Breast Cancer Now

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Breast Cancer Now

Breast Cancer Now is a UK charity providing world-class research and life-changing care for people affected by breast cancer.



'I thought, "How am I going to be a woman again? Who's going to want me?"'
Leanne tells us how she found her confidence again after her breast cancer treatment and why she's reaching out to others struggling with their own body image.


Almost five years after Jo finished treatment for primary breast cancer, she found out she had a secondary diagnosis. Her beautiful poem explores how she felt, and how she has come to terms with an incurable disease.


'I couldn't wait for hospital treatment to be over so I could get my life and my marriage back to normal.'
Read Liz's blog on managing the side effects of treatment, and find other hints and tips on moving forward in BECCA, our free app:


If you have experience of an innovative breast surgery, such as TUG, PAP, IGAP or SGAP, and you feel you could offer peer support to people considering this surgery over the telephone, then please apply to join our team of Someone Like Me Volunteers.
When someone wanted to talk about a TUG flap breast reconstruction, none of our volunteers had a personal experience they could share. We want all women to have the opportunity to talk to someone to help them make the right decision for them. Applications are open until 17 August for people living in Wales, and Central and South England.


Jennie was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. In October, she’ll be modelling in The Show London.
‘I was diagnosed in August 2017. I had gone to the GP about another matter, but had a hunch something else wasn’t quite right.
‘Two weeks later, I was told I had an invasive tumour and needed chemotherapy, a mastectomy and radiotherapy. I was more scared than I had ever been in my life.
... ‘But that feeling didn’t last. Once I started my treatment and knew the cancer hadn’t spread, I regained my fighting spirit and never looked back.
‘I underestimated how devastating the mastectomy would be but I knew that after it I would be cancer free. This gave me the courage to go ahead with the operation. There have been ongoing complications since the surgery, but my implant is good and puts my other breast to shame!
‘I found the end of my treatment very strange. I was expected to just go back to being me and move on. A friend I met as a result of my diagnosis had been a model in The Show London last year, and encouraged me to apply. I had also attended The Show eight years ago when another friend modelled. It was an amazing experience.
‘The Show London is going to be a hugely emotional day. My mum has bought a table for both the afternoon and evening show to treat her friends and family.
‘It’s been an incredibly hard journey, which still isn’t over. I hope by October I’ll be well on the mend, and that The Show will mark the start of the rest of my life.'
Join Jennie and 30 inspirational models at The Show London as they step in style onto the catwalk after a breast cancer diagnosis. Book your tickets today and help to raise vital funds for others like Jennie:
See More


We hosted a live chat about the importance of information for those with secondary breast cancer and our new information pack.
We were joined by our Secondary Breast Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Catherine Priestley, Rebecca Wilcox who is living with secondary breast cancer, and Claire Ryan, a Macmillan Nurse Clinician in Metastatic Breast Cancer from Kent Oncology Centre.


'There was no warning given that years after I’d finished hospital treatment I still may not have bounced back. No one told me the cancer could return or what to look for, instead I made the discovery Googling alone at 2am when I couldn’t sleep. And no one prepared me for just how bad long-term effects could be - I’m now a 30-year-old living with relentless fatigue.
'After the hurdles of treatment I thought "now I’ll start feeling better", but it just hasn’t happened. I phys...ically cannot work full time, it takes me at least a day to recover from something as simple as meeting up with friends and sometimes even getting up the stairs is a struggle, yet the support I need still gets brushed aside.
'It would have made such a difference to have a conversation about the big picture of life post-treatment and how to look after my health when I left hospital. You don’t just go back to normal as soon as your hair grows back or hospital treatment ends, this can just be the beginning, and information and support are essential to help you face whatever comes next.'
Kirsty wasn't offered a breast cancer-specific event after her treatment ended. It could have made all the difference. Join us and campaign for Care After Breast Cancer by emailing your politician:
See More


Breast cancer-specific support and information is vital for every woman after hospital treatment ends. Join us and ask your politician to campaign for Care After Breast Cancer:


'As great as your friends and family are, there's nothing like speaking to someone who's had breast cancer. You can cut to the chase, there's a level of understanding, and you can use a certain terminology.'
Julia felt isolated because of her age and sexual orientation when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now she supports young, gay women through our Someone Like Me service.


'He told me that the mass was cancerous. I burst into tears and said, "but I'm pregnant!"'
Tina was pregnant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She shares how her children kept her strong through her treatment.


'More than a dream come true' Watch this great video of Tina, who was pregnant during her breast cancer treatment, at the Sahara Force India Formula One Team garage at Silverstone seeing her son's name on one of the team's cars ahead of the British GP.


We went live to talk about finishing hospital-based treatment and moving forward after breast cancer. This week we revealed that 1 in 4 women find the end of hospital treatment the hardest part of their diagnosis in our Care After Breast Cancer campaign. Join us and message your local politician:…/c are-after-breast-can…
We were live with our Clinical Nurse Specialist Jane Murphy and volunteer Hedwig Hegtermans who has a personal experience of breast cancer.


'I knew my family and friends wanted me to be well and ‘back to normal’. But a cancer diagnosis means you’ll never be quite the same as how you were before.'
After treatment, Sue found support through others' stories in our BECCA app. Download it for free today:


Stuart was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. This year, his name will be on the Sahara Force India Formula One Team car at Silverstone in the British Grand Prix which he hopes will help raise awareness about breast cancer in men.


'After treatment ended I was an emotional mess. Losing my hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, fingernails and toenails really affected my confidence, and made me feel like a freak.
'It helped me realise that your personal image is equally as important to your wellbeing as being "cancer-free". It goes deeper than looking beautiful or attractive, and has more to do with who you are, how you perceive yourself, how other people perceive you,and how you feel when you look in the mirror.
'O...n Breast Cancer Care's Moving Forward course, I met other women going through similar experiences. It made me feel like I wasn't alone, and that it was perfectly normal to go through that phase.
'I was so inspired by the course and the support I received, which helped me to regain my confidence and self-esteem, that I decided to give something back. That's why I'm supporting the Care After Breast Cancer campaign and asking my local politician to campaign for better care after treatment.'
Join Stella and ask your local politician to campaign for Care After Breast Cancer:
See More


'When I came out as gay, I learned how important it is to be open about how you feel. I think it's the same for breast cancer.'
Ruth was diagnosed with breast cancer at 27. She shares what her experience as a gay woman has taught her.


Every woman deserves breast cancer-specific support once treatment ends. Join us and ask your politician to campaign for Care After Breast Cancer:


Jennifer, founder of Naked Jam is hosting her Afternoon Tea in memory of her sister, Jackie.
‘My sister was first diagnosed in 2006.
'When she told me she had found a lump and was having it checked, I felt sick. It was like a train was running around my head at full speed.
... ‘I tried to think positively, but when the results came in, it wasn’t good news. Jackie had a mastectomy and treatment, still remaining her fabulous self throughout.
‘She was clear until August 2008, when she was told that the cancer had spread all over her body.
‘My sister loved my cooking, specifically the jam I made for her. She always told me it should be my career.
‘While on holiday in Cornwall the first summer after she died, I saw a hedgerow full of fruit. I thought of her, and started to pick the fruit. It was a therapy I didn’t know I needed.
‘Naked Jam was inspired by Jackie. She was the person that I made my jams for. It makes me feel very close to her, as it was what she loved and what she wanted me to do.
‘We will be holding our Afternoon Tea at the Garden in the East Close Hotel in Hinton on the 12th July. There will be cooking and jam demonstrations, cocktails and a special pink cream tea.’
Join Jennifer this month and host an Afternoon Tea to help us support more people affected by breast cancer:
See More


With over 691,000 people living with and beyond breast cancer in the UK and numbers set to rise, it is vital that care post-treatment is put at the top of the agenda. We need your help to make sure that Care After Breast Cancer doesn't end at treatment.
Join our campaign and email your local politician today:


Treatment can have a life-changing impact on physical and emotional wellbeing. With over 691,000 people living with and beyond breast cancer in the UK — and numbers set to rise — our support has never been more vital.
Join Stella and campaign for Care After Breast Cancer. Email your local politician today:…/cam…/ca re-after-breast-cancer…


hi on October 28th I'm doing a event for breast cancer I have got 28 people doing stalls we have a raflle and tombola and a disco karaoke night as well I hope to raise a lot for the charity all will be welcome thankyou


We work with Breast Cancer Care to supply samples for their 'Moving Forward' courses. Through the success & popularity of these courses, ladies learn where to find certain products to aid their recoveries and included is our post-surgery bra named 'Reco Bra.'

Breast Cancer Care is the best charity for newly diagnosed patients & those in early recovery stages. The services include helpful advice on the website /telephone lines run by nurses that have medical knowledge and also patients that have been through the experience are all there to guide you. Certainly 5 stars �and thumbs up for BCC!


This site is wonderful. It has got me through some tough times, from symptoms to diagnosis and now through treatment THANKYOU so much. On my Facebook page so far I have raised £130 for this marvellous charity and would like to say THANKYOU to everyone who has donated xxx


The people who work on the helpline are absolute angels, and have been absolutely amazing on several occasions over the past 6 months. Thank you. I have just signed up to the lottery to give something back for the wonderful help I have received. Xxx


Really quick access to what you need to know.


My mum had breast cancer almost 4 years ago it was hard lucky to still have her xxx,, my dad died with bowel cancer �� a lot of family suffering in losing loved ones keep up the good work xx


Moving forward to help people that have breast cancer. Please extent your support. Every penny helps.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 25th August 2016. I decided to have a double mastectomy. My mum was diagnosed June 2015 & my two aunties before that. We all had the Barca gene test done and we all tested positive for it.

I had my surgery September last year. Then started my chemotherapy treatment. I really did think my world had ended. I have a wonderful husband & 5 fabulous children that stood by me all the way & supported me through it.

The after care support was amazing, the people talked to me reassured me I was not alone. There was family trips arranged for me & my family, honestly I do not think I’d have got to where I am today if it wasn’t for the loving caring kind support I had going through a very tough journey.

I am organising a fund raising night on Thursday 16th November at the westville hotel enniskillen, where I am having refreshments, table quizzes & a raffle from the amazing donations that was generously donated to me from our local businesses in our wonderful community.



I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 24th February my birthday. very helpful we can do something really good


I want to know other people with the same kind of breast cancer as my mum , she has a Metaplastic breast cancer with triple negative...any one can help ! I liked this page alot it's helpful and social,keep up the good work guys.


I love this site. Keeps me going when things get tough.

My story is very detailed,but in a nutshell....

• diagnosed at 31 years old with stage 3 Breast cancer.

• I was 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th child.

• my son,jack had to be delivered at 32 weeks.

• Whilst he was in special care,I began 18 weeks of chemo. Followed by 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy.

• 5 years later I,unexpectedly,fell pregnant. Almost had a termination as I was petrified of th cancer returning. All was well though thankfully!

• 8 years after diagnosis,I had a smear test that showed abnormalities. This resulted in a full hysterectomy at 39 years old. Slap bang into full menopause!

• on the 19/6/17 I had a risk reducing double mastectomy.

Things are healed now and I feel I can finally look forward to life ahead �

Flat and proud! �

All this on top of being a single mother to 5 wonderful children. X


I had the pleasure of joining a Breast Cancer Care moving forward course this week as part of my work with Macmillan. The support and information provided to the ladies was excellent and I am sure will prove invaluable. Breast Cancer Care has a very important role with supporting wellbeing. Thank you!


I am on my second week of my radiotherapy I have had a mastectomy so this is because they could not go to deep under the muscle so this is why I am having to have radiotherapy for 4 weeks first 3 weeks is with protons but the last treatment is with electrons also I am having to take lexetrole for five years but I don't get my all clear for ten years so this is my story of breast cancer also I raised £160 of 150 pound for this charity on face book


Had a really good Friday & Saturday. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to Bristol to a younger breast cancer seminar held by breast cancer care.

It was lovely meeting people who understood, it was emotional and inspiring.

The last item was a lady who spoke about her story 10 years ago her words will stay with me forever had such an impact I think we all laughed and cried with her.


Great cause, hope everyone supports all of us who are doing the walk on 9th June. A big thanks in advance.


Find this page a great help, was diagnosed August 2015 operation August 2015, was given the all clear just before Christmas. Best Christmas present for me and my family.

Just finding things now a little frustrating, still not being able to do all the things I did before my op, can someone please tell me why I am still getting pains after I do normal tasks,across my chest/breast , thought these would have gone away by now


Creating this site has helped people in many ways, the flexibility of reaching out to people and making an immediate difference in the lives of Breast Cancer Care. This is an issue that has affected my family and someone close to me, and I feel very strongly about. The generosity of people close to me, family, friends in celebrating a special occasion makes it much more of a celebration. Thanks again to Breast Cancer Care for making a difference in people's lives :) <3 <3 <3


Breast Cancer Care are the first there at diagnosis with detailed leaflets that I found so very helpful. BCC are there all the way through, so thank you.

My mum held an Afternoon Tea in your honour yesterday and raised £650. �


Have always supported Breast Cancer charities, both in USA and now back home in UK. Since I have had my diagnosis the leaflets have been so helpful. Almost all my questions have been answered and the breast care nurses are there at the end of the phone with advice and support. I can't thank them enough.


hi on October 28th I'm doing a event for breast cancer I have got 28 people doing stalls we have a raflle and tombola and a disco karaoke night as well I hope to raise a lot for the charity all will be welcome thankyou


We work with Breast Cancer Care to supply samples for their 'Moving Forward' courses. Through the success & popularity of these courses, ladies learn where to find certain products to aid their recoveries and included is our post-surgery bra named 'Reco Bra.'

Breast Cancer Care is the best charity for newly diagnosed patients & those in early recovery stages. The services include helpful advice on the website /telephone lines run by nurses that have medical knowledge and also patients that have been through the experience are all there to guide you. Certainly 5 stars �and thumbs up for BCC!


This site is wonderful. It has got me through some tough times, from symptoms to diagnosis and now through treatment THANKYOU so much. On my Facebook page so far I have raised £130 for this marvellous charity and would like to say THANKYOU to everyone who has donated xxx


The people who work on the helpline are absolute angels, and have been absolutely amazing on several occasions over the past 6 months. Thank you. I have just signed up to the lottery to give something back for the wonderful help I have received. Xxx


Really quick access to what you need to know.


My mum had breast cancer almost 4 years ago it was hard lucky to still have her xxx,, my dad died with bowel cancer �� a lot of family suffering in losing loved ones keep up the good work xx


Moving forward to help people that have breast cancer. Please extent your support. Every penny helps.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 25th August 2016. I decided to have a double mastectomy. My mum was diagnosed June 2015 & my two aunties before that. We all had the Barca gene test done and we all tested positive for it.

I had my surgery September last year. Then started my chemotherapy treatment. I really did think my world had ended. I have a wonderful husband & 5 fabulous children that stood by me all the way & supported me through it.

The after care support was amazing, the people talked to me reassured me I was not alone. There was family trips arranged for me & my family, honestly I do not think I’d have got to where I am today if it wasn’t for the loving caring kind support I had going through a very tough journey.

I am organising a fund raising night on Thursday 16th November at the westville hotel enniskillen, where I am having refreshments, table quizzes & a raffle from the amazing donations that was generously donated to me from our local businesses in our wonderful community.



I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 24th February my birthday. very helpful we can do something really good


I want to know other people with the same kind of breast cancer as my mum , she has a Metaplastic breast cancer with triple negative...any one can help ! I liked this page alot it's helpful and social,keep up the good work guys.


I love this site. Keeps me going when things get tough.

My story is very detailed,but in a nutshell....

• diagnosed at 31 years old with stage 3 Breast cancer.

• I was 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th child.

• my son,jack had to be delivered at 32 weeks.

• Whilst he was in special care,I began 18 weeks of chemo. Followed by 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy.

• 5 years later I,unexpectedly,fell pregnant. Almost had a termination as I was petrified of th cancer returning. All was well though thankfully!

• 8 years after diagnosis,I had a smear test that showed abnormalities. This resulted in a full hysterectomy at 39 years old. Slap bang into full menopause!

• on the 19/6/17 I had a risk reducing double mastectomy.

Things are healed now and I feel I can finally look forward to life ahead �

Flat and proud! �

All this on top of being a single mother to 5 wonderful children. X


I had the pleasure of joining a Breast Cancer Care moving forward course this week as part of my work with Macmillan. The support and information provided to the ladies was excellent and I am sure will prove invaluable. Breast Cancer Care has a very important role with supporting wellbeing. Thank you!


I am on my second week of my radiotherapy I have had a mastectomy so this is because they could not go to deep under the muscle so this is why I am having to have radiotherapy for 4 weeks first 3 weeks is with protons but the last treatment is with electrons also I am having to take lexetrole for five years but I don't get my all clear for ten years so this is my story of breast cancer also I raised £160 of 150 pound for this charity on face book


Had a really good Friday & Saturday. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to Bristol to a younger breast cancer seminar held by breast cancer care.

It was lovely meeting people who understood, it was emotional and inspiring.

The last item was a lady who spoke about her story 10 years ago her words will stay with me forever had such an impact I think we all laughed and cried with her.


Great cause, hope everyone supports all of us who are doing the walk on 9th June. A big thanks in advance.


Find this page a great help, was diagnosed August 2015 operation August 2015, was given the all clear just before Christmas. Best Christmas present for me and my family.

Just finding things now a little frustrating, still not being able to do all the things I did before my op, can someone please tell me why I am still getting pains after I do normal tasks,across my chest/breast , thought these would have gone away by now


Creating this site has helped people in many ways, the flexibility of reaching out to people and making an immediate difference in the lives of Breast Cancer Care. This is an issue that has affected my family and someone close to me, and I feel very strongly about. The generosity of people close to me, family, friends in celebrating a special occasion makes it much more of a celebration. Thanks again to Breast Cancer Care for making a difference in people's lives :) <3 <3 <3


Breast Cancer Care are the first there at diagnosis with detailed leaflets that I found so very helpful. BCC are there all the way through, so thank you.

My mum held an Afternoon Tea in your honour yesterday and raised £650. �


Have always supported Breast Cancer charities, both in USA and now back home in UK. Since I have had my diagnosis the leaflets have been so helpful. Almost all my questions have been answered and the breast care nurses are there at the end of the phone with advice and support. I can't thank them enough.


hi on October 28th I'm doing a event for breast cancer I have got 28 people doing stalls we have a raflle and tombola and a disco karaoke night as well I hope to raise a lot for the charity all will be welcome thankyou


We work with Breast Cancer Care to supply samples for their 'Moving Forward' courses. Through the success & popularity of these courses, ladies learn where to find certain products to aid their recoveries and included is our post-surgery bra named 'Reco Bra.'

Breast Cancer Care is the best charity for newly diagnosed patients & those in early recovery stages. The services include helpful advice on the website /telephone lines run by nurses that have medical knowledge and also patients that have been through the experience are all there to guide you. Certainly 5 stars �and thumbs up for BCC!


This site is wonderful. It has got me through some tough times, from symptoms to diagnosis and now through treatment THANKYOU so much. On my Facebook page so far I have raised £130 for this marvellous charity and would like to say THANKYOU to everyone who has donated xxx


The people who work on the helpline are absolute angels, and have been absolutely amazing on several occasions over the past 6 months. Thank you. I have just signed up to the lottery to give something back for the wonderful help I have received. Xxx


Really quick access to what you need to know.


My mum had breast cancer almost 4 years ago it was hard lucky to still have her xxx,, my dad died with bowel cancer �� a lot of family suffering in losing loved ones keep up the good work xx


Moving forward to help people that have breast cancer. Please extent your support. Every penny helps.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 25th August 2016. I decided to have a double mastectomy. My mum was diagnosed June 2015 & my two aunties before that. We all had the Barca gene test done and we all tested positive for it.

I had my surgery September last year. Then started my chemotherapy treatment. I really did think my world had ended. I have a wonderful husband & 5 fabulous children that stood by me all the way & supported me through it.

The after care support was amazing, the people talked to me reassured me I was not alone. There was family trips arranged for me & my family, honestly I do not think I’d have got to where I am today if it wasn’t for the loving caring kind support I had going through a very tough journey.

I am organising a fund raising night on Thursday 16th November at the westville hotel enniskillen, where I am having refreshments, table quizzes & a raffle from the amazing donations that was generously donated to me from our local businesses in our wonderful community.



I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 24th February my birthday. very helpful we can do something really good


I want to know other people with the same kind of breast cancer as my mum , she has a Metaplastic breast cancer with triple negative...any one can help ! I liked this page alot it's helpful and social,keep up the good work guys.


I love this site. Keeps me going when things get tough.

My story is very detailed,but in a nutshell....

• diagnosed at 31 years old with stage 3 Breast cancer.

• I was 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th child.

• my son,jack had to be delivered at 32 weeks.

• Whilst he was in special care,I began 18 weeks of chemo. Followed by 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy.

• 5 years later I,unexpectedly,fell pregnant. Almost had a termination as I was petrified of th cancer returning. All was well though thankfully!

• 8 years after diagnosis,I had a smear test that showed abnormalities. This resulted in a full hysterectomy at 39 years old. Slap bang into full menopause!

• on the 19/6/17 I had a risk reducing double mastectomy.

Things are healed now and I feel I can finally look forward to life ahead �

Flat and proud! �

All this on top of being a single mother to 5 wonderful children. X


I had the pleasure of joining a Breast Cancer Care moving forward course this week as part of my work with Macmillan. The support and information provided to the ladies was excellent and I am sure will prove invaluable. Breast Cancer Care has a very important role with supporting wellbeing. Thank you!


I am on my second week of my radiotherapy I have had a mastectomy so this is because they could not go to deep under the muscle so this is why I am having to have radiotherapy for 4 weeks first 3 weeks is with protons but the last treatment is with electrons also I am having to take lexetrole for five years but I don't get my all clear for ten years so this is my story of breast cancer also I raised £160 of 150 pound for this charity on face book


Had a really good Friday & Saturday. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to Bristol to a younger breast cancer seminar held by breast cancer care.

It was lovely meeting people who understood, it was emotional and inspiring.

The last item was a lady who spoke about her story 10 years ago her words will stay with me forever had such an impact I think we all laughed and cried with her.


Great cause, hope everyone supports all of us who are doing the walk on 9th June. A big thanks in advance.


Find this page a great help, was diagnosed August 2015 operation August 2015, was given the all clear just before Christmas. Best Christmas present for me and my family.

Just finding things now a little frustrating, still not being able to do all the things I did before my op, can someone please tell me why I am still getting pains after I do normal tasks,across my chest/breast , thought these would have gone away by now


Creating this site has helped people in many ways, the flexibility of reaching out to people and making an immediate difference in the lives of Breast Cancer Care. This is an issue that has affected my family and someone close to me, and I feel very strongly about. The generosity of people close to me, family, friends in celebrating a special occasion makes it much more of a celebration. Thanks again to Breast Cancer Care for making a difference in people's lives :) <3 <3 <3


Breast Cancer Care are the first there at diagnosis with detailed leaflets that I found so very helpful. BCC are there all the way through, so thank you.

My mum held an Afternoon Tea in your honour yesterday and raised £650. �


Have always supported Breast Cancer charities, both in USA and now back home in UK. Since I have had my diagnosis the leaflets have been so helpful. Almost all my questions have been answered and the breast care nurses are there at the end of the phone with advice and support. I can't thank them enough.


hi on October 28th I'm doing a event for breast cancer I have got 28 people doing stalls we have a raflle and tombola and a disco karaoke night as well I hope to raise a lot for the charity all will be welcome thankyou


We work with Breast Cancer Care to supply samples for their 'Moving Forward' courses. Through the success & popularity of these courses, ladies learn where to find certain products to aid their recoveries and included is our post-surgery bra named 'Reco Bra.'

Breast Cancer Care is the best charity for newly diagnosed patients & those in early recovery stages. The services include helpful advice on the website /telephone lines run by nurses that have medical knowledge and also patients that have been through the experience are all there to guide you. Certainly 5 stars �and thumbs up for BCC!


This site is wonderful. It has got me through some tough times, from symptoms to diagnosis and now through treatment THANKYOU so much. On my Facebook page so far I have raised £130 for this marvellous charity and would like to say THANKYOU to everyone who has donated xxx


The people who work on the helpline are absolute angels, and have been absolutely amazing on several occasions over the past 6 months. Thank you. I have just signed up to the lottery to give something back for the wonderful help I have received. Xxx


Really quick access to what you need to know.


My mum had breast cancer almost 4 years ago it was hard lucky to still have her xxx,, my dad died with bowel cancer �� a lot of family suffering in losing loved ones keep up the good work xx


Moving forward to help people that have breast cancer. Please extent your support. Every penny helps.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 25th August 2016. I decided to have a double mastectomy. My mum was diagnosed June 2015 & my two aunties before that. We all had the Barca gene test done and we all tested positive for it.

I had my surgery September last year. Then started my chemotherapy treatment. I really did think my world had ended. I have a wonderful husband & 5 fabulous children that stood by me all the way & supported me through it.

The after care support was amazing, the people talked to me reassured me I was not alone. There was family trips arranged for me & my family, honestly I do not think I’d have got to where I am today if it wasn’t for the loving caring kind support I had going through a very tough journey.

I am organising a fund raising night on Thursday 16th November at the westville hotel enniskillen, where I am having refreshments, table quizzes & a raffle from the amazing donations that was generously donated to me from our local businesses in our wonderful community.



I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 24th February my birthday. very helpful we can do something really good


I want to know other people with the same kind of breast cancer as my mum , she has a Metaplastic breast cancer with triple negative...any one can help ! I liked this page alot it's helpful and social,keep up the good work guys.


I love this site. Keeps me going when things get tough.

My story is very detailed,but in a nutshell....

• diagnosed at 31 years old with stage 3 Breast cancer.

• I was 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th child.

• my son,jack had to be delivered at 32 weeks.

• Whilst he was in special care,I began 18 weeks of chemo. Followed by 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy.

• 5 years later I,unexpectedly,fell pregnant. Almost had a termination as I was petrified of th cancer returning. All was well though thankfully!

• 8 years after diagnosis,I had a smear test that showed abnormalities. This resulted in a full hysterectomy at 39 years old. Slap bang into full menopause!

• on the 19/6/17 I had a risk reducing double mastectomy.

Things are healed now and I feel I can finally look forward to life ahead �

Flat and proud! �

All this on top of being a single mother to 5 wonderful children. X


I had the pleasure of joining a Breast Cancer Care moving forward course this week as part of my work with Macmillan. The support and information provided to the ladies was excellent and I am sure will prove invaluable. Breast Cancer Care has a very important role with supporting wellbeing. Thank you!


I am on my second week of my radiotherapy I have had a mastectomy so this is because they could not go to deep under the muscle so this is why I am having to have radiotherapy for 4 weeks first 3 weeks is with protons but the last treatment is with electrons also I am having to take lexetrole for five years but I don't get my all clear for ten years so this is my story of breast cancer also I raised £160 of 150 pound for this charity on face book


Had a really good Friday & Saturday. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to Bristol to a younger breast cancer seminar held by breast cancer care.

It was lovely meeting people who understood, it was emotional and inspiring.

The last item was a lady who spoke about her story 10 years ago her words will stay with me forever had such an impact I think we all laughed and cried with her.


Great cause, hope everyone supports all of us who are doing the walk on 9th June. A big thanks in advance.


Find this page a great help, was diagnosed August 2015 operation August 2015, was given the all clear just before Christmas. Best Christmas present for me and my family.

Just finding things now a little frustrating, still not being able to do all the things I did before my op, can someone please tell me why I am still getting pains after I do normal tasks,across my chest/breast , thought these would have gone away by now


Creating this site has helped people in many ways, the flexibility of reaching out to people and making an immediate difference in the lives of Breast Cancer Care. This is an issue that has affected my family and someone close to me, and I feel very strongly about. The generosity of people close to me, family, friends in celebrating a special occasion makes it much more of a celebration. Thanks again to Breast Cancer Care for making a difference in people's lives :) <3 <3 <3


Breast Cancer Care are the first there at diagnosis with detailed leaflets that I found so very helpful. BCC are there all the way through, so thank you.

My mum held an Afternoon Tea in your honour yesterday and raised £650. �


Have always supported Breast Cancer charities, both in USA and now back home in UK. Since I have had my diagnosis the leaflets have been so helpful. Almost all my questions have been answered and the breast care nurses are there at the end of the phone with advice and support. I can't thank them enough.

More about Breast Cancer Now

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