British Influence

About British Influence

British Influence champions a stronger, more secure and more influential United Kingdom through constructive interaction with Europe and the wider world.

British Influence Description

British Influence champions a stronger, more secure and more influential United Kingdom through constructive interaction with Europe and the wider world.

We want Britain to enhance its political influence in Europe so we can push the British agenda for greater fairness and prosperity in Europe.



Last night we launched 'Brexit and Gibraltar', our joint report with Open Britain, at a reception with Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.
Gibraltar is all too rarely considered in the Brexit debate, but its economy stands to be devastated if it is denied full access to the single market.
Read our full report here: ... ltar-briefing/
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Read → Today's Europe Watch: Brexit and Gibraltar - will the Rock stay strong in the aftermath of Brexit?
Last week the political discussion was devoted to the single market, and the Prime Minister's confirmation that she intends us to leave it. But there was little mention of a small British territory which depends on the single market - in particular the free movement of services and people - to guarantee its livelihood. Gibraltar is both resolutely British and pro-EU. However, its future is at risk of compromise unless its voice is heard.


We think that the Single Market is beneficial to our economy. In sectors like manufacturing, it is essential to creating jobs and growing businesses. Support Single Market Justice here:


Another EEA Fact of the Day from Single Market Justice: 'The EEA is a pan-European free-trade zone governed by international legal norms invented by Britain to assist and improve free trade across the continent.'
We helped to create it. Now let's fight to stay in it. Donate to the Single Market Justice court case here:


From the latest Single Market Justice blog, the first of ten facts on the EEA:
The "EEA" (or as it is better known "the single market") is not the same as the EU. It is not an EU institution, nor is it governed by the EU. Its policies are in fact administered by the EEA Committee.
Read the latest blog post for the top ten facts about the EEA:...
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Adrian Yalland, of Single Market Justice, explains why he is backing the campaign. On June 23rd, Adrian voted Leave. But he did not vote to give the Government a blank cheque in negotiations. He voted to make the UK's Parliament sovereign, and that means giving it a vote on the single market.
Single Market Justice needs your support. With your help, they can meet their legal fees. Donate here to support the campaign:


Watch → In this video, British Influence Director Peter Wilding explains why Parliament should vote to decide whether we stay in the Single Market or not – regardless of leaving the EU.
Single Market Justice is campaigning to raise a minimum £127,000 to ensure legal fees and other costs are met. With your support, we can give Parliament a voice. This campaign really does need your help. please donate here:


Be part of the Single Market court case - like Single Market Justice here: ice/


We're backing the Single Market Justice Campaign. There are only 10 days to save our Single Market. We believe if the Government withdraws the UK from the Single Market Treaty without Parliamentary permission it will be acting unlawfully and unconstitutionally. Staying in the Single Market has huge support. We need yours. Donate here:


Cross-border cooperation is essential to upholding the security of the United Kingdom. Its future will be a major factor in negotiations with the EU.


Read → Today's Europe Watch: 'Campaign launched to support single market bid -'
We at British Influence seek a Brexit middle way between two extremes. It is this thinking which is behind our reasoning for seeking a judicial review: to get the “win-win” Brexit we were promised, rather than the “lose-lose” Brexit we were warned about.


Here's a few points on what the European Economic Area is and what it isn't


Read → Today's Europe Watch: 'Towards a red, white and blue single market'
According to Michel Barnier, the EU will make October 2018 its target for a negotiating a Brexit deal. Time is short: does the EEA provide us with an answer?


ComRes poll conducted for the Daily Mirror finds that reassurances are needed if people's confidence in the economy is to be restored


its great to see a lot of people pro Europe I think its a good thing just so sick of all the negativity from the right wing Europe has benefited so many people


You are total liars start telling the truth about us pulling out the EU, we will be better off, you want in to line your own pockets


What a great organisation - wishing them the best of luck in ensuring Britain gets to stay in the European sphere of influence.


Its great to see that I'm not alone in believing in the future, not stepping backwards!


EU needs reforming and needs the UK actively involved making reform happen. It is in our interests to stay.


At last a place where anti-Eu myths can be challenged and destroyed!


At last a concerted effort to keep Britain in the EU. To leave would be to turn our backs on cooperation, on peace and on future prosperity.


A page that has a clear goal of putting forward the case for staying in the EU but is unfortunately plagued by the typical right-wing bunch who have nothing better to do than mock, berate and down rate a page for no other reason than they suck Faragios plums.


A good page for winding up (and correcting) tedious Kippers. Though the EU needs reform and change, what it doesn't need is the bleak cynicism, which is why this site is like sunlight to UKIP Vampires.


Excellent page full of facts on why we must remain in the EU


the poor wee UK we can not do deals with anyone without the EU, last time i heard something like that it was my mummy holding my hand to take me to school...what a facebook page of complete tosh, i would not be surprised if you get a EU grant to keep up your work...JOKE


UKIP is a respectable party, this is just utter rot. Bloomin EU tripe :(


This page is full of brainwashed people who dream of living in a socialist European ideology, the facts are totally misrepresented, I clicked like on this purely for amusement purposes to laugh at the s**t that is spouted, it is comparable to the Mirror newspaper in its biased newsfeeds


This group is supported by the Westminster political elite who betrayed Britain.


Notice to Peter Wilding I have sent an email to your company under the name david Holt fb plese read.


Most economic data since the 23rd June #EUreferendum has been decidedly positive, despite the scare tactics of #Remain's #ProjectFear, of which #BritishInfluence is an active participant. How dare a 'top economist' refer to "these times of very low unemployment" when it is still 1.6 million, and when of nearly half a million jobs created, 95% have gone to people born overseas. Up to half a million more new jobs are forecast in the coming few years, yet with #FreeMovement it is highly likely that the majority of those too will not go to Brits (wherever they or their forebears may originally hail from, before someone accuses me of being a racist) but to cheap imported foreign labour.

This is really what has been happening for years, despite pompous claims that mass immigration has "only had positive effects for the working population". And there is another side to the story that gets little airtime. In attracting so many workers from much poorer EU member states, including many who are unskilled, we are denuding their working age population, a situation which may very well leave those countries bereft in years to come. Much the same thing has happened over the years where we have cherry-picked trained #healthcare workers from poor nations, while only making some 20% of nursing vacancies available to people here, another deeply unfair situation.

It is rather diffifcult to conclude that groups like British Influence and others like #OpenBritain and #OpenEurope are anything other than campaigns set up, funded (from expensive London offices) and supported by those working not for the interests of the general population as a whole, but a small section of it. No doubt these groups have much support in the world of #banking and amongst rich, powerful #corporations who can afford to employ the thousands of lobbyists they send to Brussels to push their case, but they are batting for their own interests, not those of the majority!

Project Fear is still in full operation, and still peddling its scare stories and lies. Open Britain's co-chair was recently called out by Andrew Neil on The Daily Politics for deliberately doctoring video footage of leading #Leave campaigners - let's just remind ourselves once again that Leave won, with over 17.41 million votes, the largest in British history - in order to misinform the public as to their real intentions.

Mr Neil also called out #NickClegg - who in 2005 called for a referendum himself, as did Tony Blair a couple of years later - when he claimed on TV that the Leave camp had not argued to leave the #SingleMarket. He was then shown footage of Cameron, Osborne, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage, and leading Remain fgures like Angela Eagle for Labour, all stating very clearly that a vote to leave the EU certainly DID mean leaving the Single Market.

What is hard to understand? Cameron's own pro-EU Remain propaganda pamphlet that was sent to every household in Britain at the cost of £9 million from public funds stated 4 TIMES that a vote to leave the EU would mean leaving the Single Market.

So the public should understand what groups like this are peddling. We are now facing not only a threat to block Brexit altogether - clear from a court case being brought by British Infuence in Ireland, which would presumably bring the #ECJ into play, hence its location! - but a direct threat to #democracy altogether. They mean to stop Brexit and at least tie Britain into funding the corrupt, dictatorial and largely unelected EU in future.

To quote the Bavarian-born chair of #ChangeBritain, who fought for the Leave campaign so effectively, Gisela Stuart,:"if Britain does not leave the Single Market, it will not have left the EU."

Similarly, if Britain does not regain control of.....

~ immigration, and thus our fast-expanding population via continued free movement;

~ if the ECJ or its allied conduits continue to effectively wield ultimate power and control over British courts and thus our government;

~ if we we still end up paying through the nose to fund the corrupt EU,, whose accounts have not been signed off as correct by auditors for 21 years in a row, and its associated trading offshoots;

~ if we 'remain' unable to sign our own trade deals post-Brexit - and to quote the former (and now free to speak his mind) head of the Bank of England, Melvyn King, remaining in the Single Market or EEA or Customs Union would proclude that, and throw away the opportunity of a lifetime,

..... then we will effectively NOT have left the EU at all, and Remain will have stolen the result with the express intention of completely reversing whatever pretend form of Brexit is foisted on us in future!

We either leave, or we do not. If you are going to do something, do it fully! There is in reality no 'soft' or 'hard' Brexit anyway. Donald Tusk, the head of the Council of Europe, has made that quite clear himself. The only way to honour democracy is to have a clear, unambiguous Brexit that frees Britain to embrace what Mervyn King, Lord Dyson, and Lord Digby Jones, the former head of the CBI (2001-2006) and former Trade Minister, refer to as the immense opportunities that lie at our feet now as the EU and its #euro currency flouders.

Lord Digby Jones himself refers to himself as a "reluctant" advocate of leaving the EU, but a passionately committed one nonetheless. I will end with a compilation of a series of Tweets he made on or about 20th February, 2016. Please do read his essay on his own website of 3rd May, 2016 entitled *Why I am Voting to Leave the EU*, the opening lines of which I include at the end.

~ "Can someone please describe for me what our continued membership of a divided, unskilled, subsidised, globally uncompetitive, undemocratic, sclerotic EU looks like in 10 years time? They say it's scary leaving the EU. It's even scarier staying in! The EU is in terminal decline, doing nothing to tool up in Asia's century. We are not being asked to #Remain in or #Leave a reformed EU. Our relationship with the EU is being reformed, but the EU itself is not reforming... And that will drag us (and them) down!" ~

*Why I am Voting to Leave the EU* ~ by former head of the CB and former Trade Minister, Lord Digby Jones, on his own website, published 3 May, 2016.

It begins thus:

"There are 56 words in the Lords Prayer. The Ten Commandments took 297 words to encapsulate a Code for Life. The Founding Fathers of the USA took 1300 words to write The Declaration of Independence. Can someone please explain to me why it takes 27,000 (!!!) words to write the EU Directive on Duck Eggs??!!"


Jonathan Lis writes the biggest load of tripe imaginable.


How many jobs could be created if the £13.4bn we pay the EU were pumped directly into the economy? How much do you think our 'influence' will increase each time another nation joins the EU? As for trade agreements, how much swifter could they be concluded if we were negotiating on a 1:1 basis?


Campaigners on both sides of the debate made it perfectly clear that leaving the EU meant leaving the single market. Now we're being told that the government doesn't have a mandate to take the country out of the single market. What utter poppycock. Theresa May was right when she said that remaining in the single market meant remaining in the EU. The signatories to British Influence clearly need a remedial lesson in democracy.

More about British Influence

British Influence is located at 33 St. James's Square, SW1Y 4JS London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3709 4726