Chelsfield, St Martin Of Tours Church

About Chelsfield, St Martin Of Tours Church

The parish church of the village of Chelsfield in Kent.
Address: Church Road, Chelsfield, Kent, BR6 7SN

Chelsfield, St Martin Of Tours Church Description

The Anglican Parish Church of Chelsfield, Kent, is dedicated to St Martin of Tours. The earliest parts of the current church building were constructed in the 12th century. A tower and chapel were added in the 13th century, a porch in the 15th century, the current clergy vestry in the 19th century and the Brass Crosby Rooms in 2007.
The Parish includes the Mission Church of Well Hill, built in 1890 as one of the string of Mission Churches for Hop Pickers in the Darenth Valley.
The Parish is in the Deanery of Orpington, Archdeaconry of Bromley and the Diocese of Rochester.
Address: Church Road, Chelsfield, Kent, BR6 7SN
For more information, including details of weekly services, please see our website at www. uk



Rise up! A Happy and Holy Easter to all our friends near and far. Those of you that watch this page regularly will know that we have been following Christian Aid’s ‘Count Your Blessing’s Lent pathway. Today we celebrate the finale of the most important event in history, the day Jesus rose from the dead. It’s the day we as Christians remember that our guilt and shame were traded for his righteousness. When he rose to life, we ‘rise up’ from our death that we might be fully in Christ. Spend some time reflecting upon what Jesus has done for you today. Think of ways you can reflect this love to those in the Philippines. How can you voyage through life with more care for the environment? If you’d like a reminder of the suggested donations for blessings in your life, see the note that will be added to this page later today for a summary. You can donate now in church or online at our fundraising page at stmartins #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid
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Easter at St Martin's - we took part in the Good Friday Walk of Witness this morning & an hour's vigil at 2pm this afternoon. Here's what else we're doing this Easter, come & join us if you can: Sat 20 April 9.30am onwards - decorating the church, please help if you can 8pm - Easter Vigil - bring a torch! Sun 21 April... 8am - Holy Communion 10am - Family Communion 11am - Said Eucharist (BCP) 6.30pm - Easter Praise at St Mary's Green Street Green (no service at St Martin's)
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Count Your Blessings in Lent – He said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30-31 Many people hated Jesus, but the reason he had to die was so much more than a matter of popularity. When Jesus died, he took what we deserved, freely and without a doubt in his mind that it was worth it. Isn’t it amazing that God would love us that much? Let this sink in. Then reflect on your ‘Count Your Blessings’ voyage. Think about the ways you have been most challenged.#CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Tonight at 7pm the bellringers of St Martin's will be joining with others all over the country to ring the bells half muffled as an act of solidarity with Notre Dame.


Count Your Blessings in Lent – Today is Maundy Thursday, the day Jesus had his last supper with the disciples. We remember that on this day, he washed the disciples’ feet as a sign of humility. That he came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Many Christians use this as a day of ‘Giving Alms’. If you would like to, take a picture of an appreciated gift you’ve been given, and post it to this page. #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent – Lope says: ‘I don’t want money and wealth, I just want enough for my family – good health and education and to serve the community. I hope to keep my promise to support the community. I am very much thankful for the unwavering support of Christian Aid through ICODE. We hope and pray that many people will benefit [from] your generosity and partnership. Thank you very much.’ Pray for those who will benefit from your generosity this Lent. #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent – Hope creates tangible change. Through your generosity, communities are being transformed and ecosystems are being reborn. With your gifts, our brothers and sisters around the world can rise up against the devastating effects of climate change. Have a walk around your neighbourhood and, if you would like to, donate 50p to Christian Aid for every green space, park or field you walk past.. You can donate in church or on our fundraising page at stmartins #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent – Lope recalls that when Typhoon Haiyan battered the Philippines in 2013, ‘the wind blew so strong, trees and houses around were destroyed... but we prayed earnestly, and we were safe until the typhoon ceased’. If you would like to, donate 50p to Christian Aid for every house you have lived in and you can provide hope for the restoration of communities in the Philippines. You can donate in church or on our fundraising page at stmartins #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Today is Palm Sunday, signalling that Easter is approaching. Next Friday, Good Friday, join us on the Walk of Witness in Orpington, a show of faith organised by Churches Together in Orpington. People from St Martin's will be at the service at the Methodist Church in Sevenoaks Road at 10am, come & find us! More details in the poster attached.


About thirty people joined us on our Spring walk this morning, despite the unseasonal sleet at the beginning! Thanks very much to Norman for leading us on a lovely new walk via Pratts Bottom.


Count Your Blessings in Lent – “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4. Nilo uses the money earned selling his products to support his niece with her nursing studies, and provide his family’s basic needs. He also pays for his mother’s medical care. Today is World Health Day. If you would like to, donate 20p for each time the health service has been there in your hour of need this year. You can donate in church or on our fundraising page at stmartins #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent – At times, we have misused the blessing of energy access. During this season of Lent, Christian Aid want to reach every single branch of HSBC to tell them to make the Big Shift out of fossil fuels and into renewable energy. If you’d like to take part in this initiative, message this page. #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


The weather's looking good for our Spring Walk on Saturday! Starts 10am from the Brass Crosby room, tea & coffee available from 9.30am. If you can't join the walk come and have a brunch bun at 12 anyway!


Count Your Blessings in Lent – as well as farming seaweed, Nilo has diversified; he also produces ice-cream, noodles and pickles. Yum! If you would like to, take a photo of your favourite ice cream flavour, or maybe the most unusual you’ve had, and share it to this page. #CountYourBlessings #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent - Nilo and his community received training to improve techniques, increase the yield and quality of the seaweed, and were taught what to do in typhoons. Check the weather forecast. What’s the temperature going to be today? If you would like to, donate 10% of that number in pounds You can donate in church or on our fundraising page at stmartins There will be more of these giving ideas throughout Lent so you could put the money aside each time and donate in one go at the end. But there's no obligation, just take part in whatever way you can. #CountYourBlessing #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent - Nilo was a fisherman on Malot Island. Then Typhoon Haiyan hit and it became difficult to catch fish. With no other way to earn a living, the future looked desperate. Then ICODE stepped in with training to harvest seaweed. If a storm was about to destroy your home, what would you take with you? If you would like to, take a photo of what you treasure and share it to this page. #CountYourBlessing #ChristianAid


Count Your Blessings in Lent God is blessing us every day, often when we don’t even notice it. He cares about our lives because he sees us as his children. Take some time to reflect on how God has blessed you over the last week. Get some sticky notes and write down each blessing. Stick them where you’ll see them regularly. Pray that ecosystems would thrive and that livelihoods would be restored in the Philippines #countyourblessings #christianaid

More about Chelsfield, St Martin Of Tours Church

Chelsfield, St Martin Of Tours Church is located at St Martin of Tours Church, BR6 7SN Chelsfield, Bromley, United Kingdom