Christian Hymns

Church Of God
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About Christian Hymns

Catalogue of Christian Hymns collected over the years.



ABLE TO DELIVER by Fanny Crosby
O troubled heart, be thou not afraid, In the Lord thy God, let thy hope be stayed;... He will hear thy cry and will give thee aid, Whate’er thy cross may be.
He is able still to deliver thee, And His own right hand thy defense shall be: He is able still to deliver thee, Then be thou not afraid.
O troubled heart, tho’ thy foes unite, Let thy faith be strong and thy armor bright; Thou shalt overcome thro’ His pow’r and might, And more than conqu’ror be.
O troubled heart, when thy way is clear, He will rescue thee and dispel thy fear; In thy greatest need He is always near, To Him all glory be.
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ABIDING REST by J. J. Maxfield
My soul has found abiding rest, Where living fountains flow;... Where vales are in their verdure dressed, And Sharon’s roses blow. ’Tis but a step to Sychar’s well, Where Jesus speaks to me; And oft by faith I seem to dwell With Him in Galilee.
All girded for the victor’s race, I run to win the prize That Jesus offers by His grace To faith’s aspiring eyes. I trust Him still when fortunes frown, His service is so sweet, I lay my heavy burden down At my Redeemer’s feet.
I see the shining way He went To do His Father’s will; And follow on in sweet content, So glad He loves me still. And if I may but serve Him here In my own humble way I know that I shall have no fear, In that eternal day.
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"Abide with Me" is a Christian hymn by Scottish Anglican Henry Francis Lyte most often sung to English composer William Henry Monk's tune entitled "Eventide".
Lyte wrote the poem in 1847 and set it to music while he lay dying from tuberculosis; he survived only a further three weeks after its completion.