Caritas Anchor House

About Caritas Anchor House

Caritas Anchor House is a charity providing accommodation and life-skills support for people experiencing homelessness in the London Borough of Newham.

WeŌĆÖre proud to act as a beacon of hope, and help over 250 people turn their lives around each year.

Caritas Anchor House Description

Caritas Anchor House aims to help homeless residents develop aspirations, confidence and self-esteem to enable them to move towards leading independent, self-fulfilling lives.

We achieve this through providing accommodation in a stable and welcoming environment and through a cross-section of activities carried out using our in-house developed Aspirations Programme, designed and implemented in 2005 in conjunction with residents.

Historically a hostel for seafarers visiting the ports of East London, and formerly named Anchor House, Caritas Anchor House today is a charity based in Canning Town that provides support over 230 homeless people each year to help them move on to employment and independent living.



ŌĆ£It is very, very hard being homeless and having periods. If itŌĆÖs winter, you use your socks, gloves, hat, anything. Tissues if itŌĆÖs the summer.ŌĆØ
Stevie-JoŌĆÖs family could not afford to buy her sanitary products during her school years. She used to skip class out of embarrassment, which she says was a key factor in her later becoming homeless.
New research has revealed that British women spend more than ┬Ż18,000 on their periods over the course of their lifetime ŌĆō a cost that many who are homeless cannot afford.


Have you met our new Director of Finance yet? Siva joined Caritas Anchor House earlier this month, and said, ŌĆ£This is a cause close to my heart. I have always been passionate about helping those in need, particularly people living without a home, so it is a real pleasure to join the team at Caritas Anchor House.ŌĆØ
Siva has worked in finance for over 20 years, including at several housing associations and small charities. He has lived in Newham and the neighbouring boroughs for most of his life, and is pleased to have returned to a local charity making a difference. As the largest service provider for single homeless adults in Newham, our services are a lifeline to many local residents. We know how critical it is to remain financially stable to continue this support, and so are delighted to have Siva on the team.


Amar moved into Caritas Anchor House earlier this year, suffering from PTSD. His lack of privacy and a secure home had made it even more difficult for Amar to look after himself, and he felt like he was struggling to keep afloat.
Since he has moved in, Amar has had a real turnaround. He has received therapy and 1-2-1 support, regularly attends relaxation and mindfulness sessions, and has formed solid friendships with his peers.
With heaps of newfound confidence, Amar is now looking ahead and setting new goals. To find out more about Amar and his hopes for the future, please visit our website:


We have invited those who have recently liked (and loved ŌØż’ĖÅ) our posts to follow our page. It is of course optional, but we hope youŌĆÖd like to continue to hear the latest news and stories of success at Caritas Anchor House. If youŌĆÖd rather, you can also sign up to our monthly e-newsletter at< br>


We're so grateful to have Paul as one of our wonderful supporters! He will be taking on a Marathon Swim this Sunday, from Henley-on-Thames to Marlow, all while raising money for Caritas Anchor House!
Paul said, "I want to raise money for Caritas Anchor House because of their ethos: helping people to help themselves. I am a fan of a good comeback story and Caritas Anchor House gives people the tools they need to get back on their feet and get that positive forward momentum in their lives."
If you would like to sponsor Paul's amazing efforts, please do visit his JustGiving page: ul-balson1


This #CharityTuesday, why not subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter to hear Caritas Anchor House's latest news, ways to get involved and stories of lives changed? You can subscribe here:


CEO of Optivo, Paul Hackett, says, "we stress the need to promote greater delivery of genuinely affordable homes, and to tackle the stigmatisation of social housing tenants and give them a louder voice."


Do you remember this film from one year ago? If not, please do take a few minutes to hear Debbie, Lee and Marie tell their stories.


As temperatures continue to soar, #homeless people are at particular risk of sunburn, dehydration and heatstroke. Continued exposure to the scorching heat could pose a potential risk to life. To help, please offer water, sun cream, hats or spare umbrellas. #homelessness #heatwave


Figures from research conducted by Shelter show that over half of homeless families are in employment. Read more here:


Could you be our new Marketing and Communications volunteer?
This is a great opportunity to gain an insight into the charity sector and to support our work in homelessness! Read more here:


Tonight's Ōü”@C4DispatchesŌü® looks at the number of people who are working but homeless, and reveals the true social cost of the nationŌĆÖs low-income wages, high rent costs and shortage of social housing. Tune in @ 8pm, Channel 4. #dispatches


If you're able to support Caritas Anchor House by donating food we would truly appreciate it! Please see the image for what we require at the moment. Thank you very much! ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤ŹÅ­¤ŹÄ­¤ŹÉ­¤Ź×­¤źÉ­¤źö­¤Źå­¤ź¢­¤Ź » #charity #homelessness #newham #eastlondon #donations


Interesting research by Lloyds Bank Foundation identifies #impact of small and medium charities on communities, particularly in tackling #socialissues like #homelessness or #mentalhealth. It calls for an overhaul in how public bodies commission services delivered by charities. Find out more:


Look what has arrived......! ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤Öī­¤ÅĮ­¤Åå Find out more about our Housing Heroes 2018 award win here: s/we-are-winners (Chartered Institute of Housing)


When @NewhamRecorder asked our Chief Executive what new law she'd introduce if she was Prime Minister, Amanda said, "I would make it the law for local authorities to provide adequate levels of social housing for those in need of it, including single people. I feel this would make a game-changing difference to homelessness, for those currently facing it and for the many who are at risk."
You can read the full Q&A in this week's issue of Newham Recorder, on page 17, which can be seen here:


As temperatures continue to soar, homeless people are at particular risk of sunburn, dehydration and heatstroke. Continued exposure to the scorching heat could pose a potential risk to life. To help, please offer water, sun cream, hats or spare umbrellas.


We're delighted to work with Learning & Skills Solutions Ltd too! Find out more about their work here: m/


Yesterday, we hosted a fantastic community conversation at Caritas Anchor House in partnership with Minhaj-ul-Quran London. Students from the NCS - National Citizen Service in attendance shared that, by being at CAH and hearing from the residents who joined us, their eyes had been opened to the plight of homelessness and how it could happen to anyone. Following the session, attended by 28 members of the community, residents shared how impressed they were with the level of con...fidence, expression and engagement from the students - and had thoroughly enjoyed the conversations and coming together with others.
We really value the joint work we have done and continue to do with Minhaj-ul-Quran. The conversational classes we deliver at the centre are growing, not just in numbers but in individuals personal agency and willingness to try new things. We're looking forward to attending and speaking at their event at the Houses of Parliament later this week.
See More


Everyday conversations can enable us to feel understood but also connected, and so begin the journey from isolation and feeling misunderstood to being linked into and connected with our local community. Caritas Anchor House's Your Space project exists for that very reason.


Just wanted to say a heart felt thank you for giving this broken man addicted to alcohol a home hope encouragement support and the believe that I could turn my life around 743 days sober god bless yous all tommy harty xxxx


Before I came to anchor house I was told I would be in prison by the time I was 20 well with anchor houses help that will be avoided as they have made me have confidence in myself again and I have done so much in the short year I have been here and I am able to work on things in my past and understand them now thanks to anchor house so would like to say thank u to all the staff of anchor house for your support

More about Caritas Anchor House

Caritas Anchor House is located at 81 Barking Road, E16 4HB London, United Kingdom