Breathe Believe Achieve

5 star rating
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Breathe Believe Achieve

Mind Body Approach to Fertility and Hormonal Health.
Fertile Mindset
Fertility Coaching



Excited about a day sharing the amazing therapy that is Reflexology. Today my clients include a little lady who is only 4 and can get very a sore tummy because of constipation, treating her today and showing mum what to do. A couple who are using reflexology to support their fertility and women who are using reflexology to manage their menopausal symptoms. Reflexology truly is for everyone. If you haven’t tried this therapy you don’t know what you’re missing. #reflexology #bekindtoyourbody #bodyinbalance #naturalhealth #naturalfertility #childrenshealth #menopause #womenshealth #familyhealth #breathe #believe #achieve


Looking forward to spending time with some great young people this morning looking at recognising our emotions. When we learn to pay attention to our thoughts and emotions we are in control of our reactions. When we get caught up in big emotions, they control us. #teenwellbeing #emotions #anger #saddness #anxiety #bekindtoyourself #mindfulness #breathe #believe #achieve


And Breathe...sliding into Sunday with some self care...balancing the body and mind this morning! #bekindtoyourbody #gentleexercise #fun #fit #strongbody #strongmind #balancedbody #balancedmind #breathe #believe #achieve


Looking to understand how yoga can support my natural fertility programme. So getting stuck into this issue of @omyogamagazine whilst waiting for the football to start! #reproflexology #mindfulness #naturalfertility #bekindtoyourbody #lovewhatyoudo #reflexology #yoga #breathe #believe #achieve


Lovely grounding yoga flow with @yogadollx tonight. #bekindtoyourbody #calm #relaxed #grounded #breathe #believe #achieve


Sometimes when the body isn’t doing what we would like it to we can feel let down, angry and resentful. This can add to the stress and pressure of trying to conceive. Our thoughts are very powerful. Today I am working on some new meditations for fertility clients to use between reflexology sessions. Meditation, visualisation and affirmations are a very important aspect of preparing the body and the mind to conceive. If you would like more information about fertility reflexology or the fertility meditations please get in touch. #naturalfertility #bekindtoyourbody #healthymind #healthybody #infertility #stressrelief #calm #relaxed #ivf #reflexology #meditation #visualisation #affirmations


Sunday afternoon reflexology one likes to miss out! My niece didn’t like the idea of chilling if it meant giving up the phone! Reflexology is great for everyone! #reflexology #sundaychilling #niece #calm #relaxed #bekindtoyourbody #breathe #believe #achieve


Shiona and I are delighted to be offering 2 Rest Restore Revive workshops on Arran in September. Life is all about balance, the importance of being active, eating well and resting the body therefore these 2 hour workshops will focus on some gentle exercise, some healthy snacks and a candlelit relaxation.
For full details or to book your place follow link below.
#timeforyou #balance #rest #restore #revive #bekindtoyourbody #arran #miniretreat #calm #relaxed


It’s nearly the weekend, why not welcome it in with some lovely rest and relaxation join me today at 4.15pm at the Ingram Centre Kilmarnock for an hour of relaxation. #mindfulness #calm #relax #rest #revive #restore #weekendvibes #breathe #believe #achieve


This is something I remind not only myself of but also the message I thread through all of my sessions whether it’s a teen struggling with anxiety, a couple on their fertility journey or a mum who has run the tank empty caring for everyone else, who has the Wonder Woman cape on and has no idea how to take it off for a breather! Self care is not a luxury it’s essential.#selfcare #balance #bekindtoyourbody #mindfulness #happiness #taketimeforyou #breathe #believe #achieve


There are still places available for the next Move Eat Relax Workshop on Sunday 2nd September @3pm. Why not invest in you, enjoy some gentle movement, healthy snacks and some much needed rest and relaxation. Life is all about balance! #balance #bekindtoyourbody #gentlexercise #healthybody #healthymind #move #eat #relax #breathe #believe #achieve


Happy Monday!! Invest in you today #breathe #believe #achieve


If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be working with couples to achieve their goal of conceiving I’m not sure that I would have believed you. To be doing exactly that however feels like an absolute privilege. In creating information pack about how reproflexology works and my specific approach, has allowed me to include some feedback from previous clients, makes me feel emotional. The journey to become parents can be an emotional rollercoaster, sometimes with more downs than ups...but to be able to support couples to be physically and mentally in the best place to achieve their dream is a true gift. If you would like a copy of the information please get in touch. #lovewhatyoudo #naturalfertility #fertility #infertility #ivf #healthy #reflexology #occupationaltherapy #bekindtoyourbody #gratitude #breathe #believe #achieve


Happy Friday people...have a good you! #normalisoverrated #fridayvibes #breathe #believe #achieve


Oh how’s to listening to our bodies and the quiet whispers of our soul. After fracturing my collarbone in a RTA a couple of weeks thoughts were very busy...firstly I’m so grateful to be alive, I love my family, this will heal and I am safe, I am glad no one was seriously hurt, when I be able to train again, what about work, I loved that car, what if it was different! Then thankfully I realised that the best way to heal was to listen to my body, not to fi...ght against it, to be a best friend to me. Everyday my body amazes me, even if I fail to notice or acknowledge just how grateful I am. My lesson has been to get out of my head, to listen to my body and appreciate just how flipping amazing it is. As I’ve often said your health is your wealth 💕#healthy #happy #grateful #healthybody #healthymind #family #yourhealthisyourwealth #slowdown #getoutofyourhead #bekindtoyourbody #breathe #believe #achieve
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Thank you for all your questions about yes it can support fertility but it can also support women of all ages to manage challenges with their cycle. This could be irregular periods, heavy bleeds, PMS, PCOS or Endometriosis. But it’s not only for the girls as reproflexology can support male fertility, as it can support improved sperm health. #naturalfertility #fertility #malefertility #reflexology #pms #endometriosis #pcos #menstrualcycle #bodyinbalance #create #breathe #believe #achieve


What I love about being an Occupational Therapist is working with the whole person, physically, mentally and emotionally...focusing on strengths, what is working well, being grateful for our amazing bodies and minds...knowing that good health is our wealth. For me my complementary therapies have always been a natural way to enhance an individuals health and wellbeing...supporting the body to find balance and return itself to good health. The fertility reflexology is one way ...I get to do this as I can support the body to find or return to its natural cycle as well as using my Occupational therapy to overcome the mental or emotional stress that couples can all experience. I feel very lucky that I get to work in this way, whether it’s managing anxiety, creating a sense of calm in the body and mind, supporting women’s health or sharing tools and strategies with what you do and do what you love! #occupationaltherapy #complementarytherapies #balance #naturalhealth #fertility #parents #positive #strengths #reflexology #livingmybestlifenow #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #breathe #believe #achieve
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Excited about supporting the new Fertility programme at Dumfries House. Reflexology has always amazed me as a therapy but to witness how it’s supports natural fertility has completely blown my mind. Finalising an information booklet on how reflexology can support our reproductive health. It’s been lovely to add in some feedback from clients on what their experience has been. #create #reflexology #fertility #naturalfertility #reproductivehealth #womenshealth #healthybody #healthymind #pregnancy #breathe #believe #achieve


Move Eat Relax Workshop. New Dates. Sunday 2nd September 3-5pm. Sunday 13th October 3-5pm. The workshop will cover some gentle exercise that you can do at home supporting the body to be strong and healthy. We will enjoy for a healthy snack together and will finish with some guided relaxation allowing the body to rest.
... Workshops are suitable for all abilities, Investment £20. In Life everything is about balance...this workshop will support the body and the mind to be in balance.
Beginning Sunday 26th August 2018 at 9.30am I will be running a weekly Body Balance class at Ayrshire Warriors this is a gentle exercise class with some mindfulness and relaxation at the end. This class is suitable for those beginning exercise or returning after illness or injury. Or simply for those who enjoy high intensity exercise during the week and want a different way to rest and restore at the weekend. To book a place on either workshop or to book your spot at Body Balance please get in touch. #bodybalance #healthybody #healthymind #calm #relaxed #move #eat #relax #mindful #livingmybestlifenow #bekindtoyourbody #mindandbody #occupationaltherapy #breathe #believe #achieve
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Thank you so much Amy for my amazing reflexology treatment today and for all the advice too!!

Highly recommend Amy is so knowledgable,friendly and professional.��


My daughter attended one of Amy's workshops was so delighted to see my happy, confident girl starting to shine again looking forward to the next one we can't thank you enough xx


I have just had an amazing reiki treatment. I would highly recommend it to everyone. It was really relaxing and surprising in a good way. Amy explained everything I experienced throughly.


Had a wonderful back, neck and shoulder massage and reiki today from Amy. Highly recommend it.

More about Breathe Believe Achieve

Breathe Believe Achieve is located at Kilmarnock
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -