Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets Of Peace And Happiness

About Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets Of Peace And Happiness

Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets of Peace and Happiness is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle download.

Sabbir Muslim is a spiritual teacher, coach and the author of Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets of Peace and Happiness.

Sabbir brings a unique approach to spiritual teaching, a Course in Miracles with a meditative and competitive approach to guide people to be their authentic self and access higher intuition and miracles.

On a business flight, his feet suddenly became so swollen he had to take his shoes off. On arrival in London, he was admitted to the Royal Free Hospital with kidney failure. The doctors told him they did not know what was causing the rapid decline of his kidney function. In fear and facing death Sabbir had a sudden sublime timeless spiritual experience when he heard the message "find a spiritual solution. "

After this spiritual experience, Sabbir was opened up to spiritual guidance and synchronicities which led to meeting Mooji the teacher of enlightenment and having a white light experience and studying the teachings of Dr David R Hawkins and A Course in Miracles.

His purpose is now to share with others how to transcend their limited identifications to realise their limitless self and live an authentic life of love and higher purpose.

Sabbir lives in London in the UK.

You can find him at
www. sabbirmuslim. co. uk

Email sabbirmuslim@gmail.com

Mobile + + 447413508449

Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets Of Peace And Happiness Description

Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets of Peace and Happiness is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle download.

Sabbir Muslim is a spiritual teacher, coach and the author of Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets of Peace and Happiness.

Sabbir brings a unique approach to spiritual teaching, a Course in Miracles with a meditative and competitive approach to guide people to be their authentic self and access higher intuition and miracles.

On a business flight, his feet suddenly became so swollen he had to take his shoes off. On arrival in London, he was admitted to the Royal Free Hospital with kidney failure. The doctors told him they did not know what was causing the rapid decline of his kidney function. In fear and facing death Sabbir had a sudden sublime timeless spiritual experience when he heard the message "find a spiritual solution. "

After this spiritual experience, Sabbir was opened up to spiritual guidance and synchronicities which led to meeting Mooji the teacher of enlightenment and having a white light experience and studying the teachings of Dr David R Hawkins and A Course in Miracles.

His purpose is now to share with others how to transcend their limited identifications to realise their limitless self and live an authentic life of love and higher purpose.

Sabbir lives in London in the UK.

You can find him at
www. sabbirmuslim. co. uk

Email sabbirmuslim@gmail.com

Mobile + + 447413508449

More about Bulletproof Peace 30 Spiritual Secrets Of Peace And Happiness
