Cabaret Roulette

About Cabaret Roulette

Cabaret Roulette

Cabaret Roulette Description

Eight artists. One theme. One truly extraordinary night of cabaret.

Cabaret Roulette is a new kind of vaudevillian experience, in which artists representing the widest possible array of styles and disciplines are given two months to develop a new act on a single theme chosen in advance by you, the audience.

What will we get when a cheesecake burlesquer, a freakshow performer, a drag queen and a contortionist* are challenged to put their spin on the same concept? We won't know until the night, but it's going to be to be unforgettable.

* (To hint at but a few of the artists involved. . . )

Tickets available at https://cabaretroulette. ticketsource. co. uk!



Since we can't do our usual trivia posts without giving away the theme, we thought we'd spend the next months revisiting some of the acts and artists that have made Roulette over the years.
And what better place to start than the very beginning, with our first ever performer: the incredible Daisy Black, opening the "Apocalypse" show waaaayyyyyyy back in November 2012 with a magnificently creepy and utterly dazzling hoops act. Daisy and ...the other performers from Apocalypse - Lou Safire, Katy Jones, Tash Welch, Bonnie Blondell, Meth, Ginger Cupcake, Rubyyy Jones, Carmen Mon Oxide and Peter Howarth - hold a very special place in our hearts, for none of us had a clue how - or if - this would all work.
A scratch night that wasn't a scratch night, a theme we had no control over, the legendary Madame Jojo's to fill...
It may have been the end of the world, but it definitely the start of something unforgettable.
Daisy Black in Cabaret Roulette: Apocalypse, 12 November 2012. Photo by Louise Preedy Photography.
Join us for more cabaret history in the making at Cabaret Roulette: Dealer's Choice on 6 November 2019 - 150724/ at our beloved Royal Vauxhall Tavern!
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Contracts just went out to the ten artists who have accepted the challenge of created a brand new act based on the theme that I, Viv, have chosen, and that you, our beloved audience, will not know until the night! We'll give everyone a day or two to confirm and then we'll make the big, exciting, momentous, breathless announcement!


Madness - we’re 10% sold and hadn’t actually told you the tickets were up! We are feeling the love over here, let me tell ya. It’s mutual, trust.
Tickets available now at k!


Time to stop teasing and make it official: Cabaret Roulette is back, bitches!
Come join us on Wednesday 6 November 2019 at our beloved Royal Vauxhall Tavern for another spin of the Cabaret Roulette wheel, featuring all the madness, mayhem and magnificence you have come to expect from this kooky little show.
But being Cabaret Roulette, of course there's a twist...
... This time the audience isn't picking the theme, Viv (our producer) is, and the evening will star artists she has specifically handpicked to take on that particular theme.
And you, our darling audience, who have held the reins for all these years? Why you won't know until the night....
Welcome to Cabaret Roulette: Dealer's Choice!
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Well now that we’re awake over here, what on EARTH should we do with our free time? Any ideas? Maybe something in November?


Seriously, hi! Have you missed us as much as we’ve missed you?


Okay, fine, perhaps just a wee hint...


What could possibly be up?




Cabaret Roulette London is beyond thrilled to welcome a new sister show in Belfast, launching 16 June! Road trip anyone?


With super great love to everyone excitedly asking, sadly the event tomorrow night on the Isle of Wight with the words "Cabaret Roulette" in the title is not one of ours or affiliated with us in any way. We wish them nothing but success with their show and apologise for any confusion!


Kiki Lovechild at Cabaret Roulette: Feathers, photo by Al J Jacob.


A quick google image search of "clown" will display results along of these lines, so we decided we should take a moment to reassure everyone that tomorrow's Feathers show will be **100% TERRIFYING CLOWN FREE**. Too obvious - this is Roulette after all! Breathe easy, coulrophobics.


Clowns are by nature an unrestrained, unpredictable, anything-could-happen lot, and none but the bravest and boldest would even attempt to hold the show together as compere.
To this end we have asked two of the most extraordinary talents in the business to take the reigns: West End star and brassy bombshell Chastity Belt and everyone's favourite Victorian pickpocket, Joe Morose.
... They're both Cabaret Roulette regulars for a reason: we are deeply, madly in love with both of them.
The formidable Chastity Belt and Joe Morose, appearing at Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers on 4 October 2017.
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There are no prizes for guessing our next performer, for over the past five years she has transcended from "a part of the furniture" to "the very air we breathe" here at Cabaret Roulette, having created an act or hosted very nearly every single show we've ever done. We're talking nearly 40 shows here.
Put simply, it just wouldn't be a Cabaret Roulette without our smutty, splendid Anna Lou.
... Our Anna Lou Larkin, appearing at Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers on 4 October 2017.
Photo by Michael Keane.
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Everyone, as promised, our final poster for next week's one-off special event Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers!


We have been trying to land the bendy, bouncy, brilliant wonder that is Abigail Collins for Cabaret Roulette since before the show even existed: she was one of the first performers producer Viv ever saw in cabaret, and oh. my. god. she is good.
The joy of Abi Collins is that we genuinely cannot predict what we're going to get: she's a character comedian, a slapstick comedian, an acrobat, a singer, a clown, a master of wigs and accents and audie...nce participation. What we CAN tell you is that, if you've not seen her before, you are in for a real treat.
The unforgettable Abi Collins, appearing at Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers on 4 October

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Desperate to come to Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers on October 4th, but need to prioritise such silliness as food and rent over cabaret?
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our amazing audience, we currently have TEN complimentary Superstar Guest tickets available. The tickets will be allotted to the first ten people who message us via the Cabaret Roulette page after from 12 noon on Wednesday 27 September.
We will of course not be means checking, so we as...k applicants to please follow the honour system when deciding whether you meet the description of "could not otherwise afford to attend."
If you are able to afford a ticket, please consider purchasing one - we have nine extraordinary artists creating brand new art as we speak who also need to eat occasionally. :) Tickets are available here:


Contracts just went out to the ten artists who have accepted the challenge of created a brand new act based on the theme that I, Viv, have chosen, and that you, our beloved audience, will not know until the night! We'll give everyone a day or two to confirm and then we'll make the big, exciting, momentous, breathless announcement!


Madness - we’re 10% sold and hadn’t actually told you the tickets were up! We are feeling the love over here, let me tell ya. It’s mutual, trust.
Tickets available now at k!


We have been trying to land the bendy, bouncy, brilliant wonder that is Abigail Collins for Cabaret Roulette since before the show even existed: she was one of the first performers producer Viv ever saw in cabaret, and oh. my. god. she is good.
The joy of Abi Collins is that we genuinely cannot predict what we're going to get: she's a character comedian, a slapstick comedian, an acrobat, a singer, a clown, a master of wigs and accents and audie...nce participation. What we CAN tell you is that, if you've not seen her before, you are in for a real treat.
The unforgettable Abi Collins, appearing at Cabaret Roulette - The Clown Takeover: Feathers on 4 October

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More about Cabaret Roulette

Cabaret Roulette is located at 372 Kennington Ln, SE115HY London, United Kingdom