Cocochoco Keratin Treatment

About Cocochoco Keratin Treatment

Cocochoco keratin treatment-advance formula which will turn your tired hair into straight, smooth and brilliant, shiny hair.



Professional Therapy . What is it? Keratin is being pressed into every single hair and it also provide a coat on it. That way every hair is being rebuild inside as well as outside.
Who can use CCP Therapy? You can use the therapy on died, damaged hair, treated often with unhealthy chemicals and other substances.
... What are the results of CCP Therapy? Your hair will gain softness, smoothness and a look of straight, healthy hair. It also will look shiny, healthy and easy to style. If your hair has been died, straightening it out with ceratine / keratin intensifies its color and extends its longerity
How long does the effect will last ? Outstanding results of the therapy will last three to five months, which depends on the type of your hair.. Best results are achieved with thin, delicate hair. You can repeat each procedure within five weeks after first treatment.
What after the treatment? If will strengthen, revitalize and make your hair look healthy. Therapy will shorten the time need for styling. Your hair can take sudden weather changes and do not act in humid, hot air. After styling your hair will look spectacular for long time.
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Brazilian keratin treatment
Shiny, healthy, natural and straight hair is a very common trend nowadays. Thanks to the Brazilian hair straightening, you can transform your hair this way within few hours only. It is considered to be the most efficient technique to get stunning, smooth and glossy hair.
Cocochoco Professional is a brand created particularly for Brazilian keratin treatment. As those products are extremely sensitive and safe, they can be used even by the most clients with highly damaged hair or very curly one, which is extremely difficult to manage. Keratin is a gentle substance which is capable of making your hair stronger and more resistant, thanks to the revitalisation and the structure rebuild. If you use Cocochoco keratin, your hair will be safe from any weather circumstances, as well as from humidity. Thanks to this process, your hair will look natural and, at the same time, more vivid and thicker. You do not have repeat the therapy too often, because the effect will last up to 5 months.
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Why is it that you get zits in certain spots and never in other zones? Consider your imperfections as X’s on a map which is your face. Various areas correlate to different issues. Using this “map” as your outline, it is possible to tackle the main factors behind imperfections and properly figure out how to avoid them from happening again. But remember your lifestyle, hygiene, hormones and perhaps genes can filled a role leading to your acne.
Determine exactly what are these a...
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Ar jauciate kad jusu oda suglebusi ir pavargusi? Kankina senejimo pozymai? Padekite sau atjauneti Galvanic proseduros deka!! Galvanic- non surgical face liffting! Pasigrazinkite pries Savo Valentina!!!


Dažną merginą nuolat kamuoja užsikimšusios veido odos poros, kurios ir tampa spuogų ir kitų odos netobulumų atsiradimų priežastimis. Veido valymas - puiki išeitis švariai odai išsaugoti. Odos valymas yra vienas iš svarbiausių odos priežiūros veiksmų. Dažnumas, priemonės, metodai labai priklauso nuo naudojamos kosmetikos, odos būklės, metų laiko ir kt. Dažnesnio ir kruopštesnio veido valymo reikia, jei ant odos nuolat patenka daug nefiziologinių medžiagų (dažniausiai su kosmet...ika), dulkių, pvz, jei: - daug laiko praleidžiate automobilyje, mieste arba patalpose, kur daug dulkių, aktyvi ventiliacija ir pan. - kasdien naudojate kreminę ar birią pudrą, BB kremus - naudojate sintetinius arba natūralius kremus, kurių sudėtyje yra emulsiklių, tirštiklių ir kitų technologinių priedų; deja, šių priedų daugiau ar mažiau yra visuose parduodamuose kremuose. Taigi merginos grazinkimes!!!
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Five Main Benefits of a Facial
If you’ve not had a facial treatment before, you’re missing out on a number of great benefits. A facial is primarily about improving the look, feel and health of your skin, but there are other reasons why thousands of people book facials in the UK each year.
Listed below are five good reasons to treat yourself to a facial.
... • Better looking skin
Lots of people like getting facials for the aesthetic benefits. There are many elements that can damage the appearance of your skin such as the weather, working at a computer for long periods, natural ageing and a poor diet.
Because of stressful modern lifestyles our skin is often lacking vital minerals and a facial treatment with high quality products can let your face absorb what it needs to replenish itself.
• Taking time for yourself
So many of our lives are fast-paced these days and you may feel like you never have a minute to yourself. When you book in for a facial, you’re guaranteed half an hour or an hour of pure interrupted pampering.
Whether it’s for a special occasion or just to get some precious moments to unwind, a facial will provide you with a little bit of calmness in this busy world.
• Feeling more relaxed
While you’d expect to feel relaxed while you’re having a facial treatment done, the benefits can last well beyond your visit to a spa. Having a natural healthy radiance and feel to your skin will help you feel calmer and more at ease with yourself as you go about your day-to-day life.
Depending on the facial treatment you opt for, there may be minerals in the products that can help your body combat stress.
• Skin that feels better
If your skin is dehydrated and suffering from a lack of attention it can feel dry and generally unhealthy. After a facial people are often amazed at how taut and smooth their skin feels compared to before.
If you’ve neglected your skin for too long give it some TLC by booking yourself in for a professional facial.
• Improved confidence
Having clearer, brighter and healthier looking skin can help put a real spring in your step. Many women love the extra confidence a facial gives them. Whether you’re just feeling like you’re stuck in a rut or need a boost for something such as a job interview, a facial treatment could provide the answer.
Take the first step to healthier, happier skin by booking one of my fantastic facials today.
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Feedback for Derma Roller treatments!


Vandens nauda organizmui ir groziui!!


Odos prieziuros rutinas!!! Butinai paziurekit;)


Rūgštinis veido valymas (cheminis pilingas) Cheminis odos šveitimas (dar vadinamas „pilingu“) yra viena iš populiariausių procedūrų, skirtų odos būklės gerinimui pasaulyje. Cheminis odos šveitimas pirmiausia išpopuliarėjo dėl galimybes akivaizdžiai atjauninti odą be skalpelio, padėti tiems, kurie kenčia dėl aknės (spuogu) ir jos pasekmių bei panaikinti pigmentines dėmes. Todėl palaipsniui cheminis odos šveitimas užkariauja dermatologų ir estetikų kabinetus. Cheminio odos švei...timo metu rūgšties pagalba sunaikinamos jungtys tarp ląstelių ir pašalinamas viršutinis odos sluoksnis. Po procedūros oda ataugina naujus, sveikiau ir gražiau atrodančius audinius. Naudingas ne tik išorinis cheminio odos šveitimo rezultatas. Pašalinus paviršinį odos sluoksnį giluminiuose jos audiniuose yra sukeliamas šokas, tokiu būdu paskatinama pagrindinių odos elementų – elastino ir kolageno proliferacija. Didesnė elastino ir kolageno gamyba užtikrina jaunatviškesnę odos išvaizdą.
Procedūra rekomenduojama:
išlyginti mažas raukšleles; pašalinti su amžiumi atsiradusius odos pakitimus (lentigo, keratomos); sumažinti netolygią odos pigmentaciją, pigmentines dėmes; acnes (spuogų) gydymui; sušvelninti randelius po jaunatvinių spuogų (ypač veiksminga kai randeliai švieži); sumažinti porų kimšimasi; pagerinti odos struktūrą (oda tampa švelnesnė, lygesnė); Procedūra galima pakartotinai atlikti po 2 savaičių, rekomenduojamas 4-10 procedūrų kursas. Procedūra gali būti ir vienkartinė, kaip grožio procedūra. O gali būti atliekama ir kaip pagalbinė priemonė kai kurioms jaunatvinių spuogų formoms gydyti ir po spuogų likusių randelių naikinimui. Rudens ir žiemos sezonas ypač tinkamas šioms procedūroms. Mergaites kreipkites!!:)
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Veido oda pries ir po High frequency proceduros! Rezultatai aiskiai matomi.
Skin before & after High frequency treatment! Obvious results!


Facials are just one of the steps to maintaining healthy, clear skin but can also be a relaxing way to pamper yourself. Facials consist of the cleansing and exfoliating of the skin and the extraction of blackheads or whiteheads that clog pores. Often times, facials are designed or catered to a client’s skin type or problem areas. Everyone’s skin is different, but whether skin is dry, oily, a combination of the two, sensitive or normal, there is a facial to cater to its needs.


Sveikos merginos, atejo nauji metai ir siuo saltuoju periodu butina pasirupinti savo oda! Kvieciu visas prisijungti prie mano puslapio kur rasite visa reikiama informacija apie odos prieziura, proceduras ir kaip pagerinti odos bukle.Esu kvalifikuota grozio specialiste ir butinai padesiu atsakydama i visus jusu klausimus ir pagrazindama! Siuo metu siulau sias paslaugas: Veido valymas "Galvanic" procedura- veido stangrinimas, patempimas "High frequency" procedura-, acne pazeistai odai Derma roller-procedura kuri stimuliuoja odos atsinaujinima Proceduros su rukstimi- problematiskai ir randais pazimetai odai Depiliacija Artimiausiu metu papasakosiu apie visas proceduras ir kiekviena atskirai! Jei turite kokiu klasimu ar pageidavimu, drasiai kreipkites!;)
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More about Cocochoco Keratin Treatment

Cocochoco Keratin Treatment is located at 12 Shetland house, Da17 6df Belvedere, Bexley, United Kingdom