Burmese Rohingya Organisation Uk

About Burmese Rohingya Organisation Uk

Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
"For the right of ROHINGYA in Myanmar"



Malaysia, member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Wednesday said it had not turned a blind eye to "the Rohingya crisis".
This week, the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar called on Myanmar’s top military officials, including commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing, to be tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for genocide committed against Rohingya Muslims.


Goodwill ambassador for the UN refugee agency, Blanchett said she heard "gut-wrenching accounts" of torture, rape, people seeing loved ones killed before their eyes, and children thrown into fire and burned alive.


More than a hundred Southeast Asian lawmakers have called on the UN Security Council to refer Myanmar to the International Criminal Court.


Myanmar's top generals must be prosecuted for genocide over the treatment of the Rohingya, according to a UN report.
Six generals should be tried over orchestrated gross human rights violations and abuses in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, an independent fact-finding mission found.
The report's conclusions prompted British foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt to pledge to go to Myanmar to "seek answers".
... Hundreds of thousands
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BBC Interviewed Tun Khin about UN Report Tun Khin, President of Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK was interviewed by BBC about today's UN report.


A special event to commemorate the Rohingya Genocide that occurred on 25th August 2017 which lead to more than 800,000 Rohingya to flee from Burma following Burma military genocide. The event is hosted by FRC, BROUK, Restless Beings, ARNO and BMA and will be held at:
Manor Park Community Centre 524 High Street North E12 6QN LONDON
... Starts from 6.30pm and will conclude by 9pm.
For any enquires please contact
Mabrur Ahmed (07506100785) or Tun Khin (07888714866)
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A Rohingya's perspective Bangladesh's ICC cooperation is crucial for Rohingya justice
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Media Release from Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
For Immediate Release 22nd May 2018
"International Development Committee report must spur the UK to act on Rohingya atrocities"
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Media Release from Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
For Immediate Release 22nd May 2018
International Development Committee report must spur the UK to act on Rohingya atrocities
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Pictures from Where the Rohingya once lived


Media Release from Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
For Immediate Release 2nd May 2018
BROUK welcomes Liechtenstein Support for Burma ICC Referral
... Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK welcomes the support of Liechtenstein for the UN Security Council referring Burma to the International Criminal Court.
Liechtenstein UN Twitter account, @LiechtensteinUN tweeted on 30th April: Amb. Wenaweser at #UN event with @BenFerencz today coveys his hope that #UNSC members will return from their #Myanmar visit with a renewed sense of duty to take action including #ICC referral #ACTcodeofconduct.
https://twitter.com/Liechtenstein…/stat us/990977902010404866
Despite overwhelming evidence of large-scale violations of international law against the Rohingya, including evidence from several of the United Nations’ own agencies, members of the United Nations Security Council have refused to support referring Burma to the International Criminal Court. The United Nations has stated that these violations of international law are so serious that they could constitute genocide.
Rohingya organisations worldwide have been calling for years for the UN Security Council to refer Burma to the International Criminal Court. Had they done so, the current crisis might never have happened.
Kachin civil society organisations, also suffering from large-scale violations of international law, have also called on the United Nations Security Council to ‘do their job’ and refer Burma to the International Criminal Court.
http://www.kachinalliance.org/kachin-comm unities-worldwide…/
“We would like to thank the government of Lichtenstein for supporting a UNSC referral of Burma to the International Criminal Court,” said Tun Khin President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK. “Lichtenstein is showing principled leadership. We need to build a global consensus, not just of Security Council Membership, but all UN members, to overcome potential opposition by some Security Council members. The UK can’t claim leadership on this issue when it is dragging its feet and refusing to support an ICC referral. It is time Boris Johnson stopped blocking Foreign Office backing for an ICC referral.”
For more information please contact, Tun Khin +44 7888714866.
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Please sign and convey the Petition Campaign for Rohingya:‬


These female Nobel laureates are urging Aung San Suu Kyi to condemn the violence against the Rohingya or face prosecution for genocide.


Aung San Suu Kyi faces a new warning from three women, who like her, are Nobel Peace Prize winners.
Nobel Peace Prize laureates Irish peace activist, Mairead Maguire, Tawakkol Karman from Yemen and Iranian Shirin Ebadi visited Rohingya refugee campsto listen to the tragic stories of refugees.
They are urging Myanmar's leader Suu Kyi to condemn the violence against Rohingya refugees or possibly face prosecution for genocide.


Satellite images of Myanmar suggest entire Rohingya villages have been destroyed, campaign group Human Rights Watch says,
The group said at least 55 villages - many of which were already damaged by arson - had been completely bulldozed.
The villages "should be treated as crime scenes" and preserved, it added."
... Many of these villages were scenes of atrocities against Rohingya and should be preserved so that the experts appointed by the UN to document these abuses can properly evaluate the evidence to identify those responsible," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
More than half a million Rohingya people fled the destruction of their homes last year in what the UN called a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing".
"Bulldozing these areas threatens to erase both the memory and the legal claims of the Rohingya who lived there."
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New satellite images of Myanmar's Rakhine state show that the Myanmar authorities have been bulldozing Rohingya Muslim villages that were burned down during the "ethnic cleansing campaign" against the minority, human rights group, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Friday.
HRW said at least 55 villages had been razed to the ground since late 2017, after nearly 700,000 Rohingya fled to neighboring Bangladesh to escape military and civilian reprisals in the state.


Scholars, Activists and Politicians in Germany to hold an International Conference on Myanmar Genocide at the Jewish Museum in Berlin Urge EU & the world to make “Never again!” a reality
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In January, Bangladesh and Myanmar announced a repatriation deal, prompting concerns from rights groups and members of the Rohingya. The Rohingya were not consulted about the agreement, which does not guarantee safety upon return or basic rights such as full citizenship. "Some people asked me - how can we return to this place?" says Tun Khin, a Rohingya activist and the head of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, who visited camps in Bangladesh last week.
"It is a joke. It ...is not the time to talk about repatriation," he adds.
On Thursday, Tun Khin will address students at the University of Oxford, a symbolic location.
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More about Burmese Rohingya Organisation Uk

Burmese Rohingya Organisation Uk is located at 617 Romford Rd, E12 5AD London, United Kingdom