Bps Psychology Of Sexualities

About Bps Psychology Of Sexualities

British Psychological Society members can join the Psychology of Sexualities Section. Non-members may subscribe to the Psychology of Sexualities Review.

Bps Psychology Of Sexualities Description

British Psychological Society members can join the Psychology of Sexualities Section. Non-members may subscribe to the Psychology of Sexualities Review.



#OnThisDay in 1967 the #SexualOffencesAct partially decriminalised sex between men in England and Wales. Here is an article by written by our Chair examining the influence of Freud on the law reform https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/…/fr eudian-motivation-be…


Last week the Section awarded Anderton Park School in Birmingham an award for their commitment to inclusive education amidst months of protests. Our Chair said: “LGBT young people are at a heightened risk of being bullied and experience poorer mental health as a consequence. Teaching children about different types of families and challenging gender stereotypes from a young age is key to tackling this" https://www.bps.org.uk/…/embattled-scho ol-receives-award-co…


www.bps.org.uk/…/psychology-sexualities -annual-conference-2…
This year's edition of the BPS Psychology of Sexualities Section annual conference is scheduled for the 4th and 5th of July 2019 in London.
There will be keynote speeches from some of the leading practitioners and researchers in sexualities, gender and relationships.
... Our keynote speakers this year are: * Professor Christina Richards * Professor Elizabeth Peel
Professor Christina Richards is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and current Chair of the Division of Counselling Psychology. Her publications include Sexuality and Gender for Mental Health Professionals: a practical guide (Co-author, Sage) and the Palgrave Handbook of the Psychology of Sexuality and Gender (Co-editor)
Professor Elizabeth Peel is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and former Chair of the BPS Psychology of Sexualities Section. Her publications include Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender Psychology: an introduction (Co-author, Cambridge University Press) and Out in Psychology: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer perspectives (Co-editor, Wiley)
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Less than a week left to submit an abstract to our 2019 conference. The deadline is 7 April. Enjoy two days of LGBT Psychology (4-5 July) and why not stay on in London to celebrate London Pride on 6 July. 🏳️‍🌈 For more info visit: https://www.bps.org.uk/…/psychology-sex ualities-annual-conf…


Call for participants: Our Section Chair and researchers from Coventry University are conducting research on #ConversionTherapy in the UK with support from the Government Equalities Office. They’re looking for people who have undergone efforts to change sexual orientation or gender identity. If you have you undergone efforts to change your sexual orientation or gender identity in the UK within the last 10 years, they'd like to hear your experience and views. For more information please visit: https://www.coventry.ac.uk/…/research-i nto-efforts-to-chan…/


Following on from the success of our 2018 conference, you are warmly invited to submit your abstract to this two-day conference which will take place on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 2019 at the British Psychological Society's London Headquarters in Old Street.
There will be keynote speeches from some of the leading practitioners and researchers in the field. You will have the chance to share your work with other researchers and practitioners from the area of sexualities, ...gender and relationships. (Note that you do not need to be a member of the Society to submit a workshop proposal or presentation abstract or attend the conference.)
We invite submissions for workshop sessions, oral presentations and poster presentations from students, academics and practitioners in the field of psychology and related disciplines. Both quantitative and qualitative research studies are welcome. The environment is friendly and supportive.
Presentation abstracts will be published as conference proceedings in a subsequent issue of the Section publication, Psychology of Sexualities Review.
Suggestions for topics include but are not limited to:
- LGBTQ+ (GSRD) experiences, identities, relationships, communities and health - Non-monogamies - Sexual fluidity - Asexuality - Representation and marginalisation of LGBTQ+ identities (e.g., heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, in media, politics, healthcare, professional settings) - Working as an applied psychologist with LGBTQ+ individuals - Feminist, queer and other critical approaches to Sexualities
For more info visit: https://www.dropbox.com/…/BPS%20POS%20C all%20for%20Abstract…
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We’re sure our members will have much to contribute towards the BPS response to Gvt consultation on sex and relationship education. Click on the link below to find out how


Thanks to all attendees and presenters at the Psychology of Sexualities 20th Anniversary two day Conference in London. I felt it was a real buzz for all who attended, a wonderful opportunity to meet international researchers and hear about the history of LGBT psychology, trans issues and asexuality. Please stay in touch, share your photos and thoughts.


Today is the LAST DAY to submit your abstract to our 2018 conference. The deadline is midnight tonight (UK time) so still time to get yours in #PoSConf18 www.bps.org.uk/pos-jul18


Celia Kitzinger (a keynote speaker for our upcoming conference) talking about her book 'The Social Construction of Lesbianism' which has been hugely influential in LGBTQ psychology #LesbianDayOfVisibility #ThrowbackThursday #PoSConf18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic_2DcFxH mI


Just ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your abstract for the Psychology of Sexualities ConferenceJust ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your abstract for the Psychology of Sexualities Conference


Our keynote, Celia Kitzinger, talking about establishing our Section (called the Lesbian & Gay Psychology Section then): youtu.be/n4BGjmV9kbM
Call for abstracts and registration to our 20th Anniversary conference is open (see the events section of our Facebook page) #PoSConf18


This two-day conference will celebrate twenty years since the Psychology of Sexualities Section (or the Lesbian & Gay Psychology Section as it was then) was founded.
It will be held on the 5-6th July at the BPS London Offices, 30 Tabernacle Street. London, EC21 4UE.
For further details about the conference including registration details please visit:
... http://beta.www.bps.org.uk/PoS-Jul18
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More about Bps Psychology Of Sexualities

Bps Psychology Of Sexualities is located at British Psychological Society, 30 Tabernacle Street, EC2A 4UE London, United Kingdom