü Clacton Timetable ūüĆü Gym Fit, Holland Road Monday: 7.15-8.15pm Thursday: 7.15-8.15pm Saturday: 9am-10am (child friendly)
ūüĆü Marks Tey Timetable ūüĆü Marks Tey Parish Hall Monday 10-11am (child friendly) Tuesday 10-11am (child friendly) Wednesday 7.45-8.45pm Thursday 6.30-7.30pm Friday 10-11am (child friendly)
ūüĆü Price ūüĆü ¬£6.95 per class or ¬£13.50 bring a friend
ūüĆü Book ūüĆü
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Wow !! officially a year, I've been bouncing my way through ((bounce)), what can I say suzie, jess,hana, pepper,tash are all AmAzinG!!! They really do go above and beyond, I love bounce, I attended my first class on my own, became completely addicted, I found It so hard In the beginning, but I was determined and with so much encouragement from the lovely bounce ladies, I'm still here,I've also passed the (( bounce)) bug on too my mum and a few off my lovely friends, I love the fact that we can all be as one the ((bounce)) Army, I've lost weight since joining and noticed I've toned up so much!!! thank you!!! ((bounce)) Colchester xxxxx


Without a doubt the BEST workout I have ever done! I have never worked so hard in my life, loved every minute of itÔŅĹ


Went to my first ((bounce)) class tonight. And i loved it. Its energetic and everyone is friendly. With two young children finding time for exercise can be hard but not anymore. Im looking forward to my next class. I find alot of exercise can be tedious but this is definatly not! My new hobbie ūüėÄ x


Well I left the review below about a year ago and I’m still a massive fan. I love ((Bounce)). I go to about 3 classes a week now and I’m happy to swap my classes around as I love all the girls. They are all so welcoming still and I like to think of them as friends. Big thanks to Suzie for having such an amazing team and such wonderful girls. I can’t imagine not going. My (soon to be) husband is so used to me going, he accepts that he’s a ((Bounce)) widower. I can not recommend this enough. If you want exercise that is fun and addictive, this is the one for you. Xx

Amazing form of exercise and you are made to feel so welcome. I‚Äôm not the slimmest (overweight) or youngest (52) of people so if I can do it, anyone can. It has definitely improved my fitness levels, so I thank all the girls for their enthusiasm because it keeps us going even when you think you‚Äôve run out of steam, you can find that little bit more to finish each track. The music is so cool. A bit of old, new, contemporary and fun. I would recommend this to anyone. ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


This was my first time at bounce tonight! Wow! I have watched videos and tonight built the courage to do it and I loved it! Will deffo be booking again! The instructors are fab and full of energy! My legs are like jelly!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Thank you for performing at shorefields summer fete. You ladies were so energetic, impressive and full of life. I will be coming to a class soon definitely ‚ô°


I've been ((bounce))ing for 14th months now and I absolutely love it!! I am constantly recommending it to everyone, its for all levels of fitness, whether your just starting out, returning to exercise or just fancy something different. All the instructors are fabulous and make this class so much fun - it doesn't feel like its just an exercise class - its so much more!! Everyone is super friendly and no one judges so get yourself along to a class!!! xx


I went to my first Bounce class four weeks ago and now I’m completely hooked. I’ve had a barely used (now cancelled) gym membership for a few years but never really enjoyed going (so rarely did). This summer I have two holidays booked with some *very* thin friends so needed to do something and just couldn’t face the boredom of the gym. After seeing Tash’s Instagram posts about Bounce it looked quite hard but really fun so I eventually decided to give it a try although wasn’t quite sure how I’d cope being so very unfit.

15 minutes in to my first class I was genuinely concerned how I would make it out alive. IT HURT. A LOT. I was quite sure I was going to die at Colchester Academy that night but there was no way I was going to give up and leave so just tried to do something. My arms and legs were not at all co-ordinated with each other and most of the time not even close to what they were meant to be doing. Somehow, I (barely) survived to the end - miraculously still alive. I had actually (mostly) completed the class and despite the hurting had a lot of fun so booked for the next week - now I knew I could in fact do it.

Arriving at my second class I felt much more positive - I knew I could do it and didn’t need to worry. Ha! After 15 minutes there was, again, that feeling of impending death. I was now much less sure that I could make it through! I still somehow survived and booked another two classes for that same week.

At my third class I found myself wondering if it would in fact be easier to ditch my mates and find some new fat friends to holiday with.

By the fourth class my brain was coping enough to move my arms and legs at the same time. Not only was mortality no longer a major concern but I had actually done three classes that week and had really enjoyed it.

I’m now doing four classes per week and absolutely loving it. It is so much fun and far more enjoyable than the gym. If you haven’t tried it yet you must and if you think you won’t be able to do it - you will, and you’ll love it!


I started ((bounce)) over a year ago and I love it! I don’t enjoy exercising but I do enjoy this! I am constantly recommending these classes. All the instructors are motivating and so friendly, no need to worry about arriving on your own as they put you at ease straight away! If your thinking about trying a class, give it ago! You won’t regret it and you wouldn’t have lost anything by trying! Xx


I have been going to bounce for about 8 weeks now and am hooked. I'm not a massive fan of any exercise, but since having my little girl I decided I needed to do something about the baby weight. I came with a few friends that had been going for a while and I absolutely love it!! It's so much fun, the music is great and the instructors are so friendly and supportive. Suzie is so enthusiastic and makes everyone feel welcome. Would highly recommend this class to anyone of all ages and abilities. Look forward to going every week now!! ÔŅĹ


I have been going to Bounce since January. I can honestly say this is the best exercise I have ever done - it is never boring, the hour flys by, all of the instructors are fantastic and everyone is friendly. I am feeling better than I have done in ages. No complicated routines just good, fun tracks (apart from the sprints, but no pain no gain! ÔŅĹ). Would recommend to anyone!


I have been going to Bounce for over a year and love it. It's an amazing workout which is fun, and all of the instructors are friendly and supportive. I've lost weight, toned up and made friends. If your thinking of going to class, book on, you won't regret it.


I have been going to ((Bounce)) since January and I love it! Such good fun and a form of exercise that is actually enjoyable! Jess is fantastic and really motivating.


I have been attending ((BOUNCE)) for four weeks. I absolutely love it, great work out and no aches or pains after...which is good as I'm getting old and things creak with me just walking up the stairs ÔŅĹ


I don't usually get on with classes and I absolutely don't do the gym however this class is fantastic, I don't feel uncomfortable and I actually really enjoy the workout!

I have a bad back and was worried at first but this class seems to help my back so I have to admit I'm a little bit addicted! Love it!


I can’t rate Bounce enough! I started in January and even though (sadly) I’m only able to do one class a week, I absolutely love it (I mean who doesn’t love jumping on a trampoline!). Jess is AmAzInG!!!!! Even though we’re a quiet class (I’m just trying not to collapse lol) Jess keeps the class going and always keeps the pace going. She also works us very hard. I actually look forward to Mondays which has never happened. Love you Jess! I just wish I could do more! X


I am very happy to find you. Every class is so good, so energetic. The atmosphere is lovely and the coaches are charming, friendly, lovely.... . In the each bouncing class I getting all that I come for. I'm very please about that there is a "child friendly class" . I am a mum and still I whant to look good. But so many times it's hard just of childrens, so a BIG THANK YOU for everything what you are doing. ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Did my first class today and loved it! Brilliant workout - defo felt the burn! And best of all, I was able to take my 4 and 1 yr old along too, who were made to feel very welcome (as was I) - so no childcare costs or stress! ÔŅĹ


Amazing people. So kind and very helpful when I was unsure on what I was doing... highly recommend... great fun xxx


Wow !! officially a year, I've been bouncing my way through ((bounce)), what can I say suzie, jess,hana, pepper,tash are all AmAzinG!!! They really do go above and beyond, I love bounce, I attended my first class on my own, became completely addicted, I found It so hard In the beginning, but I was determined and with so much encouragement from the lovely bounce ladies, I'm still here,I've also passed the (( bounce)) bug on too my mum and a few off my lovely friends, I love the fact that we can all be as one the ((bounce)) Army, I've lost weight since joining and noticed I've toned up so much!!! thank you!!! ((bounce)) Colchester xxxxx


Without a doubt the BEST workout I have ever done! I have never worked so hard in my life, loved every minute of itÔŅĹ


Went to my first ((bounce)) class tonight. And i loved it. Its energetic and everyone is friendly. With two young children finding time for exercise can be hard but not anymore. Im looking forward to my next class. I find alot of exercise can be tedious but this is definatly not! My new hobbie ūüėÄ x


Well I left the review below about a year ago and I’m still a massive fan. I love ((Bounce)). I go to about 3 classes a week now and I’m happy to swap my classes around as I love all the girls. They are all so welcoming still and I like to think of them as friends. Big thanks to Suzie for having such an amazing team and such wonderful girls. I can’t imagine not going. My (soon to be) husband is so used to me going, he accepts that he’s a ((Bounce)) widower. I can not recommend this enough. If you want exercise that is fun and addictive, this is the one for you. Xx

Amazing form of exercise and you are made to feel so welcome. I‚Äôm not the slimmest (overweight) or youngest (52) of people so if I can do it, anyone can. It has definitely improved my fitness levels, so I thank all the girls for their enthusiasm because it keeps us going even when you think you‚Äôve run out of steam, you can find that little bit more to finish each track. The music is so cool. A bit of old, new, contemporary and fun. I would recommend this to anyone. ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


This was my first time at bounce tonight! Wow! I have watched videos and tonight built the courage to do it and I loved it! Will deffo be booking again! The instructors are fab and full of energy! My legs are like jelly!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Thank you for performing at shorefields summer fete. You ladies were so energetic, impressive and full of life. I will be coming to a class soon definitely ‚ô°


I've been ((bounce))ing for 14th months now and I absolutely love it!! I am constantly recommending it to everyone, its for all levels of fitness, whether your just starting out, returning to exercise or just fancy something different. All the instructors are fabulous and make this class so much fun - it doesn't feel like its just an exercise class - its so much more!! Everyone is super friendly and no one judges so get yourself along to a class!!! xx


I went to my first Bounce class four weeks ago and now I’m completely hooked. I’ve had a barely used (now cancelled) gym membership for a few years but never really enjoyed going (so rarely did). This summer I have two holidays booked with some *very* thin friends so needed to do something and just couldn’t face the boredom of the gym. After seeing Tash’s Instagram posts about Bounce it looked quite hard but really fun so I eventually decided to give it a try although wasn’t quite sure how I’d cope being so very unfit.

15 minutes in to my first class I was genuinely concerned how I would make it out alive. IT HURT. A LOT. I was quite sure I was going to die at Colchester Academy that night but there was no way I was going to give up and leave so just tried to do something. My arms and legs were not at all co-ordinated with each other and most of the time not even close to what they were meant to be doing. Somehow, I (barely) survived to the end - miraculously still alive. I had actually (mostly) completed the class and despite the hurting had a lot of fun so booked for the next week - now I knew I could in fact do it.

Arriving at my second class I felt much more positive - I knew I could do it and didn’t need to worry. Ha! After 15 minutes there was, again, that feeling of impending death. I was now much less sure that I could make it through! I still somehow survived and booked another two classes for that same week.

At my third class I found myself wondering if it would in fact be easier to ditch my mates and find some new fat friends to holiday with.

By the fourth class my brain was coping enough to move my arms and legs at the same time. Not only was mortality no longer a major concern but I had actually done three classes that week and had really enjoyed it.

I’m now doing four classes per week and absolutely loving it. It is so much fun and far more enjoyable than the gym. If you haven’t tried it yet you must and if you think you won’t be able to do it - you will, and you’ll love it!


I started ((bounce)) over a year ago and I love it! I don’t enjoy exercising but I do enjoy this! I am constantly recommending these classes. All the instructors are motivating and so friendly, no need to worry about arriving on your own as they put you at ease straight away! If your thinking about trying a class, give it ago! You won’t regret it and you wouldn’t have lost anything by trying! Xx


I have been going to bounce for about 8 weeks now and am hooked. I'm not a massive fan of any exercise, but since having my little girl I decided I needed to do something about the baby weight. I came with a few friends that had been going for a while and I absolutely love it!! It's so much fun, the music is great and the instructors are so friendly and supportive. Suzie is so enthusiastic and makes everyone feel welcome. Would highly recommend this class to anyone of all ages and abilities. Look forward to going every week now!! ÔŅĹ


I have been going to Bounce since January. I can honestly say this is the best exercise I have ever done - it is never boring, the hour flys by, all of the instructors are fantastic and everyone is friendly. I am feeling better than I have done in ages. No complicated routines just good, fun tracks (apart from the sprints, but no pain no gain! ÔŅĹ). Would recommend to anyone!


I have been going to Bounce for over a year and love it. It's an amazing workout which is fun, and all of the instructors are friendly and supportive. I've lost weight, toned up and made friends. If your thinking of going to class, book on, you won't regret it.


I have been going to ((Bounce)) since January and I love it! Such good fun and a form of exercise that is actually enjoyable! Jess is fantastic and really motivating.


I have been attending ((BOUNCE)) for four weeks. I absolutely love it, great work out and no aches or pains after...which is good as I'm getting old and things creak with me just walking up the stairs ÔŅĹ


I don't usually get on with classes and I absolutely don't do the gym however this class is fantastic, I don't feel uncomfortable and I actually really enjoy the workout!

I have a bad back and was worried at first but this class seems to help my back so I have to admit I'm a little bit addicted! Love it!


I can’t rate Bounce enough! I started in January and even though (sadly) I’m only able to do one class a week, I absolutely love it (I mean who doesn’t love jumping on a trampoline!). Jess is AmAzInG!!!!! Even though we’re a quiet class (I’m just trying not to collapse lol) Jess keeps the class going and always keeps the pace going. She also works us very hard. I actually look forward to Mondays which has never happened. Love you Jess! I just wish I could do more! X


I am very happy to find you. Every class is so good, so energetic. The atmosphere is lovely and the coaches are charming, friendly, lovely.... . In the each bouncing class I getting all that I come for. I'm very please about that there is a "child friendly class" . I am a mum and still I whant to look good. But so many times it's hard just of childrens, so a BIG THANK YOU for everything what you are doing. ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Did my first class today and loved it! Brilliant workout - defo felt the burn! And best of all, I was able to take my 4 and 1 yr old along too, who were made to feel very welcome (as was I) - so no childcare costs or stress! ÔŅĹ


Amazing people. So kind and very helpful when I was unsure on what I was doing... highly recommend... great fun xxx

More about Bounce Colchester, Colchester Central And Marks Tey