Cancer Research Uk Challengers

About Cancer Research Uk Challengers

This is the official Facebook page for Cancer Research UK's sports challenges. Sign up now and together, we will beat cancer.



“I’ve chosen to run this marathon because I lost my grandad to lung cancer in 2012. He was such a joyful man who suffered a horrible disease, so this marathon is for him.
I ran the Brighton Marathon in April this year and I didn’t find it easy. In fact, I said I would never do a marathon again, but this time I’m raising money for Cancer Research UK [tag] and I know I have so much more to give!
Whilst I can never bring my grandad back through my fundraising, I can bring forw...ard the day when we’re able to say that all cancers are cured. I want to raise as much money as possible so that we can make this day happen sooner.
When I cross the finish line I think I’ll feel amazing, but I’m sure there will also be floods of tears! A marathon is a big step out of my comfort zone, but I know it’s worth it to make my grandpa proud.”
Inspired by Lorna’s story? Face your own challenge for us and together, we will beat cancer.
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You, the open water… No Limits. Join us for the Open Water Swimathon on the 8-9 September and challenge yourself to swim either 400m, 1.5k, 2.5k or even 5k! Conquer the open water and enter today using discount code CRUK35 for 35% off your entry fee:


Sign up and take on the 13.1 mile route through historic Oxford for The Virgin Sport Oxford Half Marathon, presented by ASICS. You'll speed by world-famous museums, universities, parks and more on this one-of-a-kind run. Get your place today and fundraise for our life-saving research. With your help we will beat cancer:


Beat your personal best at the Manchester Half Marathon and help us move towards a future where all cancers will be cured. Currently, only two in four people survive cancer for more than 10 years – we want to get this number to three in four in the next 20 years. This is a big challenge, so help us by challenging yourself by running for us at the Manchester Half Marathon. Be on our team and help us in our mission. Sign up here:


“I decided to run the Richmond Half Marathon this year for Cancer Research UK, as a few days before Christmas, my husband Ben was diagnosed with stage four oesophageal cancer. He had a 15-hour operation in February to remove his oesophagus, pharynx and larynx as the tumour was too advanced for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After a few months recovery he started six weeks of radiotherapy which will soon be finishing and hopefully in the future, he’ll have another operation to... be able to talk again.
I decided to run a half marathon, a big task for me, and raise some money to help others as well as to help keep me training. I’m looking forward to the big day, but I know it’s going to be emotional crossing the finish line. Ben will be watching me and clapping me on. I cannot wait. Without charities like Cancer Research UK, our little boy may not still have his dad and the money raised can help other families like us.”
Sign up to take part in Richmond Runfest today and run for us to help fund research that will help more families like Ben and Natalie’s:
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There are loads of ways to get involved in the fight against cancer, Chris has raised £5670 between 2016-2018 by taking part in Prudential RideLondon for us! Now, him and his team of skin cancer specialists have taken it a step further raising £2340 by using their free time to offer private mole checks in return for a £10 donation to Cancer Research UK! Team work makes the dream work! There are loads of ways you can get involved – sign up for one of our events today:


Run part of the iconic London Marathon course on fully closed roads with the sell-out The Big Half in March. Get your place today and fundraise for life-saving research. With your help we will beat cancer:


Run a personal best that’s about more than just time at one of our Tough 10 events this autumn. It’s about tackling new challenges, whilst raising money to help beat cancer. Sign up now:


Looking for your next fundraising challenge? Sign up for the epic endurance cycle challenge, Revolve24, at Brands Hatch on 15 September. Go it alone, or get a team together to race for 24, 12 or 6 hours on this legendary course. Get a discounted place when you sign up to fundraise for us today:


“I signed up the Robin Hood Half Marathon because I love running and I wanted to challenge myself whilst raising money for a good cause. I ran the Robin Hood last year and raised over £500 for Nottinghamshire Hospice, so this year I want to fundraise for Cancer Research UK.
“I’ve lost both my grandfathers to cancer – one to stomach and the other to prostate cancer. Recently, my uncle died of cancer too. All of them were so happy and up for a laugh despite what they went – they were true warriors who fought till the end. Friends of mine have also battled with cancer, but they were treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The treatment was successful and they both survived.
“Cancer affects and destroys so many lives and after experiencing the suffering first-hand with family members, I want to help to fight this horrible disease, so more people like my friends, survive. “When I cross the finish line I’ll feel relieved but with a big sense of achievement – for running the race and for raising a good sum of money for Cancer Research UK.”
Inspired by Michael’s story? Why not join him and the rest of our team today?
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The ballot for places in the much sought after 2019 London Landmarks Half Marathon is now open! We would love to welcome you to our team if you are successful in your application. Enter the ballot now and run for Cancer Research UK:


“I entered the Scottish Half Marathon because I was looking for a challenge - I had recently started running as part of a weight loss program and was really enjoying it. I’m a driving instructor and one of my pupils told me she was doing a half marathon and suggested I might like to have a go. When I saw this run was being held on my Dad's birthday, I decided it would be a perfect goal to aim for. My dad, Martin, had been diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago, so to be a...ble to raise money for Cancer Research UK at the same time as running meant I couldn't say no.
“The doctors had caught dad’s cancer early because of a persistent cough he had and so were able to get started on the treatment straight away. He had chemotherapy and radiation, although he didn't like to talk about the treatment too much. Miraculously, he went into remission for two years, but in April 2016 he died from an aneurysm in his lung. Without Cancer Research UK, I wouldn't have had my Dad for as long as I did.
“He was a man who loved to laugh - usually at the most inappropriate things! I can still hear his laugh whenever I need to, as it's the sound I heard most whenever I saw him. He was adventurous, always up for trying anything - the last time we went to visit, he took us to have a go on Segways! We didn't manage it - he hadn't checked the place was open out of season and we got a puncture halfway back, which he just took as an excuse for some coffee and cake! He’s sorely missed, but I know that when I cross the finish line in Edinburgh he would have been very proud of me.”
Thank you to Danielle for sharing her story. You can join her by signing up to The Scottish Half Marathon today:
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Join hundreds of other CRUK Challengers who are running for us at the Ealing Half Marathon. Help fundraise for our life-saving work. Get your free place today and help beat cancer:


The Dirty Vikings are running over 25 events this year to raise money for Cancer Research UK! They’ve also qualified for the European and World obstacle racing championships and there are lots of ways to show your support – from joining their team and becoming a Viking, to getting your hands on a Viking t-shirt! Visit their website today:


“David (pictured) was diagnosed with testicular cancer when he was just about to turn 28, after a routine visit to the GP following a sport-induced groin injury. By the time David was diagnosed, the cancer had spread to his stomach. Over the next two years, he went through several surgeries and cycles of chemotherapy, and his fiancée and I took turns driving the two hours to the hospital each evening to bring him food from home and to keep him company. Tragically, by the time... David died, the cancer had also spread to his brain.
“David and I grew up together. We went to the same schools, joined the same sports teams, and were closer than some brothers. He's without doubt the most successful and inspiring person I've ever met – in a short life he achieved so much. Through everything, he never once complained – many people say this, but this time around it's completely true. He just got on with everything with a smile on his face. His character was so infectious, that when he was in hospital his nurses would ask him if he could speak to new cancer patients to help them come to terms with their illness.
“When David died, his mother asked for all donations to be to Cancer Research UK, and so that’s what we’ve all continued to do. Following a heart scare and kidney surgery that took me 'out of the game' for three months, I've signed up for the Cardiff Half Marathon. I do run quite a bit, but the furthest I’ve run before is around 9km, so this feels like a big step up. Even though he’s been gone for almost 30 years now, David remains my biggest motivation. If he was here, I know that he’d be at every point in the road where I faulted, shouting at me to go on. Because of him and his influence on my life, this really matters.”
Keith is taking part in the Cardiff Half Marathon in memory of his friend, David. To take part and support us, sign up for a charity place or request a fundraising pack here:
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Join us for the London Duathlon, an iconic run-bike-run event through the beautiful surroundings of Richmond Park! Enter with friends as a relay, or choose your distance from the Half to the Ultra. Make this your 2018 challenge to beat cancer sooner:


“My mum is an incredible woman and the person I look up to most in the world. She was diagnosed just before her 39th birthday with breast cancer, which spread to her lymph nodes. She had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy and recovered well, although I know I was shielded a lot from the difficulty she faced as I was only 8 years old.
“10 years later the cancer returned and I was old enough to really understand the true nature of what she was going through. It was breast cancer ag...ain, but this time she needed a mastectomy and chemotherapy. I know she was really frightened about the treatment and her ability to be there for my sister and me.
“Seeing mum in hospital was heart breaking, especially as she was so determined to try and stay strong for us. I remember being terrified that I would lose her, convinced it would be our last Christmas together. Thankfully, my fears are not a reality and the photo below was taken this Christmas, showing mum looking beautiful and healthy!
“Sadly, mum and I have many friends and loved ones who have lost their family to cancer, so this is why I decided to run for Cancer Research UK. It’s a cause that is so close to my heart and it’s just something we must find a way to stop. I want to do what I can to raise awareness and my mum’s story will keep me going every step of the way.
“When I reach the finish line, I’ll feel so incredibly lucky that I am able to do this and that mum will be there watching, supporting and cheering me on.”
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Help to beat cancer sooner and take part in the Simplyhealth UK Great East Run for Cancer Research UK. Don’t miss out on your place at this year’s sell out event. Follow the scenic route down the river Orwell and run past two football legends Sir Bobby Robson and Sir Alf Ramsey, before crossing the finish line in Ipswich town FC’s stadium practice pitch… Sign up today


The world’s biggest half marathon is back this September and we can’t wait to see all you CRUK Challengers out on the course in Newcastle! Tick this unforgettable race off your bucket list as you help us bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
As part of our team, we can guarantee an experience like no other, with expert training plans and fundraising tips, the loudest shouts from our cheer buses along the route and a VIP experience at our post-race reception.
Up for the challenge? Get your sponsorship pack and join our #CRUKchallengers team now to help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured:


"My Granddad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May 2015. Unfortunately, this had spread to his spine which meant it was incurable. Before he passed away in June 2017, I helped to care for him in his final months. He was extremely funny & intelligent.
"Everyone who ever met him described him as a true gentleman. He did receive pain killers for his spine at a hospice, which changed him from crippled with agony to being able to enjoy his final time with us. He picked roses ...for his family and hid them in special places, played his last game of golf and went to the pub on a Thursday to see his friends. It was an incredible treatment which allowed us to make our last few memories with him.
"I was inspired to run the Swansea Half having completed a 10k race with a friend who was going on to do the half marathon. I’ve never run that distance before. I searched for the event on Google and saw that it was supporting Cancer Research UK… this made my mind up instantly.
"When I cross the finish line, I think I will feel overwhelmed, and probably very emotional when I see the rest of my family. There is just one more face that I would love to see there at the finish line, but I know he’ll be with me in spirit."
General entries may have closed for the Swansea Half, but we have limited charity places available! Why not join Carly at the start line?
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This year is my third year running Manchester 10k CRUK sports team are brilliant


That was awesome, great first 10k! Congrats to organisers, looking forward to repeat!


Thanks for all the support and training received to complete VLM 2017. I thoroughly enjoyed the day & would love to do it all again! Pam Howard


Thank for the great training plan I will be following it for the Royal Parks half marathon in October! can't wait x


Sensational support at 2016 London first marathon too..really couldn't have asked for more. Thank you for carrying my bags when I struggled to walk after the finish line, finding me a seat at the post rCe reception and getting me a hot drink when I felt woozy. Thank you also to all the AMAZING cheering squads who kept me motivated en route and also to all the sports team inc Will Scrambler & Zoe Dean who were always available on phone whenever I needed anything for fundraising.


It's was a great challenge well worth it looking forward to the next challenge for cancer research


6th London Marathon for Cancer Research UK along with a couple of GNR's! The support and encouragement from the CRUK team is amazing. If you're thinking about joining an event to help bring forward the day we beat cancer, just do it!


i tink its going for a good cause for anyone thats going to elp tem


cancer can be cured, research sanguinaria canadensis aka bloodroot. 99.3% cure rates from a study conducted in the 1930s.

chemotherapy and radiotherapy kill, nature heals.

"Our findings indicate that sanguinarine as an effective anticancer drug candidate inhibits the growth of cervical cancer cells through the induction of apoptosis."

"Our results suggest that sanguinarine induces apoptosis of HT-29 human colon cancer cells and may have a potential therapeutic use in the treatment of human colon cancer."

"Mohs 5 year cure rate for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in 7257 cases was 99.3% and for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in 2551 cases was 94.4%. This impressive result was achieved despite 20% of the patients having recurrent tumors following previous surgery or radiotherapy."


Dirty company who use your loss and emotions to make big profits... They don't want to cure cancer they want to get rich off it.....

More about Cancer Research Uk Challengers
