Britain'S Big Cat Mystery

About Britain'S Big Cat Mystery

Extensive research has uncovered lost evidence, archive footage and witnesses from seminal events in the story of the big cats of Britain.

This film adds substance to folklore and myth to establish the historic and scientific facts. . .


Britain'S Big Cat Mystery Description

On the 26 /11 /15 whilst driving to work a large black cat ran across the road infront of my car. It jumped over a 5ft gate and into the field. It ran about 20 meters into the field turned and looked at me. We held each others gaze for about 20 seconds. Unfortunately as I went for my camera phone a car came the other way and I missed the shot. After lots of online research I believe what I saw was a black leopard. It was the size of a big German Shepherd. I have set up motion censored, night vision trail cameras to try to catch a shot of the beast and will be speaking to big cat experts and eye witness. Every year there are hundred of sightings and I know what I saw was real and I am determined to prove it. Its not so hard to believe when people have come forward who kept these creatures as pets and later released them into the wild when the dangerous pet act was passed in 1972. `It is my belief that they have bred, spread and multiplied and that there is a small sustained population roaming the english country side.

More about Britain'S Big Cat Mystery

Britain'S Big Cat Mystery is located at E182LY Bridgwater