Call & Response

About Call & Response

Call & Response is an independent sonic arts collective, serving as a focus for sound arts practice in London.

Our aim is to provide an artist run space for the exhibition and performance of sonic artworks, reflecting the emerging interest in the use of the auditory in contemporary art. C& R will help artists develop their practice, providing high quality technical resources as well as education and training opportunities. We aim to critically engage with audiences by exploring different modes of participation through workshops, lectures, symposia and publications.

Through building and supporting a community of practitioners both within the UK and internationally, we aim to host the creation of new work and the exchange of ideas, and create alliances with similar project spaces, institutions and artists.

Call & Response Description

Call & Response is an independent sonic arts collective, serving as a focus for sound arts practice in London.

Our aim is to provide an artist run space for the exhibition and performance of sonic artworks, reflecting the emerging interest in the use of the auditory in contemporary art. C& R will help artists develop their practice, providing high quality technical resources as well as education and training opportunities. We aim to critically engage with audiences by exploring different modes of participation through workshops, lectures, symposia and publications.

Through building and supporting a community of practitioners both within the UK and internationally, we aim to host the creation of new work and the exchange of ideas, and create alliances with similar project spaces, institutions and artists.