Canton Martial Arts

About Canton Martial Arts

Canton Martial Arts is a registered and accredited Black Belt Academy that runs FREESTYLE KARATE & MUAY THAI classes throughout Kent and East Sussex.

Canton Martial Arts Description

Canton Martial Arts is a registered and accredited Black Belt Academy that runs Martial Arts classes throughout Kent and East Sussex. We are a successful family run, and family friendly academy; producing World, European, British and County Champions in many disciplines.

We teach our styles of Karate and Muay Thai Kickboxing using 21st Century teaching methods and techniques yet stick to the ethos of traditional values and etiquettes. This we believe puts us at the forefront within the Martial Arts community in the South East. Using this modern method and ethos, we believe everyone, no matter who you are, with the right ‚ÄėSPIRIT‚Äô, should and will achieve your Martial Arts goals and dreams.

The BENEFITS FOR YOU if you wish to train with Canton Martial Arts are many, and include the following:
Increased DISCIPLINE for yourself to increase your self discipline will help you achieve your goals in life, and for your children to be able to behave and listen to authority.
Increased CONFIDENCE, knowing how to defend yourself and feel better about yourself will increase your confidence levels.
Increased RESPECT, teaching ourselves and our children that we must respect ourselves, our training partners and those who run the classes.
Increased FITNESS, without any doubt Martial Arts WILL increase your overall fitness and increase your flexibility.
Increased BULLY AWARENESS, knowing what to do and how to behave when or if being bullied is an important skill that we teach you and everyone shouyld learn.
Increased SELF DEFENCE, knowing how to defend yourself in many given situations, also having piece of mind that you and your children have the skills that could protect them if anything bad may happen.
Please read our testimonials throughout this website, to see the benefits others have received through Martial Arts training at 'Team Canton'.

We pride ourselves on excellent student service and care, and treat everyone as extended family members. To us all at Canton Martial Arts Black Belt Academy, we are ‚ÄėONE TEAM‚Äô.



FOLKESTONE DOJO ūüí™Mega effort at Three Hills tonight ūüí™ ūü߆Brains getting a workoutūü߆ ūü•áGoing through kata and sparring ready for the tournament ūü•á Keep practicing and sharpening those skills. ... ūü•čBlack belt and beyondūü•č See you all next week Sensei Jay
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HUGE well done to everyone today!!!! Lots of concentration and practise in all the lessons!!!!
Ninjas had amazing listening especially when doing the obstacle course!
... Samurais went through the competition stuff they needed.
Family class had a sweaty circuit warm up with lots of competition bits also!!
Well done everyone!!
ūüí•Jokyu Sophia ūüí•
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Awesome sauce! ūüėéūüėéūüėéūüėéūüėé
... Very hot and sweaty today! ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ
Building up strength and conditioning using weights during our training today! ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™
Combinations, shadow sparring and tournament training all mixed into one with amazing results! ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä
Big welcome to Leon who joined the academy today! Your journey begins here! ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ
Keep up the great work you guys, have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday!
Sensei Reece
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Today was a great Friday class ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆü
Going through everything needed to improve for the tournament.ūü•č
... Also going through self-defence and flow drillsūü•č
Special mentions:
Well done to OLLY, PREZLEE, RIDDHI, STEVEI and STEPHANIE for awesome katasūüéĖÔłŹ
Well done for everyone's effort today ūüí•
Joyku Tara
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Hastings Dojo ūüí•ūüí•ūüí• Fabulous classes tonight!!! ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ A mixture of fitness, combinations and pad work with a Kata show at the end!! ... ūüĎŹūüĎŹūüĎŹ Special mention to Tiri who was very helpful before class!! ūüėäūüėäūüėä Have a great weekend!! Sensei Sharon
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Plenty of work for the body ūüí™ and the brainūüĎ®‚Äćūüéď in all three classes tonight. ūüíĮ
Special mentions to -
... ūüĎŹ Viren who was awarded tonights respect and discipline sticker. ūüéĖThe Luca family from the Ashford Dojo who all did a great job in class. ūüŹÖJokyu Harrison and Jokyu Kaylea who worked all the way through their new Kata. ūü•áALL the Senseis, Sempais and helpers who make the Dojo run smoothly.
Don't forget, it's your last chance to get your tournament entries in tomorrow. If you haven't done it yet get to class tomorrow.
Jokyu Spud and Jokyu D
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EASTBOURNE DOJO. ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ū üí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí• This is all lost property!!
Please collect if you have something here. ... ALL WILL BE CHUCKED THIS SATURDAY. Thank you. ūüėÉ
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SUPER NIGHT of training at the Lifestyle Fitness Centre this evening with everyone getting in some practise for the upcoming tournament.
Big ups go to:
... ūüĎäūüŹĽūüéĖ RIDDHI for her hard work. ūüéĖūüĎŹ ETHAN for an excellent attitude and work on his Kata.
ūüĎäūüŹĽūüéĖ SU for acquiring an excellent round elbow strike!
Class with Jokyu TARA on Friday and I will see you guys next week!
Jokyu Spud
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Ashford Dojo ūü•čūü•čūü•č Awesome classes tonight! ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ Special mention to maxim for winning the best behaviour sticker ... ūüĎŹūüĎŹūüĎŹ Everyone getting tournament ready!!! ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ Looks of tweaks and nuggets for everyone!! ūüĎäūüĎäūüĎä Have a fabulous week and I‚Äôll see you soon!! ūüėäūüėäūüėä Sensei Sharon
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Fantastic effort from everyone tonight.
Special mentions to -
... ūü•áMalaika who joined in for a trial Ninja class today ūüŹÖLeo who demonstrated some good padwork ūü•áMicah who was awarded Ninja Bear ūüŹÖThe Samurais who earned their skills badges ūü•áAustin who was awarded Samurai of the month ūüŹÖConner who was awarded Junior of the month ūüŹÜA massive welcome to Harry who joined the Academy tonight.
Don't forget to bring your tournament entries in on Thursday.
See you all on class.
Jokyu D and Jokyu Spud
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Busy, busy, busy! ūüí• ūüí• ūüí• ūüí• ūüí•
... Mixing it up tonight with combos, pads and basics for all classes today. Everyone tried something different and learned some improvement on something already known! ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™
Huge well done to everyone! Great to see you all!
Remember get your tournament entries in!
Have a great week!
Sensei Reece
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CANTERBURY DOJO Tonight we focused on sparring and getting ready for the upcoming tournament, finishing with a mini tournament. Special mentions to ūüéĖSu and Ethan who had the best fight of the night, and also Anjali who was a little tiger ūüźĮ ... Everyone had fun Doshi David
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Lots of work in all three classes tonight.
Special mentions tonight to -
... ūüŹÖThe Samurai class who were awarded their skills badges tonight. ūü•áTiri who was awarded Samurai of the Month ūü•áMahi who was awarded Junior of the Month ūüéĖAleksa who was fantastic in his first trial
Don't forget -
ūüĒīThere are no more classes in Bexhill on a Wednesday, this lesson is now closed. ūüĒĶAll tournament entries MUST be in on Friday. Any entries next week will not be accepted.
Keep practicing at home.
Jokyu Spud and Jokyu D
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Ashford family class ūü•čūü•čūü•č Great lesson today practicing hard for the upcoming competition. ūüĎćūüĎćūüĎć Hard warm up on a hot day and great effort by everyone... ūüĎŹūüĎŹūüĎŹūüĎŹ Shout out to Jacob for excellent sparring today. And a HUGE WELCOME to Liam Smal for joining the Canton family. ūüéÜūüéáūüéÜūüéáūüéÜūüéáūüéÜūüéá
Great to see you all and see You all next week
Sensei Kirk
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Sunday fun day! ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ ‚ėÄ
... Work and play mixed together for an epic morning of training at Freedom leisure today! ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™
Well done to all who came, it was hot and sweaty but you put in the effort and did amazing! ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä
Great to see you all, thank you for coming. See you soon!
Sensei Reece
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Today was a great Friday classūüĆüūüĆüūüĆü
Going through Kata, self-defence with some gamesūü•čūü•čūü•č
... Special mentions: Well done to DETHUSAN for awesome kata and karate todayūüéĖÔłŹ
We would also like to wish MESHARI, SULTAN and GHADA for the best in the future as it was there last class today and hope to see you back soon. You will be missedūü•čūüĆü
Well done to everyone for there effort todayūüí•
Joyku Tara
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Cool beans!
Everyone worked up a sweat today!... ūüí¶ ūüí¶ ūüí¶ ūüí¶ ūüí¶
Well done to all, your katas and flow drills look awesome, and everyone learned something new! ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™ ūüí™
Keep up the hard work! ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä ūüĎä
Special mention to Ninja Mason who showed really good behaviour today! ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ ūüŹÖ
And to Kiril and Amari who both had epic katas! ūüéĖūüéĖūüéĖūüéĖūüéĖūüéĖ
Have a great weekend you guys!
See you Monday!
Sensei Reece
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Folkestone Dojo ūüŹÜAwesomeness by the bucket load at Three Hills tonightūüŹÜ After a jokyu Kayleigh warm up it was back to businesūü•č ūüí•lots of power ūü§Ēsome technique... ūüŹÖplenty of effort See you all next week Sensei Jay
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